CC2531 USB-Stick mit Homegear

Hey Adrian,

I checked a little bit more with the new stick. Original flashed with firmware by the shop.

Still the same issue.

Some things i figured out:

  1. No interface is set for the devices of Zigbee.

    @Micha @Sim or is this normal for zigbee?

I tried to active it wit the “setInterface” funktion. But no change

  1. Yes there are some packets we lose at the begining while we boot. But then we have no more lost packeges in the logs. Is this stopped after a couple of tries.

  2. Is there any possibilities, that it is issued somehow because of my enocean usb-stick.

Is there anything I can check again?

You could perhaps send me on private your zigbee configuration file. You can change of course the sensitive information, like the password and perhaps PAN id. This way I could check it out.

no problem. I‘ll send it tonight. Just to make sure you ask for the file in the family folder called zigbee.config?


Same here, so ‘normal’ for Zigbee at the moment :). If it’s in Michas interest, he could consider changing that :wink: .

The file should be /etc/homegear/families/zigbee.conf

Hey @dr_snuggles,

as @sim already noted, it’s “normal” at the moment :wink: But I’m working on that, too :wink:

– Micha

A couple of more things:

  • Please ensure you don’t have some other module accessing the stick. Odd things could happen if you have it accessed like that.
  • Please ensure you actually have the proper serial device set in the config file. You could have some other device pointed at instead and in such case you get a behavior similar with what you are experiencing:

I just obtained the above by setting the serial interface for the zigbee module to a zwave stick. Of course it doesn’t reply to the TI zigbee ‘ping’.

Here is a discussion on how to identify devices on your system:

By the way, what kind of system is it? A raspberry pi?
Try changing the path to /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyUSB1, one of them might work.

lsusb together with the script from the answer marked as ‘solution’ in the discussion above should help identify which is your real zigbee stick.

Dear adrian,

I’ll check this stuff later. But here already quick response.

  1. I use Raspberry pi 3
  2. I send you on pn the config file. Here you see i didn’t use any /dev/ttyUSB* or similar I use serialbyid to connect. This was a hint by @pmayer
  3. I’m pretty sure that no other modul is using the stick, I only have knx, enocean and Zigbee activated.

Maybe you see something you can tell me.


For raspberry, it probably should be the one you have in the config file.

Maybe your should change it to
as this is shorter and less prone to errors.

You may also want to set a PAN id, don’t let it be random. But this doesn’t solve your current situation.

I’m out of ideas right now, I’ll check again tomorrow the zigbee2mqtt sources to see if they have something special for starting the stick, but I don’t expect to find anything new :frowning:

Veto :slight_smile:
The serial-by-id approach should make sure, that no other USB device was mistakenly taken the defined /dev/...
I gave that hint cause I did not know how many devices were installed…


I just committed new sources. Binaries should be available soon.

I just increased the timeout for the first packet sent at stick initialization and I added some attempts to retry, including a soft reset of the stick if ‘ping’ fails.
There is a remote chance of fixing your issue, but it’s worth a try.

I also looked over zigbee.mqtt sources and some python ports that claim to work with that firmware, I couldn’t spot anything obvious there…

Probably it would be much easier if I would have such a stick to test it :frowning:

Adrian Roman

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Ok I check in a couple of days if there is an update available. Anything what I can check if it is actual version?

If you want I can send you a stick. Right now I have 3 of them for testing.

I have two lying around. Could send you one, if you want.

If I recall correctly, it is working for you… in that case it’s probably of no use, it would probably work here, too.

It would be nice if I could figure out what’s different in the case of dr_snuggles setup.

I can send you a sd card of my system and the stick just let me know where to send it. Send me a pn

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I wonder why ZIGBEE 3.0.x is mandatory with latest firmware (correct me if I’m wrong). All guys using cc2530/31-chips should run into problems because the chips are not powerful enough. Please follow this issue here:

Is there anybody using cc2530/31 and ZIGBEE 3.0.x successfully?

In a test scenario with Xiaomi Aquara, innr plug and CC2530 with 3.0.x working with homegear - so yes.
I can also test CC2531 if needed…

good news! And no test is needed since cc2530 and 2531 are more or less same (USB-interface or not).

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I also did some tests with cc2530. But I used my own compiled firmware for that (it was connected to serial to a raspberry).