Verbindung zum HM-LGW klappt nicht


Ich bin gerade dabei meine LXCCU Installation mit 2 LanGWs auf homegear umzustellen. Die Installation auf dem Rasperry (wheezy, v0.5.25) hat problemlos geklappt. Anschliessend habe ich versucht die beiden HM-LGWs zu konfigurieren:

---------------------------- HomeMatic BidCoS  ----------------------------

### HomeMatic Wireless LAN Gateway  ###

## The device family this interface is for

## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
id = HM-LGW-KI

## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
default = true

## Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cuno, hmcfglan, hmlgw
deviceType = hmlgw

## IP address of your HM-LGW
host =

## First Port number your HM-LGW listens on. Normally 2000.
port = 2000

## Keep alive port number your HM-LGW listens on. Normally 2001.
portKeepAlive = 2001

## Put the security key printed on your HM-LGW here
lanKey = 8LxtPXXXXX

## Specify a 16 byte (32 characters) long AES key here to protect your wireless communication
## !!! IMPORTANT: Never ever lose this key. That would render your devices useless.
## To remove the key from your devices, you need to factory reset them

## With each key change currentRFKeyIndex needs to be
## incremented by 1
currentRFKeyIndex = 1

## When you change rfKey, put the old key here. To change the key Homegear needs to know the
## old and the new one.
## !!! Do not set oldRFKey when you set rfKey for the first time !!!
#NOTE: rfKey is MD5(ccu_sicherheitsschluessel)
##oldRFKey = 

## Default: responseDelay = 95
## Should be "95" for CUL or COC, "100" for TI CC1101 and "60" for HM-CFG-LAN or HM-LGW
responseDelay = 60

## The device family this interface is for
id = HM-LGW-SR
deviceType = hmlgw
host =
port = 2000
portKeepAlive = 2001
lanKey = XXX*QG+XXX
currentRFKeyIndex = 1
responseDelay = 60

Die lanKeys sind ensprechend dem Aufkleber auf dem LanGW gesetzt (10 Zeichen).
den rfKey habe ich auf den MD5-Hash des bestehenden Sicherheitsschlüssels gesetzt (analog dem ccu2://etc/config/keys:Key1)

beim start erhalte ich dann aber einen Fehler:

09/13/15 19:56:25.749 Info: Loading family module
09/13/15 19:56:25.760 Info: Loading family module
09/13/15 19:56:25.781 Info: Loading family module
09/13/15 19:56:25.797 Info: Loading family module
09/13/15 19:56:25.812 Info: Loading family module
09/13/15 19:56:25.825 Info: Loading family module
09/13/15 19:56:25.884 Initializing database...
09/13/15 19:56:25.891 Initializing family controller...
09/13/15 19:56:25.892 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading XML RPC devices...
09/13/15 19:56:26.786 Info: Not initializing device family HomeMatic Wired, because no physical interface was found.
09/13/15 19:56:26.787 Info: Not initializing device family INSTEON, because no physical interface was found.
09/13/15 19:56:26.787 Info: Not initializing device family MAX!, because no physical interface was found.
09/13/15 19:56:26.787 Info: Not initializing device family Philips hue, because no physical interface was found.
09/13/15 19:56:26.788 Module Miscellaneous: Loading XML RPC devices...
09/13/15 19:56:26.790 Loading devices...
09/13/15 19:56:26.792 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading HomeMatic BidCoS device 1
09/13/15 19:56:26.796 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading HomeMatic BidCoS device 2
09/13/15 19:56:26.801 Module Miscellaneous: Loading Miscellaneous device 3
09/13/15 19:56:26.802 Start listening for packets...
09/13/15 19:56:26.804 Initializing RPC client...
09/13/15 19:56:26.805 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on
09/13/15 19:56:26.809 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on, SSL enabled...
09/13/15 19:56:26.812 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Server started listening on address and port 2001
09/13/15 19:56:26.825 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on, SSL enabled, authentification enabled...
09/13/15 19:56:26.825 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC Server started listening on address and port 2002
09/13/15 19:56:26.839 Starting CLI server...
09/13/15 19:56:26.840 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: RPC Server started listening on address and port 2003
09/13/15 19:56:26.840 Initializing event handler...
09/13/15 19:56:26.840 Loading events...
09/13/15 19:56:26.841 Startup complete.
09/13/15 19:56:27.803 Info: Connecting to host on port 2000...
09/13/15 19:56:27.804 Info: Connecting to host on port 2001...
09/13/15 19:56:27.805 Info: Connecting to host on port 2000...
09/13/15 19:56:27.805 Info: Connecting to host on port 2001...
09/13/15 19:56:27.809 Info: Connected to host on port 2000. Client number is: 4
09/13/15 19:56:27.810 Info: Connected to host on port 2000. Client number is: 6
09/13/15 19:56:27.813 Info: Connected to host on port 2001. Client number is: 5
09/13/15 19:56:27.815 Info: Connected to host on port 2001. Client number is: 7
09/13/15 19:56:27.849 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "HM-LGW-KI": Error: First packet does not start with "S" or has wrong structure. Please check your AES key in physicalinterfaces.conf. Stopping listening.
09/13/15 19:56:27.850 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-LGW "HM-LGW-SR": Error: First packet does not start with "S" or has wrong structure. Please check your AES key in physicalinterfaces.conf. Stopping listening.

Bis auf die letzten beiden Zeilen sieht das doch gut aus.
…ich bin nun verwirrt mit dem Hinweis zum AES key. welcher Key ist gemeint? (lanKey oder rfKey). Ich wüsste nicht auf welchen Wert ich sie sonst setzen sollte…

Wäre froh um einen Hinweis :wink: :frowning:
viele Grüsse und vielen Dank

urks… Ich habe die beiden LanGWs verwechselt; resp. deren LanKeys vertauscht.
Vorschlag: Fehlermeldung anpassen, so dass klar ist, dass mit dem “AES Key” der LanKey des GW gemeint ist.

viele Grüsse

Hallo Daniel,

danke für den Hinweis, die Fehlermeldung werde ich anpassen.

Viele Grüße
