Newbie Raspbian Image CC1101 über SPI

Hallo zusammen,

ich bin neu und habe keine Erfahrung

Ich habe wie in der Anleitung : … idcos-conf

dieses Modul nach Qnerds Schaltplan verdrahtet

und meine homematicbidcos.conf:

## Specify a 16 byte (32 characters) long AES key here to protect your wireless communication
## !!! IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to change this key before pairing the first device.
## !!! IMPORTANT: Never ever lose this key. That would render your devices useless.
## To remove the key from your devices, you need to factory reset them
# rfKey = 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
rfKey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

## With each key change currentRFKeyIndex needs to be
## incremented by 1
currentRfKeyIndex = 1

## When you change rfKey, put the old key here. To change the key Homegear needs to know the
## old and the new one.
## !!! Do not set oldRFKey when you set rfKey for the first time !!!
##oldRFKey = 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF

## When set to "true" unsigned broadcast packets are processed by Homegear. This could enable an
## attacker to make Homegear do things, you don't want. That means, this option is a security
## risk.
processBroadcastWithAesEnabled = false

########## TI CC1101 Module  ##########

## The device family this interface is for
[TI CC1101 Module]

## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
id = My-CC1101

## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
default = true

## Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cunx, hmcfglan, hmlgw, hm-mod-rpi-pcb
deviceType = cc1100

device = /dev/spidev0.0

## Default: responseDelay = 95
## Should be "95" for CUL or COC, "100" for TI CC1101 and "60" for HM-CFG-LAN or HM-LGW
responseDelay = 100

## The interrupt pin to use. "0" for GDO0 or "2" for GDO2.
## You only need to connect one of them. Specify the GPIO
## you connected the interrupt pin to below.
interruptPin = 2

## The GPIO GDO0 or GDO2 is connected to. Specify which GDO to use above.
gpio1 = 23

system als auch homegear startet aber das Modul kann nicht angesprochen werden:
im homegear.err steht:

Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “Domi-CC1101”: Error (check) writing to register 0.
Critical: At least one of the physical devices could not be opened… Exiting…
Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “Domi-CC1101”: Connection to TI CC1101 closed unexpectedly… Trying to reconnect…
Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “Domi-CC1101”: Error (check) writing to register 0.
Error in file RPC/RpcClient.cpp line 520 in function void Rpc::RpcClient::sendRequest(Rpc::RemoteRpcServer*, std::vector&, std::vector&, bool, bool&): Could not get address inf$
Removing server. Server has to send “init” again.

09/23/16 07:47:10.352 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Error (check) writing to register 0.
09/23/16 07:47:10.354 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Connection to TI CC1101 closed unexpectedly... Trying to reconnect...

ist vielleicht die Platine nicht richtig verbunden oder vielleicht kaputt???

Vielen Dank vorab

ist unglaublich was hier geleistet wird


ich habe von de Ti CC1101 teilen in der Summe 5 und habe nochmal eins nach Qnerd verkabelt und angeschlossen und alles kontrolliert ob ich keinen Fehler gemacht habe was die Verdratung angeht oder schlecht Lötkontakte…

Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Error (check) writing to register 0
Critical: At least one of the physical devices could not be opened… Exiting…Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “
My-CC1101”: Connection to TI CC1101 closed unexpectedly… Trying to reconnect… .

Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Connectionto TI CC1101 closed unexpectedly… Trying to reconnect…
Critical: At least one of the physical devices could not be opened… Exiting…

ich vermute es liegt nicht am Modul… so doof kann ich ja nicht sein 2 mal etwas kaputt oder falsch verdrahtet zu haben :wink:

lieben Gruß

hat keiner ein Idee was bei mir falsch läuft. Bin ich einfach zu doof oder ist das Modul Fratze???

ich habe auch noch 3 Module übrig falls jemand Interesse hat…

Hi Conaxus,

dein Modul scheint wohl passend zu sein: … Funkmoduls
Hast du es wirklich wie in der Doku beschrieben angeschlossen: … nts-cc1101:

Mach vielleicht mal ein Foto von deinen Anschlüssen.

Ich hab leider nur das Pollin-Modul, was ja etwas anders funktioniert da es GDO0 anstatt GDO2 nutzt:

[code]## The device family this interface is for
[TI CC1101 Module]

Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear

id = My-CC1101

When default is set to “true” Homegear will assign this device

to new peers.

#default = true

Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cunx, hmcfglan, hmlgw

deviceType = cc1100

device = /dev/spidev0.0

Default: responseDelay = 95

Should be “95” for CUL or COC, “100” for TI CC1101 and “60” for HM-CFG-LAN or HM-LGW

responseDelay = 100

The interrupt pin to use. “0” for GDO0 or “2” for GDO2.

You only need to connect one of them. Specify the GPIO

you connected the interrupt pin to below.

interruptPin = 0

The GPIO GDO0 or GDO2 is connected to. Specify which GDO to use above.

gpio1 = 25

Additional TI CC1190 Config

#gpio2 = 5
#txPowerSetting = 0x27

Welche Softwareversion von homegear auf welchem Pi mit welchem Betriessystem setzt du ein?

so long,

PS: Vielleicht solltest du deinen RF-Key nicht öffentlich hier posten.

Hallo prego,
ja, ich habe es genauso verdrahtet und die Lötpunkte sehnen auch gut aus soweit.

Ich nutze den RPI 2 mit dem hier angebotenen fertig Image:
Raspbian 8 with Homegear and openHAB preinstalled

root@homegearpi:~# homegear -v
Homegear version 0.6.7-1480
Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Sathya Laufer

Git commit SHA of libhomegear-base: -
Git branch of libhomegear-base:     -
Git commit SHA of Homegear:         -

Git branch of Homegear:             -

PHP (License: PHP License):
This product includes PHP software, freely available from <>
Copyright (c) 1999-2016 The PHP Group. All rights reserved.

DeathHandler (License: Simplified BSD License):
Copyright (c) 2012, Samsung R&D Institute Russia. All rights reserved.

rfKey ist natürlich verändert in der Post :wink: aber in der Form identisch

Vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung


da würde ich momentan sagen, hat das Modul einen Hau. Hatte was ähnliches (viewtopic.php?f=16&t=509&p=3103) und hab dann schlussendlich ein “nicht china”-Modul genommen.

Deins sieht meinem auch irgendwie ähnlich…

Das Debuglevel könntest du in Homegear aber noch mal hochschrauben um zu schauen ob du den selben Fehler bekommst.

so long,

root@homegearpi:/etc/homegear/families# ls -la /sys/class/gpio/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Sep 25 12:27 .
drwxr-xr-x 46 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 …
–w------- 1 root root 4096 Jan 1 1970 export
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 25 12:14 gpio23 -> …/…/devices/platform/soc/3f200000.gpio/gpio/gpio23
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 gpiochip0 -> …/…/devices/platform/soc/3f200000.gpio/gpio/gpiochip0
–w------- 1 root root 4096 Jan 1 1970 unexport

root@homegearpi:/etc/homegear/families# lsmod
Module Size Used by
spi_bcm2835 6678 0
bcm2835_gpiomem 3040 0
bcm2835_wdt 3225 0
uio_pdrv_genirq 3164 0
uio 8000 1 uio_pdrv_genirq
ipv6 347530 44

so sieht es bei mir aus

welches Debuglevel soll ich wählen??

soll ich die 3 Weiteren auch noch verdrahten? sind die Chinateile Fakes? oder warum funktionoeren die nicht.

hast du eine Idee wie ich sicher testen kann ob die Teile Funzen

Debuglevel 5 sollte reichen. Ich denke eben, dass du das l gleiche Problem wie ich damals hast. Da kann glaube @sathya nur eine Aussage drüber treffen.

Ich sehe gerade das Bild deines PI’s zum ersten mal. Heute mittag wurde es anscheinend nicht geladen.

Du hast deinen CC1101 auf SPI1 angeschlossen. Der muss auf SPI0:
Und da oben bei Pin 40 ist auch kein 3.3V

Die Pinleiste des Pi1 aus war kürzer und “endet” quasi in der Mitte der 40-poligen Stiftleiste des Pi2/3. Beim USB ist Pin 40

oh, geil, bin ich blind :wink:

ok… hab es jetzt richtig verkabelt und es sieht schon anders aus. Vielen Dank dafür…

root@homegearpi:/var/log/homegear# nano homegear.err
  GNU nano 2.2.6                                                 File: homegear.err

01/01/70 00:00:31.425 Warning: Time is in the past. Waiting for ntp to set the time...
Error in file RPC/RpcClient.cpp line 520 in function void Rpc::RpcClient::sendRequest(Rpc::RemoteRpcServer*, std::vector<char>&, std::vector<char>&, bool, bool&): Could not get address inf$
Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
Error in file RPC/RpcClient.cpp line 520 in function void Rpc::RpcClient::sendRequest(Rpc::RemoteRpcServer*, std::vector<char>&, std::vector<char>&, bool, bool&): Could not get address inf$
Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.

ich kann aber immer noch nicht devices anlernen :frowning:
muss ich einen User anlegen oder geht das über die CLI auch erstmal so?

hier ist die homegear.log:

01/01/70 00:00:16.756 Starting Homegear...
01/01/70 00:00:16.756 Homegear version 0.6.7-1480
01/01/70 00:00:16.756 Git commit SHA of libhomegear-base: -
01/01/70 00:00:16.756 Git branch of libhomegear-base:     -
01/01/70 00:00:16.757 Git commit SHA of Homegear:         -
01/01/70 00:00:16.757 Git branch of Homegear:             -
01/01/70 00:00:16.759 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.
01/01/70 00:00:16.759 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295".
01/01/70 00:00:16.759 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.
01/01/70 00:00:16.759 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "4294967295".
01/01/70 00:00:17.047 Initializing database...
01/01/70 00:00:19.274 Info: Loading family module
01/01/70 00:00:19.335 /etc/homegear/families/knx.conf
01/01/70 00:00:19.350 Info: Loading family module
01/01/70 00:00:19.395 /etc/homegear/families/kodi.conf
01/01/70 00:00:19.399 Info: Loading family module
01/01/70 00:00:19.433 /etc/homegear/families/philipshue.conf
01/01/70 00:00:19.435 Info: Loading family module
01/01/70 00:00:19.479 /etc/homegear/families/homematicwired.conf
01/01/70 00:00:19.483 Info: Loading family module
01/01/70 00:00:19.516 /etc/homegear/families/sonos.conf
01/01/70 00:00:19.538 Info: Loading family module
01/01/70 00:00:19.556 /etc/homegear/families/miscellaneous.conf
01/01/70 00:00:19.557 Info: Loading family module
01/01/70 00:00:19.621 /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf
01/01/70 00:00:19.633 Info: Loading family module
01/01/70 00:00:19.660 /etc/homegear/families/ipcam.conf
01/01/70 00:00:19.665 Info: Loading family module
01/01/70 00:00:19.700 /etc/homegear/families/beckhoff.conf
01/01/70 00:00:19.702 Info: Loading family module
01/01/70 00:00:19.744 /etc/homegear/families/insteon.conf
01/01/70 00:00:19.750 Info: Loading family module
01/01/70 00:00:19.805 /etc/homegear/families/max.conf
01/01/70 00:00:19.808 Info: Setting up physical interfaces and GPIOs...
01/01/70 00:00:19.809 Info: Dropping privileges to user homegear (106) and group homegear (111)
01/01/70 00:00:19.809 Info: Homegear is (now) running as user with id 106 and group with id 111.
01/01/70 00:00:19.810 Warning: Time is in the past. Waiting for ntp to set the time...
09/22/16 17:02:20.940 Starting script engine server...
09/22/16 17:02:24.292 Initializing licensing controller...
09/22/16 17:02:24.292 Loading licensing controller data...
09/22/16 17:02:24.292 Loading devices...
09/22/16 17:02:24.292 Info: Not initializing device family HomeMatic BidCoS, because no physical interface was found.
09/22/16 17:02:24.292 Info: Disposing family module
09/22/16 17:02:24.293 Info: Not initializing device family HomeMatic Wired, because no physical interface was found.
09/22/16 17:02:24.293 Info: Disposing family module
09/22/16 17:02:24.299 Info: Not initializing device family Insteon, because no physical interface was found.
09/22/16 17:02:24.300 Info: Disposing family module
09/22/16 17:02:24.300 Info: Not initializing device family MAX!, because no physical interface was found.
09/22/16 17:02:24.300 Info: Disposing family module
09/22/16 17:02:24.301 Info: Not initializing device family Philips hue, because no physical interface was found.
09/22/16 17:02:24.301 Info: Disposing family module
09/22/16 17:02:24.301 Loading XML RPC devices...
09/22/16 17:02:24.364 Module Sonos: Created Sonos central with id 0 and serial number VSC3710062

Das hier über die CLI probiert? … oS_Devices

oben in meiner Post steht im homegear.log:

09/22/16 17:02:24.292 Info: Not initializing device family HomeMatic BidCoS, because no physical interface was found.
09/22/16 17:02:24.292 Info: Disposing family module

also doch noch ein Problem??

pi@homegearpi:~$ sudo -i
root@homegearpi:~# homegear -r
Connected to Homegear (version 0.6.7-1480).
> fs 0
Device family "HomeMatic BidCoS" selected.
For information about the family's commands type: "help"
(Family)> pon
Pairing mode enabled for 60 seconds.

dann auf den mittleren Knopf am Thermostat gedrückt um das Paaring am Device zu starten und dann nachgesehen

(Family)> ls
No peers are paired to this central.

Wenn das Device über das du pairen möchtest nicht da ist, kann ja auch schlecht gepaired werden :slight_smile:

Stell mal bitte das Debuglevel auf 5 und starte dann noch mal neu. Was steht dann bei der Initialisierung des device?

in der main.conf debug auf 5 gesetzt
warte bootet gerade

wo genau finde ich die Info?


09/26/16 13:40:15.943 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_2l_644_le_v2_4.xml
09/26/16 13:40:16.031 Loading device 5
09/26/16 13:40:16.044 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Central address set to 0xFD02EF.
09/26/16 13:40:16.059 Info: Not initializing device family HomeMatic Wired, because no physical interface was found.
09/26/16 13:40:16.060 Debug: Disposing central...
09/26/16 13:40:16.060 Info: Disposing family module
09/26/16 13:40:16.060 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module
09/26/16 13:40:16.060 Debug: Closing dynamic library module
09/26/16 13:40:16.066 Debug: Dynamic library disposed
09/26/16 13:40:16.066 Info: Not initializing device family Insteon, because no physical interface was found.
09/26/16 13:40:16.067 Debug: Disposing central...
09/26/16 13:40:16.067 Info: Disposing family module
09/26/16 13:40:16.067 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module
09/26/16 13:40:16.067 Debug: Closing dynamic library module
09/26/16 13:40:16.067 Debug: Dynamic library disposed
09/26/16 13:40:16.068 Info: Not initializing device family MAX!, because no physical interface was found.
09/26/16 13:40:16.068 Debug: Disposing central...
09/26/16 13:40:16.068 Info: Disposing family module
09/26/16 13:40:16.068 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module
09/26/16 13:40:16.068 Debug: Closing dynamic library module
09/26/16 13:40:16.068 Debug: Dynamic library disposed
09/26/16 13:40:16.068 Info: Not initializing device family Philips hue, because no physical interface was found.
09/26/16 13:40:16.068 Debug: Disposing central...
09/26/16 13:40:16.069 Info: Disposing family module
09/26/16 13:40:16.069 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module
09/26/16 13:40:16.069 Debug: Closing dynamic library module
09/26/16 13:40:16.069 Debug: Dynamic library disposed
09/26/16 13:40:16.146 Loading device 4
09/26/16 13:40:16.147 Start listening for packets...
09/26/16 13:40:16.155 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Debug: CC1100: Setting GPIO direction
09/26/16 13:40:16.155 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Debug: CC1100: Setting GPIO edge
09/26/16 13:40:16.159 Initializing RPC client...
09/26/16 13:40:16.159 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on
pi@homegearpi:~$ sudo -i
root@homegearpi:~# homegear -r
09/26/16 13:31:09.435 Debug: debugLevel set to 5
09/26/16 13:31:09.437 Debug: memoryDebugging set to 1
09/26/16 13:31:09.438 Debug: devLog set to 0
09/26/16 13:31:09.439 Debug: enableCoreDumps set to 1
09/26/16 13:31:09.440 Debug: workingDirectory set to /var/lib/homegear/
09/26/16 13:31:09.441 Debug: socketPath set to /var/run/homegear/
09/26/16 13:31:09.442 Debug: dataPath set to /var/lib/homegear/
09/26/16 13:31:09.443 Debug: databaseMemoryJournal set to 0
09/26/16 13:31:09.444 Debug: databaseWALJournal set to 1
09/26/16 13:31:09.444 Debug: databaseSynchronous set to 1
09/26/16 13:31:09.445 Debug: databaseMaxBackups set to 10
09/26/16 13:31:09.446 Debug: logfilePath set to /var/log/homegear/
09/26/16 13:31:09.447 Debug: enableUPnP set to 1
09/26/16 13:31:09.448 Debug: certPath set to /etc/homegear/homegear.crt
09/26/16 13:31:09.448 Debug: keyPath set to /etc/homegear/homegear.key
09/26/16 13:31:09.449 Debug: loadDHParamsFromFile set to 1
09/26/16 13:31:09.450 Debug: dhParamPath set to /etc/homegear/dh1024.pem
09/26/16 13:31:09.451 Debug: deviceDescriptionPath set to /etc/homegear/devices/
09/26/16 13:31:09.452 Debug: clientSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/rpcclients.                                                                                                             conf
09/26/16 13:31:09.453 Debug: serverSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/rpcservers.                                                                                                             conf
09/26/16 13:31:09.453 Debug: mqttSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/mqtt.conf
09/26/16 13:31:09.454 Debug: familyConfigPath set to /etc/homegear/families/
09/26/16 13:31:09.455 Debug: phpIniPath set to /etc/homegear/php.ini
09/26/16 13:31:09.456 Debug: gpioPath set to /sys/class/gpio/
09/26/16 13:31:09.457 Debug: scriptPath set to /var/lib/homegear/scripts/
09/26/16 13:31:09.457 Debug: libraryPath set to /var/lib/homegear/modules/
09/26/16 13:31:09.458 Debug: firmwarePath set to /usr/share/homegear/firmware/
09/26/16 13:31:09.459 Debug: tempPath set to /var/lib/homegear/tmp/
09/26/16 13:31:09.460 Debug: Added replaceClientServerAddress xmlrpc_bin://127.0                                                                                                             .0.1:1999 xmlrpc_bin://$remoteip:1999
09/26/16 13:31:09.461 Debug: Added replaceClientServerAddress                                                                                                             292/bidcos http://$remoteip:9292/bidcos
09/26/16 13:31:09.462 Debug: prioritizeThreads set to 1
09/26/16 13:31:09.463 Debug: workerThreadWindow set to 3000
09/26/16 13:31:09.464 Debug: scriptEngineMaxThreadsPerScript set to 4
09/26/16 13:31:09.464 Debug: scriptEngineMaxScriptsPerProcess set to 50
09/26/16 13:31:09.465 Debug: scriptEngineThreadCount set to 10
09/26/16 13:31:09.466 Debug: scriptEngineServerMaxConnections set to 10
09/26/16 13:31:09.467 Debug: cliServerMaxConnections set to 50
09/26/16 13:31:09.467 Debug: rpcServerMaxConnections set to 50
09/26/16 13:31:09.468 Debug: rpcServerThreadPriority set to 0
09/26/16 13:31:09.470 Debug: rpcServerThreadPolicy set to 0
09/26/16 13:31:09.470 Debug: rpcClientMaxThreads set to 50
09/26/16 13:31:09.471 Debug: rpcClientThreadPriority set to 0
09/26/16 13:31:09.472 Debug: rpcClientThreadPolicy set to 0
09/26/16 13:31:09.473 Debug: workerThreadPriority set to 0
09/26/16 13:31:09.473 Debug: workerThreadPolicy set to 0
09/26/16 13:31:09.474 Debug: physicalInterfaceThreadPriority set to 45
09/26/16 13:31:09.474 Debug: physicalInterfaceThreadPolicy set to 1
09/26/16 13:31:09.474 Debug: packetReceivedThreadPriority set to 0
09/26/16 13:31:09.475 Debug: packetReceivedThreadPolicy set to 0
09/26/16 13:31:09.476 Debug: eventThreadCount set to 5
09/26/16 13:31:09.476 Debug: eventThreadPriority set to 0
09/26/16 13:31:09.476 Debug: eventThreadPolicy set to 0
Debug: Trying to connect...
Connected to Homegear (version 0.6.7-1480).
> mls
ID    Family Name                   Filename                      Compiled For  Loaded
14    KNX                                     0.6.7-1480    false
9     Kodi                                   0.6.7-1480    true
5     Philips hue                      0.6.7-1480    false
1     HomeMatic Wired              0.6.7-1480    false
6     Sonos                                 0.6.7-1480    true
254   Miscellaneous                 0.6.7-1480    true
0     HomeMatic BidCoS            0.6.7-1480    true
10    IPCam                                 0.6.7-1480    true
11    Beckhoff                           0.6.7-1480    false
2     Insteon                             0.6.7-1480    false
4     MAX!                                    0.6.7-1480    false

Nimm mirs nicht übel… aber könntest du mal aufhören wahllos einfach logs zu posten?

Less die log’s in Ruhe mal mit “less /var/log/homegaer/homegear.log” durch. Geh ganz bis zum Ende und suche dann den Punkt wo homegear startet. Irgendwo vor “09/26/16 13:40:16.044 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Central address set to 0xFD02EF.”

Und benutz bitte das code-tag des Forums um dann den Ausschnitt des Logs zu posten.

09/26/16 13:40:16.147 Start listening for packets... 09/26/16 13:40:16.155 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Debug: CC1100: Setting GPIO direction 09/26/16 13:40:16.155 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Debug: CC1100: Setting GPIO edge

Sieht nach meine Dafürhalten übrigens gut aus.

oh, ja, sorry… hast recht. es war eine alte Ausgabe die ich gepostet habe.
Nehme ich dir nicht übel sieht auch für mich unübersichtlich aus.

09/26/16 14:52:43.463 Loading device 4
09/26/16 14:52:43.464 Start listening for packets...
09/26/16 14:52:43.467 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 30
09/26/16 14:52:43.467 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F
09/26/16 14:52:43.467 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0046
09/26/16 14:52:43.467 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F
09/26/16 14:52:43.467 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8000
09/26/16 14:52:43.467 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "Domi-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0046

ja, das denke ich jetzt auch da ja offensichtlich das Modul arbeitet.

aber warum kann ich nicht das Thermostat anlernen???

Was hast du denn für ein Thermostat?

Werksreset -> Batterien raus -> 10 Sek Warten -> Batterien rein -> Pairing in homegear einschalten -> Pairing am Thermostat anstoßen -> mit “ls” in der CLI prüfen ob was gekommen ist. Natürlich vorher in die passende Familie gehen.

Ich habe :
1 x HM-Sec-SCo

ich nutze das HM-CC-RT-DN zu testen…

root@homegearpi:~# homegear -r
> fs 0
Device family "HomeMatic BidCoS" selected.
For information about the family's commands type: "help"
(Family)> pon
## drücke jetzt den mittleren Knopf für 3 Sekunden
(Family)> ls
No peers are paired to this central.

Hmmm. Das ging bei mir mit dem HM-SEC-SCO dann innerhalb von 5 Sekunden.

Ist das Thermostat zu weit weg? Was sagt das log (level 5) in Moment wo du anlernen willst?