CC1101 ohne Funktion - kein Funkverkehr

Hallo alle miteinander,

ich versuche zur Zeit ein CC1101 mithilfe der Adapterplatine (die Variante ohne U.FL) von @pmayer zum Laufen zu bekommen.

Vorherige Versuche scheiterten mangels einer gescheiterten Lötverbindung zwischen GND des Adapters und CC1101. Das Problem ist behoben. Auch sagt mir “./spidev_test -D /dev/spidev0.0”, dass am SPI “irgendetwas” vorhanden sei.

spi mode: 0x0
bits per word: 8
max speed: 500000 Hz (500 KHz)
RX | 0F 91 B9 E0 CD 18 06 8A 2D 23 54 7F EE 8F 5F 1E BF 65 06 1E 5F C3 89 29 8C 19 75 53 09 8B 9C 85  | .▒▒▒▒..▒-#▒_.▒e.._É)▒.uS.▒▒▒

Meine homematicbidcos.conf habe ich mehrfach geprüft und mit dem tatsächlichen Aufbau verglichen.

centralAddress = 0xABCDEF
rfKey = 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
currentRfKeyIndex = 1
processBroadcastWithAesEnabled = false

[TI CC1101 Module]
id = hm-CC1101
default = true
deviceType = cc1100
device = /dev/spidev0.0
responseDelay = 100
interruptPin = 2
gpio1 = 25

Für mich sieht das zumindest valide aus. Allerdings empfange ich überhaupt nichts.
Mein log (stark gekürzt) sagt zudem folgendes:

01/03/19 17:11:43.023 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860:1 was set to 00.
01/03/19 17:11:43.024 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E6AA011FDC736266EE40201000000
01/03/19 17:11:43.046 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E67A011FDC736266EFB0201000000
01/03/19 17:11:43.225 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E6AA011FDC736266EE40201000000 Planned sending time: 01/03/19 17:11:43.225
01/03/19 17:11:43.246 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E67A011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/03/19 17:11:43.246
01/03/19 17:11:43.294 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet 0FD8861030A5030000000A90AD0C0D40 enters raisePacketReceived.
01/03/19 17:11:43.295 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet 0FD8861030A5030000000A90AD0C0D40 is now passed to the EventHandler.
01/03/19 17:11:43.294 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -78 dBm): 0FD8861030A5030000000A90AD0C0D40
01/03/19 17:11:43.328 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet processing of packet 0FD8861030A5030000000A90AD0C0D40 took 33 ms.
01/03/19 17:11:43.400 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet 0E6A8002266EE4FDC736010100004A enters raisePacketReceived.
01/03/19 17:11:43.401 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet 0E6A8002266EE4FDC736010100004A is now passed to the EventHandler.
01/03/19 17:11:43.371 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -78 dBm): 01/03/19 17:11:43.401 Debug: Calling getFileDescriptor...
01/03/19 17:11:43.401 Debug: Connecting to host on port 2000...
01/03/19 17:11:43.401 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 1
01/03/19 17:11:43.401 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/03/19 17:11:43.401 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 1
01/03/19 17:11:43.401 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 1 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/03/19 17:11:43.401 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet 0E678002266EFBFDC7360101000048 enters raisePacketReceived.
01/03/19 17:11:43.402 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/03/19 17:11:43.402 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/03/19 17:11:43.403 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet processing of packet 0E6A8002266EE4FDC736010100004A took 3 ms.
01/03/19 17:11:43.403 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet 0E678002266EFBFDC7360101000048 is now passed to the EventHandler.
01/03/19 17:11:43.401 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -75 dBm): 0E678002266EFBFDC7360101000048
01/03/19 17:11:43.403 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 0
01/03/19 17:11:43.403 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/03/19 17:11:43.403 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 0
01/03/19 17:11:43.403 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 0 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/03/19 17:11:43.407 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet processing of packet 0E678002266EFBFDC7360101000048 took 4 ms.
01/03/19 17:12:43.035 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E68A011FDC736266EFB0201C80000
01/03/19 17:12:43.056 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E6BA011FDC736266EE40201000000
01/03/19 17:12:43.202 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet 0E6B8002266EE4FDC736010100004A enters raisePacketReceived.
01/03/19 17:12:43.203 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet 0E6B8002266EE4FDC736010100004A is now passed to the EventHandler.
01/03/19 17:12:43.202 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -78 dBm): 0E6B8002266EE4FDC736010100004A
01/03/19 17:12:43.203 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 3
01/03/19 17:12:43.203 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/03/19 17:12:43.203 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 3
01/03/19 17:12:43.203 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 3 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/03/19 17:12:43.205 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/03/19 17:12:43.205 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/03/19 17:12:43.340 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 3 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EE4
01/03/19 17:12:43.381 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet 0E688002266EFBFDC7360101C80047 enters raisePacketReceived.
01/03/19 17:12:43.381 Debug (hm-CC1101): Packet 0E688002266EFBFDC7360101C80047 is now passed to the EventHandler.
01/03/19 17:12:43.381 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -76 dBm): 0E688002266EFBFDC7360101C80047
01/03/19 17:12:43.381 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 2
01/03/19 17:12:43.381 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/03/19 17:12:43.381 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 2
01/03/19 17:12:43.381 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 2 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/03/19 17:12:43.382 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0xC8.
01/03/19 17:12:56.750 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: SET_TEMPERATURE of peer 2 with serial number KEQ0574494:4 was set to 2E.
01/03/19 17:12:57.110 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C55B011FDC736234FAA86042E

Für mich sieht es so aus, als wollte homegear die über homeassistant vorgenommenen Änderungen senden wollen. Beim wollen blieb es dann allerdings auch. Eingehende Pakete finde ich in meinem Log überhaupt nicht.

Ich habe testweise mal ein anderes (baugleiches) Modul dran gehangen. Hier ergaben sich keinerlei Veränderungen.

Hat jemand eine Idee, woran es ggf. liegen kann, dass ich weder Daten empfange noch sie senden kann?

Hey @pino,

ich will nicht unken… aber es sieht für mich nach einem defekten CC1101-Modul (das Grüne) aus :expressionless:

Von der Konfiguration ist das in Ordnung und wenn du über raspi-config den SPI eingeschaltet hast - was du ja durch deinen Test bestätigt hast - sollte dem Ganzen nichts im Weg stehen.

Moment, nicht dass ich es falsch verstehe: Hast du bereits Geräte an Homegear angelernt?

Produktiv nutze ich noch einen HM-CFG-USB. Zum Testen habe ich den ich die Konfig entsprechend angepasst. Adresse und RF Key sind identisch geblieben. Und ja, es ist das Grüne. Langsam habe ich den Verdacht, dass die Teile nicht wirklich haltbar sind. Parallel zum ganzen Beschehen bastel ich grad noch mit einem Arduino Pro Mini und dem besagten Funkmodul. Das erste mal Anlernen und Betreiben ging ohne Probleme. Der HM-CFG-USB war auch nach einem Reset des Arduinos immer fröhlich am Blinken. Das ist nun auch passé. Das wäre dann schon das zweite Modul und ich habe noch 6 weitere hier rumliegen. Ich denke ich werde die Tage mal mein Ozzilloskop auspacken (und vorher hoffentlich ohne die Akkus zum Laufen bringen) und auf LowLevel Ebene schauen, ob das Modul überhaupt noch etwas ausspuckt.

Der CC1101 am Arduino läuft. Habe scheinbar nur irdenwo im Sketch mit gebaut:
01/03/19 19:35:04.549 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Warning: Device type not supported: 0xF0F1, firmware version: 0x10. Sender address 0xFCFDFE.

1 Like

Ich habe unter CC1101 RPi SPI Adapter recht viel mit dem Dingern rumgespielt und bin echt froh, die roten gefunden zu haben. Ordentlicher Hersteller, super Qualität - vor allem gegen die grünen Module - und ich kann die offiziell aus China importieren zu einem fairen Preis.
Bisher davon auch noch kein Modul mit Ausfällen.

Bei den Grünen habe glaube - auch je nach Lieferant - 2-3 kaputte gehabt, allerdings noch keins im Langzeiteinsatz gehabt. Bevor ich bei mir auch meine Adapterplatine eingesetzt habe, hatte ich das Pollin-Modul (was es nicht mehr gibt) über ein Jahr im Einsatz.

Doof nur, dass ich das Material schon da habe und die Rahmen und Gehäuse schon gedruckt habe

Solange die funktionieren, werde ich die auch einsetzen, zumal ich die meiste Arbeit schon hinter mir habe.
Ist so ähnlich wie mit dem HM-CFG-USB. Bei mir hält das Teil jetzt schon sicher 8 Jahre im Dauereinsatz. Bei meinem lieben Kollegen sind in der Zeit sicher schon 3 gestorben.

Ich empfehle dir sowieso eine andere Antenne:

Diese “gewickelte” Antenne ist so ziemlich das schlechteste vom Empfang her. Mit einer Drahtantenne (evtl in einem Röhrchen - also möglichst gerade) oder einer externen Antenne, hast du die besten Ergebnisse.

Und klar, wenn sie funktionieren, nimm natürlich die grünen Module.

Für Basis dachte ich ohnehin an eine 3-5dbi Antenne. Ähnlich wie die die du im Shop hast. SMA Kupplung dran und fertig. Die Sensoren müssen allerdings vorerst mit der gewickelten Antenne vorlieb nehmen. Viel schlechter als die der HM-CC-RT-DN werden die wohl hoffentlich nicht sein.


Hast du noch eine Idee, was ich noch versuchen kann?

Empfang steht - nur senden klappt nicht. I2C ist aktiviert, da noch ein DS18B20 als notdürftiger Außentemperatursensor am Pi hängt.

01/28/19 18:51:50.593 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 29 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:51:55.378 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: SET_TEMPERATURE of peer 2 with serial number KEQ0574494:4 was set to 30.
01/28/19 18:51:55.657 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 34 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:51:55.740 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430
01/28/19 18:51:56.660 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:51:56.300
01/28/19 18:51:57.220 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:51:56.860
01/28/19 18:51:57.971 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: SET_TEMPERATURE of peer 1 with serial number KEQ0961116:4 was set to 30.
01/28/19 18:51:58.332 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430
01/28/19 18:51:58.485 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 0 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234FAA
01/28/19 18:51:58.486 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:51:58.486 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:51:58.846 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:51:57.420
01/28/19 18:51:59.253 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:51:58.893
01/28/19 18:51:59.766 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:51:59.406
01/28/19 18:52:00.142 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:51:59.453
01/28/19 18:52:00.518 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:51:59.966
01/28/19 18:52:00.741 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 39 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:00.990 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 1 for BidCoS peer with address 0x248F68
01/28/19 18:52:00.990 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:00.990 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:52:01.351 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:00.013
01/28/19 18:52:01.491 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 2 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234FAA
01/28/19 18:52:01.491 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:01.491 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:52:01.852 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:00.526
01/28/19 18:52:02.272 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:01.912
01/28/19 18:52:02.773 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:02.413
01/28/19 18:52:03.149 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:02.472
01/28/19 18:52:03.525 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:02.973
01/28/19 18:52:03.996 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 3 for BidCoS peer with address 0x248F68
01/28/19 18:52:03.996 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:03.996 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:52:04.364 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:03.032
01/28/19 18:52:04.497 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 4 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234FAA
01/28/19 18:52:04.497 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:04.497 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:52:04.858 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:03.533
01/28/19 18:52:05.284 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:04.924
01/28/19 18:52:05.752 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 42 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:05.778 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:05.418
01/28/19 18:52:06.154 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:05.484
01/28/19 18:52:06.530 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB4B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:05.978
01/28/19 18:52:07.002 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 5 for BidCoS peer with address 0x248F68
01/28/19 18:52:07.002 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:07.002 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:52:07.363 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:06.044
01/28/19 18:52:07.503 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 6 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234FAA
01/28/19 18:52:07.503 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:08.283 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:07.923
01/28/19 18:52:08.843 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1AB011FDC736248F68860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:08.483
01/28/19 18:52:10.007 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 7 for BidCoS peer with address 0x248F68
01/28/19 18:52:10.008 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:10.761 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 46 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:15.779 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 50 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:20.846 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 55 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:25.858 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 59 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:30.143 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860:1 was set to C8.
01/28/19 18:52:30.143 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883:1 was set to 00.
01/28/19 18:52:30.144 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E44A011FDC736266EFB0201000000
01/28/19 18:52:30.166 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EB7A011FDC736266EE40201C80000
01/28/19 18:52:30.312 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -72 dBm): 0EB78002266EE4FDC7360101C80047
01/28/19 18:52:30.312 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 9
01/28/19 18:52:30.313 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:52:30.313 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 9
01/28/19 18:52:30.313 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 9 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:52:30.314 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0xC8.
01/28/19 18:52:30.314 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:52:30.344 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E44A011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:30.344
01/28/19 18:52:30.444 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 9 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EE4
01/28/19 18:52:30.490 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -82 dBm): 0E448002266EFBFDC736010100004E
01/28/19 18:52:30.490 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 8
01/28/19 18:52:30.490 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:52:30.490 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 8
01/28/19 18:52:30.490 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 8 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:52:30.491 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:52:30.491 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:52:30.570 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 8 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 18:52:30.868 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 66 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:35.878 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 72 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:41.010 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 76 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:44.828 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: SET_TEMPERATURE of peer 2 with serial number KEQ0574494:4 was set to 31.
01/28/19 18:52:45.189 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431
01/28/19 18:52:46.020 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 80 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:46.109 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:45.749
01/28/19 18:52:46.669 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:46.309
01/28/19 18:52:47.416 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: SET_TEMPERATURE of peer 1 with serial number KEQ0961116:4 was set to 31.
01/28/19 18:52:47.782 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431
01/28/19 18:52:47.938 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 10 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234FAA
01/28/19 18:52:47.939 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:47.939 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:52:48.300 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:46.869
01/28/19 18:52:48.702 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:48.342
01/28/19 18:52:49.220 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:48.860
01/28/19 18:52:49.596 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:48.902
01/28/19 18:52:49.972 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:49.420
01/28/19 18:52:50.446 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 11 for BidCoS peer with address 0x248F68
01/28/19 18:52:50.446 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:50.446 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:52:50.807 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:49.462
01/28/19 18:52:50.947 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 12 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234FAA
01/28/19 18:52:50.947 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:50.947 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:52:51.030 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 86 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:51.308 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:49.980
01/28/19 18:52:51.727 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:51.367
01/28/19 18:52:52.228 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:51.868
01/28/19 18:52:52.604 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:51.927
01/28/19 18:52:52.980 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:52.428
01/28/19 18:52:53.452 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 13 for BidCoS peer with address 0x248F68
01/28/19 18:52:53.452 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:53.452 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:52:53.813 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:52.487
01/28/19 18:52:53.953 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 14 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234FAA
01/28/19 18:52:53.953 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:53.953 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:52:54.314 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:52.988
01/28/19 18:52:54.733 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:54.373
01/28/19 18:52:55.234 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:54.874
01/28/19 18:52:55.610 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:54.933
01/28/19 18:52:55.986 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB5B011FDC736234FAA860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:55.434
01/28/19 18:52:56.040 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 89 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:52:56.464 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 15 for BidCoS peer with address 0x248F68
01/28/19 18:52:56.464 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:56.465 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:52:56.826 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:55.493
01/28/19 18:52:56.958 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 16 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234FAA
01/28/19 18:52:56.958 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:52:57.746 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:57.386
01/28/19 18:52:58.306 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C1BB011FDC736248F68860431 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:52:57.946
01/28/19 18:52:59.563 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 17 for BidCoS peer with address 0x248F68
01/28/19 18:52:59.563 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:53:01.051 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 94 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:53:03.911 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -52 dBm): 0C978470003F10234FAA00E325
01/28/19 18:53:03.914 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:53:03.914 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E3.
01/28/19 18:53:04.003 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -53 dBm): 0C978470003F10248F6800E325
01/28/19 18:53:04.005 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:53:04.005 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E3.
01/28/19 18:53:06.067 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 99 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:53:11.080 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 102 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:53:16.144 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 106 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:53:21.168 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 110 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:53:26.178 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 114 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:53:31.102 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883:1 was set to 00.
01/28/19 18:53:31.103 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E45A011FDC736266EFB0201000000
01/28/19 18:53:31.107 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860:1 was set to C8.
01/28/19 18:53:31.125 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EB8A011FDC736266EE40201C80000
01/28/19 18:53:31.208 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 118 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:53:31.271 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -74 dBm): 0EB88002266EE4FDC7360101C80046
01/28/19 18:53:31.272 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 19
01/28/19 18:53:31.272 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:53:31.272 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 19
01/28/19 18:53:31.272 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 19 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:53:31.273 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0xC8.
01/28/19 18:53:31.273 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:53:31.304 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E45A011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:53:31.304
01/28/19 18:53:31.403 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 19 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EE4
01/28/19 18:53:31.504 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E45A011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:53:31.504
01/28/19 18:53:31.649 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -83 dBm): 0E458002266EFBFDC736010100004E
01/28/19 18:53:31.650 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 18
01/28/19 18:53:31.650 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:53:31.650 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 18
01/28/19 18:53:31.650 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 18 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:53:31.651 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:53:31.651 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:53:31.704 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 18 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 18:53:36.223 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 121 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:53:41.335 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 125 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:53:46.410 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 129 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:53:51.421 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 132 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:53:56.432 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 137 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:01.485 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 141 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:06.496 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 144 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:08.628 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: SET_TEMPERATURE of peer 5 with serial number KEQ0651548:4 was set to 26.
01/28/19 18:54:08.989 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426
01/28/19 18:54:09.909 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:09.549
01/28/19 18:54:10.469 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:10.109
01/28/19 18:54:10.660 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -53 dBm): 0C988470003F10234FAA00E325
01/28/19 18:54:10.662 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:54:10.662 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E3.
01/28/19 18:54:10.752 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -52 dBm): 0C988470003F10248F6800E325
01/28/19 18:54:10.753 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:54:10.753 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E3.
01/28/19 18:54:11.219 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: SET_TEMPERATURE of peer 4 with serial number KEQ0653316:4 was set to 26.
01/28/19 18:54:11.588 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426
01/28/19 18:54:11.590 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 150 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:11.734 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 20 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234E0F
01/28/19 18:54:11.734 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:54:11.735 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 5). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:54:12.095 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:10.669
01/28/19 18:54:12.508 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:12.148
01/28/19 18:54:13.016 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:12.656
01/28/19 18:54:13.392 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:12.708
01/28/19 18:54:13.768 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:13.216
01/28/19 18:54:14.239 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 21 for BidCoS peer with address 0x235386
01/28/19 18:54:14.239 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:54:14.239 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 4). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:54:14.600 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:13.268
01/28/19 18:54:14.739 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 22 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234E0F
01/28/19 18:54:14.740 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:54:14.740 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 5). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:54:15.104 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:13.776
01/28/19 18:54:15.520 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:15.160
01/28/19 18:54:16.025 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:15.665
01/28/19 18:54:16.401 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:15.720
01/28/19 18:54:16.606 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 153 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:16.777 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:16.225
01/28/19 18:54:17.244 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 23 for BidCoS peer with address 0x235386
01/28/19 18:54:17.245 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:54:17.245 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 4). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:54:17.606 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:16.280
01/28/19 18:54:17.745 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 24 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234E0F
01/28/19 18:54:17.745 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:54:17.746 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 5). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:54:18.107 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:16.785
01/28/19 18:54:18.526 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:18.166
01/28/19 18:54:19.027 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:18.667
01/28/19 18:54:19.403 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:18.726
01/28/19 18:54:19.779 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C12B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:19.227
01/28/19 18:54:20.250 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 25 for BidCoS peer with address 0x235386
01/28/19 18:54:20.250 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:54:20.250 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 4). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:54:20.616 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:19.286
01/28/19 18:54:20.751 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 26 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234E0F
01/28/19 18:54:20.751 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:54:21.537 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:21.177
01/28/19 18:54:21.681 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 157 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:22.097 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C06B011FDC736235386860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:21.737
01/28/19 18:54:23.255 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 27 for BidCoS peer with address 0x235386
01/28/19 18:54:23.255 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:54:26.692 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 163 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:31.704 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 166 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:32.857 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860:1 was set to C8.
01/28/19 18:54:32.858 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EB9A011FDC736266EE40201C80000
01/28/19 18:54:32.858 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883:1 was set to 00.
01/28/19 18:54:32.879 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E46A011FDC736266EFB0201000000
01/28/19 18:54:33.025 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -82 dBm): 0E468002266EFBFDC736010100004E
01/28/19 18:54:33.025 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 29
01/28/19 18:54:33.025 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:54:33.025 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 29
01/28/19 18:54:33.026 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 29 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:54:33.026 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:54:33.026 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:54:33.058 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EB9A011FDC736266EE40201C80000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:54:33.058
01/28/19 18:54:33.158 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 29 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 18:54:33.204 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -73 dBm): 0EB98002266EE4FDC7360101C80045
01/28/19 18:54:33.205 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 28
01/28/19 18:54:33.205 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:54:33.205 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 28
01/28/19 18:54:33.205 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 28 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:54:33.206 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0xC8.
01/28/19 18:54:33.206 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:54:33.258 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 28 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EE4
01/28/19 18:54:36.725 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 170 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:41.982 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 174 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:44.734 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -76 dBm): 0FAB861030A5030000000A90B70B0640
01/28/19 18:54:44.736 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x00B7.
01/28/19 18:54:44.736 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BATTERY_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x0B.
01/28/19 18:54:44.737 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BOOST_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:54:44.737 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: CONTROL_MODE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x01.
01/28/19 18:54:44.737 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: FAULT_REPORTING on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:54:44.765 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: PARTY_START_TIME on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:54:44.765 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: SET_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x24.
01/28/19 18:54:44.765 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: VALVE_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x06.
01/28/19 18:54:47.077 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 177 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:52.095 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 181 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:54:57.112 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 185 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:02.239 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 189 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:07.259 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 194 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:12.402 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 197 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:17.413 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -54 dBm): 0C998470003F10234FAA00E425
01/28/19 18:55:17.421 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:55:17.421 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E4.
01/28/19 18:55:17.489 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 201 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:17.506 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -53 dBm): 0C998470003F10248F6800E425
01/28/19 18:55:17.507 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:55:17.507 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E4.
01/28/19 18:55:22.504 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 205 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:27.521 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 209 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:32.604 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 213 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:33.823 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860:1 was set to C8.
01/28/19 18:55:33.823 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883:1 was set to 00.
01/28/19 18:55:33.825 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EBAA011FDC736266EE40201C80000
01/28/19 18:55:33.846 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E47A011FDC736266EFB0201000000
01/28/19 18:55:33.991 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -82 dBm): 0E478002266EFBFDC736010100004E
01/28/19 18:55:33.992 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 31
01/28/19 18:55:33.992 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:55:33.992 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 31
01/28/19 18:55:33.992 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 31 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:55:33.993 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:55:33.994 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:55:34.025 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EBAA011FDC736266EE40201C80000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:55:34.025
01/28/19 18:55:34.124 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 31 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 18:55:34.171 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -73 dBm): 0EBA8002266EE4FDC7360101C80045
01/28/19 18:55:34.172 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 30
01/28/19 18:55:34.172 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:55:34.172 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 30
01/28/19 18:55:34.172 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 30 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:55:34.173 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0xC8.
01/28/19 18:55:34.173 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:55:34.225 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 30 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EE4
01/28/19 18:55:37.637 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 217 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:42.655 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 221 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:47.669 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 227 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:52.753 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 230 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:55:57.819 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 237 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:02.836 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 241 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:07.853 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 244 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:12.875 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 248 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:18.012 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 252 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:23.030 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 255 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:24.162 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -52 dBm): 0C9A8470003F10234FAA00E525
01/28/19 18:56:24.164 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:56:24.164 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E5.
01/28/19 18:56:24.254 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -52 dBm): 0C9A8470003F10248F6800E525
01/28/19 18:56:24.255 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:56:24.255 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E5.
01/28/19 18:56:28.042 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 260 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:32.830 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -55 dBm): 0F2B861030A1A40000000A88B10B0040
01/28/19 18:56:32.833 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x00B1.
01/28/19 18:56:32.833 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BATTERY_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x0B.
01/28/19 18:56:32.833 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BOOST_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:56:32.833 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: CONTROL_MODE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x01.
01/28/19 18:56:32.834 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: FAULT_REPORTING on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:56:32.842 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: PARTY_START_TIME on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:56:32.842 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: SET_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x22.
01/28/19 18:56:32.842 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: VALVE_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:56:33.164 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 263 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:34.712 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860:1 was set to C8.
01/28/19 18:56:34.714 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EBBA011FDC736266EE40201C80000(String) STATE
01/28/19 18:56:34.716 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883:1 was set to 00.
01/28/19 18:56:34.735 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E48A011FDC736266EFB0201000000
01/28/19 18:56:34.860 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -73 dBm): 0EBB8002266EE4FDC7360101C80045
01/28/19 18:56:34.860 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 32
01/28/19 18:56:34.861 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:56:34.861 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 32
01/28/19 18:56:34.861 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 32 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:56:34.862 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0xC8.
01/28/19 18:56:34.862 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:56:34.914 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 32 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EE4
01/28/19 18:56:34.935 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E48A011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:56:34.935
01/28/19 18:56:35.135 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E48A011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:56:35.135
01/28/19 18:56:37.720 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 33 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 18:56:37.720 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:56:37.720 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 10). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:56:37.827 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E48A011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:56:35.335
01/28/19 18:56:38.027 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E48A011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:56:38.027
01/28/19 18:56:38.173 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -82 dBm): 0E488002266EFBFDC736010100004D
01/28/19 18:56:38.174 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 34
01/28/19 18:56:38.174 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:56:38.174 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 34
01/28/19 18:56:38.174 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 34 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:56:38.175 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:56:38.175 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:56:38.178 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 267 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:38.221 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 34 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 18:56:43.197 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 271 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:48.215 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 274 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:53.225 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 278 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:56:58.353 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 282 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:03.372 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 286 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:08.396 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 290 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:13.416 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 293 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:18.432 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 297 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:23.546 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 301 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:25.235 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -77 dBm): 0FAC861030A5030000000A90B70B0640
01/28/19 18:57:25.238 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x00B7.
01/28/19 18:57:25.238 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BATTERY_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x0B.
01/28/19 18:57:25.239 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BOOST_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:57:25.239 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: CONTROL_MODE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x01.
01/28/19 18:57:25.239 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: FAULT_REPORTING on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:57:25.239 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: PARTY_START_TIME on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:57:25.239 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: SET_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x24.
01/28/19 18:57:25.239 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: VALVE_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 6 with serial number LEQ1204884 was set to 0x06.
01/28/19 18:57:28.574 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 304 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:30.914 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -53 dBm): 0C9B8470003F10234FAA00E525
01/28/19 18:57:30.917 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:57:30.917 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E5.
01/28/19 18:57:31.007 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -53 dBm): 0C9B8470003F10248F6800E525
01/28/19 18:57:31.009 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:57:31.009 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E5.
01/28/19 18:57:33.586 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 309 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:35.580 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860:1 was set to C8.
01/28/19 18:57:35.581 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883:1 was set to 00.
01/28/19 18:57:35.581 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EBCA011FDC736266EE40201C80000
01/28/19 18:57:35.602 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E49A011FDC736266EFB0201000000
01/28/19 18:57:35.748 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -82 dBm): 0E498002266EFBFDC736010100004E
01/28/19 18:57:35.748 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 36
01/28/19 18:57:35.748 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:57:35.749 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 36
01/28/19 18:57:35.749 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 36 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:57:35.749 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:57:35.749 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:57:35.781 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EBCA011FDC736266EE40201C80000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:57:35.781
01/28/19 18:57:35.888 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 36 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 18:57:35.927 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -73 dBm): 0EBC8002266EE4FDC7360101C80046
01/28/19 18:57:35.928 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 35
01/28/19 18:57:35.928 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:57:35.928 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 35
01/28/19 18:57:35.928 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 35 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:57:35.929 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0xC8.
01/28/19 18:57:35.929 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:57:35.982 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 35 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EE4
01/28/19 18:57:38.650 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 313 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:43.735 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 316 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:48.752 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 320 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:53.772 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 323 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:57:58.787 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 327 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:03.905 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 332 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:08.921 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 335 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:14.003 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 339 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:19.019 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 343 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:24.035 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 346 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:29.070 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 350 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:34.098 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 354 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:36.541 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883:1 was set to 00.
01/28/19 18:58:36.541 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860:1 was set to C8.
01/28/19 18:58:36.542 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4AA011FDC736266EFB0201000000
01/28/19 18:58:36.563 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EBDA011FDC736266EE40201C80000
01/28/19 18:58:36.709 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -73 dBm): 0EBD8002266EE4FDC7360101C80046
01/28/19 18:58:36.710 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 38
01/28/19 18:58:36.710 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:58:36.710 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 38
01/28/19 18:58:36.710 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 38 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:58:36.711 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0xC8.
01/28/19 18:58:36.711 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:58:36.742 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4AA011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:58:36.742
01/28/19 18:58:36.842 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 38 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EE4
01/28/19 18:58:36.942 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4AA011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:58:36.942
01/28/19 18:58:37.668 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -52 dBm): 0C9C8470003F10234FAA00E525
01/28/19 18:58:37.671 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:58:37.671 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E5.
01/28/19 18:58:37.760 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -53 dBm): 0C9C8470003F10248F6800E525
01/28/19 18:58:37.761 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:58:37.761 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E5.
01/28/19 18:58:39.117 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 358 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:39.552 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 37 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 18:58:39.552 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 18:58:39.552 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 10). Retrying...
01/28/19 18:58:39.653 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4AA011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:58:37.142
01/28/19 18:58:39.853 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4AA011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:58:39.853
01/28/19 18:58:40.053 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4AA011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:58:40.053
01/28/19 18:58:40.199 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -82 dBm): 0E4A8002266EFBFDC736010100004D
01/28/19 18:58:40.199 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 39
01/28/19 18:58:40.200 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:58:40.200 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 39
01/28/19 18:58:40.200 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 39 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:58:40.201 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:58:40.201 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:58:40.254 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 39 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 18:58:44.136 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 362 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:49.159 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 365 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:54.279 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 369 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:58:59.289 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 373 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:04.304 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 377 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:09.318 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 381 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:14.394 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 384 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:19.494 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 388 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:24.503 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 392 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:29.513 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 395 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:34.620 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 400 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:37.501 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883:1 was set to 00.
01/28/19 18:59:37.503 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4BA011FDC736266EFB0201000000
01/28/19 18:59:37.504 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860:1 was set to C8.
01/28/19 18:59:37.524 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EBEA011FDC736266EE40201C80000
01/28/19 18:59:37.670 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -73 dBm): 0EBE8002266EE4FDC7360101C80046
01/28/19 18:59:37.671 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 41
01/28/19 18:59:37.671 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:59:37.671 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 41
01/28/19 18:59:37.671 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 41 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:59:37.672 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0xC8.
01/28/19 18:59:37.672 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:59:37.703 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4BA011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 18:59:37.703
01/28/19 18:59:37.803 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 41 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EE4
01/28/19 18:59:37.849 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -82 dBm): 0E4B8002266EFBFDC736010100004D
01/28/19 18:59:37.849 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 40
01/28/19 18:59:37.850 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 18:59:37.850 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 40
01/28/19 18:59:37.850 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 40 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 18:59:37.851 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:59:37.851 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 18:59:37.903 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 40 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 18:59:39.630 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 404 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:44.410 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -53 dBm): 0C9D8470003F10234FAA00E525
01/28/19 18:59:44.413 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:59:44.413 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E5.
01/28/19 18:59:44.503 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -53 dBm): 0C9D8470003F10248F6800E525
01/28/19 18:59:44.506 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 18:59:44.506 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E5.
01/28/19 18:59:44.641 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 407 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:49.652 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 411 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:54.664 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 414 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 18:59:59.681 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 418 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:04.691 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 422 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:09.701 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 427 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:14.762 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 431 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:19.771 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 435 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:24.781 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 438 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:29.794 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 442 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:34.810 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 445 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:38.461 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883:1 was set to 00.
01/28/19 19:00:38.461 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860:1 was set to C8.
01/28/19 19:00:38.463 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4CA011FDC736266EFB0201000000
01/28/19 19:00:38.484 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EBFA011FDC736266EE40201C80000
01/28/19 19:00:38.630 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -72 dBm): 0EBF8002266EE4FDC7360101C80045
01/28/19 19:00:38.631 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 43
01/28/19 19:00:38.631 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 19:00:38.631 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 43
01/28/19 19:00:38.631 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 43 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 19:00:38.632 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0xC8.
01/28/19 19:00:38.632 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 19:00:38.663 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4CA011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 19:00:38.663
01/28/19 19:00:38.763 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 43 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EE4
01/28/19 19:00:38.863 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4CA011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 19:00:38.863
01/28/19 19:00:39.008 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -82 dBm): 0E4C8002266EFBFDC736010100004E
01/28/19 19:00:39.009 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 42
01/28/19 19:00:39.009 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 19:00:39.009 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 42
01/28/19 19:00:39.009 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 42 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 19:00:39.010 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 19:00:39.010 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 19:00:39.063 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 42 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 19:00:39.824 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 450 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:44.905 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 454 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:49.920 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 457 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:51.163 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -52 dBm): 0C9E8470003F10234FAA00E525
01/28/19 19:00:51.165 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 19:00:51.166 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E5.
01/28/19 19:00:51.256 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -52 dBm): 0C9E8470003F10248F6800E525
01/28/19 19:00:51.257 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 19:00:51.257 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E5.
01/28/19 19:00:54.930 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 461 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:00:59.998 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 465 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:05.010 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 469 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:10.022 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 474 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:15.034 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 477 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:20.103 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 481 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:25.118 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 485 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:30.132 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 488 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:35.144 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 493 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:35.334 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -55 dBm): 0F2D861030A1A40000000A88AF0B0040
01/28/19 19:01:35.335 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x00AF.
01/28/19 19:01:35.336 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BATTERY_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x0B.
01/28/19 19:01:35.336 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BOOST_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 19:01:35.336 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: CONTROL_MODE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x01.
01/28/19 19:01:35.336 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: FAULT_REPORTING on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 19:01:35.336 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: PARTY_START_TIME on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 19:01:35.336 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: SET_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x22.
01/28/19 19:01:35.336 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: VALVE_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 3 with serial number LEQ1204674 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 19:01:39.348 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860:1 was set to C8.
01/28/19 19:01:39.348 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: STATE of peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883:1 was set to 00.
01/28/19 19:01:39.350 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4DA011FDC736266EFB0201000000
01/28/19 19:01:39.371 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0EC0A011FDC736266EE40201C80000
01/28/19 19:01:39.517 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -73 dBm): 0EC08002266EE4FDC7360101C80047
01/28/19 19:01:39.518 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 45
01/28/19 19:01:39.518 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 19:01:39.518 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 45
01/28/19 19:01:39.518 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 45 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 19:01:39.519 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0xC8.
01/28/19 19:01:39.519 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 11 with serial number KEQ1109860 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 19:01:39.550 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4DA011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 19:01:39.550
01/28/19 19:01:39.650 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 45 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EE4
01/28/19 19:01:39.750 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0E4DA011FDC736266EFB0201000000 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 19:01:39.750
01/28/19 19:01:39.896 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -82 dBm): 0E4D8002266EFBFDC736010100004F
01/28/19 19:01:39.897 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 44
01/28/19 19:01:39.897 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Message now at front: Message type: 0x2
01/28/19 19:01:39.897 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Popping from BidCoSQueue: 44
01/28/19 19:01:39.897 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 44 is empty and there are no pending queues.
01/28/19 19:01:39.898 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 19:01:39.898 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: WORKING on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 10 with serial number KEQ1109883 was set to 0x00.
01/28/19 19:01:39.951 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 44 for BidCoS peer with address 0x266EFB
01/28/19 19:01:40.159 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 497 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:45.299 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 502 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:50.315 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 506 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:55.329 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 509 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:01:56.080 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: SET_TEMPERATURE of peer 5 with serial number KEQ0651548:4 was set to 26.
01/28/19 19:01:56.442 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C13B011FDC736234E0F860426
01/28/19 19:01:57.362 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C13B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 19:01:57.002
01/28/19 19:01:57.922 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0C13B011FDC736234E0F860426 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 19:01:57.562
01/28/19 19:01:58.008 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (hm-CC1101, RSSI: -53 dBm): 0C9F8470003F10248F6800E525
01/28/19 19:01:58.011 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x25.
01/28/19 19:01:58.011 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 53 with serial number JPTH10I001 was set to 0x00E5.
01/28/19 19:01:59.087 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 46 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234E0F
01/28/19 19:01:59.087 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 19:02:00.446 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 514 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:02:02.074 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: SET_TEMPERATURE of peer 2 with serial number KEQ0574494:4 was set to 30.
01/28/19 19:02:02.435 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB6B011FDC736234FAA860430
01/28/19 19:02:03.355 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB6B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 19:02:02.995
01/28/19 19:02:03.915 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "hm-CC1101": Info: Sending (hm-CC1101): 0CB6B011FDC736234FAA860430 Planned sending time: 01/28/19 19:02:03.555
01/28/19 19:02:05.080 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 47 for BidCoS peer with address 0x234FAA
01/28/19 19:02:05.080 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/28/19 19:02:05.455 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 519 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:02:10.472 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 523 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:02:15.487 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 527 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
01/28/19 19:02:20.499 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 531 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
      (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface

Also zum Senden wir der GPIO benötigt. Kannst du sicher gehen, dass du den richtig hast? Auch ob GDO0 und GDO2?
