ich versuche z.Z. einen (leider) HM-LC-Sw1PBU-FM mit alternativer Firmware mit Homegear zu pairen. Hierzu habe ich diesen Thread gefunden, der suggeriert, dass mindestens das Pairing funktionieren sollte. Leider funktioniert genau das bei mir schon nicht. Mein Log sieht folgendermaßen aus:
08/30/17 09:00:01.941 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "hmland":0A438002460001FDC73680 Info: Sending (hmland): 1043A001FDC73646000105040000000001
08/30/17 09:00:02.425 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hmland, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0A438002460001FDC73680
08/30/17 09:00:02.425 Devlog (hmland): Getting peer for packet .
08/30/17 09:00:02.425 Devlog (hmland): Packet 0A438002460001FDC73680 is now passed to _receivedPackets.set.
08/30/17 09:00:02.425 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Warning: NACK received. Popping from queue anyway. If the device doesn't seem to work, please reset it to factory defaults and pair it again to Homegear.
08/30/17 09:00:02.426 Devlog (hmland): _receivedPackets.set finished.
08/30/17 09:00:02.426 Devlog (hmland): Packet 0A438002460001FDC73680 is now passed to the peer.
08/30/17 09:00:04.480 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
08/30/17 09:00:04.480 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 37). Retrying...
08/30/17 09:00:04.580 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "hmland": Info: Sending (hmland): 1043A001FDC73646000105040000000001
08/30/17 09:00:04.665 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hmland, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0A438002460001FDC73680
08/30/17 09:00:04.666 Devlog (hmland): Getting peer for packet 0A438002460001FDC73680.
08/30/17 09:00:04.666 Devlog (hmland): Packet 0A438002460001FDC73680 is now passed to _receivedPackets.set.
08/30/17 09:00:04.666 Devlog (hmland): _receivedPackets.set finished.
08/30/17 09:00:06.681 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
08/30/17 09:00:06.681 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 37). Retrying...
08/30/17 09:00:06.781 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "hmland": Info: Sending (hmland): 1043A001FDC73646000105040000000001
08/30/17 09:00:06.842 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hmland, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0A438002460001FDC73680
08/30/17 09:00:06.842 Devlog (hmland): Getting peer for packet 0A438002460001FDC73680.
08/30/17 09:00:06.842 Devlog (hmland): Packet 0A438002460001FDC73680 is now passed to _receivedPackets.set.
08/30/17 09:00:06.842 Devlog (hmland): _receivedPackets.set finished.
08/30/17 09:00:06.842 Info: Publishing topic homegear/0/plain/37/0/RSSI_DEVICE
08/30/17 09:00:08.882 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
08/30/17 09:00:08.883 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 37). Retrying...
08/30/17 09:00:08.983 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "hmland": Info: Sending (hmland): 1043A001FDC73646000105040000000001
08/30/17 09:00:09.050 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hmland, RSSI: -30 dBm): 0A438002460001FDC73680
08/30/17 09:00:09.050 Devlog (hmland): Getting peer for packet 0A438002460001FDC73680.
08/30/17 09:00:09.050 Devlog (hmland): Packet 0A438002460001FDC73680 is now passed to _receivedPackets.set.
08/30/17 09:00:09.050 Devlog (hmland): _receivedPackets.set finished.
08/30/17 09:00:11.084 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
08/30/17 09:00:11.084 Info: Peer 37 is unreachable.
08/30/17 09:00:11.085 Info: Publishing topic homegear/0/plain/37/0/UNREACH
08/30/17 09:00:11.085 Info: Publishing topic homegear/0/plain/37/0/STICKY_UNREACH
08/30/17 09:00:12.137 Info: Peer 37 is reachable again.
08/30/17 09:00:12.138 Info: Publishing topic homegear/0/plain/37/0/UNREACH
08/30/17 09:00:12.282 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hmland, RSSI: -70 dBm): 0FED86102353860000000A80E00D0040
08/30/17 09:00:12.283 Devlog (hmland): Getting peer for packet 0FED86102353860000000A80E00D0040.
08/30/17 09:00:12.283 Devlog (hmland): Packet 0FED86102353860000000A80E00D0040 is now passed to checkForBestInterface.
Hat jemand eine Idee was hier nicht stimmt?