After many years of using homegear for both wired as bidcos I decided to replace my cheap chinese USB rs485 board with the HMW-LGW.
But for some reason I cant figure out how to make this working.
Some facts :
- My RS485 bus is working fine, i hooked up the USB board again and i can use homegear -r cli to list peers, see events etc …
- tried to make it work with versions 0.7.39-2773 (on intel nuc 4.15.0-70-generic #79-Ubuntu) and 0.7.40-2948 (Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 buster )
- all other modules disabled.
config :
## HomeMatic Wired RS485 LAN Gateway ##
## The device family this interface is for
[HomeMatic Wired RS485 LAN Gateway]
## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
id = My-HMW-LGW
## Options: rs485, hmwlgw
deviceType = hmwlgw
## IP address of your HMW-LGW
host =
## First Port number your HMW-LGW listens on. Normally 1000.
port = 1000
## Put the security key printed on your HMW-LGW here
lanKey = I have put my key here (tried lower en upper case)
## Should be "13" for serial modules, "20" for USB modules and "8" for HMW-LGW.
responseDelay = 8
So what are the logs saying :
==> homegear.log <==
11/20/19 14:47:25.267 Module HomeMatic Wired: HMW-LGW "My-HMW-LGW": Connected to HMW-LGW with hostname on port 1000.
11/20/19 14:47:25.270 Module HomeMatic Wired: HMW-LGW "My-HMW-LGW": Error: First packet does not start with "S" or has wrong structure. Please check your AES key in homematicwired.conf. Stopping listening.
==> homegear.err <==
11/20/19 14:47:25.270 Module HomeMatic Wired: HMW-LGW "My-HMW-LGW": Error: First packet does not start with "S" or has wrong structure. Please check your AES key in homematicwired.conf. Stopping listening.
I don’t see anything related to successful connection to HMW-LGW but i have no idea what to expect.
Does anyone know what or where this AES setting is set ? If I understand it correctly this is the “lanKey” ?
All help or ideas are welcome.
Nico Lembrechts