Hallo Kollegen,
ich habe mir zu Testzwecken eine Hue-Bridge von Philips zugelegt.
Leider klappt die Integration nicht, da folgende Probleme auftauchen.
Die Netzwerkadresse ist korrekt:
02/13/15 16:48:32.337 Module Philips hue: Philips hue bridge "phue": Error: Unable to read from HTTP server "": Connection closed.
02/13/15 16:49:12.399 Module Philips hue: Philips hue bridge "phue": Error: Unable to read from HTTP server "": Connection closed.
02/13/15 16:49:14.857 Module Philips hue: Philips hue bridge "phue": Error in file Modules/PhilipsHue/PhysicalInterfaces/HueBridge.cpp line 289 in function virtual void PhilipsHue::HueBridge::searchLights(): Unable to read from HTTP server "": Connection closed.
02/13/15 16:49:14.917 Module Philips hue: Philips hue bridge "phue": Error in file Modules/PhilipsHue/PhysicalInterfaces/HueBridge.cpp line 335 in function virtual std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PhilipsHue::PhilipsHuePacket> > PhilipsHue::HueBridge::getPeerInfo(): Unable to read from HTTP server "": Connection closed.
02/13/15 16:49:52.460 Module Philips hue: Philips hue bridge "phue": Error: Unable to read from HTTP server "": Connection closed.
02/13/15 16:50:32.521 Module Philips hue: Philips hue bridge "phue": Error: Unable to read from HTTP server "": Connection closed.
02/13/15 16:51:12.582 Module Philips hue: Philips hue bridge "phue": Error: Unable to read from HTTP server "": Connection closed.
02/13/15 16:51:52.651 Module Philips hue: Philips hue bridge "phue": Error: Unable to read from HTTP server "": Connection closed.
02/13/15 16:52:32.711 Module Philips hue: Philips hue bridge "phue": Error: Unable to read from HTTP server "": Connection closed.
Ich vermute mal die unteren Versuche sind die Versuche eines Links?
Das drücken des Link-Buttons hat irgendwie keinerlei Einfluss auf das Verhalten.
Es gab ja Firmware-Upgrades für die Bridge, eventuell gibt es deswegen Probleme?
id = phue
deviceType = huebridge
host =
port = 80
responseDelay = 100
Danke und Grüße