MAX packet received - mehrfach?


ich habe mir grad einen nanoCUL gelötet und homegear zum laufen gebracht! Danke schonmal!

Ich konnte meinen MAX Eco-Taster anlernen und der sendet auch Daten. Jetzt habe ich folgendes Problem:

12/08/15 21:42:23.221 MAX packet received (My-MAX-CUL, RSSI: 0x1E): 0C3A025001C10CFD8FFE001000
12/08/15 21:42:23.222 Info: Calling XML RPC method "system.multicall" on server [binary://](binary:// and port 9123.
12/08/15 21:42:23.222 Info: Connecting to host on port 9123...
12/08/15 21:42:23.222 Module MAX: Info: PRESS on channel 1 of peer 1 with serial number JEQ0307090 was set to 0x10.
12/08/15 21:42:23.223 Info: Connected to host on port 9123. Client number is: 189
12/08/15 21:42:23.261 Module MAX: CUL "My-MAX-CUL": Info: Sending (My-MAX-CUL, WOR: no): 0B3A0202FD8FFE01C10C0000
12/08/15 21:42:23.261 Info: Calling XML RPC method "system.multicall" on server [binary://](binary:// and port 9123.
12/08/15 21:42:23.261 Info: Connecting to host on port 9123...
12/08/15 21:42:23.266 Info: Connected to host on port 9123. Client number is: 190
12/08/15 21:42:27.106 MAX packet received (My-MAX-CUL, RSSI: 0x23): 0C3A025001C10CFD8FFE001000
12/08/15 21:42:27.106 Module MAX: Info: PRESS on channel 1 of peer 1 with serial number JEQ0307090 was set to 0x10.
12/08/15 21:42:27.106 Module MAX: CUL "My-MAX-CUL": Info: Sending (My-MAX-CUL, WOR: no): 0B3A0202FD8FFE01C10C0000
12/08/15 21:42:27.106 Info: Calling XML RPC method "system.multicall" on server [binary://](binary:// and port 9123.
12/08/15 21:42:27.106 Info: Connecting to host on port 9123...
12/08/15 21:42:27.107 Info: Connected to host on port 9123. Client number is: 191

nach ca 3 Sekunden erhält homegear eine weitere Nachricht vom Button.
Das ist eigentlich nicht schlimm, aber ich gebe das event an Openhab weiter, wo ich einen switch “Toggle”.
Ist das normal? Kann ich das vermeiden?
Bei einem Fensterkontakt habe ich das gleiche bemerkt. Homegear erhält nach 3 Sekunden noch einmal die selbe Nachricht.

Hab noch ein wenig gesucht…

  • homegear installiert auf echter hardware (kein virtualbox) -> kein Erfolg, selbes Problem
  • mit “responseDelay” experimentiert -> kein Erfolg, selbes Problem

Ich habe die Vermutung dass das ACK nicht richtig gesendet wird. Die beiden Sensoren (Fensterkontakt und Ecoswitch) blinken 3 mal. Ich glaube normal ist ein mal. Wer sendet denn das ACK? Die culfw? Oder Homegear?

Habs jetzt mal mit Homegear 0.6 probiert. Leider das selbe Problem.

Könnte es vielleicht an der CULFW liegen?

Mein NanoCul meldet

“V 1.66 nanoCUL868”

Habe das ganze nun auf einen RPI Zero mit CC1101 am laufen (Homegear 0.5)
Nun blinken die LEDs auf dem Schalter nur noch einmal. Es scheint also ein ACK zu geben.
Dennoch ist das ganze noch nicht stabil: In openhab kommen die Schaltvorgänge manchmal zu spät, doppelt oder gar nicht an.

Damit bin ich leider immer noch entfernt von meinem Ziel mit einem Ecoswitch “sichere” schaltvorgänge in Openhab auszuführen.


das Paket sollte nur einmal kommen. Schick mir doch noch einmal das Log von dem aktuellen Stand - mit Kommentar, was passiert ist (also ob der Schaltvorgang zu spät, doppelt oder gar nicht angekommen ist). Ich habe gerade den ECO-Taster noch einmal mit der aktuellen 0.6er-Version getestet, hier funktioniert er zuverlässig.

Viele Grüße



vielen Dank…ich werde dann wohl erst mal 0.6 installieren
Mein Versuch in /etc/homegear/main.conf “debugLevel = 10” war leider nicht so erfolgreich. Danach haben alle MAX Sensoren (Eco Switch und Fensterkontakte) bei Betätigen IMMER 3 mal geblinkt.
debugLevel = 4 geht besser.

10 ist ziemlich extrem und braucht viele Ressourcen - daher das Blinken. 5 reicht als Maximum :wink:. Probier mal, ob’s mit 0.6 klappt. Falls nicht schick mir das Log. Level 4 reicht auch erst einmal.

Viele Grüße



I do have a similar problem. I do run homegear with home assistant in docker using a reflashed Cube as CUN device. The system is running stable.
I see that all window contacts are sending the package three times. The same happens now with a connected eco-taster -> the event is received three times in home assistant.

debug level 5:

09/26/19 19:05:50.840 Module MAX: Info: PRESS on channel 2 of peer 1 with serial number KEQ0521100 was set to 0x10.
09/26/19 19:05:50.840 Module MAX: CUNX "MaxCUN": Info: Sending (MaxCUN, WOR: no): 0B330202FD31700984770000
09/26/19 19:05:53.293 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:05:58.294 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:05:59.758 MAX packet received (MaxCUN, RSSI: 0x3E): 0C330250098477FD3170001001
09/26/19 19:05:59.759 Module MAX: Info: PRESS on channel 2 of peer 1 with serial number KEQ0521100 was set to 0x10.
09/26/19 19:05:59.759 Module MAX: CUNX "MaxCUN": Info: Sending (MaxCUN, WOR: no): 0B330202FD31700984770000
09/26/19 19:06:03.294 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:06:08.294 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:06:13.294 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:06:18.295 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:06:23.296 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:06:28.297 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:06:29.983 MAX packet received (MaxCUN, RSSI: 0x50): 0900060400000000000D
09/26/19 19:06:33.297 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:06:37.219 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2130
09/26/19 19:06:37.219 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2130 is: 297
09/26/19 19:06:37.662 MAX packet received (MaxCUN, RSSI: 0x40): 0C340250098477FD3170001000
09/26/19 19:06:37.663 Module MAX: Info: PRESS on channel 1 of peer 1 with serial number KEQ0521100 was set to 0x10.
09/26/19 19:06:37.701 Module MAX: CUNX "MaxCUN": Info: Sending (MaxCUN, WOR: no): 0B340202FD31700984770000
09/26/19 19:06:38.297 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:06:39.892 MAX packet received (MaxCUN, RSSI: 0x41): 0C350250098477FD3170001001
09/26/19 19:06:39.893 Module MAX: Info: PRESS on channel 2 of peer 1 with serial number KEQ0521100 was set to 0x10.
09/26/19 19:06:39.931 Module MAX: CUNX "MaxCUN": Info: Sending (MaxCUN, WOR: no): 0B350202FD31700984770000
09/26/19 19:06:41.613 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2137
09/26/19 19:06:41.613 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2137 is: 298
09/26/19 19:06:41.614 Web server (Port 2001): Client is requesting: /admin/maintenance/logs/view (translated to: "/var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/index.php", method: POST)
09/26/19 19:06:41.614 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 45.
09/26/19 19:06:41.873 Info: Script with id 45 finished with exit code 0
09/26/19 19:06:42.865 MAX packet received (MaxCUN, RSSI: 0x46): 0C350250098477FD3170001001
09/26/19 19:06:42.865 Module MAX: Info: PRESS on channel 2 of peer 1 with serial number KEQ0521100 was set to 0x10.
09/26/19 19:06:42.866 Module MAX: CUNX "MaxCUN": Info: Sending (MaxCUN, WOR: no): 0B350202FD31700984770000
09/26/19 19:06:43.298 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:06:48.298 RPC Server (Port 2000): Error: Server could not start listening on port 2000: Cannot assign requested address
09/26/19 19:06:48.866 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2142
09/26/19 19:06:48.866 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2142 is: 299
09/26/19 19:06:48.867 Web server (Port 2001): Client is requesting: /admin/maintenance/logs/view (translated to: "/var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/index.php", method: POST)
09/26/19 19:06:48.867 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 46.

It seems that the log only gets one click on the button. But the eco-taster is blinking three times and home assistant gets three times a “trigger” on one keypress. Any idea how to debug further?

Thanks, regards,


No idea about this particular issue.

Just something I can share: I had trouble with homegear 0.7.39-2773 and the MAX! devices
After downgrad to 0.7.30-1900 its stable again. But does not sound related to your issue.

Thanks - will try a downgrade later. Currently running v0.7.40-2948 in docker… I noticed I forgot to provide the homegear version

Here is the home assistant integration on “configuration.yaml”

# Homematic/homegear integration
  local_port: 36845
      host: HOME.GEAR.IP.ADR
      port: 2001
      callback_ip: HOME.ASSISTANT.IP.ADR
      callback_port: 36845
      resolvenames: json
      username: !secret homegear_user
      password: !secret homegear_pass

used automation to catch the keypress:

- alias: "Test2"
    - platform: event
      event_type: homematic.keypress
        name: KEQ0521100
        channel: 2
        param: PRESS
    - service: persistent_notification.create
        title: 'Homegear button press!'
        message: '{{now().strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")}}: short press Channel 2!'

Just in case if some people know home assistant and homegear :-).

@sathya : sorry for directing this direct to you. As you have been involved in the earlier case, I hope you might have a hint to start debugging. Thanks!

Anybody who can help where to start debugging? Would a higher debug level help? The issue is reproducible with all windows sensors as well.

Hello @bigcookie,

the log indeed showed an issue: The responses are sometimes sent too fast. It’s fixed in the next nightly. Could you try again? I don’t know, if it’s solved, but it should work better. It could also be a timing issue with the cube (with the CUN it was unusable, with the CUNX it works resonably well).

Additionally duplicate packets now should be ignored.



Hi @sathya,

I came back from traveling today and installed the nightly from my NAS GUI (I am running the docker container). Unfortunately the download from docker hub brought me version 0.8.0-2813, which is not the latest nightly.
I checked the nightly installer, it is also providing 0.8.0-2813. I guess I have to wait a day or two :slight_smile:


Yes. the Docker images lag behind a little…

Just tried - still got 0.8.0-2813 this morning. Will try tomorrow again.

I checked, and it seems that the debian_stretch build was not updated since October 23rd… So will wait a bit longer as I am not sure how often that build is triggered.

Hi, just updated to 0.8.0-2820. The behavior is still the same: the max window sensors and the eco-button are blinking 3 times when activated instead of 1.

Just as a confirmation: I am using the Cube reflashed to CUNx using the acul-fw. Attached debuglevel 4 log. I opened and closed a windows and I hit the eco-taster/button once.

homegear-2.log (31.5 KB)

If more information is needed, let me know. Thanks, regards,


P.S: i read in an older thread that the issue is with Cube in lan mode. It worked in usb mode when the user was changing the setup (same device).

Hi @bigcookie,

I added a small improvement again. But yes, I think it’s a timing issue when the Cube is used as CUNx. We can’t do anything about it. in USB mode it should work.



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Will try the next nightly. Thanks for your help! CUNx is for me much easier as I am using docker and access to USB require privileges etc and comes with more problems on a NAS (usually). Thus, I am preferring CUNx mode. But if not working, I will try USB mode.
Let me know if you need any testing done - happy to help and thanks for Homegear!!!

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Hi @sathya, can you trigger a Debian Stretch build? The last build was end of October. So that I dont need to ask next time :slight_smile: - when are the Debian Stretch builds triggered?

Thanks a lot for your help and support!