Hallo an die Gemeinde,
ich habe bei mir ein EnOcean Modul auf internen Steckplatz des Pi 3 nachgerüstet
und dreimal nach der Anleitung die SSl Zertifikate erstellt und die Server eingerichtet dennoch kommt immer diese Fehlermeldung im log und zum Schluss Server Shut down…
Könnte mir jemand helfen wo mein Fehler liegt?
beste Grüße
01/14/18 11:21:13.950 Starting Homegear Gateway...
01/14/18 11:21:13.953 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.
01/14/18 11:21:13.953 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295".
01/14/18 11:21:13.953 Info: Dropping privileges to user homegear (110) and group homegear (116)
01/14/18 11:21:13.953 Info: Homegear Gateway is (now) running as user with id 110 and group with id 116.
01/14/18 11:21:13.953 Error: Cannot create pid file "/var/run/homegear/homegear-gateway.pid".
01/14/18 11:21:14.096 Info: Sending packet 5500010005700838
01/14/18 11:21:14.102 Info: Base address set to 0xFFD6AE00. Remaining changes: 10
01/14/18 11:21:14.189 Error in file RpcServer.cpp line 96 in function bool RpcServer::start(): No IP address could be found.
01/14/18 11:21:14.189 Critical: Could not start.
01/14/18 11:21:14.189 Startup complete.
01/14/18 11:21:14.189 Starting UPnP server...
01/14/18 11:21:14.190 Error in file UPnP.cpp line 155 in function void UPnP::getAddress(): No IP address could be found.
01/14/18 11:21:14.190 Error: UPnP Server: Could not get IP address.
01/14/18 11:21:14.190 (Shutdown) => Stopping Homegear Gateway (Signal: 15)
01/14/18 11:21:14.190 Stopping UPnP server...
01/14/18 11:21:14.202 (Shutdown) => Shutdown complete.