I use openhab with homegear. The connected rollershutter works fine over the user interface. No Problems. But when I want to open or close by a rule using the postUpdate command this got transferred to openhab and is shown in the user interface, but the shutter itself does not move.
Here my openhab rule I expect to work. For sure I get the logentry, that it now opens. any Idea?
[code]Rollershutter Rollo_EG_1 “Rollo Wohnzimmer [%d %%]” {homematic=“address=xxxxxxx, channel=1, parameter=LEVEL”}
rule "UseCase6: Open Rollo automatic in the morning"
Item sensorInside2 changed from OPEN to CLOSED
logInfo(“UseCase6”, “Motion detected in living room. Check to open Rollo. AlarmStatus 0=={}, RolloStatus 100=={}, Darkness 150<{}”, AlarmCurrentStatus.state, Rollo_EG_1.state, brightness3.state)
if (AlarmCurrentStatus.state == 0 && Rollo_EG_1.state == 100 && brightness3.state > 150)
logInfo(“UseCase6”, “Start opening shutter”)
postUpdate(Rollo_EG_1, 50)