Fehlendes Gerät "HM-Sen-DB-PCB"


es ist knapp ein Jahr her, seit ich das letzte Mal hier war :wink:

Ich habe mir den Türglockensensor “HM-Sen-DB-PCB”, aber ohne vorher die Liste der unterstützten Geräte zu prüfen :stuck_out_tongue:
Interessanterweise finde ich das Gerät nicht auf der Homematic/eQ-3 Seite, sondern nur in einem Webshop:
myhomematic.de/product_info. … cts_id=485{37}61

Was muss ich tun, damit das Gerät unterstützt wird? Welche Daten muss ich ggf. liefern?

Danke im voraus!

In einem anderen Thread stand etwas über das hinzufügen eines noch nicht unterstützten Gerätes, u.a. waren dort Logeinträge aufgeführt. Nachdem ich dieses Pattern in meinem Logfile gesucht, aber nicht gefunden habe, kam ich auf die Idee mal in den XML Dateien nach dem Gerät zu suchen - und wurde fündig, es gibt eine Datei rf_sen_db.xml, welche wohl die Definition des Gerätes enthält.
Das Pairen scheint auf Sensorseite auch zu funktionieren (die LED blinkt nur kurz und wird dann grün), aber die Homematic Software findet kein neues Gerät. Der Gegentest (Config-Taste ohne aktives Pairing führt zu 20 sec Dauerblinken) war auch “erfolgreich”.


zunächst einmal, verwende Homegear 0.6, da sind die Gerätedefinitionen deutlich neuer. Falls du das bereits tust, post mal das Log. Dann bekommen wir das Gerät auch zum Laufen :wink:.

Viele Grüße


Ich verwende Raspian wheezy - da gibt es nur die 0.5er Version im Repository.


0.6 ist noch nicht im Repository. Die Pakete kannst du mit “wget URL” von der Downloadseite herunterladen und anschließend mit “dpkg -i PAKETNAME” installieren. Falls Abhängigkeiten fehlen, “apt-get -f install” eintippen.

Viele Grüße


OK, das habe ich jetzt gemacht (und die Config entsprechend umgestellt). Das Logfile sieht nur unwesentlich anders aus als vorher:

01/16/16 22:15:47.045 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pairing mode enabled. 01/16/16 22:15:47.048 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 121 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 01/16/16 22:15:47.052 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 121 closed (3). 01/16/16 22:15:47.092 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 122 01/16/16 22:15:47.094 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 122 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 01/16/16 22:15:47.098 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 122 is calling RPC method: getKeyMismatchDevice Parameters: (Boolean) 1 01/16/16 22:15:47.101 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 122 closed (3). 01/16/16 22:15:49.383 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -44 dBm): 1A218400398D280000001000DC4D45513036353634363540010101 01/16/16 22:15:49.539 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 1084A001FD2682398D2800050000000000 01/16/16 22:15:49.546 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pushing pending queues. 01/16/16 22:15:49.740 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -43 dBm): 1A228400398D280000001000DC4D45513036353634363540010101 01/16/16 22:15:49.896 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 123 01/16/16 22:15:49.900 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 123 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 01/16/16 22:15:49.904 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 123 closed (3). 01/16/16 22:15:50.142 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 124 01/16/16 22:15:50.145 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 124 is calling RPC method: listDevices Parameters: (Boolean) 0 01/16/16 22:15:50.224 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 124 closed (3). 01/16/16 22:15:50.338 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 108AA001FD2682398D2800050000000000 01/16/16 22:15:50.344 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pushing pending queues. 01/16/16 22:15:50.280 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -43 dBm): 0A848002398D28FD268200 01/16/16 22:15:50.549 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -44 dBm): 0A8A8002398D28FD268200 01/16/16 22:15:50.597 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 125 01/16/16 22:15:50.601 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 125 is calling RPC method: getServiceMessages Parameters: 01/16/16 22:15:50.608 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 138BA001FD2682398D28000802010AFD0B260C82 01/16/16 22:15:50.633 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 125 closed (3). 01/16/16 22:15:50.814 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -44 dBm): 0A8B8002398D28FD268200 01/16/16 22:15:50.874 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 0B8CA001FD2682398D280006 01/16/16 22:15:51.094 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -44 dBm): 0A8C8002398D28FD268200 01/16/16 22:15:51.154 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 108DA001FD2682398D2800040000000000 01/16/16 22:15:51.487 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 108EA001FD2682398D2801040000000001 01/16/16 22:15:51.485 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -45 dBm): 1A8DA010398D28FD268202020105000AFD0B260C82140618000000 01/16/16 22:15:51.873 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -45 dBm): 128EA010398D28FD2682020410080030060000 01/16/16 22:15:51.933 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 108EA001FD2682398D2801040000000001 01/16/16 22:15:52.130 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 126 01/16/16 22:15:52.132 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 126 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 01/16/16 22:15:52.136 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 126 is calling RPC method: getKeyMismatchDevice Parameters: (Boolean) 1 01/16/16 22:15:52.140 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 126 closed (3). 01/16/16 22:15:52.263 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -45 dBm): 128EA010398D28FD2682020410080030060000 01/16/16 22:15:54.906 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 127 01/16/16 22:15:54.908 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 127 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 01/16/16 22:15:54.912 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 127 closed (3). 01/16/16 22:15:55.146 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 128 01/16/16 22:15:55.149 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 128 is calling RPC method: listDevices Parameters: (Boolean) 0 01/16/16 22:15:55.213 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 128 closed (3). 01/16/16 22:15:55.603 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 129 01/16/16 22:15:55.606 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 129 is calling RPC method: getServiceMessages Parameters: 01/16/16 22:15:55.639 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 129 closed (3). 01/16/16 22:15:57.143 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 130 01/16/16 22:15:57.146 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 130 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 01/16/16 22:15:57.150 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 130 is calling RPC method: getKeyMismatchDevice Parameters: (Boolean) 1 01/16/16 22:15:57.154 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 130 closed (3).


der Empfang ist zwar nicht der beste, das Gerät sollte aber eigentlich angelernt sein. Wird es dir in der Geräteliste nicht angezeigt? Steht Config Pending noch auf “true”? Falls ja, lässt es sich auf “false” setzen, indem du noch einmal die Anlerntaste drückst?

Viele Grüße


Nein, es taucht nicht in der Geräteliste auf, weder per Homematic Konfigurator, noch per Kommandozeile:

code> peers list
ID │ Name │ Address │ Serial Number │ Type │ Type String │ Firmware │ Config Pending │ Unreach
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
1 │ HM-FB1:8 │ 2F5134 │ LEQ0807321 │ 00DA │ HM-RC-8 │ 1.0 │ No │ No
2 │ HM-EG-WZ-Fenster:1 │ 28A87B │ LEQ0410504 │ 00A1 │ HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-2 │ 2.4 │ No │ No
3 │ HM-EG-WZ-Lesen:1 │ 2CB65F │ LEQ0751622 │ 00B3 │ HM-LC-Dim1L-Pl-3 │ 2.8 │ No │ No
4 │ HM-EG-WZ-Klavier:1 │ 2CB50B │ LEQ0751294 │ 00B3 │ HM-LC-Dim1L-Pl-3 │ 2.8 │ No │ No
5 │ HM-OG-AZ-Licht │ 2AB12E │ LEQ0495933 │ 0069 │ HM-LC-Sw1PBU-FM │ *2.3 │ No │ No
6 │ HM-OG-AZ-Rolladen │ 2EFD11 │ LEQ0770773 │ 006A │ HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM │ *2.3 │ No │ No
7 │ HM-Gong1 │ 395E26 │ MEQ0065271 │ 0075 │ HM-OU-CFM-Pl │ 2.3 │ No │ No

Ein Freund von mir hat sich das Teil jetzt auch bestellt. Ich schaue es mir dann mal bei mir an und gebe dir eine Rückmeldung.

Viele Grüße


OK, dann bin ich mal gespannt :wink:


also hier klappt es :confused:

In dem Zusammenhang habe ich gerade aber tatsächlich noch einen kleinen Kommunikationsfehler behoben, welcher sich durch die AES-Implementierung eingeschlichen hat. Installier doch noch einmal die aktuelle Homegear-Version (0.6.0-1209) - es hat sich einiges getan die letzten zwei Wochen - und poste noch einmal das Log, falls es nach wie vor nicht klappen sollte. Im Zweifel muss ich es sonst bei mir noch einmal mit LAN-Gateway testen - das ist leider mit etwas Aufwand verbunden, aber der einzige Unterschied, den ich sehe. In der Kommunikation mit dem LAN-Gateway habe ich gerade die Tage einiges verbessert. Dein Log macht mich auch schon etwas stutzig. Die Kommunikation ist nicht sauber. Ich kann mir zum Beispiel vorstellen, dass durch das doppelte ACK

01/16/16 22:15:50.280 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -43 dBm): 0A848002398D28FD268200
01/16/16 22:15:50.549 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -44 dBm): 0A8A8002398D28FD268200

die Queue “verrutscht” ist und deswegen das Gerät nicht hinzugefügt wurde. Hast du das Anlernen mehrfach probiert? Es ist jedenfalls gut möglich, dass es mit der aktuellen Version klappt.

Viele Grüße


Klappt leider noch immer nicht:

02/03/16 20:47:32.838 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pairing mode enabled. 02/03/16 20:47:32.841 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 117 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 02/03/16 20:47:32.844 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 117 closed (3). 02/03/16 20:47:32.891 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 118 02/03/16 20:47:32.894 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 118 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 02/03/16 20:47:32.898 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 118 is calling RPC method: getKeyMismatchDevice Parameters: (Boolean) 1 02/03/16 20:47:32.902 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 118 closed (3). 02/03/16 20:47:33.032 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.listMethods" on server binary:// 02/03/16 20:47:33.032 Info: Connecting to host on port 9123... 02/03/16 20:47:33.035 Info: Connected to host on port 9123. Client number is: 119 02/03/16 20:47:34.224 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 120 02/03/16 20:47:34.227 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 120 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 02/03/16 20:47:34.231 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 120 closed (3). 02/03/16 20:47:34.901 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 121 02/03/16 20:47:34.903 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 121 is calling RPC method: getServiceMessages Parameters: 02/03/16 20:47:34.936 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 121 closed (3). 02/03/16 20:47:35.094 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -40 dBm): 1A258400398D280000001000DC4D45513036353634363540010101 02/03/16 20:47:35.101 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pushing pending queues. 02/03/16 20:47:35.154 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 109DA001FD2682398D2800050000000000 02/03/16 20:47:35.451 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -43 dBm): 1A268400398D280000001000DC4D45513036353634363540010101 02/03/16 20:47:35.457 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pushing pending queues. 02/03/16 20:47:35.510 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10A3A001FD2682398D2800050000000000 02/03/16 20:47:35.929 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 122 02/03/16 20:47:35.932 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 122 is calling RPC method: listDevices Parameters: (Boolean) 0 02/03/16 20:47:36.006 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 122 closed (3). 02/03/16 20:47:36.333 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -47 dBm): 0A9D8002398D28FD268200 02/03/16 20:47:36.598 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -47 dBm): 0AA38002398D28FD268200 02/03/16 20:47:36.657 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 13A4A001FD2682398D28000802010AFD0B260C82 02/03/16 20:47:36.867 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -49 dBm): 0AA48002398D28FD268200 02/03/16 20:47:36.926 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 0BA5A001FD2682398D280006 02/03/16 20:47:37.146 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -49 dBm): 0AA58002398D28FD268200 02/03/16 20:47:37.205 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10A6A001FD2682398D2800040000000000 02/03/16 20:47:37.540 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10A7A001FD2682398D2801040000000001 02/03/16 20:47:37.539 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -49 dBm): 1AA6A010398D28FD268202020105000AFD0B260C82140618000000 02/03/16 20:47:37.922 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 123 02/03/16 20:47:37.924 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 123 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 02/03/16 20:47:37.928 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -49 dBm): 12A7A010398D28FD2682020410080030060000 02/03/16 20:47:37.931 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 123 is calling RPC method: getKeyMismatchDevice Parameters: (Boolean) 1

Allerdings sehe ich gerade, das das eine andere Versionsnummer ist (0.6.0-1208), so wie es auch auf der Download Seite steht…

Mit der 0.6.0-1209 klappt es auch nicht :frowning:

02/04/16 20:36:41.785 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pairing mode enabled. 02/04/16 20:36:41.788 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 17 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 02/04/16 20:36:41.797 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 17 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:41.849 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 16 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:41.856 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 18 02/04/16 20:36:41.859 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 18 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 02/04/16 20:36:41.863 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 18 is calling RPC method: getKeyMismatchDevice Parameters: (Boolean) 1 02/04/16 20:36:41.867 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 18 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:43.438 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 19 02/04/16 20:36:43.441 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 19 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 02/04/16 20:36:43.445 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 19 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:44.362 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 20 02/04/16 20:36:44.365 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 20 is calling RPC method: getServiceMessages Parameters: 02/04/16 20:36:44.398 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 20 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:44.848 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 21 02/04/16 20:36:44.851 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 21 is calling RPC method: listDevices Parameters: (Boolean) 0 02/04/16 20:36:44.927 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 21 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:45.170 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -43 dBm): 1A298400398D280000001000DC4D45513036353634363540010101 02/04/16 20:36:45.189 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pushing pending queues. 02/04/16 20:36:45.229 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10B6A001FD2682398D2800050000000000 02/04/16 20:36:45.406 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -41 dBm): 1A2A8400398D280000001000DC4D45513036353634363540010101 02/04/16 20:36:45.411 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pushing pending queues. 02/04/16 20:36:45.465 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10BCA001FD2682398D2800050000000000 02/04/16 20:36:46.028 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -43 dBm): 0AB68002398D28FD268200 02/04/16 20:36:46.293 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -40 dBm): 0ABC8002398D28FD268200 02/04/16 20:36:46.353 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 13BDA001FD2682398D28000802010AFD0B260C82 02/04/16 20:36:46.561 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -41 dBm): 0ABD8002398D28FD268200 02/04/16 20:36:46.620 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 0BBEA001FD2682398D280006 02/04/16 20:36:46.840 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -43 dBm): 0ABE8002398D28FD268200 02/04/16 20:36:46.866 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 22 02/04/16 20:36:46.870 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 22 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 02/04/16 20:36:46.873 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 22 is calling RPC method: getKeyMismatchDevice Parameters: (Boolean) 1 02/04/16 20:36:46.877 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 22 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:46.900 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10BFA001FD2682398D2800040000000000 02/04/16 20:36:47.234 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10C0A001FD2682398D2801040000000001 02/04/16 20:36:47.233 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -44 dBm): 1ABFA010398D28FD268202020105000AFD0B260C82140618000000 02/04/16 20:36:47.621 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -44 dBm): 12C0A010398D28FD2682020410080030060000 02/04/16 20:36:47.680 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10C0A001FD2682398D2801040000000001 02/04/16 20:36:48.010 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -44 dBm): 12C0A010398D28FD2682020410080030060000 02/04/16 20:36:48.446 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 23 02/04/16 20:36:48.449 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 23 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 02/04/16 20:36:48.453 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 23 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:49.376 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 24 02/04/16 20:36:49.379 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 24 is calling RPC method: getServiceMessages Parameters: 02/04/16 20:36:49.412 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 24 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:49.870 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 25 02/04/16 20:36:49.873 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 25 is calling RPC method: listDevices Parameters: (Boolean) 0 02/04/16 20:36:49.945 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 25 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:51.901 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 26 02/04/16 20:36:51.904 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 26 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 02/04/16 20:36:51.908 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 26 is calling RPC method: getKeyMismatchDevice Parameters: (Boolean) 1 02/04/16 20:36:51.912 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 26 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:53.455 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 27 02/04/16 20:36:53.458 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 27 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 02/04/16 20:36:53.462 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 27 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:54.375 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 28 02/04/16 20:36:54.378 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 28 is calling RPC method: getServiceMessages Parameters: 02/04/16 20:36:54.411 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 28 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:54.914 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 29 02/04/16 20:36:54.917 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 29 is calling RPC method: listDevices Parameters: (Boolean) 0 02/04/16 20:36:54.989 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 29 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:56.660 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 30 02/04/16 20:36:56.665 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 30 is calling RPC method: getDeviceDescription Parameters: (String) BidCoS-RF 02/04/16 20:36:56.680 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 30 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:56.688 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 31 02/04/16 20:36:56.692 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 31 is calling RPC method: getAllValues Parameters: (Boolean) 1 02/04/16 20:36:56.802 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 31 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:36:56.879 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 32 02/04/16 20:36:56.882 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 32 is calling RPC method: setInstallMode Parameters: (Boolean) 0 02/04/16 20:36:56.888 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 33 02/04/16 20:36:56.891 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 33 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 02/04/16 20:36:56.901 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 33 is calling RPC method: listDevices Parameters: (Boolean) 0 02/04/16 20:36:56.975 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 33 is calling RPC method: getAllMetadata Parameters: (String) LEQ0807321 02/04/16 20:36:57.000 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 33 is calling RPC method: getAllMetadata Parameters: (String) LEQ0410504 02/04/16 20:36:57.009 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 33 is calling RPC method: getAllMetadata Parameters: (String) LEQ0751622 02/04/16 20:36:57.018 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 33 is calling RPC method: getAllMetadata Parameters: (String) LEQ0751294 02/04/16 20:36:57.027 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 33 is calling RPC method: getAllMetadata Parameters: (String) LEQ0495933 02/04/16 20:36:57.036 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 33 is calling RPC method: getAllMetadata Parameters: (String) LEQ0770773 02/04/16 20:36:57.044 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 33 is calling RPC method: getAllMetadata Parameters: (String) MEQ0065271 02/04/16 20:36:57.049 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pairing mode disabled.

Auch per addDevice geht es nicht:

02/04/16 20:44:56.382 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 279 is calling RPC method: addDevice Parameters: (String) MEQ0656465 02/04/16 20:44:56.409 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 15CE8401FD2682000000010A4D455130363536343635 02/04/16 20:44:58.652 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 280 02/04/16 20:44:58.655 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 280 is calling RPC method: listDevices Parameters: (Boolean) 0 02/04/16 20:44:58.717 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 280 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:44:59.314 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 281 02/04/16 20:44:59.316 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 281 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 02/04/16 20:44:59.320 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 281 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:44:59.409 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 15CF8401FD2682000000010A4D455130363536343635 02/04/16 20:44:59.771 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 282 02/04/16 20:44:59.773 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 282 is calling RPC method: getServiceMessages Parameters: 02/04/16 20:44:59.806 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 282 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:45:00.645 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 283 02/04/16 20:45:00.648 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 283 is calling RPC method: getInstallMode Parameters: 02/04/16 20:45:00.652 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 283 is calling RPC method: getKeyMismatchDevice Parameters: (Boolean) 1 02/04/16 20:45:00.656 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 283 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:45:02.410 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 15D08401FD2682000000010A4D455130363536343635 02/04/16 20:45:03.650 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 284 02/04/16 20:45:03.652 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 284 is calling RPC method: listDevices Parameters: (Boolean) 0 02/04/16 20:45:03.714 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 284 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:45:04.321 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 285 02/04/16 20:45:04.324 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 285 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 02/04/16 20:45:04.328 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 285 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:45:04.671 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -45 dBm): 1A2D8400398D280000001000DC4D45513036353634363540010101 02/04/16 20:45:04.709 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pushing pending queues. 02/04/16 20:45:04.730 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10D1A001FD2682398D2800050000000000 02/04/16 20:45:04.780 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 286 02/04/16 20:45:04.784 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 286 is calling RPC method: getServiceMessages Parameters: 02/04/16 20:45:04.816 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 286 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:45:05.028 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -44 dBm): 1A2E8400398D280000001000DC4D45513036353634363540010101 02/04/16 20:45:05.034 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pushing pending queues. 02/04/16 20:45:05.088 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10D7A001FD2682398D2800050000000000 02/04/16 20:45:05.413 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 279 closed (3). 02/04/16 20:45:05.857 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -48 dBm): 0AD18002398D28FD268200 02/04/16 20:45:06.121 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -48 dBm): 0AD78002398D28FD268200 02/04/16 20:45:06.180 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 13D8A001FD2682398D28000802010AFD0B260C82 02/04/16 20:45:06.390 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -44 dBm): 0AD88002398D28FD268200 02/04/16 20:45:06.449 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 0BD9A001FD2682398D280006 02/04/16 20:45:06.669 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -46 dBm): 0AD98002398D28FD268200 02/04/16 20:45:06.729 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10DAA001FD2682398D2800040000000000 02/04/16 20:45:07.063 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10DBA001FD2682398D2801040000000001 02/04/16 20:45:07.062 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -48 dBm): 1ADAA010398D28FD268202020105000AFD0B260C82140618000000 02/04/16 20:45:07.451 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -48 dBm): 12DBA010398D28FD2682020410080030060000 02/04/16 20:45:07.511 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "My-HM-LGW": Info: Sending (My-HM-LGW): 10DBA001FD2682398D2801040000000001 02/04/16 20:45:07.842 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-LGW, RSSI: -48 dBm): 12DBA010398D28FD2682020410080030060000 02/04/16 20:45:08.657 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 287


die doppelten ACKs führen tatsächlich zu Problemen. Ich habe jetzt in Homegear eingebaut, dass doppelte ACKs ignoriert werden. Magst du es mit 1211 noch einmal probieren? Falls es damit immer noch nicht klappt, habe ich ab morgen wieder ein LAN-Gateway zum Testen :wink:.

Viele Grüße


Ich habe es gerade mit 0.6.0-1213 probiert.

OLÉ!!! Er wird erkannt! :smiley:

Hast Du einen “Spenden” Button? Ich mag Dir was ausgeben :wink:

Hey, Spenden-Knopf gibt es auf der Seite http://homegear.eu rechts. Danke dir und ich freue mich, dass jetzt alles funktioniert :smiley:!!!

Viele Grüße


Ist hiermit geschehen :smiley:

Ich bin erste heute dazu gekommen den Funkschalter in Betrieb zu nehmen, daher ist mir das vorher nicht aufgefallen:

Die Geräteverknüpfungen können nicht mehr mit dem HomeMatic Konfigurator V1.519 bearbeitet werden! Und zwar sämtliche in meinem System…

Ich kann sie zwar anlegen und löschen, aber eben nicht bearbeiten.

Version 6.0-1222

Hey Terran,

das Problem schaue ich mir an. Danke dir!

Viele Grüße
