Paring Invalid device type. Device type has to be provided in hexadecimal format

I installed all and paired 2 Devices. But now I get this error after paring on:
Invalid device type. Device type has to be provided in hexadecimal format.


families select 0
For a list of available family commands type >>help<<.
Family 0> paring on
Invalid device type. Device type has to be provided in hexadecimal format.

Can someone help me please?

HomeMatic Wireless LAN Gateway


Hey Andy,

which version of homegear are you using? I can not reproduce this… albeit I’m using the current nightly.

pi@homegear:~ $ sudo homegear -r
Connected to Homegear (version 0.8.0-2835).

Please type >>help<< to list all available commands.
> fs 0
For a list of available family commands type >>help<<.
Family 0> help
List of commands (shortcut in brackets):

For more information about the individual command type: COMMAND help

pairing on (pon)	Enables pairing mode
pairing off (pof)	Disables pairing mode
peers list (ls)		List all peers
peers add (pa)		Manually adds a peer (without pairing it! Only for testing)
peers remove (prm)	Remove a peer (without unpairing)
peers reset (prs)	Unpair a peer and reset it to factory defaults
peers select (ps)	Select a peer
peers setname (pn)	Name a peer
peers unpair (pup)	Unpair a peer
peers update (pud)	Updates a peer to the newest firmware version
unselect (u)		Unselect this device
Family 0> pairing on
Pairing mode enabled for 60 seconds.
Family 0> 

Ahh, got it. You typed a space ( ) after pairing on.

Family 0> paring on 
Invalid device type. Device type has to be provided in hexadecimal format.

Just remove this or use pon.


Actually paring on without space also produces the error message - I need to check why. The command without the typo (pairing on) works.

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LOL! Did not saw the typo, though.

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