Hallo Allerseits,
ich versuche mich gerade im Einrichten von homegear mit unten genannter Hardware:
RaspberryPi Model B Rev. 2
busware stackable [SCC CC1101](http://busware.de/tiki-index.php?page=SCC_Installation)
Homematic Stellantrieb
Nach dem Querlesen hier im Forum und in diversen blogs komme ich leider doch nicht ganz weiter.
Das SCC Modul blinkt, das pairing mit dem Stellantrieb klappt aus mir unbekannten Gründen aber noch nicht.
$ lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie)
Release: 8.0
Codename: jessie
$ cat /boot/cmdline.txt
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline fsck.repair=yes rootwait
Sobald ich den Stellantrieb in den pairing-Modus schalte und dann versuche mit homegear zu pairen bekomme ich Probleme:
$ sudo homegear -r
Connected to Homegear (version 0.6.13-864).
> families select 0
Device family "HomeMatic BidCoS" selected.
For information about the family's commands type: "help"
(Family)> pairing on
Pairing mode enabled for 60 seconds.
Connection closed
Homegear schliesst einfach die connection.
$ cat /var/log/homegear.err
01/16/17 01:55:44.037 Error: File descriptor is invalid.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
what(): Resource deadlock avoided
Aborted (thread 2862609312, pid 2031)
Stack trace:
01/16/17 01:55:44.351 Info: Process with id 2627 ended.
01/16/17 01:56:05.934 Error: A core file exists in Homegear's working directory ("/var/lib/homegear/core"). Please send this file to the Homegear team including information about your system (Linux distribution, CPU architecture), the Homegear version, the current log files and information what might've caused the error.
Was steckt in dem binary /var/lib/homegear/core
welches ob im stack trace erwähnt wird?
$ cat /var/log/homegear.log
01/16/17 01:37:45.274 Starting UPnP server...
01/16/17 01:37:45.279 Error: A core file exists in Homegear's working directory ("/var/lib/homegear/core"). Please send this file to the Homegear team including information about
your system (Linux distribution, CPU architecture), the Homegear version, the current log files and information what might've caused the error.
01/16/17 01:37:45.280 Info: UPnP server: Binding to address:
01/16/17 01:37:45.281 UPnP Server: Info: Started listening.
01/16/17 01:55:12.129 Info: CLI connection accepted. Client number: 50
01/16/17 01:55:34.074 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: COC "SCC": Warning: Too short packet received:
01/16/17 01:55:44.037 Error: File descriptor is invalid.
01/16/17 01:55:44.894 Info: Process with id 2626 ended.
01/16/17 01:55:52.681 Starting Homegear...
01/16/17 01:55:52.682 Homegear version 0.6.13-864
Was übersehe ich? @sathya sehe ich es richtig, dass du der Maintainer des homematic Modules bist?
Vielleicht hast du ein paar Tipps was ich noch versuchen könnte?
Danke schon einmal für Eure Hilfe!
Hier noch der (hoffentlich) relevante Teil aus /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf
######### COC, SCC, CSM, CCD #########
## The device family this interface is for
## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
id = SCC
## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
default = true
## Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cunx, hmcfglan, hmlgw, hm-mod-rpi-pcb
## Also use "coc" for SCC, CCD and CSM
deviceType = coc
device = /dev/ttyAMA0
## Default: responseDelay = 95
## Should be "95" for CUL or COC, "100" for TI CC1101 and "60" for HM-CFG-LAN or HM-LGW
responseDelay = 95
## Default: gpio1 = 0
## "17" for COC, SCC and CCD. Empty for CSM.
gpio1 = 17
## Default: gpio2 = 0
## "18" for COC and SCC. "22" for CCD. Empty for CSM.
gpio2 = 18
## Default: stackPosition = 0 (= no stacking)
## Set stackPosition if you use the SCC and stacked multiple devices.
## Set stackPosition to "1" for the lowest device, to "2" for the device
## above that and so on.
# stackPosition = 0