Nach Stromausfall keine Kommunikation mehr

Hallo zusammen,
Ich hatte heute einen kurzen Stromausfall. Nach dem reboot scheint der RPCServer irgend ein Problem zu haben.
Openhab und Hm-Manager können nicht mehr auf die Homematickomponenten zugreifen.
Error log:

03/11/16 18:51:07.720 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC method not found: getAllScripts 03/11/16 18:51:07.729 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC method not found: getAllScripts 03/11/16 18:51:17.522 Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/11/16 18:51:17.523 Warning: Error calling XML RPC method "system.listMethods" on server binary:// with port 9125. Error struct: 03/11/16 18:51:17.523 Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/11/16 18:51:17.523 Error calling XML RPC method "listDevices" on server binary:// with port 9125. Error struct: 03/11/16 18:56:17.544 Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/11/16 18:56:17.544 Warning: Error calling XML RPC method "system.listMethods" on server binary:// with port 9125. Error struct: 03/11/16 18:56:17.545 Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/11/16 18:56:17.545 Error calling XML RPC method "listDevices" on server binary:// with port 9125. Error struct: 03/11/16 18:57:17.573 Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/11/16 18:57:17.574 Warning: Error calling XML RPC method "system.listMethods" on server binary:// with port 9125. Error struct: 03/11/16 18:57:17.574 Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/11/16 18:57:17.574 Error calling XML RPC method "listDevices" on server binary:// with port 9125. Error struct:

Homegear log:

03/11/16 19:02:22.755 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 17 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 03/11/16 19:02:37.761 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 17 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 03/11/16 19:02:52.766 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 17 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 03/11/16 19:03:07.739 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 17 is calling RPC method: init Parameters: (String) binary://:9125 03/11/16 19:03:07.745 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 17 is calling RPC method: init Parameters: (String) binary://:9125 (String) RF-b871e4d0 03/11/16 19:03:07.751 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 17 closed (3). 03/11/16 19:03:07.771 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 18 03/11/16 19:03:07.771 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 18 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 03/11/16 19:03:17.746 Info: Calling XML RPC method "system.listMethods" on server binary:// and port 9125. 03/11/16 19:03:17.746 Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/11/16 19:03:17.747 Warning: Error calling XML RPC method "system.listMethods" on server binary:// with port 9125. Error struct: (Struct length=2) { [faultCode] { (Integer) -32700 } [faultString] { (String) No response data. } } 03/11/16 19:03:17.747 Info: Calling XML RPC method "listDevices" on server binary:// and port 9125. 03/11/16 19:03:17.747 Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/11/16 19:03:17.748 Error calling XML RPC method "listDevices" on server binary:// with port 9125. Error struct: (Struct length=2) { [faultCode] { (Integer) -32700 } [faultString] { (String) No response data. } } 03/11/16 19:03:22.775 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 18 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters: 03/11/16 19:03:28.720 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-COC, RSSI: 0x3F): 0CF1867025137600000000E22C 03/11/16 19:03:37.780 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 18 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces Parameters:

Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?

Beste Grüsse


HiHi, Auch aus der Nähe von Hamburg? Haben gestern auch eine Ausfall gehabt. Ich habe dann einfach mal alles per Hand durchgestartet und jetzt geht es wieder.


Nö aus der Schweiz :slight_smile:
Habe ich bereits versucht. Service homegear stop und danach wieder start --> kein erfolg.
Auch das ganze raspi reboot hat leider nichts gebracht…


wenn der Neustart nicht funktioniert, dann habe ich leider keine IDee. Welche Version fährst du?


Ich fahre die aktuelle Version aus dem Repository für Raspbian 8.

Ist das die 0.6? oder noch die 0.5. Bei der 0.5 könnte es sein, dass die Datenbank korrupt ist, da die Daten erst beim Beenden des Services geschrieben werden und nicht wie bei der 0.6 sofort.


grrr ich dachte ich hätte, war aber leider eine 0.5 Version.
Ich habe das Update gemacht, kann ich die DB irgendwie reparieren?

Danke für die Unterstützung.

Beste Grüsse


So jetzt ist das System auf 0.6.1
Leider geht immer noch nichts… ;-(

folgendes steht im Error log.

03/16/16 17:11:31.129 Warning: Error calling XML RPC method "system.listMethods" on server binary:// with port 9125. Error struct: 03/16/16 17:11:31.130 Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/16/16 17:11:31.131 Error calling XML RPC method "listDevices" on server binary:// with port 9125. Error struct: 03/16/16 17:36:38.128 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/16/16 17:36:38.211 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/16/16 17:36:38.294 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/16/16 17:36:38.344 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/16/16 17:36:38.395 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/16/16 17:44:25.854 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/16/16 17:44:25.871 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/16/16 17:44:25.894 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/16/16 17:44:25.907 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/16/16 17:44:25.923 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/20/16 16:30:28.206 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/20/16 16:30:28.227 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/20/16 16:30:28.249 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/20/16 16:30:28.262 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/20/16 16:30:28.278 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/". Symbol "getFamilyId" not found. 03/20/16 16:30:28.503 Warning: File physicalinterfaces.conf exists in config directory. Interface configuration has been moved to /etc/homegear/families/ 03/20/16 16:30:31.476 RPC client: Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/20/16 16:30:31.476 RPC client: RPC Client: Error: hostname is empty. 03/20/16 16:35:31.500 RPC client: Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/20/16 16:35:31.500 RPC client: RPC Client: Error: hostname is empty. 03/20/16 16:36:31.542 RPC client: Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/20/16 16:36:31.542 RPC client: RPC Client: Error: hostname is empty. 03/20/16 16:38:31.596 RPC client: Error: Server's address too short: binary:// 03/20/16 16:38:31.597 RPC client: RPC Client: Error: hostname is empty.



Hm, es scheint mir, dass homegear richtig funktioniert, die Anfrage aber nicht richtig ist. Hast Du die neuen Config Files entsprechend angepasst? Die sind unter /etc/homegear/families/ zu finden. Hier müssen die Daten aus der physicalinterfaces.conf eingetragen werden und dann kann die physicalinterfaces.conf weg.


Ich habe nun das homegear nochmals komplett neu Installiert…
Die Konfig homematicbidcos.conf habe ich angepasst.
nun habe ich folgendes error…

03/20/16 19:25:12.494 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 330 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open GPIO value file "/sys/class/gpio/gpio18/value": Permission denied 03/20/16 19:25:12.494 Failed to set GPIO with index "2": Device not open. 03/20/16 19:25:12.494 Failed to set GPIO with index "2": Device not open. 03/20/16 19:25:12.495 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 330 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open GPIO value file "/sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value": Permission denied 03/20/16 19:25:12.495 Failed to set GPIO with index "1": Device not open. 03/20/16 19:25:12.495 Failed to set GPIO with index "1": Device not open. 03/20/16 19:25:13.495 Failed to set GPIO with index "1": Device not open.

######### COC, SCC, CSM, CCD #########

The device family this interface is for


Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear

id = My-COC

When default is set to “true” Homegear will assign this device

to new peers.

default = true

Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cunx, hmcfglan, hmlgw, hm-mod-rpi-pcb

Also use “coc” for SCC, CCD and CSM

deviceType = coc

device = /dev/ttyAMA0

Default: responseDelay = 95

Should be “95” for CUL or COC, “100” for TI CC1101 and “60” for HM-CFG-LAN or HM-LGW

responseDelay = 95

Default: gpio1 = 0

“17” for COC, SCC and CCD. Empty for CSM.

gpio1 = 17

Default: gpio2 = 0

“18” for COC and SCC. “22” for CCD. Empty for CSM.

gpio2 = 18

Default: stackPosition = 0 (= no stacking)

Set stackPosition if you use the SCC and stacked multiple devices.

Set stackPosition to “1” for the lowest device, to “2” for the device

above that and so on.

stackPosition = 0


Hast du mir da auch einen Ratschlag? Danke schon jetzt für die Unterstützung.

Grüsse Silvan

Wer sucht der findet! Liegt an den rulses.

Gibt es dazu eine Erklärung. Ich kann die Antwort jetzt nicht einordnen.


Klar sorry hatte ich vergesse.

Es läuft zwar immer noch nicht, aber das Log ist jetzt Fehler frei.
Werde mich heute Abend nochmals dem Problem annehmen… :slight_smile:

