CC2531 USB-Stick mit Homegear

ui schreib mal wie und ob es geklappt hat. Das ist auch mein erstes versuchsobjekt dann am Wochenende.

Ich weiß grade nicht, wie ich ihn in den Pairingmodus bekomme. Mein selbstgebauter Zigbee-Router ist schon an Homegear dran aber der Switch eben nicht. Und die Doku is halt mies

Finde auch leider nichts, welche Tastenkombination den Switch zum Anlernen bewegt

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Ist das der Schalter fĂŒr eine steckdose? Plug01 oder so?

Der hier

Ok, also ein anderer. Aber vielleicht ist das Prinzip Ă€hnlich. Bei dem Steckdosending muss man so lange den Knopf drĂŒcken, bis das Relais klickt. Damit wird der Reset und ein neues Pairing ausgelöst.


Hab auch nur den Plug.

@job Hast du so Ein Plug am laufen? Bei mir hat er zwar das pairing gemacht, dann aber 17 KanÀle angelegt. Und dann kommt keine Kommunikation mehr zu Stande.
Also wenn ich den Schalter Manuel auslöse bekomme ich das nicht mit und auch wenn ich die onoff Funktion Àndere passiert auch nichts

Aktuell nicht, da ich nicht nur fĂŒr Zigbee ein neues Gateway ausetzen wollte, ich hĂ€nge noch an dem Mehrfamiliengateway. ([Homegear-Gateway] Ein Gateway / mehrere GerĂ€te-Familien (BidCos, Zigbee))

Allerdings habe ich den gepaired und es sah soweit ganz gut aus. Ist leider nur aktuell inaktiv, da sich homegear nicht mit dem zigbee-gateway verbinden möchte.



sieht bei mir auch so aus. Pairing ging wunderbar, aber wenn ich was ansteuere passiert nichts. Auch wenn ich am schalter manuel geschalten wird bekomme ich dies nicht zurĂŒckgemeldet.

Hab auch mal die Homegear Lib mit laufen lassen die empfÀngt auch keine Signale.

Ich tĂŒfftel mal weiter.

Wenn du dein System am laufen hast kannst es ja auch mal testen




I’m not sure I understand everything, I used google translate and it’s not exactly perfect :frowning:

Regarding ONOFF values, it the device has “Measurements” channel it probably has a xml config file. In that case, there might be an ONOFF value in there. Use that one instead of ZIGBEE_CHANNEL_ONOFF.

The reason is that the channels that are not defined in an xml file are generated by querying the device and using generic info about the zigbee clusters. The ONOFF cluster has an ONOFF attribute that is ‘read only’, so you cannot write into it, you can only read it or receive reports for it. zigbee specs do have also some ‘commands’, which in the ONOFF cluster case are without payload, so they are exposed as ACTION. You have to write into those in order to change values into the switch. Either into ONOFF.ON.ACTION, ONOFF.OFF.ACTION or ONOFF.TOGLE.ACTION.

The device xml files have the ONOFF parameter defined in such a way that it sends the proper zigbee command if you write it so it’s simpler to deal with that, you can both read and write it.

Check out the 0Plug_01b.xml as an example on how to have such a file for a device that does not have a config file yet. The file name must be changed, obviously (the convention is manufacturer id + device name + endpoint number) and also the ‘device id’ must be changed accordingly in the xml file. The typeNumber also must be changed to a unique id. hasBattery might need to be changed, depending if the device is battery powered or not.
Another thing that could be different for some devices is the ‘frame control’ for the defined packets, some have a bit set, some others don’t.

As for having pairing ok but not receiving anything or being able to control the device, the distance might be too big. If only notifications do not come, that could be a device configuration issue, but still values should be readable and you should be able to control the device.

Hey Adrian,

no problem we can write in Englisch also. The main issue is that the pairing works fine. But now we didn’t get any information from the plug.
I can not switch the plug on or off trough zigbee and I didn’t get any feedback when I switch the plug manually.

I’ll check the information you send in your text tomorrow morning

Greets Felix

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Hab den Werksreset mehrfach versucht (Taste oben-links und unten-rechts 10s halten)
 da muckt sich nix :wink:

One more thing I just figured out is that even when the homegear tells me that the Zigbee is connected, it not shows the green led on the stick. Normally the green led is on when it’s connected. Is this normal?


What stick is that? I’m not sure what the green light represents.

I had before Zigbee2mqtt running and when this system was good and on the led was green. It was only off when the zigbee service was stopped. Now the led is on for about 30s
When I plug it in and then it’s off. I checked with another plug still the same issue

What firmware is on that stick?

Also is there any info about the schematics and so on, on the internet?
I’ll look over the Zigbee2mqtt to see what they do to keep that light on. I already looked over the sources in the past, but I don’t recall anything specific about that.


I have this firmware on the stick

The LED is on at other people they use the cc2531 I think it’s kind of the standard function of the stick.

Is there any log I can share with you. I think it’s kind of special at my system.


My guess is that the led is on only when there is communication with the stick. That’s why you see it lightning up at startup, because of the initialization sequence.

Does that stick work with some other software?

The logs are in /var/log/homegear. It would help to increase the debug level to 7 or so to have more info logged.


attached the log files with level 7.

Maybe you see something (445,0 KB)

I’ll look over it but until then, could you please unpair the zigbee devices and reset the stick?

With homegear -r there is a command that allows you to reset it. A new network will be initialized and everything will be in a brand new state. Maybe something went wrong the last time it was initialized. Worth a try, anyway.


Nevermind that, I looked over the log. That stick is not working:

I don’t know if it’s the wrong firmware installed on it or if it’s simply a wrong setting in the config file, but the stick does not reply as it’s supposed to.

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I changed the firmware today to the version 06.08. 2019

The green led stays on but still no connection

I‘ll keep testing