HM-MOD-RPI-PCB und Raspberry Pi 4

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe ein HM-MOD-RPI-PCB Modul bisher zusammen mit Homegear/openHAB2.4 auf einem RPi3B reibungslos laufen gehabt. Nun bin ich gerade dabei, openHAB auf den RPi4B(4GB) zu heben, da ich immer mal Speicherprobleme hatte und mir insgesamt mehr Stabilität erhofft habe.
Ich habe das HM-MOD-RPI-PCB direkt auf der Steckleiste wie vorher meim RPi3 auch montiert und die Installation genauso wie für den RPi3 auf dem RPi4 durchgeführt (gleiche Einstellungen in /boot/config.txt, …cmdline.txt etc.).

Homegear wird von openHAB als Homematic Bridge erkannt. Die recoverten Geräte werden auch in der Inbox angezeigt, aber leider funktioniert die Kommunikation nicht (“OFFLINE - COMMUNICATION ERROR”). Ich tippe darauf, dass der RPi4 das Modul nicht richtig erkennt.

Hat jemand einen Hinweis, was ich verkehrt mache? Danke!

Das kannst du aber nicht mit dem openHAB-Log erkennen. Du solltest dir erstmal das Log von Homegear anschauen, ob da alles gut ist und das Modul erkannt wird.

“Offline - Communication Error” ist die Fehlermeldung von openHAB, hier scheint die Kommunikation von openHAB und Homegear nicht zu funktionieren. Schau mal bitte, ob deine IP-Adressen/Ports alle richtig eingestellt sind (Homegear und openHAB). Bitte nicht den Callback Host vergessen, der ist wichtig.

1 Like

Danke für die Rückmeldung! Als Gateway Address und Callback Network Address habe ich localhost, und die IP im Netzwerk schon ausprobiert.

Ich habe homegear nochmal komplett entfernt, mit dem openhabian-config Tool neu installiert, den Restore gemacht und Homegear neu gestartet. Hier ist das, was das Homegear-Error-Log ausspuckt:

10/31/19 13:37:35.658 Warning: No database found. Trying to restore backup.
10/31/19 13:37:35.850 Warning: Database could not be restored. Creating new database.
10/31/19 13:37:37.074 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
10/31/19 13:37:37.075 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/31/19 13:37:37.075 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/31/19 13:37:37.075 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/31/19 13:37:37.145 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:37:37.145 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:37:37.165 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:37:37.165 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 13:37:37.185 RPC Server (Port 2003): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 13:37:42.394 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
10/31/19 13:38:27.000 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
10/31/19 13:38:42.018 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
10/31/19 13:38:58.539 Error: Can't backup database: _backupPath or _backupFilename is empty.
10/31/19 13:38:58.665 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:38:58.666 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:38:58.667 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems8ICentral10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:38:58.667 Critical: Could not load any family modules from "/var/lib/homegear/modules/".
10/31/19 13:38:58.754 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:38:58.754 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:38:58.775 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:38:58.775 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 13:38:58.795 RPC Server (Port 2003): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 13:38:58.815 Error: A core file exists in Homegear's working directory ("/var/lib/homegear/core"). Please send this file to the Homegear team including information about your system (Linux distribution, CPU architecture), the Homegear version, the current log files and information what might've caused the error.
10/31/19 13:39:23.197 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:39:23.199 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:39:23.201 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems8ICentral10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:39:23.427 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:39:23.428 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:39:23.429 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems8ICentral10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:39:27.065 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
10/31/19 13:39:43.675 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:39:43.676 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:39:43.676 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems8ICentral10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:39:43.677 Critical: Could not load any family modules from "/var/lib/homegear/modules/".
10/31/19 13:39:43.762 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:39:43.762 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:39:43.782 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:39:43.782 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 13:39:43.802 RPC Server (Port 2003): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 13:39:43.818 Error: A core file exists in Homegear's working directory ("/var/lib/homegear/core"). Please send this file to the Homegear team including information about your system (Linux distribution, CPU architecture), the Homegear version, the current log files and information what might've caused the error.

Ich kriege über diese Modul-Fehler nichts raus. Liegt das Problem denn am RPi4? Denn ich habe exakt dieselbe Vorgehensweise gewählt wie beim RPi3, und dort gab es keine Fehlermeldungen.

Der Vollständigkeit halber: Ich habe jetzt nochmal ein Restore inkl. *.so gemacht. Folgendes erscheint im Error-Log:

10/31/19 13:53:58.638 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
10/31/19 13:54:10.200 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:54:10.201 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:54:10.202 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems8ICentral10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:54:10.398 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:54:10.399 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:54:10.400 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems8ICentral10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:54:13.663 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
10/31/19 13:54:25.205 Error: Can't backup database: _backupPath or _backupFilename is empty.
10/31/19 13:54:25.327 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:54:25.327 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:54:25.328 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems8ICentral10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 13:54:25.328 Critical: Could not load any family modules from "/var/lib/homegear/modules/".
10/31/19 13:54:25.413 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:54:25.414 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:54:25.434 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 13:54:25.434 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 13:54:25.454 RPC Server (Port 2003): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 13:54:25.470 Error: A core file exists in Homegear's working directory ("/var/lib/homegear/core"). Please send this file to the Homegear team including information about your system (Linux distribution, CPU architecture), the Homegear version, the current log files and information what might've caused the error.
10/31/19 13:54:28.688 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
10/31/19 13:54:43.720 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
10/31/19 13:54:58.753 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
10/31/19 13:55:13.781 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
10/31/19 13:55:28.813 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
10/31/19 13:55:43.840 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.

Die Meldung

10/31/19 13:58:44.194 Could not connect to server ::1 on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.

wiederholt sich ständig.

Was für ein restore hast du gemacht? Da scheint ja gar nichts zu funktionieren.

Irgendwie hast du es geschafft verschiedene Homegear versionen zu vermischen.

Naja, ich habe das Backup&Restore aus dem Homegear Manual befolgt. Auf dem alten RPi3 läuft Homegear Homegear 0.7.39-2773, auf dem RPi4 0.7.40-2948. Ist das vollkommen inkompatibel? Selbst wenn das Restore fehlschlägt, müsste doch Homegear von openHAB erkannt werden.
Meine Homematic Bridge (mit Server Address localhost) gibt aber nur “OFFLINE - COMMUNICATION_ERROR Connection refused” als Status an.

Ich habe Homegear neu installiert (Version 0.7.40) - openHAB erkennt meine Homematic Bridge als “online”. Dann habe ich auf dem alten RPi3 auf Version 0.7.40 ein Upgrade gemacht und ein neues Backup erstellt. Nach dem Restore auf dem RPi4 (gleiche Version), leider nur noch


Das Error-Log sagt dazu:

10/31/19 23:33:24.508 Warning: No database found. Trying to restore backup.
10/31/19 23:33:24.671 Warning: Database could not be restored. Creating new database.
10/31/19 23:33:25.878 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
10/31/19 23:33:25.879 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/31/19 23:33:25.879 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/31/19 23:33:25.879 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/31/19 23:33:25.941 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 23:33:25.941 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 23:33:25.962 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 23:34:09.090 Error: Can't backup database: _backupPath or _backupFilename is empty.
10/31/19 23:34:09.214 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:34:09.214 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:34:09.215 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems8ICentral10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:34:09.215 Critical: Could not load any family modules from "/var/lib/homegear/modules/".
10/31/19 23:34:09.300 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 23:34:09.300 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 23:34:09.320 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 23:34:09.320 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 23:34:09.340 RPC Server (Port 2003): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 23:34:09.355 Error: A core file exists in Homegear's working directory ("/var/lib/homegear/core"). Please send this file to the Homegear team including information about your system (Linux distribution, CPU architecture), the Homegear version, the current log files and information what might've caused the error.
10/31/19 23:35:28.450 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:35:28.451 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:35:28.452 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems8ICentral10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:35:28.635 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:35:28.636 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:35:28.637 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems8ICentral10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:36:37.319 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:36:37.336 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems13IDeviceFamily10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:36:37.353 Critical: Could not open module "/var/lib/homegear/modules/": /var/lib/homegear/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems8ICentral10onRPCEventERSsyiS2_RSt10shared_ptrISt6vectorISsSaISsEEERS3_IS4_IS3_INS_8VariableEESaISA_EEE
10/31/19 23:36:37.353 Critical: Could not load any family modules from "/var/lib/homegear/modules/".
10/31/19 23:36:37.517 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 23:36:37.517 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 23:36:37.546 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/31/19 23:36:37.555 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 23:36:37.581 RPC Server (Port 2003): Error: Could not load certificate or key file: Error while reading file.
10/31/19 23:36:37.600 Error: A core file exists in Homegear's working directory ("/var/lib/homegear/core"). Please send this file to the Homegear team including information about your system (Linux distribution, CPU architecture), the Homegear version, the current log files and information what might've caused the error.

Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich mit dem HM-MOD-RPI-PCB vom RPi3 auf den RPi4 inkl. aller EInstellungen und Geräte richtig umziehe?


Was sagt denn dpkg -l | grep homegear nach der Installationsorgie?
Weil das Log sagt in jedem Fall dass verschiedene Module nicht ladbar sind.

Hast du den pi3 auf Buster upgegraded?

dpkg -l | grep homegear liefert folgendes. Da scheint alles OK zu sein:

ii  homegear                       0.7.40-2948                         armhf                                                                    Interface program to your smart home devices
ii  homegear-homematicbidcos       0.7.40-2948                         armhf                                                                    HomeMatic BidCoS module for Homegear
ii  homegear-homematicwired        0.7.40-2948                         armhf                                                                    HomeMatic BidCoS module for Homegear
ii  homegear-nodes-core            0.7.40-2948                         armhf                                                                    Core nodes for Homegear's Node-BLUE
ii  homegear-nodes-extra           0.7.40-2948                         armhf                                                                    Extra nodes for Homegear's Node-BLUE
ii  libhomegear-base               0.7.40-2948                         armhf                                                                    Base library for Homegear
ii  libhomegear-ipc                0.1.2-30                            armhf                                                                    IPC library for Homegear
ii  libhomegear-node               0.1.7-40                            armhf                                                                    Node library for Homegear
ii  python3-homegear               1.0.14-1                            armhf                                                                    Python module for Homegear

Ein Upgrade auf Buster habe ich nicht gemacht.

Ich würde ansonsten versuchen, alle Geräte abzulernen und neu anzulernen. Dafür müsste ich aber das Modul wieder umbauen und - das will ich eigentlich vermeiden - aufs Dach, und die Wetterstation zurücksetzen… :grimacing:


und das

Ist wahrscheinlich dafür verantwortlich, dass Homegear Probleme hat.

Leider nein. Ich habe das alte System auf Buster upgegraded, ein neues Backup gemacht, --exclude="*.so"und leider wieder Status nach Restore: OFFLINE - COMMUNICATION_ERROR Connection refused

Ich bin etwas verzweifelt, aber es scheint, als müsste ich wirklich alles manuell ablernen und neu anlernen.

Nochmal, der Status in openHAB hat nichts mit dem Status in Homegear zu tun.

Alternativ kannst du auch Homegear auf deinem Pi3 lassen und nur openHAB auf dem Pi4 installieren.

1 Like

Ja, dass der Status nicht direkt anzeigt, was Homegear für ein Problem hat, ist mir schon klar. Dennoch stimmt ja mit Homegear etwas nicht, wenn ein Restore vom einem System auf dasselbe dazu führt, dass es (aus Sicht von openHAB) nicht mehr “online” sondern “offline” ist. Ich versuche dann mal, die Geräte zu Fuß rüber zu bringen.

Danke für die Hilfe bis hierher!

Das openHAB nicht funktioniert kann 1000 andere Günde haben, glaub es mir!
Du musst ins Homegear log schauen um Informationen über Homegear zu bekommen.

Falls Homegear nicht funktioniert, wovon du ausgehst, wird das Anlernen an das neue System nicht funktionieren. Von daher ist dein Plan “die Geräte zu Fuss rüber zu bringen” zum Scheitern verurteilt.

“Leider” hast Du recht. Ich habe Homegear neu installiert, die Gerätekonfiguration für das HM-MOD-RPI-PCB nach Anleitung durchgeführt. Wenn ich es richtig sehe, läuft das Modul auf auf dem RPi4 (ich habe testweise ein Firmwareupdate des Moduls auf /dev/ttyAMA0 durchgeführt - mit Erfolg).
In Homegear lassen sich aber leider keine Geräte anlernen (komplett ohne Restore etc.). Das Error-Log verrät folgendes:

11/02/19 21:36:42.252 Warning: No database found. Trying to restore backup.
11/02/19 21:36:42.415 Warning: Database could not be restored. Creating new database.
11/02/19 21:36:43.665 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
11/02/19 21:36:43.665 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 21:36:43.665 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 21:36:43.666 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 21:36:43.730 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 21:36:43.730 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 21:36:43.750 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 22:13:57.000 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
11/02/19 22:13:57.000 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 22:13:57.001 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 22:13:57.001 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 22:13:57.042 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 22:13:57.042 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 22:13:57.062 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 22:19:15.409 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
11/02/19 22:19:15.413 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 22:19:15.413 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 22:19:15.413 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 22:19:15.472 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 22:19:15.472 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 22:19:15.494 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 22:39:37.739 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
11/02/19 22:39:37.740 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 22:39:37.740 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 22:39:37.740 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 22:39:37.781 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 22:39:37.781 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 22:39:37.801 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 23:12:23.146 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
11/02/19 23:12:23.155 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 23:12:23.155 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 23:12:23.155 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/02/19 23:12:23.239 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 23:12:23.239 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/02/19 23:12:23.264 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/03/19 00:49:13.781 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
11/03/19 00:49:13.787 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/03/19 00:49:13.787 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/03/19 00:49:13.787 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/03/19 00:49:13.867 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/03/19 00:49:13.867 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/03/19 00:49:13.890 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.

Kann damit jemand etwas anfangen? Bin für jeden Hinweis dankbar!

Dein Log hat überhaupt keinen Eintrag bzgl. BidCos. du musst entweder mal den Loglevel erhöhen oder Module aktivieren.

Das war nur ein Auszug aus dem Error-Log. Ich habe jetzt Log-Level mal auf 5 gesetzt, hier ein aktueller Auszug aus dem homegear.log:

11/03/19 21:48:04.478 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:48:07.185 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2443
11/03/19 21:48:07.186 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2443 is: 199
11/03/19 21:48:19.482 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:48:19.485 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:48:34.489 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:48:34.493 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:48:49.496 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:48:49.500 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:49:04.504 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:49:04.507 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:49:07.180 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2448
11/03/19 21:49:07.181 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2448 is: 200
11/03/19 21:49:19.511 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:49:19.514 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:49:34.518 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:49:34.522 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:49:49.526 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:49:49.528 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:50:04.531 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:50:04.534 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:50:07.187 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2453
11/03/19 21:50:07.188 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2453 is: 201
11/03/19 21:50:19.538 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:50:19.542 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:50:34.545 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:50:34.549 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:50:49.553 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:50:49.557 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:51:04.561 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:51:04.564 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:51:07.207 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2458
11/03/19 21:51:07.207 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2458 is: 202
11/03/19 21:51:19.568 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:51:19.571 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:51:34.575 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:51:34.579 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:51:49.582 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:51:49.586 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:52:04.590 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:52:04.594 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:52:07.204 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2463
11/03/19 21:52:07.204 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2463 is: 203
11/03/19 21:52:19.597 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:52:19.601 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:52:34.605 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:52:34.609 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:52:49.613 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:52:49.616 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:53:04.620 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:53:04.624 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:53:07.120 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2468
11/03/19 21:53:07.121 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2468 is: 204
11/03/19 21:53:19.627 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:53:19.632 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:53:34.635 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:53:34.639 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:53:49.643 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:53:49.646 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:54:04.650 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:54:04.654 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:54:07.112 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2473
11/03/19 21:54:07.112 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2473 is: 205
11/03/19 21:54:19.657 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:54:19.661 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:54:34.664 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:54:34.668 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:54:49.672 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:54:49.675 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:55:04.679 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:55:04.683 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:55:07.120 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2478
11/03/19 21:55:07.121 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2478 is: 206
11/03/19 21:55:19.687 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:55:19.690 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:55:34.694 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:55:34.698 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:55:49.702 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:55:49.706 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:56:04.710 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:56:04.713 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:56:07.126 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2483
11/03/19 21:56:07.126 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2483 is: 207
11/03/19 21:56:19.717 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:56:19.721 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:56:34.725 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:56:34.729 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:56:49.732 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:56:49.736 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:57:04.740 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:57:04.743 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:57:07.134 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2488
11/03/19 21:57:07.134 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2488 is: 208
11/03/19 21:57:19.747 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:57:19.750 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:57:34.754 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:57:34.758 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:57:49.762 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:57:49.766 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:58:04.770 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:58:04.774 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:58:07.137 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2493
11/03/19 21:58:07.137 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2493 is: 209
11/03/19 21:58:19.778 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:58:19.782 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:58:34.786 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:58:34.790 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:58:49.794 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:58:49.798 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:59:04.802 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:59:04.805 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2423 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:59:07.247 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2498
11/03/19 21:59:07.247 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2498 is: 210
11/03/19 21:59:19.811 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2499
11/03/19 21:59:19.811 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2499 is: 211
11/03/19 21:59:19.812 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:59:19.816 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:59:34.819 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:59:34.823 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 21:59:49.826 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 21:59:49.830 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:00:04.837 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:00:04.841 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:00:07.148 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2504
11/03/19 22:00:07.148 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2504 is: 212
11/03/19 22:00:19.845 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:00:19.849 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:00:34.852 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:00:34.856 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:00:49.860 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:00:49.863 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:01:04.866 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:01:04.870 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:01:07.181 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2509
11/03/19 22:01:07.182 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2509 is: 213
11/03/19 22:01:19.873 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:01:19.877 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:01:34.880 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:01:34.884 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:01:49.887 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:01:49.891 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:02:04.895 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:02:04.898 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:02:07.164 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2514
11/03/19 22:02:07.165 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2514 is: 214
11/03/19 22:02:19.902 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:02:19.905 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:02:34.909 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:02:34.912 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:02:45.156 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2517
11/03/19 22:02:45.156 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2517 is: 215
11/03/19 22:02:45.158 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2518
11/03/19 22:02:45.159 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2518 is: 216
11/03/19 22:02:49.916 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:02:49.920 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:02:51.589 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2520
11/03/19 22:02:51.590 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2520 is: 217
11/03/19 22:03:04.923 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:03:04.927 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:03:19.930 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:03:19.934 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:03:34.937 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:03:34.941 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:03:48.231 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2524
11/03/19 22:03:48.231 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2524 is: 218
11/03/19 22:03:49.945 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:03:49.949 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:04:04.952 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:04:04.956 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:04:19.959 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:04:19.963 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:04:34.967 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:04:34.970 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:04:48.138 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2529
11/03/19 22:04:48.138 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2529 is: 219
11/03/19 22:04:49.974 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:04:49.977 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:05:04.981 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:05:04.984 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:05:19.988 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:05:19.991 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:05:34.994 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:05:34.998 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:05:48.243 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2534
11/03/19 22:05:48.243 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2534 is: 220
11/03/19 22:05:50.003 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:05:50.006 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:06:05.010 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:06:05.013 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:06:20.017 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:06:20.021 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:06:35.025 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:06:35.029 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:06:48.256 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2539
11/03/19 22:06:48.257 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2539 is: 221
11/03/19 22:06:50.033 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:06:50.038 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:07:05.043 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:07:05.046 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:07:20.050 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:07:20.054 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:07:35.058 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:07:35.062 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:07:48.259 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2544
11/03/19 22:07:48.259 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2544 is: 222
11/03/19 22:07:50.066 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:07:50.070 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:08:05.073 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:08:05.077 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:08:20.081 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:08:20.085 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:08:35.089 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:08:35.092 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:08:48.161 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2549
11/03/19 22:08:48.162 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2549 is: 223
11/03/19 22:08:50.096 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:08:50.104 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:09:05.108 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:09:05.111 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:09:20.114 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:09:20.116 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:09:35.120 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:09:35.123 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:09:48.168 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2554
11/03/19 22:09:48.168 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2554 is: 224
11/03/19 22:09:50.127 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:09:50.130 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:10:05.134 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:10:05.137 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:10:20.140 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:10:20.143 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:10:35.146 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:10:35.150 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:10:48.171 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2559
11/03/19 22:10:48.172 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2559 is: 225
11/03/19 22:10:50.153 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:10:50.156 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:11:05.159 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:11:05.164 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:11:20.167 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:11:20.170 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:11:34.340 IPC Server: Info: Connection accepted. Client number: 2563
11/03/19 22:11:34.341 IPC Server: Info: Client 0 successfully registered RPC method "cliOutput" (this method is registered by 1 client(s)).
11/03/19 22:11:34.342 IPC Server: Info: Client 0 successfully registered RPC method "cliOutput-0" (this method is registered by 1 client(s)).
11/03/19 22:11:35.173 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:11:35.178 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:11:39.932 IPC Server: Response: 
(String) Debug level set to 5.

11/03/19 22:11:48.088 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets.
11/03/19 22:11:48.180 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 2565
11/03/19 22:11:48.180 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 2565 is: 226
11/03/19 22:11:48.181 RPC Server (Port 2001): Listening for incoming packets from client number 2565.
11/03/19 22:11:48.182 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Packet received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
11/03/19 22:11:48.205 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Connection to client number 2565 closed.
11/03/19 22:11:48.205 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Connection to client number 2565 closed (1).
11/03/19 22:11:50.181 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Packet received: 42696E000000001C0000000470696E670000000100000003000000083936373436616632
11/03/19 22:11:50.181 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:11:50.182 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response: 
(Boolean) 1
11/03/19 22:11:50.182 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response binary:
11/03/19 22:11:50.182 RPC client: Debug: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
11/03/19 22:11:50.182 RPC client: Parameters:
(Array length=1)
  (Struct length=2)
    [methodName] (String) event
    [params] (Array length=4)
      (String) RF-96746af2
      (String) CENTRAL
      (String) PONG
      (String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:11:50.182 Debug: Calling getFileDescriptor...
11/03/19 22:11:50.182 Debug: Connecting to host on port 9126...
11/03/19 22:11:50.182 Debug: Connected to host on port 9126. Client number is: 2566
11/03/19 22:11:50.182 RPC client: Debug: Sending packet: 42696E00000000930000001073797374656D2E6D756C746963616C6C00000001000001000000000100000101000000020000000A6D6574686F644E616D6500000003000000056576656E7400000006706172616D730000010000000004000000030000000B52462D3936373436616632000000030000000743454E5452414C0000000300000004504F4E4700000003000000083936373436616632
11/03/19 22:11:50.184 RPC client: Debug: Packet received: 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
11/03/19 22:11:50.184 RPC client: Debug: Received packet from server 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
11/03/19 22:11:50.184 RPC client: Response was:
(Array length=1)
  (String) event
11/03/19 22:11:50.184 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Packet received: 42696E000000001C000000146C697374426964636F73496E746572666163657300000000
11/03/19 22:11:50.184 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:11:50.184 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response: 
(Array length=1)
  (Struct length=4)
    [ADDRESS] (String) VBC0279743
    [CONNECTED] (Boolean) 1
    [DEFAULT] (Boolean) 1
    [DESCRIPTION] (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
11/03/19 22:11:50.185 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response binary:
11/03/19 22:11:54.399 IPC Server: Info: Connection to IPC server's client number 2563 closed.
11/03/19 22:12:05.188 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Packet received: 42696E000000001C0000000470696E670000000100000003000000083936373436616632
11/03/19 22:12:05.188 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:12:05.188 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response: 
(Boolean) 1
11/03/19 22:12:05.188 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response binary:
11/03/19 22:12:05.189 RPC client: Debug: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
11/03/19 22:12:05.189 RPC client: Parameters:
(Array length=1)
  (Struct length=2)
    [methodName] (String) event
    [params] (Array length=4)
      (String) RF-96746af2
      (String) CENTRAL
      (String) PONG
      (String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:12:05.189 Debug: Calling getFileDescriptor...
11/03/19 22:12:05.189 Debug: Connecting to host on port 9126...
11/03/19 22:12:05.189 Debug: Connected to host on port 9126. Client number is: 2567
11/03/19 22:12:05.189 RPC client: Debug: Sending packet: 42696E00000000930000001073797374656D2E6D756C746963616C6C00000001000001000000000100000101000000020000000A6D6574686F644E616D6500000003000000056576656E7400000006706172616D730000010000000004000000030000000B52462D3936373436616632000000030000000743454E5452414C0000000300000004504F4E4700000003000000083936373436616632
11/03/19 22:12:05.192 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Packet received: 42696E000000001C000000146C697374426964636F73496E746572666163657300000000
11/03/19 22:12:05.192 RPC client: Debug: Packet received: 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
11/03/19 22:12:05.192 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:12:05.192 RPC client: Debug: Received packet from server 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
11/03/19 22:12:05.192 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response: 
11/03/19 22:12:05.192 RPC client: Response was:
(Array length=1)
  (Struct length=4)
    [ADDRESS] (String) VBC0279743
    [CONNECTED] (Boolean) 1
    [DEFAULT] (Boolean) 1
    [DESCRIPTION] (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
(Array length=1)
  (String) event
11/03/19 22:12:05.192 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response binary:
11/03/19 22:12:20.196 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Packet received: 42696E000000001C0000000470696E670000000100000003000000083936373436616632
11/03/19 22:12:20.196 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:12:20.196 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response: 
(Boolean) 1
11/03/19 22:12:20.196 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response binary:
11/03/19 22:12:20.197 RPC client: Debug: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
11/03/19 22:12:20.197 RPC client: Parameters:
(Array length=1)
  (Struct length=2)
    [methodName] (String) event
    [params] (Array length=4)
      (String) RF-96746af2
      (String) CENTRAL
      (String) PONG
      (String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:12:20.197 Debug: Calling getFileDescriptor...
11/03/19 22:12:20.197 Debug: Connecting to host on port 9126...
11/03/19 22:12:20.198 Debug: Connected to host on port 9126. Client number is: 2568
11/03/19 22:12:20.198 RPC client: Debug: Sending packet: 42696E00000000930000001073797374656D2E6D756C746963616C6C00000001000001000000000100000101000000020000000A6D6574686F644E616D6500000003000000056576656E7400000006706172616D730000010000000004000000030000000B52462D3936373436616632000000030000000743454E5452414C0000000300000004504F4E4700000003000000083936373436616632
11/03/19 22:12:20.199 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Packet received: 42696E000000001C000000146C697374426964636F73496E746572666163657300000000
11/03/19 22:12:20.199 RPC client: Debug: Packet received: 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
11/03/19 22:12:20.199 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 2499 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:12:20.199 RPC client: Debug: Received packet from server 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
11/03/19 22:12:20.199 RPC client: Response was:
(Array length=1)
  (String) event
11/03/19 22:12:20.199 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response: 
(Array length=1)
  (Struct length=4)
    [ADDRESS] (String) VBC0279743
    [CONNECTED] (Boolean) 1
    [DEFAULT] (Boolean) 1
    [DESCRIPTION] (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
11/03/19 22:12:20.199 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response binary:
11/03/19 22:12:23.429 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Joining read thread of client 226
11/03/19 22:12:23.429 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Client 226 removed.
11/03/19 22:12:32.756 IPC Server: Info: IPC client 0 removed.
11/03/19 22:12:32.967 (Shutdown) => Stopping Homegear (Signal: 15)
11/03/19 22:12:32.968 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Stopping nodes.
11/03/19 22:12:32.968 Script Engine Server: Info: Stopping devices.
11/03/19 22:12:32.968 Info: Shutting down shared object family modules...
11/03/19 22:12:32.968 Info: Shutting down shared object family module "HomeMatic BidCoS"...
11/03/19 22:12:32.968 Info: Shutting down shared object family module "HomeMatic Wired"...
11/03/19 22:12:32.968 Info: Shutting down shared object family module "Miscellaneous"...
11/03/19 22:12:32.968 Stopping UPnP server...
11/03/19 22:12:33.041 (Shutdown) => Stopping Event handler
11/03/19 22:12:33.042 (Shutdown) => Stopping RPC servers
11/03/19 22:12:33.049 RPC Server (Port 2000): Info: Waiting for threads to finish.
11/03/19 22:12:33.142 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Waiting for threads to finish.
11/03/19 22:12:33.142 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Joining read thread of client 211
11/03/19 22:12:33.142 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Client 211 removed.
11/03/19 22:12:33.176 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Waiting for threads to finish.
11/03/19 22:12:33.178 (Shutdown) => Stopping RPC client
11/03/19 22:12:33.178 (Shutdown) => Closing physical interfaces
11/03/19 22:12:33.178 (Shutdown) => Stopping IPC server...
11/03/19 22:12:33.178 IPC Server: Debug: Waiting for IPC server's client threads to finish.
11/03/19 22:12:33.259 (Shutdown) => Stopping Node-BLUE server...
11/03/19 22:12:33.275 Node-BLUE Server: Debug: Waiting for flows engine server's client threads to finish.
11/03/19 22:12:33.278 (Shutdown) => Stopping script engine server...
11/03/19 22:12:33.278 Script Engine Server: Debug: Waiting for script engine server's client threads to finish.
11/03/19 22:12:33.303 (Shutdown) => Saving device families
11/03/19 22:12:33.304 (Shutdown) => Saving devices
11/03/19 22:12:33.304 (Shutdown) => Saving HomeMatic BidCoS central...
11/03/19 22:12:33.304 (Shutdown) => Saving devices
11/03/19 22:12:33.304 (Shutdown) => Saving HomeMatic Wired central...
11/03/19 22:12:33.304 (Shutdown) => Saving devices
11/03/19 22:12:33.304 (Shutdown) => Saving Miscellaneous central...
11/03/19 22:12:33.304 (Shutdown) => Disposing device families
11/03/19 22:12:33.304 Debug: Disposing central...
11/03/19 22:12:33.304 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Waiting for worker thread of device 1...
11/03/19 22:12:33.305 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Removing device 1 from physical device's event queue...
11/03/19 22:12:33.533 Debug: Disposing central...
11/03/19 22:12:33.533 Module HomeMatic Wired: Removing device 2 from physical device's event queue...
11/03/19 22:12:33.533 Module HomeMatic Wired: Debug: Waiting for worker thread of device 2...
11/03/19 22:12:34.509 Debug: Disposing central...
11/03/19 22:12:34.510 (Shutdown) => Disposing database
11/03/19 22:12:34.511 Closing database...
11/03/19 22:12:34.511 Debug: Can't execute "COMMIT": cannot commit - no transaction is active
11/03/19 22:12:34.558 (Shutdown) => Disposing family modules
11/03/19 22:12:34.558 Info: Disposing family module
11/03/19 22:12:34.558 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module
11/03/19 22:12:34.558 Debug: Closing dynamic library module
11/03/19 22:12:34.559 Debug: Dynamic library disposed
11/03/19 22:12:34.559 Info: Disposing family module
11/03/19 22:12:34.559 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module
11/03/19 22:12:34.559 Debug: Closing dynamic library module
11/03/19 22:12:34.559 Debug: Dynamic library disposed
11/03/19 22:12:34.559 Info: Disposing family module
11/03/19 22:12:34.559 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module
11/03/19 22:12:34.559 Debug: Closing dynamic library module
11/03/19 22:12:34.560 Debug: Dynamic library disposed
11/03/19 22:12:34.560 (Shutdown) => Disposing licensing modules
11/03/19 22:12:34.573 (Shutdown) => Shutdown complete.
11/03/19 22:12:34.772 Starting Homegear...
11/03/19 22:12:34.772 Homegear version 0.7.40-2948
11/03/19 22:12:34.772 Git commit SHA of libhomegear-base: -
11/03/19 22:12:34.772 Git branch of libhomegear-base:     -
11/03/19 22:12:34.772 Git commit SHA of Homegear:         -
11/03/19 22:12:34.772 Git branch of Homegear:             -
11/03/19 22:12:34.772 Determining maximum thread count...
11/03/19 22:12:35.977 Maximum thread count is: 333
11/03/19 22:12:35.991 Info: Backing up database...
11/03/19 22:12:36.081 Initializing database...
11/03/19 22:12:36.088 Initializing system variable controller...
11/03/19 22:12:36.090 Info: Loading family module (type 1)
11/03/19 22:12:36.094 Info: Loading settings from /etc/homegear/families/miscellaneous.conf
11/03/19 22:12:36.095 Info: Loading family module (type 1)
11/03/19 22:12:36.110 Info: Loading settings from /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf
11/03/19 22:12:36.112 Info: Loading family module (type 1)
11/03/19 22:12:36.119 Info: Loading settings from /etc/homegear/families/homematicwired.conf
11/03/19 22:12:36.120 Info: Setting up physical interfaces and GPIOs...
11/03/19 22:12:36.120 Info: Dropping privileges to user homegear (113) and group homegear (120)
11/03/19 22:12:36.120 Info: Homegear is (now) running as user with id 113 and group with id 120.
11/03/19 22:12:36.160 Starting script engine server...
11/03/19 22:12:36.187 Initializing licensing controller...
11/03/19 22:12:36.187 Loading licensing controller data...
11/03/19 22:12:36.187 Loading devices...
11/03/19 22:12:36.187 Loading XML RPC devices...
11/03/19 22:12:36.546 Loading device 1
11/03/19 22:12:36.547 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Central address set to 0xFD3D87.
11/03/19 22:12:36.547 Loading XML RPC devices...
11/03/19 22:12:36.566 Loading device 2
11/03/19 22:12:36.566 Loading XML RPC devices...
11/03/19 22:12:36.567 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
11/03/19 22:12:36.567 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/03/19 22:12:36.567 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/03/19 22:12:36.567 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
11/03/19 22:12:36.568 Loading device 3
11/03/19 22:12:36.569 Initializing RPC client...
11/03/19 22:12:36.569 Starting XML RPC server FamilyRPCServer listening on ::1:2000...
11/03/19 22:12:36.588 RPC Server (Port 2000): Info: Enabling no authentication.
11/03/19 22:12:36.588 RPC Server (Port 2000): Info: Enabling basic authentication for WebSockets.
11/03/19 22:12:36.589 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on :::2001...
11/03/19 22:12:36.595 RPC Server (Port 2000): Info: RPC Server started listening on address ::1 and port 2000
11/03/19 22:12:36.608 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/03/19 22:12:36.608 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/03/19 22:12:36.608 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Enabling no authentication.
11/03/19 22:12:36.608 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
11/03/19 22:12:36.609 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on :::2002, SSL enabled...
11/03/19 22:12:36.609 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2001
11/03/19 22:12:36.628 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
11/03/19 22:12:36.628 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Enabling no authentication.
11/03/19 22:12:36.628 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
11/03/19 22:12:36.647 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on :::2003, SSL enabled, authentication enabled...
11/03/19 22:12:36.648 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2002
11/03/19 22:12:36.667 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling basic authentication.
11/03/19 22:12:36.667 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling client certificate authentication.
11/03/19 22:12:36.667 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
11/03/19 22:12:36.685 Initializing event handler...
11/03/19 22:12:36.686 Loading events...
11/03/19 22:12:36.686 Start listening for packets...
11/03/19 22:12:36.686 Starting IPC server...
11/03/19 22:12:36.693 Starting Node-BLUE server...
11/03/19 22:12:36.701 Startup complete. Waiting for physical interfaces to connect.
11/03/19 22:12:36.701 Info: Waiting for physical interfaces to connect (0 of 180s).
11/03/19 22:12:36.701 All physical interfaces are connected now.
11/03/19 22:12:36.701 Starting UPnP server...
11/03/19 22:12:41.702 UPnP Server: Info: UPnP server: Binding to address:
11/03/19 22:12:41.897 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 7
11/03/19 22:12:41.897 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 7 is: 0
11/03/19 22:12:50.229 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 8
11/03/19 22:12:50.230 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 8 is: 1
11/03/19 22:12:50.230 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 8 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:12:50.233 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 8 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:13:05.242 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 8 is calling RPC method: init (2) Parameters:
(String) binary://
11/03/19 22:13:05.242 Info: Client with IP ::ffff: is calling "init".
11/03/19 22:13:05.250 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 9
11/03/19 22:13:05.250 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 9 is: 2
11/03/19 22:13:05.251 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 9 is calling RPC method: init (2) Parameters:
(String) binary://
(String) RF-96746af2
(Integer) 34
11/03/19 22:13:05.251 Info: Client with IP ::ffff: is calling "init".
11/03/19 22:13:05.252 Info: Adding server "binary://".
11/03/19 22:13:05.252 Info: Calling init methods on server "binary://".
11/03/19 22:13:05.256 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 10
11/03/19 22:13:05.256 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 10 is: 3
11/03/19 22:13:05.257 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) 96746af2
11/03/19 22:13:05.264 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:13:05.275 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getAllSystemVariables (2) Parameters:
11/03/19 22:13:05.280 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getAllScripts (2) Parameters:

In der /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf habe ich das Modul aktiviert:


moduleEnabled = true
centralAddress = [...]

#rfKey = 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
rfKey = [...]
currentRfKeyIndex = 2
oldRfKey = 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF

processBroadcastWithAesEnabled = false

########### HM-MOD-RPI-PCB  ###########

## The device family this interface is for
#[HomeMatic Wireless Module for Raspberry Pi]

## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear

## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
default = true

## Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cunx, hmcfglan, hmlgw, hm-mod-rpi-pcb, homegeargateway
deviceType = hm-mod-rpi-pcb

device = /dev/ttyAMA0

## Default: responseDelay = 95
## Should be "95" for CUL or COC, "100" for TI CC1101 and "60" for HM-CFG-LAN or HM-LGW
responseDelay = 95

## Default: gpio1 = 0
## "18" for HM-MOD-RPI-PCB
gpio1 = 18

Die boot/config.txt sieht so aus:

# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)

# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver on top of the dispmanx display stack



Ich frage mich, was beim RPi4 noch anders/zusätzlich eingestellt werden muss, damit Homegear bzw. das Modul funktioniert.

Nein, hast Du nicht.


Ich bin begeistert. Danke für den Hinweis, da hatte ich wohl ein Brett vorm Kopf.
Ich habe zwar die Migration (Backup/Restore) nicht hingekriegt, aber dafür funktioniert das Modul jetzt auf dem RPi4 einwandfrei. Danke!!!

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