ich nutze das Nightly 0.8.0-2849 auf einem Raspi 3 unter Raspbian Stretch.
Gibt es zu diesem Thema schon etwas Neues ? Ich versuche auch, Homegear über MQTT zur Zusammenarbeit mit AWS IoT zu bewegen und stehe vor der gleichen Fragestellung.
Hier der relevante Teil der mqtt.conf:
# mqtt.conf
# MQTT settings.
# Set this to "true" to enable MQTT.
# Default: false
#enabled = true
# Hostname or IP address of your MQTT message broker.
brokerHostname = Adresse des Amazon IoT Endpoints
# Port of your MQTT message broker.
brokerPort = 8883
# Name of this client.
clientName = Homegear
# The prefix to use. Every topic starts with this prefix.
# Default: homegear
prefix = homegear
# Unique ID of this Homegear instance. Change this, have you have multiple
# Homegear installations.
# This is not used for IBM Bluemix Watson IOT platform
homegearId = raspi
# Tells the MQTT server to retain received MQTT messages. New clients will then
# receive the last value of a topic on connection.
# Variables of type "Action" are not retained.
retain = true
# When authentication by username and password is enabled, uncomment the following two lines and fill in your username
# and password.
#username = myUser
#password = myPassword
# The number of parallel processing threads.
processingThreadCount = 5
### Topic payload encodings ###
# Contains the value as is. E. g.: 43.7.
plainTopic = false
# Puts the value in a JSON array to be JSON-compliant: [43.7].
jsonTopic = false
# Enable topic: homegear/HOMEGEAR_ID/jsonobj/PEERID/CHANNEL/VARIABLE_NAME
# Puts the value into a JSON object. The key is value: { "value": 43.7 }.
jsonobjTopic = true
### TLS options ###
# Set to "true" to enable SSL encryption for MQTT.
enableSSL = true
# The path to the certificate authority's certificate
caFile = SFSRootCAG2.pem
# verifyCertificate checks if the server certificate received by the
# MQTT broker is signed by one of the root CAs in /etc/ssl/certs. If you use
# a self signed certificate, please put your root certificate in that
# directory. Only disable the verification for testing purposes. Without
# verification any attacker can pose as your MQTT broker.
# Default: verifyCertificate = true
#verifyCertificate = false
# The path to the PEM encoded client certificate.
certPath = Pfad zum Zertifikat
# The path to the PEM encoded client keyfile.
keyPath = Pfad zum Keyfile
Das CA Root-Zertifikat habe ich von AWS heruntergeladen und lokal auf dem Raspi gespeichert.
Eine Verbindung zum MQTT Broker wird auch erfolgreich hergestellt aber im Logfile sehe ich dann nur folgende Einträge:
01/14/20 19:39:50.860 MQTT Client: MQTT Client Warning: No PUBACK received.
01/14/20 19:39:55.899 MQTT Client: Warning: Connection to MQTT server closed.
01/14/20 19:40:00.861 MQTT Client: Error: No response received to packet: 3332001E686F6D65676561722F72617370692D68672F6A736F6E6F626A2F32342F3500B37B224C45445F535441545553223A327D
In AWS IoT habe ich testweise das Thema homegear/# abonniert, allerdings ich sehe keine MQTT Messages die empfangen werden.
Hat hierzu jemand eine Idee ? Vielen Dank.
Viele Grüße