Kein Pairing HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM


ich habe Probleme beim Pairen von HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM Devices mit Homegear auf einem Raspberry mit COC Board.
Die Geräte erscheinen nicht in der Übericht und ich kann auch keinen Fehler in den Logs finden. Die HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM Devices habe ich auch schon mal in den Auslieferungszustand zurückversetzt.

Unter FHEM läuft das ganze. Andere Devices konnte ich auch erfolgreich Pairen:

(Device)> ls
         ID │ Name                      │  Address │ Serial Number │ Type │ Type String               │ Firmware │ Config Pending │ Unreach
            │                           │          │               │      │                           │          │                │        
          1 │ Temperatur Wohnzimmer     │   1EA6F4 │    JEQ0709465 │ 0039 │                  HM-CC-TC │      2.1 │             No │      No
          2 │ Rauchmelder Monika        │   22F6B7 │    KEQ0745262 │ 0042 │                 HM-Sec-SD │      1.0 │             No │      No
          3 │ Rauchmelder Schlafzimmer  │   22FD87 │    KEQ0746819 │ 0042 │                 HM-Sec-SD │      1.0 │             No │      No
          4 │ Rauchmelder Ansgar        │   22FE1B │    KEQ0746968 │ 0042 │                 HM-Sec-SD │      1.0 │             No │      No
 0x40000002 │                           │   22F6B7 │   *KEQ0745262 │ 0042 │                           │        ? │             No │      No
 0x40000003 │                           │   22FD87 │   *KEQ0746819 │ 0042 │                           │        ? │             No │      No
 0x40000004 │                           │   22FE1B │   *KEQ0746968 │ 0042 │                           │        ? │             No │      No

Bei debuglevel 5 gibt es folgenden Outout im homegear.log:

03/08/15 11:03:12.212 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-COC, RSSI: 0x2E): 1A4B840029CF6000000023006A4C45513032313834363230010100
03/08/15 11:03:12.213 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Device 1: Access granted for packet 1A4B840029CF6000000023006A4C45513032313834363230010100
03/08/15 11:03:12.214 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Creating SAVEPOINT BidCoSQueue2740064_6
03/08/15 11:03:12.220 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pushing pending queues.
03/08/15 11:03:12.220 Info (My-COC): Packet processing took 7 ms.
03/08/15 11:03:12.306 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: COC "My-COC": Info: Sending (My-COC): 10B1A001FD179429CF6000050000000000
03/08/15 11:03:12.306 Debug: Writing: As10B1A001FD179429CF6000050000000000

03/08/15 11:03:12.509 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Sending from resend thread 0 of queue 6.
03/08/15 11:03:12.510 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: COC "My-COC": Info: Sending (My-COC): 10B1A001FD179429CF6000050000000000
03/08/15 11:03:12.510 Debug: Writing: As10B1A001FD179429CF6000050000000000

03/08/15 11:03:12.711 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Sending from resend thread 1 of queue 6.
03/08/15 11:03:12.713 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: COC "My-COC": Info: Sending (My-COC): 10B1A001FD179429CF6000050000000000
03/08/15 11:03:12.713 Debug: Writing: As10B1A001FD179429CF6000050000000000

03/08/15 11:03:12.914 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Sending from resend thread 2 of queue 6.
03/08/15 11:03:12.915 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: COC "My-COC": Info: Sending (My-COC): 10B1A001FD179429CF6000050000000000
03/08/15 11:03:12.916 Debug: Writing: As10B1A001FD179429CF6000050000000000

03/08/15 11:03:14.726 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 6 for BidCoS peer with address 0x29CF60
03/08/15 11:03:14.726 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Releasing SAVEPOINT BidCoSQueue2740064_6

Kann mir jemand einen Tipp geben, was hier falsch ist? Danke.

Gruß Ansgar

Hallo Ansgar,

der Aktor akzeptiert das CONFIG_START-Paket nicht. Der wahrscheinlichste Grund ist, dass der Reset nicht erfolgreich war. Versuch noch einmal einen Werksreset. Dann sollte es eigentlich klappen. Ein anderer Grund, weshalb das Zurücksetzen fehlschlägt kann sein, dass irgendwann einmal AES am Aktor aktiviert war. Kann das sein?

Liebe Grüße


Hallo Sathya,

danke für die schnelle Antwort.

AES kann ich ausschließen, das geht doch meines Wissens nur mit HMLAN und HMUSB. Ich habe und hatte nur das Busware COC Board. Mit FHEM lief das ganze auch.

Das Zurücksetzen in den Auslieferungszustand (4 Sekunden Config-Taster drücken) hatte ich auch schon probiert. Ich versuche es heute Abend noch einmal.

Gruß Ansgar

Hallo Ansgar,

Zurücksetzen: Konfigurationstaste solange drücken, bis die LED langsam blinkt. Dann erneut solange drücken, bis sie schnell blinkt. Nach dem Loslassen sollte das Gerät dann neu starten.

Sollte klappen :wink:.

Liebe Grüße


Hallo Sathya,

es war das Reset. Den zweiten Teil habe ich wohl nicht richtig ausgeführt.
Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil. :blush:

Nun geht das Pairing.
Vielen Dank.

Gruß Ansgar

Hallo zusammen,
ich habe gleiches Problem. Bekomme den [HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM] nicht gepaired obwohl die Kommunikation im Log gut aussieht. Den Reset habe ich erfoglreich durchgeführt.

Nutze Ubuntu 20.04, nanocul 1.67 CUL868 Hardware version CUL_V3.

  • libhomegear-base: 0.7.48-3324
  • libhomegear-node: 0.1.7-52
  • libhomegear-ipc: 0.1.2-41

Wenn ich in den pairing modus gehe sehe ich folgende Logs, aber das Gerärt wird nicht gepaired:

05/25/21 22:28:55.492 Starting Homegear...
05/25/21 22:28:55.494 Homegear version: 0.7.48-3324
05/25/21 22:28:55.494 Determining maximum thread count...
05/25/21 22:29:02.664 Maximum thread count is: 9000
05/25/21 22:29:02.677 Info: Backing up database...
05/25/21 22:29:02.690 Initializing database...
05/25/21 22:29:02.727 Homegear instance ID: 0005C32C541BB0EB-12C877D8-D56E-E48D-2938-E600BC92F086
05/25/21 22:29:02.727 Debug: Loading licensing modules
05/25/21 22:29:02.727 Initializing system variable controller...
05/25/21 22:29:02.731 Debug: Loading family modules
05/25/21 22:29:02.731 Info: Loading family module (type 1)
05/25/21 22:29:02.736 Info: Loading settings from /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf
05/25/21 22:29:02.738 Info: Loading family module (type 1)
05/25/21 22:29:02.743 Info: Loading settings from /etc/homegear/families/miscellaneous.conf
05/25/21 22:29:02.743 Info: Setting up physical interfaces and GPIOs...
05/25/21 22:29:02.743 Info: Dropping privileges to user homegear (126) and group homegear (133)
05/25/21 22:29:02.749 Info: Homegear is (now) running as user with id 126 and group with id 133.
05/25/21 22:29:02.762 Starting script engine server...
05/25/21 22:29:02.769 Initializing licensing controller...
05/25/21 22:29:02.769 Loading licensing controller data...
05/25/21 22:29:02.769 Loading devices...
05/25/21 22:29:02.769 Loading XML RPC devices...
05/25/21 22:29:02.940 Loading device 2
05/25/21 22:29:02.941 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Central address set to 0xFD1D18.
05/25/21 22:29:02.941 Loading XML RPC devices...
05/25/21 22:29:02.941 Warning: variables with id "custom_ch7_values" does not exist.
05/25/21 22:29:02.944 Warning: variables with id "custom_ch7_values" does not exist.
05/25/21 22:29:02.944 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
05/25/21 22:29:02.944 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
05/25/21 22:29:02.945 Warning: script2 in "runProgram" does not contain CDATA.
05/25/21 22:29:02.945 Loading device 1
05/25/21 22:29:02.945 Initializing RPC client...
05/25/21 22:29:02.945 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on :::2001...
05/25/21 22:29:02.950 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
05/25/21 22:29:02.950 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
05/25/21 22:29:02.950 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Enabling no authentication.
05/25/21 22:29:02.950 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
05/25/21 22:29:02.950 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on :::2002, SSL enabled...
05/25/21 22:29:02.950 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2001
05/25/21 22:29:02.959 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
05/25/21 22:29:02.959 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Enabling no authentication.
05/25/21 22:29:02.959 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
05/25/21 22:29:02.967 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on :::2003, SSL enabled, authentication enabled...
05/25/21 22:29:02.967 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2002
05/25/21 22:29:02.971 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling basic authentication.
05/25/21 22:29:02.971 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling client certificate authentication.
05/25/21 22:29:02.971 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
05/25/21 22:29:02.973 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer4 listening on ::1:2004...
05/25/21 22:29:02.978 RPC Server (Port 2004): Info: Enabling no authentication.
05/25/21 22:29:02.978 RPC Server (Port 2004): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
05/25/21 22:29:02.978 RPC Server (Port 2004): Info: RPC Server started listening on address ::1 and port 2004
05/25/21 22:29:02.979 Initializing event handler...
05/25/21 22:29:02.979 Loading events...
05/25/21 22:29:02.979 Start listening for packets...
05/25/21 22:29:05.381 Starting IPC server...
05/25/21 22:29:05.714 Starting Node-BLUE server...
05/25/21 22:29:06.022 Starting variable profile manager...
05/25/21 22:29:06.024 Startup complete. Waiting for physical interfaces to connect.
05/25/21 22:29:06.024 Info: Waiting for physical interfaces to connect (0 of 180s).
05/25/21 22:29:06.024 All physical interfaces are connected now.
05/25/21 22:29:06.024 Starting UPnP server...
05/25/21 22:29:09.543 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: 05/25/21 22:29:09.541 Packet received (My-CULx, RSSI: -90 dBm): 147B845E5383B400000094C59D000000000008CF02
05/25/21 22:29:11.027 UPnP Server: Info: UPnP server: Binding to address:
05/25/21 22:29:45.617 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: 05/25/21 22:29:45.617 Packet received (My-CULx, RSSI: -67 dBm): 0D038410710D1900000006015920
05/25/21 22:30:01.945 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: 05/25/21 22:30:01.945 Packet received (My-CULx, RSSI: -61 dBm): 0D008410710D1900000006016430
05/25/21 22:30:19.803 IPC Server: Info: Connection accepted. Client number: 0, file descriptor ID: 8
05/25/21 22:30:19.809 IPC Server: Info: Client 0 successfully registered RPC method "cliOutput" (this method is registered by 1 client(s)).
05/25/21 22:30:19.810 IPC Server: Info: Client 0 successfully registered RPC method "cliOutput-0" (this method is registered by 1 client(s)).
05/25/21 22:30:23.120 IPC Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: familyExists Parameters:
(Integer64) 0
05/25/21 22:31:18.218 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: 05/25/21 22:31:18.218 Packet received (My-CULx, RSSI: -70 dBm): 1A018400710D190000002B006A5245513033393038393130010100
05/25/21 22:31:18.223 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Pushing pending queues.
05/25/21 22:31:18.318 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CULx": Info: Sending (My-CULx): 1043A001FD1D18710D1900050000000000
05/25/21 22:31:18.377 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: 05/25/21 22:31:18.377 Packet received (My-CULx, RSSI: -78 dBm): 0CE9A011FD2E45710D19020100
05/25/21 22:31:18.517 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CULx": Info: Sending (My-CULx): 1043A001FD1D18710D1900050000000000
05/25/21 22:31:18.576 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: 05/25/21 22:31:18.576 Packet received (My-CULx, RSSI: -78 dBm): 0CE9A011FD2E45710D19020100
05/25/21 22:31:18.717 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CULx": Info: Sending (My-CULx): 1043A001FD1D18710D1900050000000000
05/25/21 22:31:18.776 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: 05/25/21 22:31:18.776 Packet received (My-CULx, RSSI: -78 dBm): 0CE9A011FD2E45710D19020100
05/25/21 22:31:18.869 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: 05/25/21 22:31:18.869 Packet received (My-CULx, RSSI: -67 dBm): 0A438002710D19FD1D1800
05/25/21 22:31:18.969 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CULx": Info: Sending (My-CULx): 1344A001FD1D18710D19000802810AFD0B1D0C18
05/25/21 22:31:19.168 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CULx": Info: Sending (My-CULx): 1344A001FD1D18710D19000802810AFD0B1D0C18
05/25/21 22:31:19.368 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CULx": Info: Sending (My-CULx): 1344A001FD1D18710D19000802810AFD0B1D0C18
05/25/21 22:31:22.293 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: 05/25/21 22:31:22.293 Packet received (My-CULx, RSSI: -87 dBm): 147C845E5383B400000094C59D000000000008C9FF


05/25/21 22:29:02.941 Warning: variables with id "custom_ch7_values" does not exist.
05/25/21 22:29:02.944 Warning: variables with id "custom_ch7_values" does not exist.
05/25/21 22:29:02.944 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
05/25/21 22:29:02.944 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
05/25/21 22:29:02.945 Warning: script2 in "runProgram" does not contain CDATA.
05/25/21 22:29:02.950 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
05/25/21 22:29:02.950 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
05/25/21 22:29:02.959 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.


################# CUL #################
## The device family this interface is for

## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
id = My-CULx

## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
#default = true

## Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cunx, hmcfglan, hmlgw, hm-mod-rpi-pcb, homegeargateway
deviceType = cul

device = /dev/ttyACM0

## Default: responseDelay = 95
## Should be "95" for CUL or COC, "100" for TI CC1101 and "60" for HM-CFG-LAN or HM-LGW
responseDelay = 95

Jemand eine Idee?