I want to use a Raspberry both with Homematic and Enocean devices. I’ve sucessfully tested the Enocean Pi board (via OpenHAB) and now want to add homematic access. Now i’m not sure if it is possible that SCC and the Enocean Pi coexist as both use the UART to control the component. Somebody knows if this is possible?
If not - i found some threads about directly adding a CC1101 component via SPI. I think i did not completely understand this: Does homegear come with “low level” code like the “culfw” itself, allowing to control the CC1101 directly or do i have to add another microcontroller? The threads have been quite “unclear” for a hardware beginner like me - is there a “repeatable” description for hooking to the raspberry i can look up?
And if this will fail to - i think i will have to replace one of the boards with the corresponding USB device. Should i use the Enocean or CUL as USB (and keep the other component via UART)?
Thanks for your patience, Michael