How to set weekly program for HM-CC-RT-DN

is it possible to set the weekly program on a HM-CC-RT-DN or a HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU with homegear?


This should be what your’re looking for :wink: so yes, it’s possible.
In case the translator is not working (as for mie right now :expressionless: ) :GUIs für die Verwaltung von Homegear

But it’s only available within the nightly-package. If you’re using the stable package or docker image, this setting is not available since it’s a older version.

– Micha

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Btw: I’m using the docker/stable distribution and the button is available.

Thanks for the hint! I somehow managed to miss that big fat button several times …
But: It doesn’t quite work. I’ve loaded the configuration from the device, made it a global template via the GUI. When applying that template, it ‘flatlines’ (drops all points and makes a single line). The same happens, when creating configuration directly with the GUI.
I’ve now used the ‘ENDTIME_MONDAY_1’ etc configuration parameters.

Hi @briconaut,

is it working if you try to save to device directly?

– Micha