Error in file RPC/Client.cpp line 397 in function void RPC


nach dem ich feststellte das auf den fertigen “imgages” doch noch sehr viel für mich fehlte, habe ich das aktuelle image für Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) auf raspberry herunter geladen und installiert. [color=#FF0000]Operating System: Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) | Kernel: Linux 4.1.18-v7+ | Architecture: arm[/color] Das läuft auch alles soweit.

Nun versuche ich verzweifelt darauf Homegear zu installieren. Egal welcher Weg, über oder wie auf der Page zu entnehmen. Homegear startet nicht und bricht mit folgender Meldung ab :

07/16/16 19:10:10.648 Debug: debugLevel set to 10
07/16/16 19:10:10.649 Debug: memoryDebugging set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.649 Debug: devLog set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.649 Debug: enableCoreDumps set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.650 Debug: workingDirectory set to /var/lib/homegear/
07/16/16 19:10:10.650 Debug: socketPath set to /var/run/homegear/
07/16/16 19:10:10.650 Debug: databasePath set to /var/lib/homegear/db.sql
07/16/16 19:10:10.650 Debug: databaseMemoryJournal set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.650 Debug: databaseWALJournal set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.650 Debug: databaseSynchronous set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.651 Debug: databaseMaxBackups set to 10
07/16/16 19:10:10.651 Debug: logfilePath set to /var/log/homegear/
07/16/16 19:10:10.651 Debug: enableUPnP set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.651 Debug: certPath set to /etc/homegear/homegear.crt
07/16/16 19:10:10.651 Debug: keyPath set to /etc/homegear/homegear.key
07/16/16 19:10:10.651 Debug: loadDHParamsFromFile set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.651 Debug: dhParamPath set to /etc/homegear/dh1024.pem
07/16/16 19:10:10.652 Debug: deviceDescriptionPath set to /etc/homegear/devices/
07/16/16 19:10:10.652 Debug: clientSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.652 Debug: serverSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.652 Debug: mqttSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/mqtt.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.652 Debug: familyConfigPath set to /etc/homegear/families/
07/16/16 19:10:10.652 Debug: phpIniPath set to /etc/homegear/php.ini
07/16/16 19:10:10.653 Debug: gpioPath set to /sys/class/gpio/
07/16/16 19:10:10.653 Debug: scriptPath set to /var/lib/homegear/scripts/
07/16/16 19:10:10.653 Debug: libraryPath set to /var/lib/homegear/modules/
07/16/16 19:10:10.653 Debug: firmwarePath set to /usr/share/homegear/firmware/
07/16/16 19:10:10.653 Debug: tempPath set to /var/lib/homegear/tmp/
07/16/16 19:10:10.654 Debug: Added replaceClientServerAddress xmlrpc_bin:// xmlrpc_bin://$remoteip:1999
07/16/16 19:10:10.654 Debug: Added replaceClientServerAddress $remoteip:9292/bidcos
07/16/16 19:10:10.654 Debug: prioritizeThreads set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.654 Debug: workerThreadWindow set to 3000
07/16/16 19:10:10.654 Debug: scriptEngineMaxThreadsPerScript set to 4
07/16/16 19:10:10.654 Debug: scriptEngineMaxScriptsPerProcess set to 50
07/16/16 19:10:10.654 Debug: scriptEngineThreadCount set to 10
07/16/16 19:10:10.655 Debug: scriptEngineServerMaxConnections set to 10
07/16/16 19:10:10.655 Debug: cliServerMaxConnections set to 50
07/16/16 19:10:10.655 Debug: rpcServerMaxConnections set to 50
07/16/16 19:10:10.655 Debug: rpcServerThreadPriority set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.655 Debug: rpcServerThreadPolicy set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.655 Debug: rpcClientMaxThreads set to 50
07/16/16 19:10:10.656 Debug: rpcClientThreadPriority set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.656 Debug: rpcClientThreadPolicy set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.656 Debug: workerThreadPriority set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.656 Debug: workerThreadPolicy set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.656 Debug: physicalInterfaceThreadPriority set to 45
07/16/16 19:10:10.656 Debug: physicalInterfaceThreadPolicy set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.657 Debug: packetReceivedThreadPriority set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.657 Debug: packetReceivedThreadPolicy set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.657 Debug: eventThreadCount set to 5
07/16/16 19:10:10.657 Debug: eventThreadPriority set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.657 Debug: eventThreadPolicy set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.657 Loading RPC server settings from /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.658 Debug: interface of server RPCServer1 set to
07/16/16 19:10:10.658 Debug: port of server RPCServer1 set to 2001
07/16/16 19:10:10.658 Debug: xmlrpcServer of server RPCServer1 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.658 Debug: jsonrpcServer of server RPCServer1 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.658 Debug: webServer of server RPCServer1 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.658 Debug: contentPath of RPC server RPCServer1 set to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/
07/16/16 19:10:10.658 Debug: webSocket of server RPCServer1 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.659 Debug: ssl of server RPCServer1 set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.659 Debug: authType of server RPCServer1 set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.659 Debug: websocketauthtype of server RPCServer1 set to 2
07/16/16 19:10:10.659 Debug: interface of server RPCServer2 set to
07/16/16 19:10:10.659 Debug: port of server RPCServer2 set to 2002
07/16/16 19:10:10.659 Debug: xmlrpcServer of server RPCServer2 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.659 Debug: jsonrpcServer of server RPCServer2 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.660 Debug: webServer of server RPCServer2 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.660 Debug: contentPath of RPC server RPCServer2 set to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/
07/16/16 19:10:10.660 Debug: webSocket of server RPCServer2 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.660 Debug: ssl of server RPCServer2 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.660 Debug: authType of server RPCServer2 set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.660 Debug: websocketauthtype of server RPCServer2 set to 2
07/16/16 19:10:10.660 Debug: diffieHellmanKeySize of server RPCServer2 set to 1024
07/16/16 19:10:10.660 Debug: interface of server RPCServer3 set to
07/16/16 19:10:10.661 Debug: port of server RPCServer3 set to 2003
07/16/16 19:10:10.661 Debug: xmlrpcServer of server RPCServer3 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.661 Debug: jsonrpcServer of server RPCServer3 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.661 Debug: webServer of server RPCServer3 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.661 Debug: contentPath of RPC server RPCServer3 set to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/
07/16/16 19:10:10.661 Debug: webSocket of server RPCServer3 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.661 Debug: ssl of server RPCServer3 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.661 Debug: authType of server RPCServer3 set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.662 Debug: websocketauthtype of server RPCServer3 set to 2
07/16/16 19:10:10.662 Debug: diffieHellmanKeySize of server RPCServer3 set to 1024
07/16/16 19:10:10.662 Loading RPC client settings from /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.662 Debug: hostname of RPC client ExampleClient set to myhostname
07/16/16 19:10:10.662 Debug: caFile of RPC client ExampleClient set to /path/to/ca-certficate
07/16/16 19:10:10.663 Debug: verifyCertificate of RPC client ExampleClient set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.663 Debug: forceSSL of RPC client ExampleClient set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.663 Debug: authType of RPC client ExampleClient set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.663 Debug: userName of RPC client ExampleClient set to myuser
07/16/16 19:10:10.663 Debug: password of RPC client ExampleClient was set.
07/16/16 19:10:10.663 Debug (MQTT settings): enabled set to 0
07/16/16 19:10:10.664 Debug (MQTT settings): brokerHostname set to localhost
07/16/16 19:10:10.664 Debug (MQTT settings): brokerPort set to 1883
07/16/16 19:10:10.664 Debug (MQTT settings): clientName set to Homegear
07/16/16 19:10:10.664 Debug (MQTT settings): homegearId set to 1234-5678-9abc
07/16/16 19:10:10.664 Debug (MQTT settings): retain set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.664 Debug (MQTT settings): enableSSL set to
07/16/16 19:10:10.666 Starting Homegear…
07/16/16 19:10:10.666 Homegear version 0.6.3-1415
07/16/16 19:10:10.666 Git commit SHA of libhomegear-base: -
07/16/16 19:10:10.666 Git branch of libhomegear-base: -
07/16/16 19:10:10.666 Git commit SHA of Homegear: -
07/16/16 19:10:10.666 Git branch of Homegear: -
07/16/16 19:10:10.678 Info: Backing up database…
07/16/16 19:10:10.771 Initializing database…
07/16/16 19:10:10.774 Debug: Loading licensing modules
07/16/16 19:10:10.774 Debug: Loading family modules
07/16/16 19:10:10.774 Info: Loading family module
07/16/16 19:10:10.778 /etc/homegear/families/kodi.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.779 Module Kodi: Debug: Loading module…
07/16/16 19:10:10.779 Info: Loading family module
07/16/16 19:10:10.783 /etc/homegear/families/ipcam.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.783 Debug: Loading section "General"
07/16/16 19:10:10.783 Debug: Loading section "Event Server"
07/16/16 19:10:10.783 Debug: id set to My-IpCam
07/16/16 19:10:10.783 Debug: deviceType set to eventserver
07/16/16 19:10:10.784 Module IpCam: Debug: Loading module…
07/16/16 19:10:10.784 Module IpCam: Debug: Creating physical device. Type defined in ipcam.conf is: eventserver
07/16/16 19:10:10.785 Info: Loading family module
07/16/16 19:10:10.791 /etc/homegear/families/homematicwired.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.792 Module HomeMatic Wired: Debug: Loading module…
07/16/16 19:10:10.792 Info: Loading family module
07/16/16 19:10:10.798 /etc/homegear/families/insteon.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.799 Module Insteon: Debug: Loading module…
07/16/16 19:10:10.799 Info: Loading family module
07/16/16 19:10:10.803 /etc/homegear/families/philipshue.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.804 Module Philips hue: Debug: Loading module…
07/16/16 19:10:10.804 Info: Loading family module
07/16/16 19:10:10.811 /etc/homegear/families/max.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.812 Module MAX: Debug: Loading module…
07/16/16 19:10:10.812 Info: Loading family module
07/16/16 19:10:10.815 /etc/homegear/families/miscellaneous.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.816 Module Miscellaneous: Debug: Loading module…
07/16/16 19:10:10.816 Info: Loading family module
07/16/16 19:10:10.821 /etc/homegear/families/sonos.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.821 Debug: Loading section "General"
07/16/16 19:10:10.822 Debug: Family setting datapath set to /var/lib/homegear/audio
07/16/16 19:10:10.822 Debug: Loading section "Event Server"
07/16/16 19:10:10.822 Debug: id set to My-Sonos-1234
07/16/16 19:10:10.824 Debug: deviceType set to eventserver
07/16/16 19:10:10.824 Debug: ttsProgram set to homegear -e rs DeviceScripts/Sonos/IvonaTTS.php
07/16/16 19:10:10.824 Module Sonos: Debug: Loading module…
07/16/16 19:10:10.825 Module Sonos: Debug: Creating physical device. Type defined in sonos.conf is: eventserver
07/16/16 19:10:10.825 Info: Loading family module
07/16/16 19:10:10.836 /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf
07/16/16 19:10:10.837 Debug: Loading section "General"
07/16/16 19:10:10.837 Debug: Family setting centraladdress set to (gelöscht)
07/16/16 19:10:10.837 Debug: Family setting rfkey set to (gelöscht)
07/16/16 19:10:10.837 Debug: Family setting currentrfkeyindex set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.837 Debug: Family setting processbroadcastwithaesenabled set to false
07/16/16 19:10:10.837 Debug: Loading section "TI CC1101 Module"
07/16/16 19:10:10.837 Debug: id set to My-CC1101
07/16/16 19:10:10.837 Debug: default set to 1
07/16/16 19:10:10.838 Debug: deviceType set to cc1100
07/16/16 19:10:10.838 Debug: device set to /dev/spidev0.0
07/16/16 19:10:10.838 Debug: responseDelay set to 100
07/16/16 19:10:10.838 Debug: interruptPin set to 2
07/16/16 19:10:10.838 Debug: GPIO1 set to 25
07/16/16 19:10:10.838 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Loading module…
07/16/16 19:10:10.838 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Creating physical device. Type defined in homematicbidcos.conf is: cc1100
07/16/16 19:10:10.839 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Debug: PATABLE will be set to 0xC0
07/16/16 19:10:10.839 Warning: Running as root. The authors of Homegear recommend running Homegear as user.
07/16/16 19:10:10.839 Warning: Running as root. The authors of Homegear recommend running Homegear as user.
07/16/16 19:10:10.839 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to “0” for user with id 0 and group with id 0.
07/16/16 19:10:10.839 Info: Maximum thread priority now is “0”.
terminate called without an active exception
07/16/16 19:10:10.840 Critical: Signal 6 received. Stopping Homegear…
07/16/16 19:10:10.840 Critical: Signal 6 received. Stopping Homegear…

den hier hatte ich auch gelegentlich

07/16/16 18:17:08.158 Closing database…
07/16/16 18:17:08.158 Debug: Can’t execute “COMMIT”: cannot commit - no transaction is active
07/16/16 18:17:08.159 Error: Can’t execute “PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE”: attempt to write a readonly database
07/16/16 18:17:08.159 Error in file RPC/Client.cpp line 397 in function void RPC::Client::broadcastError(int32_t, std::string): Invalid argument

Weiß jemand Rat ?? Habe schon alles möglich probiert, leider ohne Erfolg.

Gruß Achim

Hallo Achim,

das ist inzwischen gefixt. Es hat sich ein doofer Fehler beim Mergen der dev- und der stable-Version eingeschlichen…

Viele Grüße


Hallo Sathya,

ich habe alles deinstalliert neu gestartet und neu installiert. Lief auch soweit unproblematisch durch.
Wenn ich homegaer starte läuft er nun bedeutend weiter, bricht aber dennoch wieder ab.

wenn ich als homegear -r starte

[color=#000080]Debug: Trying to connect…
07/17/16 22:30:01.648 Debug: Socket closed. Trying again…
07/17/16 22:30:03.649 Could not connect to socket. Error: Connection refused
07/17/16 22:30:03.649 Could not connect to socket. Error: Connection refused[/color]

und wenn ich nur als homegear starte :

[color=#000080]Failed to open value file for GPIO with index 1 and device “cc1100”: Unable to retrieve path.
07/17/16 22:29:44.170 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 331 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open value file for GPIO with index 1 and device “cc1100”: Unable to retrieve path.
07/17/16 22:29:44.170 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Connection to TI CC1101 closed unexpectedly… Trying to reconnect…
07/17/16 22:29:44.170 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Connection to TI CC1101 closed unexpectedly… Trying to reconnect…
07/17/16 22:29:44.173 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Debug: CC1100: Setting GPIO direction
07/17/16 22:29:44.174 Failed to open direction file for GPIO with index 1 and device “cc1100”: Unable to retrieve path.
07/17/16 22:29:44.174 Failed to open direction file for GPIO with index 1 and device “cc1100”: Unable to retrieve path.
07/17/16 22:29:44.174 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Debug: CC1100: Setting GPIO edge
07/17/16 22:29:44.174 Failed to open edge file for GPIO with index 1 and device “cc1100”: Unable to retrieve path.
07/17/16 22:29:44.174 Failed to open edge file for GPIO with index 1 and device “cc1100”: Unable to retrieve path.
07/17/16 22:29:44.174 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 331 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open value file for GPIO with index 1 and device “cc1100”: Unable to retrieve path.
07/17/16 22:29:44.174 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 331 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open value file for GPIO with index 1 and device “cc1100”: Unable to retrieve path.
07/17/16 22:29:44.174 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Error: Couldn’t listen to rf device, because the GPIO descriptor is not valid: /dev/spidev0.0
07/17/16 22:29:44.174 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Error: Couldn’t listen to rf device, because the GPIO descriptor is not valid: /dev/spidev0.0[/color]

die spidev0.0 ist da und homegaer hat volle Rechte, ebenso auf die db.sql
die homematicbidcos.conf ist 1:1 die gleiche die auch auf den vormals installierten image unproblematisch läuft.

. . . ## Options: cul, cc1100, coc, cunx, hmcfglan, hmlgw, hm-mod-rpi-pcb
deviceType = cc1100
device = /dev/spidev0.0

Default: responseDelay = 95

Should be “95” for CUL or COC, “100” for TI CC1101 and “60” for HM-CFG-LAN or HM-LGW

responseDelay = 100

The interrupt pin to use. “0” for GDO0 or “2” for GDO2.

You only need to connect one of them. Specify the GPIO

you connected the interrupt pin to below.

interruptPin = 2

The GPIO GDO0 or GDO2 is connected to. Specify which GDO to use above.

gpio1 = 25 . . .

Hast Du eine Idee, was noch sein kann?

Gruß Achim

Hallo Sathya,

habe die PI nochmals neu gestartet und bekomme jetzt:

[size=85]07/17/16 23:03:46.198 Could not write to edge file (/sys/class/gpio/gpio25/edge) of GPIO with index 1: Permission denied
07/17/16 23:03:46.199 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 331 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open GPIO value file “/sys/class/gpio/gpio25/value”: Permission denied
07/17/16 23:03:46.199 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Error: Couldn’t listen to rf device, because the GPIO descriptor is not valid: /dev/spidev0.0
07/17/16 23:03:47.199 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 331 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open GPIO value file “/sys/class/gpio/gpio25/value”: Permission denied
07/17/16 23:03:47.203 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Connection to TI CC1101 closed unexpectedly… Trying to reconnect…
07/17/16 23:03:47.208 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Debug: CC1100: Setting GPIO direction
07/17/16 23:03:47.208 Could not write to direction file (/sys/class/gpio/gpio25/direction) of GPIO with index 1: Permission denied
07/17/16 23:03:47.208 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Debug: CC1100: Setting GPIO edge
07/17/16 23:03:47.208 Could not write to edge file (/sys/class/gpio/gpio25/edge) of GPIO with index 1: Permission denied
07/17/16 23:03:47.209 Error in file Systems/IPhysicalInterface.cpp line 331 in function virtual void BaseLib::Systems::IPhysicalInterface::openGPIO(uint32_t, bool): Failed to open GPIO value file “/sys/class/gpio/gpio25/value”: Permission denied
07/17/16 23:03:47.209 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: TI CC110X “My-CC1101”: Error: Couldn’t listen to rf device, because the GPIO descriptor is not valid: /dev/spidev0.0[/size]

Habe das dann unter dem Hinweis jetzt zum laufen bekommen.

Da es schon ein wenig spät ist, schaue ich mir das Morgen nochmals in Ruhe an. Würde das Ergebnis dann hier entsprechend posten.

Gruß Achim