Hallo Sathya,
bisher habe ich eine funktionierende Installation mit openhab 1.8.1 und homegear 0.5.25-1 . Ich verwende HM-CFG-LAN.
Bin nun dabei mir eine neue SD-Karte für meinen BananaPi mit Bananian 16.04 einzurichten.
Dabei kommt openhab 1.8.1 und homegear 0.6.14-874 zum Einsatz.
Habe das openhab-Verzeichnis 1:1 auf die neue SD-Karte kopiert, die db.sql von der alten SD-Karte eingespielt
und die homegear-Konfiguration aus “physicalinterfaces.conf” nach “homematicbidcos.conf” entsprechend portiert.
Mit der homegear-Konsole werden mir alle Homematic-Devices fehlerfrei angezeigt und
ich empfange in Openhab von meinen Heizkörperthermostaten (HM-CC-RT-DN) die aktuellen Temperaturen.
Das Senden einer Temperaturvorgabe an die Heizkörperthermostate funktioniert allerdings nicht.
Auch das Schalten von HM-LC-Bl1-FM, HM-LC-Sw1-FM und HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-DN-R1 funktioniert nicht.
In openhab.log bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung, wenn ich eine Ausgabe anstoße:
20:05:56.458 ERROR org.openhab.model.script.Info[:83] - setting UserTemperatureGfBathroomManual to: 20 20:06:00.288 ERROR o.o.b.h.i.c.HomematicCommunicator[:290] - -100 No answer from device. (sending BinRpcRequest[methodName=setValue,args={LEQ0775830:4,MANU_MODE,20.0}]) org.openhab.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.client.HomematicClientException: -100 No answer from device. (sending BinRpcRequest[methodName=setValue,args={LEQ0775830:4,MANU_MODE,20.0}]) at org.openhab.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.client.BinRpcClient.sendMessage(BinRpcClient.java:224) Caused by: java.io.IOException: -100 No answer from device. at org.openhab.binding.homematic.internal.communicator.client.BinRpcClient.sendMessage(BinRpcClient.java:210)
in homegear.err:
01/22/17 20:05:59.495 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: 0CE1B011FD00012D9DC0810428 01/22/17 20:06:02.204 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: 0CE1B011FD00012D9DC0810428 01/22/17 20:06:04.243 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: 0CE1B011FD00012D9DC0810428
in homegear.log:
01/22/17 20:05:57.635 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 28
01/22/17 20:05:57.636 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 28 is: 13
01/22/17 20:05:57.638 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 28 is calling RPC method: setValue (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ0775830:4
(String) MANU_MODE
(Float) 20
01/22/17 20:05:57.640 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter “My-HM-CFG-LAN”: Info: Sending (My-HM-CFG-LAN): 0CE1B011FD00012D9DC0810428
01/22/17 20:05:59.494 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter “My-HM-CFG-LAN”: Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: 0CE1B011FD00012D9DC0810428
01/22/17 20:06:00.203 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 28 closed (3).
01/22/17 20:06:00.247 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/22/17 20:06:00.248 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 5). Retrying…
01/22/17 20:06:00.307 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 29
01/22/17 20:06:00.308 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 29 is: 14
01/22/17 20:06:00.311 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 29 is calling RPC method: getAllValues (2) Parameters:
(Boolean) 1
01/22/17 20:06:00.355 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter “My-HM-CFG-LAN”: Info: Sending (My-HM-CFG-LAN): 0CE1B011FD00012D9DC0810428
01/22/17 20:06:00.465 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 29 closed (3).
01/22/17 20:06:00.483 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 30
01/22/17 20:06:00.484 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 30 is: 15
01/22/17 20:06:00.489 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 30 is calling RPC method: getAllSystemVariables (2) Parameters:
01/22/17 20:06:00.494 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 30 closed (3).
01/22/17 20:06:01.543 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 31
01/22/17 20:06:01.544 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 31 is: 16
01/22/17 20:06:01.545 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 31 is calling RPC method: getAllValues (2) Parameters:
(Boolean) 1
01/22/17 20:06:01.628 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 31 closed (3).
01/22/17 20:06:02.204 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter “My-HM-CFG-LAN”: Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: 0CE1B011FD00012D9DC0810428
01/22/17 20:06:02.369 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
01/22/17 20:06:02.370 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 5). Retrying…
Komme momentan nicht weiter, hast Du eine Idee?
Viele Grüße