Max! eq3 cube issues

I own a max! eq3 cube with wall and radiator thermostats. Since I had issues with the cube reseting every now and then, I flashed it with the CUL/CUN firmware and it worked well for several months.
However I now have some issues : it seems the communication b/w the wall thermostat and/or the cube is failing and the thermostats have consumed a whole set of batteries in 1 month where the previous ones lasted almost 1 year, and nothing have changed (position or composition)
I would bet that it is the communication between devices and the cube that fails since even valves not linked to a wall thermostat seem to drain the batteries.
Any idea how to investigate/solve the issue?

alternatively, would it be possible to replace the cube with something else?
thanks for your help!

Hi @Ganfoud,

a Homegear log would help for a start. It shows how many packets are sent/received.



Hi @sathya
thanks for your answer
It seems now that the radiator valves are not draining the batteries anymore
After investigating some more I confirm the issue is from the wall thermostats: if I don’t pair them with the radiator vanes, I don’t have the issue on the radiators any more, only on the thermostats.

I tried resetting the thermostat, I moved it within 1 meter of the cube with direct view, and I still have the antenna symbol flashing once a second most of the time.

And it happens with the both wall thermostats I own.

The log of the last hours is there

edit: it seems there is more to it: right now, for example, I have 2 vanes which show a set temperature of 20.5° and 20°, and on the MQTT it shows 17°, and if I do a curl -X GET I also have 17° as a result, so there is an issue between the data on the vane and the data coming from homegear
However I cannot say if this is a homegear issue or the cube which is providing the wrong values…

Hi @Ganfoud,

it looks like this packet is the culprit:


In the time period it’s sent 530 times. And I’d guess it’s a wake-on-radio packet. If the latter is the case, it’s definitely draining your batteries. The RSSI is pretty good, so the sending device is probably close to the cube. I’d remove the device’s batteries one by one and check the log, if the packet still appears.

Regarding the second problem: Homegear returns the last value that either was set in Homegear or sent by the device. If there is no packet from the device or Homegear did not receive it, the value is not updated.

