Ich habe per apt auf die aktuelle Version aktualisiert. Vorher hat alles einwandfrei geklappt. Seit dem Update erhalte ich folgende Fehler, sodass nichts mehr funktioniert. Ich habe bereits nach ähnlichen Problemen gesucht und keine der Lösungen hat funktioniert. Auch das Starten als root hat nicht geklappt. Folgende Fehler erscheinen wenn ich homegear als root starte:
01/12/17 16:28:16.825 Loading device 1
01/12/17 16:28:16.825 Start listening for packets...
01/12/17 16:28:16.829 Failed to open direction file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.829 Failed to open direction file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.829 Failed to open edge file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.829 Failed to open edge file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.829 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 331 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open value file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.829 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 331 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open value file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.829 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "My-CC1101": Error: Couldn't listen to rf device, because the GPIO descriptor is not valid: /dev/spidev0.0
01/12/17 16:28:16.829 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "My-CC1101": Error: Couldn't listen to rf device, because the GPIO descriptor is not valid: /dev/spidev0.0
01/12/17 16:28:16.830 Initializing RPC client...
01/12/17 16:28:16.830 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "My-CC1101": Connection to TI CC1101 closed unexpectedly... Trying to reconnect...
01/12/17 16:28:16.830 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on
01/12/17 16:28:16.830 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "My-CC1101": Connection to TI CC1101 closed unexpectedly... Trying to reconnect...
01/12/17 16:28:16.833 Failed to open direction file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.833 Failed to open direction file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.833 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on, SSL enabled...
01/12/17 16:28:16.833 Failed to open edge file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.833 Failed to open edge file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.833 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Server started listening on address and port 2001
01/12/17 16:28:16.833 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 331 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open value file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.833 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 331 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open value file for GPIO with index 1 and device "cc1100": Unable to retrieve path.
01/12/17 16:28:16.833 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "My-CC1101": Error: Couldn't listen to rf device, because the GPIO descriptor is not valid: /dev/spidev0.0
01/12/17 16:28:16.833 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "My-CC1101": Error: Couldn't listen to rf device, because the GPIO descriptor is not valid: /dev/spidev0.0
01/12/17 16:28:16.863 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on, SSL enabled, authentication enabled...
Folgende Pakete haben sich seitdem geändert. Nach dem Update von homegear habe ich php nachinstalliert, da scheinbar die Abhängigkeit weggefallen ist und es deswegen deinstalliert wurde.
Start-Date: 2017-01-12 13:00:36
Upgrade: libhomegear-base:armhf (0.6.7-1545, 0.6.12-857), homegear-homematicbidcos:armhf (0.6.7-1545, 0.6.12-857), x11-common:armhf (7.7+7, 7.7+16), homegear:armhf (0.6.7-1545, 0.6.12-857)
Remove: php5-readline:armhf (5.6.29+dfsg-0+deb8u1), libonig2:armhf (5.9.5-3.2), php5-cli:armhf (5.6.29+dfsg-0+deb8u1), php5-json:armhf (1.3.6-1)
End-Date: 2017-01-12 13:05:05
Start-Date: 2017-01-12 13:18:47
Commandline: apt install php5-cli
Install: php5-readline:armhf (5.6.29+dfsg-0+deb8u1, automatic), libonig2:armhf (5.9.5-3.2, automatic), php5-cli:armhf (5.6.29+dfsg-0+deb8u1), php5-json:armhf (1.3.6-1, automatic)
End-Date: 2017-01-12 13:20:00
Dummerweise kann ich nicht mehr auf die alte Version zurück, da die Pakete scheinbar aus dem Homegear-Repo gelöscht wurden. Es wäre sehr sinnvoll, wenn die in Zukunft weiterhin drin bleiben würden, damit man wie ich in diesem Fall wieder auf die alte Version zurück kann und nicht in einer kalten Bude hocken muss…