Ich habe vorhin den großen “Fehler” begangen Homegear von 0.5.nochwas upzugraden (hat mich knapp eine Stunde gekostet weil ich keine gescheite Doku gefunden habe), und nun funktionieren alle meine HM-Sec-SC-2s (gepaired mit HM-CFG-LAN) nicht mehr. Sehr ärgerlich, denn auf denen beruht meine Alarmanlage. Noch ärgerlicher ist es deshalb, weil ich damals mit FHEM kein AES machen musste, Homegear es (zumindest damals) jedoch erzwungen hat. Und jetzt funken die Dinger halt mit AES.
Frage: was kann ich tun um schnellstmöglich wieder zu einem funktionierenden System zu kommen? deramboy001 sagt er habe AES abgeschaltet. Wie und wo mache ich das? Lässt Homegear es mittlerweile tatsächlich zu auch ohne AES zu arbeiten? Wenn ja, wie komme ich zurück von AES auf non-AES?
Alternativ: Welches ist die aktuelleste (zu 0.6.0-1327 auf raspbian kompatible) Version bei der es das Problem noch nicht gab?
Also die Meldung im Log ist:
06/27/16 20:24:30.690 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN), RSSI: -79 dBm): blablubbhandshakekey
06/27/16 20:24:30.691 Info: Ignoring broadcast packet from peer 1, because AES handshakes are enabled for this peer and AES handshakes are not possible for broadcast packets.
Ich weiß, dass das Ding mehr als nur RSSI verschickt wenn sich der Kontakt öffnet / schließt. Habe ich vielleicht ein anderes Problem als AES?
Darüber hinaus kann ich die Geräte auch nicht löschen oder deren Konfiguration ändern. Meine Homematic Infrastruktur ist somit aktuell kaputt und für mich nicht zu beheben.
PS: Ich nutze übrigens den offiziellen Konfigurator von Homematic. Was ja aber nicht relevant sein sollte.
Mit dem HomematicKickstart Tool konnte ich AES deaktivieren. Ein kleiner Fortschritt.
Allerdings ist die Kommunikation mit den Geräten immer noch stark eingeschränkt. Wenn ich einen Türkontakt schließe, dann leuchtet er lange Orange und die Events landen auch bei meinet RPC-Gegenstelle. Lange Orange leuchten bedeutet aber sicher nichts gutes.
Ich habe noch einen Jalousie-Aktor und ein Heizkörper-Thermostat. Auch da sehe ich RPC-Events, aber setValue geht nicht. In HomematicKickstart haben alle Geräte bei Unreach n/a stehen.
So sieht das log jetzt bei einem Türkontakt aus:
06/27/16 21:17:46.214 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN), RSSI: -68 dBm): 0C00A641247924FD10330101C8
06/27/16 21:17:46.216 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: LOWBAT on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0x00.
06/27/16 21:17:46.217 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0xC8.
06/27/16 21:17:46.220 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:46.222 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:46.228 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:46.233 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:46.276 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:46.281 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:46.332 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: Sending (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN)): 000000000000000000000000AAAAAAAAA
06/27/16 21:17:46.496 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN), RSSI: -67 dBm): AAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000000000
06/27/16 21:17:46.497 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: LOWBAT on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0x00.
06/27/16 21:17:46.498 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0xC8.
06/27/16 21:17:46.556 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:46.557 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:46.873 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: 000000000000000000000000AAAAAAAAA
06/27/16 21:17:46.875 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "error" on server
06/27/16 21:17:46.880 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "error" on server
06/27/16 21:17:46.969 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN), RSSI: -68 dBm): AAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000000000
06/27/16 21:17:47.985 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN), RSSI: -70 dBm): AAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000000000
06/27/16 21:17:49.989 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN), RSSI: -68 dBm): AAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000000000
06/27/16 21:17:51.895 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 548 is calling RPC method: clientServerInitialized Parameters:
(String) HomegearLib.
06/27/16 21:17:54.022 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN), RSSI: -68 dBm): AAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000000000
06/27/16 21:17:54.024 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: LOWBAT on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0x00.
06/27/16 21:17:54.024 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0xC8.
06/27/16 21:17:54.028 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:54.029 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:54.085 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: Sending (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN)): 000000000000000000000000AAAAAAAAA
06/27/16 21:17:54.301 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN), RSSI: -68 dBm): BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
06/27/16 21:17:54.302 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: ERROR on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0x07.
06/27/16 21:17:54.303 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: LOWBAT on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0x00.
06/27/16 21:17:54.303 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0xC8.
06/27/16 21:17:54.361 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:54.362 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:54.677 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: 000000000000000000000000AAAAAAAAA
06/27/16 21:17:54.680 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "error" on server
06/27/16 21:17:54.684 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "error" on server
06/27/16 21:17:58.754 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN), RSSI: -76 dBm): BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
06/27/16 21:17:58.756 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: ERROR on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0x07.
06/27/16 21:17:58.757 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: LOWBAT on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0x00.
06/27/16 21:17:58.757 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: STATE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ1234567 was set to 0xC8.
06/27/16 21:17:58.761 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:58.765 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:58.815 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:58.819 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 21:17:58.873 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: Sending (KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN)): 000000000000000000000000AAAAAAAAA
06/27/16 21:17:59.545 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234567 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: 000000000000000000000000AAAAAAAAA
06/27/16 21:17:59.547 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "error" on server
06/27/16 21:17:59.552 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "error" on server
Das hier passiert im Log wenn ich per RPC den Jalousiaktor steuern will:
06/27/16 22:44:33.438 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from accepted. Client number: 299
06/27/16 22:44:33.439 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 299 is: 157
06/27/16 22:44:33.445 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 299 is calling RPC method: setValue Parameters:
(String) JRT1234567:1
(String) LEVEL
(Float) 0
06/27/16 22:44:33.451 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: Sending (KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)): AAAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000
06/27/16 22:44:34.113 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000
06/27/16 22:44:34.116 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "error" on server
06/27/16 22:44:36.040 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection to client number 299 closed.
06/27/16 22:44:36.064 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
06/27/16 22:44:36.066 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 7). Retrying...
06/27/16 22:44:36.165 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: Sending (KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)): AAAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000
06/27/16 22:44:36.834 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000
06/27/16 22:44:36.838 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "error" on server
06/27/16 22:44:38.175 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
06/27/16 22:44:38.177 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 7). Retrying...
06/27/16 22:44:38.276 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: Sending (KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)): AAAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000
06/27/16 22:44:38.929 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000
06/27/16 22:44:38.932 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "error" on server
06/27/16 22:44:40.286 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
06/27/16 22:44:40.289 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 7). Retrying...
06/27/16 22:44:40.387 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: Sending (KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)): AAAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000
06/27/16 22:44:41.057 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "KEQ1234657 (HM-CFG-LAN)": Info: No response to packet after 3 tries: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA000000000
06/27/16 22:44:41.060 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "error" on server
06/27/16 22:44:42.398 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.
06/27/16 22:44:42.402 Info: Peer 7 is unreachable.
06/27/16 22:44:42.405 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
06/27/16 22:44:42.943 Info: Peer 7 is reachable again.
06/27/16 22:44:42.947 RPC client: Info: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
Das Thermostat verhält sich gleich. Per XML-API funktioniert also getValue, setValue schlägt aber fehl. Die Events die die Geräte schicken kommen bei meinem Server wiederum an.