Using HomeGearLib.NET

Hi Sathya,

I wanted to play around with your HomeGearLib.NET library, but it seems to behaving weirdly… Probably me using in wrong.

It does not show all variable updates, but disconnects and connects again every once in a while and does show 2 or maybe a little more updates and then disconnects again.

I have tried to use your HomegearLibTest to see if this makes a difference, but it does not.

I have entered, Homegear Hostname/Port and Callback Server Port and Hostname (ssl unchecked and port changed to 2001).

Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-TC", ID: 10, Channel: 1, Variable Name: "TEMPERATURE", Value: 22 Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-TC", ID: 6, Channel: 0, Variable Name: "RSSI_DEVICE", Value: -56 Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-TC", ID: 3, Channel: 1, Variable Name: "TEMPERATURE", Value: 22,6 Connected to Homegear. Disconnected from Homegear. Connected to Homegear. Disconnected from Homegear. Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-RT-DN", ID: 58, Channel: 0, Variable Name: "RSSI_DEVICE", Value: -66 Connected to Homegear. Disconnected from Homegear. Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-RT-DN", ID: 47, Channel: 4, Variable Name: "ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE", Value: 19,3 Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-TC", ID: 10, Channel: 0, Variable Name: "RSSI_DEVICE", Value: -56 Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-TC", ID: 9, Channel: 1, Variable Name: "TEMPERATURE", Value: 22,4 Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-TC", ID: 8, Channel: 0, Variable Name: "RSSI_DEVICE", Value: -63 Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-TC", ID: 3, Channel: 1, Variable Name: "TEMPERATURE", Value: 22,5 Connected to Homegear. Disconnected from Homegear. Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-TC", ID: 10, Channel: 0, Variable Name: "RSSI_DEVICE", Value: -55 Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-TC", ID: 6, Channel: 0, Variable Name: "RSSI_DEVICE", Value: -55 Connected to Homegear. Disconnected from Homegear. Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-RT-DN", ID: 59, Channel: 0, Variable Name: "RSSI_DEVICE", Value: -60 Variable updated: Device type: "HM-CC-TC", ID: 6, Channel: 0, Variable Name: "RSSI_DEVICE", Value: -56 Connected to Homegear. Disconnected from Homegear. Reload complete. Received 55 devices. Connected to Homegear.

that’s what I get using both my code (which I mainly stole from your HomeGearLibTest :slight_smile:) and HomeGearLibTest itself.

Any hints what might be wrong?


Hey Chris,

probably the firewall is blocking the callback port? Do you get the message “incoming connection from Homegear” in the test program?



Hi Sathya,

mir fällt gerade auf, dass wir im deutschen Forum sind und daher auch Deutsch reden dürfen :slight_smile:

Also ich sehe kein “Incoming connection from homegear” im Log. Firewall ist aber bereits komplett deaktiviert und zeigt keine Änderung.

Habe aber noch ein wenig geforscht und der Fehler lag bei mir. Ich habe als “Listen IP Address” gelassen. Der Name des Callback Servers wurde aber im DNS auf seine IPv6 Adresse aufgelöst. Sobald ich bei der IP Adresse [::] eintrage (also in IPV6 Notation) ist alles gut.

Danke für Deinen Denkanstoss :slight_smile:
