zunächst einmal ein fettes Dankeschön für dieses tolle Projekt! als ich vor ein paar Jahren nach ähnlichem googelte hab ich nur rein kommerzielle Produkte gefunden! Super was hier aufgebaut wurde!
Nun zu meinem Problem: ich hatte nach anfangs Schwierigkeiten zwei hm Thermostate korrekt angemeldet und alles lief prima. dann hab ich noch ein drittes dazu bestellt. Dieses habe ich aber ums verrecken nicht anmelden können (auslesen ging aber per ‘peer add’). In meiner Verzweiflung habe ich dann das ganze neu aufgesetzt (purge homegear & komplett reset der hm devices) - jetzt bekomme ich keine gültige Anmeldung mehr hin.
Kann es sein, das sich das cc1101 verabschiedet hat?
Mein System: Raspian, die homegear apt source zusätzlich eingetragen und den nightly build von gestern (03.09.) installiert; Hardware der pollin cc1101
physicaldevices. conf:
Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
id = houseCC1101
When default is set to “true” Homegear will assign this device
to new peers.
default = true
Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cuno, hmcfglan, hmlgw
deviceType = cc1100
device = /dev/spidev0.0
Default: responseDelay = 95
Should be “95” for CUL or COC, “100” for TI CC1101 and “60” for HM-CFG-LAN or HM-LGW
responseDelay = 100
The interrupt pin to use. “0” for GDO0 or “2” for GDO2.
You only need to connect one of them. Specify the GPIO
you connected the interrupt pin to below.
interruptPin = 0
The GPIO GDO0 or GDO2 is connected to. Specify which GDO to use above.
gpio1 = 25[/code]
das sieht auch gut aus, denke ich:
09/03/15 23:26:24.272 Debug: Reading config for physical device family HomeMatic BidCoS
09/03/15 23:26:24.272 Debug: id of family HomeMatic BidCoS set to houseCC1101
09/03/15 23:26:24.272 Debug: default of family HomeMatic BidCoS set to 1
09/03/15 23:26:24.272 Debug: deviceType of family HomeMatic BidCoS set to cc1100
09/03/15 23:26:24.272 Debug: device of family HomeMatic BidCoS set to /dev/spidev0.0
09/03/15 23:26:24.272 Debug: responseDelay of family HomeMatic BidCoS set to 100
09/03/15 23:26:24.272 Debug: interruptPin of family HomeMatic BidCoS set to 0
09/03/15 23:26:24.273 Debug: GPIO1 of family HomeMatic BidCoS set to 25
09/03/15 23:26:24.273 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Creating physical device. Type defined in physicalinterfaces.conf is: cc1100
09/03/15 23:26:24.273 Initializing database...
09/03/15 23:26:24.278 Initializing family controller...
09/03/15 23:26:24.278 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading XML RPC devices...
09/03/15 23:26:24.280 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sci_3.xml
was mich wundert sind diese log Einträge über die hm device 1, 2 und misc 3…, obwohl ich auf einem sauberen System (purge homegear & rES aller HM Geräte)
09/03/15 23:26:26.009 Module Miscellaneous: Loading XML RPC devices...
09/03/15 23:26:26.009 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/254/Template.xml
09/03/15 23:26:26.012 Loading devices...
09/03/15 23:26:26.013 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading HomeMatic BidCoS device 1
09/03/15 23:26:26.016 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading HomeMatic BidCoS device 2
09/03/15 23:26:26.020 Module Miscellaneous: Loading Miscellaneous device 3
09/03/15 23:26:26.021 Start listening for packets...
09/03/15 23:26:26.022 Debug: GPIO path for GPIO with index 1 and device cc1100 set to "/sys/class/gpio/gpio25".
09/03/15 23:26:26.023 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Sending: 30
09/03/15 23:26:26.024 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Received: 0F
09/03/15 23:26:26.024 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Sending: 005B
09/03/15 23:26:26.024 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F
09/03/15 23:26:26.024 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Sending: 8000
09/03/15 23:26:26.024 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Received: 005B
09/03/15 23:26:26.025 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Sending: 012E
09/03/15 23:26:26.025 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F
09/03/15 23:26:26.025 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Sending: 8100
Bedeutet der log part sending / received (s. o.) das der cc1101 noch funktioniert oder kann das auch kommen obwohl das teil evtl hinüber ist?
Wenn ich nun versuche zu pairen passiert leider gar nix! Da es ursprünglich über den hm-manager funktionierte versuche ich es darüber aber es scheint nix anzukommen… ich weiss nicht wie oft ich diese Anmelde Prozedur probiert habe, aber ich glaube ich mache seit Tagen nix anderes…
[code]09/03/15 23:26:26.093 Startup complete. Waiting for physical interfaces to connect.
09/03/15 23:26:26.093 All physical interfaces are connected now.
09/03/15 23:26:26.093 Starting UPnP server…
09/03/15 23:26:26.093 Info: UPnP server: Binding to address:
09/03/15 23:26:26.094 UPnP Server: Info: Started listening.
09/03/15 23:26:45.754 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 7
09/03/15 23:26:45.757 RPC Server (Port 2001): Listening for incoming packets from client number 7.
09/03/15 23:26:45.758 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Packet received: 504F5354202F20485454502F312E310D0A557365722D4167656E743A204E6F64654A5320584D4C2D5250432043
09/03/15 23:26:45.759 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 7 is calling RPC method: setInstallMode Parameters: (Boolean) 1 (Integer) 60 (Integer) 1
09/03/15 23:26:45.760 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pairing mode enabled.
09/03/15 23:26:45.760 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response:
09/03/15 23:26:45.760 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response packet: HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M Connection: Keep-Alive^M Content-Type: text/xml^M Content-Length: 96^M ^M
09/03/15 23:26:45.792 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 7 closed (3).
09/03/15 23:27:26.802 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets.
09/03/15 23:27:35.807 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Joining read thread of client 0
09/03/15 23:27:35.807 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Client 0 removed.
09/03/15 23:27:45.782 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pairing mode disabled.[/code]
Ist also mein cc1101 ggf kaputt oder gibt es noch andere mögliche Fehlerquellen? Ich bin über alle Anhaltspunkte dankbar!
----- edit -----
wenn ich eins der devices jetzt per “peers add” hinzufüge kann ich durchaus Werte lesen, bekomme aber Fehler im homegear.err:
09/04/15 08:55:50.557 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/TICC1100.cpp line 666 in function uint8_t BidCoS::TICC1100::writeRegister(BidCoS::TICC1100::Registers::Enum, uint8_t, bool): Error (check) writing to register 0.
09/04/15 08:55:50.558 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/TICC1100.cpp line 666 in function uint8_t BidCoS::TICC1100::writeRegister(BidCoS::TICC1100::Registers::Enum, uint8_t, bool): Error (check) writing to register 1.
09/04/15 08:55:50.588 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/TICC1100.cpp line 666 in function uint8_t BidCoS::TICC1100::writeRegister(BidCoS::TICC1100::Registers::Enum, uint8_t, bool): Error (check) writing to register 45.
09/04/15 08:55:50.588 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/TICC1100.cpp line 666 in function uint8_t BidCoS::TICC1100::writeRegister(BidCoS::TICC1100::Registers::Enum, uint8_t, bool): Error (check) writing to register 62.
09/04/15 08:56:01.666 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Warning: Timing problem. Sending took more than 100ms. Do you have enough system resources?
und im homegear log steht analog
09/04/15 08:55:52.562 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Sending from resend thread 0 of queue 0.
09/04/15 08:55:53.674 Connection to client number 7 closed.
09/04/15 08:55:58.774 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 0 for BidCoS peer with address 0x37ED3B
09/04/15 08:56:00.128 (Shutdown) => Stopping Homegear (Signal: 15)
09/04/15 08:56:00.128 (Shutdown) => Stopping CLI server
09/04/15 08:56:00.625 Stopping UPnP server...
09/04/15 08:56:00.648 Info: Waiting for event threads to finish.
09/04/15 08:56:00.649 (Shutdown) => Stopping RPC servers
09/04/15 08:56:01.665 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Sending: F300
09/04/15 08:56:01.665 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Received: 0000
09/04/15 08:56:01.665 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: BidCoS packet received, but CRC failed.
09/04/15 08:56:01.666 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Sending: 36
09/04/15 08:56:01.666 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Received: 00
09/04/15 08:56:01.666 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Sending: 3B
09/04/15 08:56:01.666 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Received: 00
09/04/15 08:56:01.666 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Warning: Timing problem. Sending took more than 100ms. Do you have enough system resources?
09/04/15 08:56:01.667 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Sending: 35
09/04/15 08:56:01.667 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Received: 00
09/04/15 08:56:02.027 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Sending: 7F0C77E3AE7742531819CE2C0CB9
09/04/15 08:56:02.028 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Debug: Received: 0000000000000000000000000000
09/04/15 08:56:02.028 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X "houseCC1101": Info: Sending (houseCC1101): 0C01B011FD114D37ED3B860409
Für mich scheint es so das das CC1101 funkt und empfängt oder?