MAX! Thermostat (Variablen/Parameter) mit Admin-UI konfigurieren

I found that it’ possible to show (and change) a value of channel 1 parms in the Admin-UI, if I modify device definitions for BC-RT-TRX-CyN. But I have no idea what other effects this change will have.

Since I’m not running homematic, home-assistant or OpenHAB for now I can’t check.
Do you have BC-RT-TRX-CyN or BC-RT-TRX-CyG devices? Then I can try to build more complete modification for one of them. If you are willing to do some tests, this would be great…

Btw. I’m using a modified -credit free- firmware on my CUBe’s for testing purposes. I don’t understand anyway, why it should be better to use 100 cubes with each 1% limit then only 1 cube with no restrictions …


@fow0ryl Very interesting!.. Btw, where did you find such firmware?!? Does it keep the original function or does it become a CUL? I have that one… Also can you provide the change in the device definition?

I initaly find a hint to a-culfw nocredits firmware here and started flashing my CUBe’s with the provided version. But fiddeling with a terminal to write new a-culfw versions was laborious.
Then I found this german blog where I was pointed to “Neuer Bootloader”.
So I changed the bootloader again to the newest version from here, but still using the firmware provided in the home-assistant forum.
I asked where to get other firmware versions but got no answer.
Then I found some sources at github mattwires culfw.
With this knowledge it should be easy to modify the actual version provided by heliflieger for every supported device.
Credit’s from 1% to 100% sould be possible too.

Ok, thanks, i know that firmware. I thought you had found one that maintained full compatibility with the MAX system… I created an interface with a CC1101 connected directly to the Raspberry4 that works as a Homeassistant server; the power of the Rasp4 microprocessor is enough to run Homeassistant, Homegear and even Motion where I have connected some surveillance cameras. Previously I was using a Rasp3 with a CUL (Arduino board + CC1101) connected to the USB port. Interesting the change to the definition of the device, can you tell me what you have changed? I immediately try to implement …

For now I have only changed the device definition. In the log I found that changing a value is executed.
Since I haven’t made anything with smart home until last chrismas, I dont know if the changes really changes the values on the devices. Never used node-red or node-blue yet.
Do you have node-blue flows to set & request the values directly from a device?
Can you provide them?

I simply moved some definitions in the xml file from variables to parms. And thus they are displayed…BC-RT-TRX-CyN.xml (134,2 KB)
Since XML is text based you can make a simple diff to show the changes.

thanks will see it right away…
Sorry, not used node blue/red

Hello everyone,

as stated before, the issue is known. But due to the lack of the affected device I’m not able to reproduce the issue. The code is the same for all other devices, so I’m stuck here :man_shrugging:

And yes, we’re absolutely interested in your feedback and trying to integrate new features as fast as possible. Unfortunately time is short …

– Micha

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Hi all,
finally found the problem, thank you to @fow0ryl
It’s sufficient to add the missing definition for channel 2

	<function channel="2" type="NOT_USED" channelCount="0">

no other modifications required to the xml definition file.
The bug appears to be into the device definition file parser …

Now I try to edit other device definitions…

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For wall thermostat BC-TC-C-WM-4 added two unused channels and it works

	<function channel="2" type="NOT_USED" channelCount="0">
	<function channel="3" type="NOT_USED" channelCount="0">


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Could you do a pull-request for GitHub - Homegear/Homegear-MAX: MAX! module for Homegear?
The device description files are part of the package.

Ok, at this point a deep breath …
I did other tests, currently I have the nightly build 3169 version, the variables of channel 1 appear regularly in the configuration page without any changes in the definition files.
At this point the only “error” I see is the presence of channel 2 in the configuration parameters page, but it is empty so I would say it is not a problem …
I can’t say more now … Can you check?

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I don’t have a MAX installation any more, sorry.
Maybe @fow0ryl can check?

it’s a little bit mysterious…
I’m using 0.8.0-3128 and I have added the “function” blocks to the device definitions, for BC-RT-TRX-CyG, BC-TC-C-WM-4 and BC-RT-TRX-CyN. But it’s like as I even did not change anything…

  • Channel 1 and all Parms are missing
  • Channel 2 is there and empty

I will try an update to 0.8.0-3169 on Raspian Buster (it’s only 1 version newer then 3128) to have a look. But I would like to take an image of the SD-Card before :slight_smile:
Just wait and see.

If 3169 should work fine (I pray and hope). Then a dev should be able to find the bug within the diff.

Ok, update was not as easy as it cloud be, since I got an error PATH has to be extended but finaly I got it.

And wow. When looking at the device details, there is a new button “Edit variables / Variablen bearbeiten”. And there is no dependency to modified or unmodified device.xml files. So somewat in the code must have changed…

Of course the empty “channel 2” stays in the parms setup page. But that’s in fact is no huge problem. Just cosmetics.

For me one big open question still remains.
What is the difference between a “parmeters” tag and a “variables” tag in homegear language?

Did yout try to move a variables tag to a parameters tag, like I did?

I can think that the variables represent values that change during operation while the parameters are persistent configurations, for example the various temperatures of the weekly program.
Anyway I didn’t try to swap the values, the test I did was to add the only empty definition of channel 2 … Most likely this addition did not have any effect as the system was already working!
I’m sorry I didn’t try with the old 3115 version I had until yesterday!

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That was also my first thought about variables and parameters.
But lets have a look, i.e. at BOOST_TIME_PERIOD a enumaration which represents a value of x minutes.
I hope we agree, that it is not a typical value which is changed regularly during operation.

In Homematic HM-CC-RT-DN device it is defined under Channel 0 -> Device Configuration Parameters. As expected.

But in MAX! BC-RT-TRX-CyN device it is defined under Channel 1 -> Variables.
This is the unexpected one.

That is strange. So ether your assumption (and mine too) is wrong, or the device definiton is wrong…

In fact the thing is ambiguous however I can tell you that that value is actually defined among the variables of channel 1 (it is not an error of the Homegear definition files) as even Homematic Manager places it in the same position …

Not fine, but I can live with that strange behavior.

In Germany - at the time of the cold war- there was a saying:
“Just to confuse the russian secret service”

:smile: :smile: :wink: I agree

Hi all,

the reason is, that MAX! doesn’t really have configuration. Everything is treated as a variable. That is way configuration parameters are found in channel 1. That doesn’t really help either, but at least you now know the why…



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