Warning message in log file when using node-blue


when using node-blue I see the following error message in the homegear.err:

01/24/18 19:23:54.283 Warning: Requested URL not found: favicon.ico
01/24/18 19:24:05.145 Warning: Requested URL not found: /var/lib/homegear/flows/www/vendor/vendor.css
01/24/18 19:24:05.317 Warning: Requested URL not found: /var/lib/homegear/flows/www/vendor/jsonata/jsonata.min.js
01/24/18 19:24:05.796 Warning: Requested URL not found: /var/lib/homegear/flows/www/vendor/jsonata/jsonata.min.js

I think the first one is OK as no favicon.ico is installed.

the 2nd referenced to an empty file:
file /var/lib/homegear/flows/www/vendor/vendor.css
/var/lib/homegear/flows/www/vendor/vendor.css: empty

the 3rd one is not existing:
root@lemonpi:/var/log/homegear# file /var/lib/homegear/flows/www/vendor/jsonata/jsonata.min.js
/var/lib/homegear/flows/www/vendor/jsonata/jsonata.min.js: cannot open `/var/lib/homegear/flows/www/vendor/jsonata/jsonata.min.js’ (No such file or directory)

I see some references in the /var/lib/homegear/flows/www/index.php.

is this on purpose and will be used later?


Hey @jipp,

the files are referenced in Node-RED and I was just too lazy to remove them. But now I did so the messages should not be logged anymore starting with the next nightly.



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