Hi all!
For a while I’ve been looking for a professional home automation system which allowed interfacing with costum diy code.
An important feature for me is that the system is wired through cat cables (= ethernet cables). After an extensive search I found HomeMatic Wired and Homegear.
Before buying anything I’ve got a few question about how the HomeMatic Wired system and Homegear works. I hope i can get some answers over here.
Does the communcation between the HomeGear wired modules through ethernet pass through the HomeGear module (= single point of failure) or do they communicate to each other using IP-routing and is HomeGear more of a observer in this process that can send commands to the modules as well?
Is the ethernet communication encrypted of is it plain text with keys or something else? I’m unable to find any protocol information on the internet. Can it be wiresharked?
What piece of the code on github is responsible for the communication with HomeGear wired modules? (a link would be great here )
My goal is to develop a costum application that can interface with the HomeMatic modules. I’d prefere C#, any advice?
HomeGaer and HomeMatic seems like the only system that have the features i’m looking for (wired, professional gear and with the ability to interface with a costum application). So some help to get started would really be appreciated!
Thank you!