Hallo Forum,
ich google mich schon eine Weile durch das Forum aber so langsam sehe ich den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht mehr.
Ich versuche gerade auf meiner Debian 8 VM mein bereits laufendes Openhab+CometVISU mit Homegear und dem HM-CFG-LAN anzusteuern.
Ich habe Homegear nach der Wikianleitung installiert und die physicalinterfaces.conf bearbeitet.
Das Gerät lässt sich von meiner VM einwandfrei anpingen.
Hier einmal die Antworten:
als root homegear -r
homegear -r
10/07/15 11:43:05.510 Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory
10/07/15 11:43:05.510 Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory
tail -n 10 /var/log/homegear/homegear.log
10/06/15 22:07:15.048 (Shutdown) => Disposing device families
10/06/15 22:07:15.927 Info: Disposing family module mod_philipshue.so
10/06/15 22:07:15.927 Info: Disposing family module mod_miscellaneous.so
10/06/15 22:07:15.927 Info: Disposing family module mod_max.so
10/06/15 22:07:15.927 Info: Disposing family module mod_insteon.so
10/06/15 22:07:15.927 Info: Disposing family module mod_homematicwired.so
10/06/15 22:07:15.927 Info: Disposing family module mod_homematicbidcos.so
10/06/15 22:07:15.933 Closing database...
10/06/15 22:07:15.937 Can't execute "COMMIT": cannot commit - no transaction is active
10/06/15 22:07:15.937 (Shutdown) => Shutdown complete.
ls -l /var/run/homegear
ls: Zugriff auf /var/run/homegear nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
tail -n 4 /var/log/homegear/homegear.err
10/06/15 21:59:09.371 Critical: At least one of the physical devices could not be opened... Exiting...
10/06/15 21:59:42.302 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Couldn't open CUL device "/dev/ttyACM0": No such file or directory
10/06/15 21:59:42.302 Critical: At least one of the physical devices could not be opened... Exiting...
10/06/15 22:03:14.885 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Error: First packet from HM-CFG-LAN does not start with "HHM-LAN-IF" or has wrong structure. Please check your AES key in physicalinterfaces.conf. Stopping listening. Packet was: g���45��t��uѿ�¨R��WeS�U���B��6$��-R�JY.��Z�A�)�5
Und die Config Datei
############# HM-CFG-LAN #############
## The device family this interface is for
## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
id = My-HM-CFG-LAN
## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
default = true
## Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cuno, hmcfglan, hmlgw
deviceType = hmcfglan
## IP address of your HM-CFG-LAN
host =
## Port number your HM-CFG-LAN listens on. Normally 1000.
port = 1000
## Put the AES key printed on your HM-CFG-LAN here
lanKey = blablabla
## Specify a 16 byte (32 characters) long AES key here to protect your wireless communication
## !!! IMPORTANT: Never ever lose this key. That would render your devices useless.
## To remove the key from your devices, you need to factory reset them
rfKey = blablabla
## With each key change currentRFKeyIndex needs to be
## incremented by 1. Default value is 1.
currentRFKeyIndex = 1
## When you change rfKey, put the old key here. To
## change the key Homegear needs to know the old and
## the new one.
## !!! Do not set oldRFKey when you set rfKey for the first time !!!
##oldRFKey = 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
## Default: responseDelay = 95
## Should be "95" for CUL or COC, "100" for TI CC1101 and "60" for HM-CFG-LAN or HM-LGW
responseDelay = 60
Vielen Dank schon einmal.
Gruß WuGGu