Socket error - CC1101 chip - Configuration

I am running Openhabian on Raspberry Pi 3.

I have installed the homegear 0.7 as described in the official manual.

The hardware used is CC11011 with arduino nano running nanoCUL V3.

11/16/17 10:11:22.471 Debug: enableUPnP set to 1
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: caPath set to /etc/homegear/homegearca.crt
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: certPath set to /etc/homegear/homegear.crt
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: keyPath set to /etc/homegear/homegear.key
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: loadDHParamsFromFile set to 1
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: dhParamPath set to /etc/homegear/dh1024.pem
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: deviceDescriptionPath set to /etc/homegear/devices/
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: clientSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: serverSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: mqttSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/mqtt.conf
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: familyConfigPath set to /etc/homegear/families/
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: phpIniPath set to /etc/homegear/php.ini
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: gpioPath set to /sys/class/gpio/
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: scriptPath set to /var/lib/homegear/scripts/
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: enableFlows set to 1
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: flowsPath set to /var/lib/homegear/flows/
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: flowsDataPath set to /var/lib/homegear/flows/data/
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: nodeBlueDebugOutput set to 1
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: libraryPath set to /var/lib/homegear/modules/
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: firmwarePath set to /usr/share/homegear/firmware/
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: tempPath set to /var/lib/homegear/tmp/
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: lockFilePath set to /var/run/homegear/
11/16/17 10:11:22.472 Debug: lockFilePathPermissions set to 504
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: lockFilePathUser set to homegear
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: lockFilePathGroup set to homegear
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: Added replaceClientServerAddress xmlrpc_bin:// xmlrpc_bin://$remoteip:1999
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: Added replaceClientServerAddress http://$remoteip:9292/bidcos
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: prioritizeThreads set to 1
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: secureMemorySize set to 65536
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: workerThreadWindow set to 3000
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: scriptEngineMaxThreadsPerScript set to 4
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: scriptEngineMaxScriptsPerProcess set to 50
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: scriptEngineThreadCount set to 5
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: scriptEngineServerMaxConnections set to 10
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: flowsProcessingThreadCountServer set to 5
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: flowsProcessingThreadCountNodes set to 10
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: flowsServerMaxConnections set to 50
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: maxNodeThreadsPerProcess set to 60
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: ipcThreadCount set to 5
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: ipsServerMaxConnections set to 20
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: cliServerMaxConnections set to 50
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: rpcServerMaxConnections set to 50
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: rpcServerThreadPriority set to 0
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: rpcServerThreadPolicy set to 0
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: rpcClientMaxThreads set to 50
11/16/17 10:11:22.473 Debug: rpcClientThreadPriority set to 0
11/16/17 10:11:22.474 Debug: rpcClientThreadPolicy set to 0
11/16/17 10:11:22.474 Debug: workerThreadPriority set to 0
11/16/17 10:11:22.474 Debug: workerThreadPolicy set to 0
11/16/17 10:11:22.474 Debug: physicalInterfaceThreadPriority set to 45
11/16/17 10:11:22.474 Debug: physicalInterfaceThreadPolicy set to 1
11/16/17 10:11:22.474 Debug: packetReceivedThreadPriority set to 0
11/16/17 10:11:22.474 Debug: packetReceivedThreadPolicy set to 0
11/16/17 10:11:22.474 Debug: eventThreadCount set to 5
11/16/17 10:11:22.474 Debug: eventThreadPriority set to 0
11/16/17 10:11:22.474 Debug: eventThreadPolicy set to 0
Debug: Trying to connect...
11/16/17 10:11:22.474 Debug: Socket closed. Trying again...
Connected to Homegear (version 0.7.10-1397).
Connection closed.

I get this error message when I run the homegear. Connection is closed after 1-2 seconds. If I type " fs 0" , it says “Cannot connect to Socket” .I have also tried restarting and the status shows running.

my Configuration file looks like this-

---------------------------- HomeMatic BidCoS  ----------------------------

########## General Settings  ##########


## The BidCoS address of Homegear. It is recommended to change this to a random 3 byte hexadecimal
## value starting with 0xFD (e. g. 0xFD43AB). Only change this, when no HomeMatic BidCoS devices
## are paired to Homegear as existing pairings will not work anymore!
centralAddress = 0xFD0001

#English-Forums # Specify a 16 byte (32 characters) long AES key here to protect your wireless communication
## !!! IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to change this key before pairing the first device.
## !!! IMPORTANT: Never ever lose this key. That would render your devices useless.
## To remove the key from your devices, you need to factory reset them using Homegear. The factory
## reset on the device is not possible!!!
rfKey = 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF

## With each key change currentRFKeyIndex needs to be
## incremented by 1
currentRfKeyIndex = 1

## When you change rfKey, put the old key here. To change the key Homegear needs to know the
## old and the new one.
## !!! Do not set oldRFKey when you set rfKey for the first time !!!
##oldRFKey = 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF

## When set to "true" unsigned broadcast packets are processed by Homegear. This could enable an
## attacker to make Homegear do things, you don't want. That means, this option is a security
## risk.
processBroadcastWithAesEnabled = false

################# CUL #################

## The device family this interface is for
[TI CC1101 Module]

## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
id = My-CC1101

## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
##default = true

## Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cunx, hmcfglan, hmlgw, hm-mod-rpi-pcb
deviceType = cc1100

device = /dev/spidev0.0



## Default: responseDelay = 95
## Should be "95" for CUL or COC, "100" for TI CC1101 and "60" for HM-CFG-LAN or HM-LGW
responseDelay = 100  

The end of homegear log file is attached below.

I am new to this area. Kindly help in debugging this problem.


log.txt (2.3 KB)

Update : I think I had mistaken RPi + CC1101 configuration for hardware I am using. I changed it to CUL hardware configuration and the error is gone.
But, I am not able to connect to the device yet. I will try and update here if I am successful.

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