SCC@ homegear-gateway @ RPiZero -> GPIOs not initialized as OUTPUT

After installation of homegear-gateway in version 0.7.39-2773 with a SCC on a RPiZero 1.3 with Raspbian stretch 9.8 the GPIO17 and GPIO18 by default both do not get initialized as OUTPUTs. It seems like the default initialized them as INPUTs and do remain.
Because of that the SCC will not be initialized and will not work.
add to
# Set GPIO direction for GPIO17 & GPIO18

sorry, can’t edit links in upper post because too restrict editing rules of this forum…

After installation of homegear-gateway in version 0.7.39-2773 with a SCC on a RPiZero 1.3 with Raspbian stretch 9.8 the GPIO17 and GPIO18 by default both do not get initialized as OUTPUTs. It seems like the default dt-blob.bin initialized them as INPUTs and they do remain.

Because of that the SCC will not be initialized and will not work.

add to boot/config.txt:
# Set GPIO direction for GPIO17 & GPIO18

after next boot the SCC got initialized correct.
after debugging of hours, hope this will help somebody else as well