Cc1101 + cc1190

Hallo zusammen,

da ich im meiner Installation Probleme habe alle Steller zu erreichen, interessiert mich die Lösung CC1101 mit CC1190. In der conf Datei ist eine entsprechende Rubrik ja bereits enthalten.
Hat das jemand schon am laufen?

Mir stellen sich ein paar Fragen zum Anschluss:

Hier ein paar Auszüge aus dem Datenblatt des CC1190

Die .conf Datei

[code]### Additional TI CC1190 Config ###

The GPIO high gain mode of the CC1190 is connected to.

Default: -1 (disabled)

#gpio2 = 5

The hexadecimal value for the PATABLE of the TI CC1101.


- Without high gain mode: 0xC2

- With high gain mode: 0x27 (maximum legally allowed setting)[/code]

Laut Datenblatt kann man den High Gain Mode (HGM) fest auf 1 setzen. Dann wäre der Anschluss schon mal klar.

PA_EN und LNA_EN müssen allerdings getoggelt werden.
Laut Schaltbild, nehme ich an, dass der GDO am CC1101 parallel am PA_EN benutzt werden kann. Demnach muss der zweite GPIO (gpio2)aus der .conf Datei mit LNA_EN verbunden werden.

Könnte mir das jemand bestätigen, bevor ich das Modul schrotte?

Beste Grüße / Zennix

Hallo Zennix,

haben wir bereits erfolgreich getestet. Der CC1190 ist ganz pflegeleicht, solange Du ihn nicht versehentlich mit 5V quälst. Ich nehme an, Du hast Dir das Eval-Kit ( … ND/2749366) bestellt.

Ja, Du kannst GDO0 oder GDO2 des CC1101 für die Funktion PA_EN, !PA_EN, LNA_EN oder !LNA_EN konfigurieren und mit PA_EN und LNA_EN des CC1190 direkt bzw. über einen CMOS-Inverter verbinden. Laut Auskunft vom TI Support-Forum und laut eigener Erfahrung (ausprobiert) kann man den CC1190 durch gleichzeitiges PA_EN und LNA_EN nicht kaputtkriegen (weder kurzzeitig durch den Hazard aufgrund der Gatterlaufzeit des Inverters noch länger durch falsches Verdrahten oder den default-Clock-Output des CC1101 beim Booten). Im CC1190-Datenblatt ist die Wahrheitstabelle diesbzgl. unvollständig.

Das Schaltbild legt die Emulation des Inverters per Mikrocontroller nahe. Das geht natürlich genauso. Den anderen der beiden GDOs möchtest Du wohl als Interrupt-Pin (“Hallo, Mikrocontroller, ich habe gerade ein Paket empfangen”) nutzen.

Viel Erfolg

Hallo Malli,

vielen Dank für die Info.
Na dann bin ich ja gar nicht so weit weg mit meinen Annahmen.
Kannst du mir noch sagen welchen GPIO ich in der *.conf angebe?

[code]### Additional TI CC1190 Config ###

The GPIO high gain mode of the CC1190 is connected to.

Default: -1 (disabled)

#gpio2 = 5

Das müsste dann doch der GPIO sein, der mit dem PA_EN verbunden werden muss. Und nicht, wie man aus der Beschreibung vermuten könnte, der HGM Anschluss.

Jetzt besorge ich mir erstmal einen INverter und dann sehen wir weiter.

Grüße / Zennix


so, jetzt hab ich zuerst Homgear auf die 0.6.0-1213 upgedated und mit einem Standard CC1101 überprüft ob noch alles funktioniert. Soweit alles OK.
Das Modul hab ich mit einem Inverter versehen und laut angehängtem Plan verdrahtet. Danach hab ich das CC1101, CC1190 Pärchen angeschlossen und die Spannungen gemessen. Ebenfalls OK, Inverter funktioniert.

Das wars allerdings auch schon. Laut Log wird das Modul erkannt. Errorlog bleibt leer.
Bei höherem Debuglevel bringt er: Check Health returned OK.

Doch empfangen tu ich nichts.
Hat jemand eine Idee, was ich noch probieren könnte?

Die MAX.conf habe ich wie folgt geändert:

########## TI CC1101 Module  ##########

## The device family this interface is for
[TI CC1101 Module]

## Specify an unique id here to identify this device in Homegear
id = My-MAX-CC1101

## When default is set to "true" Homegear will assign this device
## to new peers.
default = true

## Options: cul, coc, cc1100
deviceType = cc1100

device = /dev/spidev0.0

## Default: responseDelay = 95
## Should be "40" for CUL or COC and "45" for TI CC1101.
responseDelay = 45

## The interrupt pin to use. "0" for GDO0 or "2" for GDO2.
## You only need to connect one of them. Specify the GPIO
## you connected the interrupt pin to below.
interruptPin = 2

## The GPIO GDO0 or GDO2 is connected to. Specify which GDO to use above.
gpio1 = 25

### Additional TI CC1190 Config ###

## The GPIO high gain mode of the CC1190 is connected to.
## Default: -1 (disabled)
gpio2 = 5

## The hexadecimal value for the PATABLE of the TI CC1101.
## Default:
## - Without high gain mode: 0xC2
## - With high gain mode: 0x27 (maximum legally allowed setting)
txPowerSetting = 0x27

Grüße / Zennix


setz mal den Loglevel auf 6. Dann siehst du die SPI-Pakete. Sieht das soweit ok aus? Du kannst das Log hier auch gerne posten, dann schaue ich einmal rauf. Ansonsten ist noch sehr wichtig, dass die richtigigen GPIO in der Config angegeben ist. Welche GPIO du verwendest ist egal.

Viele Grüße



OK, hier die Logs.
Bitte wirf noch einen Blick auf das Schaltbild. In der max.conf habe ich den GPIO2 = 5 angegeben. Ich nehme an, dass hier etwas definiert werden muss um den 1190 zu aktivieren. Den HGM habe ich aber nicht mit dem Modul verbunden sonder fest auf High gelegt.

HGM ist fest auf High gelegt.
GDO2 des 1101 ist direkt mit dem GPIO25 des Raspberry verbunden (max.conf GPIO1=25
GD00 des CC1101 ist direkt mit PA_EN des CC1190 verbunden und über einen Inverter auf den LNA_EN des CC11090.

Im Log sehe ich keine Komunikation mit den Stellern oder den Fensterkontakten.

Grüße / Zennix

02/08/16 11:25:39.985 Starting Homegear... 02/08/16 11:25:39.986 Homegear version 0.6.0-1213 02/08/16 11:25:39.986 Git commit SHA of libhomegear-base: b371e5dc71949665db5ad1da6892ec6f9bad41b1 02/08/16 11:25:39.986 Git commit SHA of Homegear: 8f5b128c3c36dba40e4a6800871c94e4974e9a3a 02/08/16 11:25:39.987 Info: Setting allowed core file size on monitor process to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0. 02/08/16 11:25:39.987 Info: Core file size on monitor process now is "4294967295". 02/08/16 11:25:39.987 Info: Setting maximum thread priority on monitor process to "100" for user with id 0 and group with id 0. 02/08/16 11:25:39.987 Info: Maximum thread priority on monitor process now is "100". 02/08/16 11:25:39.987 Starting Homegear... 02/08/16 11:25:39.988 Homegear version 0.6.0-1213 02/08/16 11:25:39.988 Git commit SHA of libhomegear-base: b371e5dc71949665db5ad1da6892ec6f9bad41b1 02/08/16 11:25:39.988 Git commit SHA of Homegear: 8f5b128c3c36dba40e4a6800871c94e4974e9a3a 02/08/16 11:25:39.990 Debug: Loading licensing modules 02/08/16 11:25:39.991 Debug: Loading family modules 02/08/16 11:25:39.991 Info: Loading family module 02/08/16 11:25:40.008 /etc/homegear/families/max.conf 02/08/16 11:25:40.009 Debug: Loading section "TI CC1101 Module" 02/08/16 11:25:40.009 Debug: id set to My-MAX-CC1101 02/08/16 11:25:40.009 Debug: default set to 1 02/08/16 11:25:40.009 Debug: deviceType set to cc1100 02/08/16 11:25:40.009 Debug: device set to /dev/spidev0.0 02/08/16 11:25:40.010 Debug: responseDelay set to 45 02/08/16 11:25:40.010 Debug: interruptPin set to 2 02/08/16 11:25:40.010 Debug: GPIO1 set to 25 02/08/16 11:25:40.010 Debug: GPIO2 set to 5 02/08/16 11:25:40.011 Debug: txPowerSetting set to 39 02/08/16 11:25:40.011 Module MAX: Debug: Loading module... 02/08/16 11:25:40.011 Module MAX: Debug: Creating physical device. Type defined in max.conf is: cc1100 02/08/16 11:25:40.012 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: PATABLE will be set to 0x27 02/08/16 11:25:40.012 Info: Loading family module 02/08/16 11:25:40.018 /etc/homegear/families/miscellaneous.conf 02/08/16 11:25:40.019 Module Miscellaneous: Debug: Loading module... 02/08/16 11:25:40.025 Info: Settings up physical interfaces and GPIOs... 02/08/16 11:25:40.025 Debug: Setting up physical device. 02/08/16 11:25:40.026 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: CC1100: Setting device permissions 02/08/16 11:25:40.026 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: CC1100: Exporting GPIO 02/08/16 11:25:40.027 Debug: GPIO path for GPIO with index 1 and device cc1100 set to "/sys/class/gpio/gpio25". 02/08/16 11:25:40.027 Debug: Unexporting GPIO with index 1 and number 25 for device "cc1100". 02/08/16 11:25:40.028 Debug: Exporting GPIO with index 1 and number 25 for device "cc1100". 02/08/16 11:25:40.028 Debug: GPIO path for GPIO with index 2 and device cc1100 set to "/sys/class/gpio/gpio5". 02/08/16 11:25:40.029 Debug: Unexporting GPIO with index 2 and number 5 for device "cc1100". 02/08/16 11:25:40.029 Debug: Exporting GPIO with index 2 and number 5 for device "cc1100". 02/08/16 11:25:40.029 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: CC1100: Setting GPIO permissions 02/08/16 11:25:40.030 Debug: GPIO path for GPIO with index 1 and device cc1100 set to "/sys/class/gpio/gpio25". 02/08/16 11:25:40.031 Debug: GPIO path for GPIO with index 2 and device cc1100 set to "/sys/class/gpio/gpio5". 02/08/16 11:25:40.032 Info: Dropping privileges to user homegear (106) and group homegear (111) 02/08/16 11:25:40.038 Info: Homegear is (now) running as user with id 106 and group with id 111. 02/08/16 11:25:40.038 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 106 and group with id 111. 02/08/16 11:25:40.039 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295". 02/08/16 11:25:40.039 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "100" for user with id 106 and group with id 111. 02/08/16 11:25:40.039 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "100". 02/08/16 11:25:40.125 Info: Backing up database... 02/08/16 11:25:42.894 Initializing database... 02/08/16 11:25:42.944 Starting script engine server... 02/08/16 11:25:42.948 Script Engine Server: Debug: Waiting for script engine server's client threads to finish. 02/08/16 11:25:42.950 Initializing licensing controller... 02/08/16 11:25:42.950 Loading licensing controller data... 02/08/16 11:25:42.950 Loading devices... 02/08/16 11:25:42.950 Loading XML RPC devices... 02/08/16 11:25:42.951 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/4/BC-SC-Rd-WM-2.xml 02/08/16 11:25:42.954 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/4/BC-SC-Rd-WM.xml 02/08/16 11:25:42.955 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/4/BC-PB-2-WM.xml 02/08/16 11:25:42.956 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/4/BC-TC-C-WM-2.xml 02/08/16 11:25:42.981 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/4/BC-RT-TRX-CyG.xml 02/08/16 11:25:43.006 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/4/BC-RT-TRX-CyG-3.xml 02/08/16 11:25:43.031 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/4/BC-TC-C-WM-4.xml 02/08/16 11:25:43.056 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/4/BC-RT-TRX-CyN.xml 02/08/16 11:25:43.081 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/4/BC-TS-Sw-Pl.xml 02/08/16 11:25:43.100 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/4/BC-RT-TRX-CyG-2.xml 02/08/16 11:25:43.116 Loading device 1 02/08/16 11:25:43.119 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 1 02/08/16 11:25:43.126 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig1 02/08/16 11:25:43.126 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig1 02/08/16 11:25:43.128 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 2 02/08/16 11:25:43.141 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig2 02/08/16 11:25:43.143 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig2 02/08/16 11:25:43.144 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 4 02/08/16 11:25:43.149 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig4 02/08/16 11:25:43.150 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig4 02/08/16 11:25:43.151 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 5 02/08/16 11:25:43.170 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig5 02/08/16 11:25:43.172 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig5 02/08/16 11:25:43.173 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 6 02/08/16 11:25:43.179 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig6 02/08/16 11:25:43.179 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig6 02/08/16 11:25:43.180 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 7 02/08/16 11:25:43.200 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig7 02/08/16 11:25:43.202 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig7 02/08/16 11:25:43.203 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 8 02/08/16 11:25:43.209 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig8 02/08/16 11:25:43.209 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig8 02/08/16 11:25:43.210 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 9 02/08/16 11:25:43.230 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig9 02/08/16 11:25:43.232 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig9 02/08/16 11:25:43.234 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 10 02/08/16 11:25:43.239 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig10 02/08/16 11:25:43.240 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig10 02/08/16 11:25:43.241 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 11 02/08/16 11:25:43.261 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig11 02/08/16 11:25:43.263 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig11 02/08/16 11:25:43.264 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 12 02/08/16 11:25:43.284 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig12 02/08/16 11:25:43.287 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig12 02/08/16 11:25:43.288 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 13 02/08/16 11:25:43.308 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig13 02/08/16 11:25:43.310 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig13 02/08/16 11:25:43.312 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 15 02/08/16 11:25:43.317 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig15 02/08/16 11:25:43.318 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig15 02/08/16 11:25:43.319 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 16 02/08/16 11:25:43.339 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig16 02/08/16 11:25:43.341 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig16 02/08/16 11:25:43.343 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 17 02/08/16 11:25:43.348 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig17 02/08/16 11:25:43.349 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig17 02/08/16 11:25:43.350 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 18 02/08/16 11:25:43.370 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig18 02/08/16 11:25:43.373 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig18 02/08/16 11:25:43.374 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 19 02/08/16 11:25:43.379 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig19 02/08/16 11:25:43.380 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig19 02/08/16 11:25:43.381 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 20 02/08/16 11:25:43.401 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig20 02/08/16 11:25:43.403 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig20 02/08/16 11:25:43.405 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 21 02/08/16 11:25:43.410 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig21 02/08/16 11:25:43.411 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig21 02/08/16 11:25:43.412 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 22 02/08/16 11:25:43.432 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig22 02/08/16 11:25:43.435 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig22 02/08/16 11:25:43.436 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 23 02/08/16 11:25:43.456 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig23 02/08/16 11:25:43.459 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig23 02/08/16 11:25:43.460 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 24 02/08/16 11:25:43.466 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig24 02/08/16 11:25:43.466 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig24 02/08/16 11:25:43.468 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 25 02/08/16 11:25:43.488 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig25 02/08/16 11:25:43.490 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig25 02/08/16 11:25:43.492 Module MAX: Loading MAX! peer 26 02/08/16 11:25:43.512 Debug: Creating savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig26 02/08/16 11:25:43.515 Debug: Releasing savepoint (asynchronous) PeerConfig26 02/08/16 11:25:43.517 Loading XML RPC devices... 02/08/16 11:25:43.517 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/254/Template.xml 02/08/16 11:25:43.521 Loading device 3 02/08/16 11:25:43.522 Start listening for packets... 02/08/16 11:25:43.524 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 30 02/08/16 11:25:43.524 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 1F 02/08/16 11:25:43.524 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0046 02/08/16 11:25:43.524 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.524 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8000 02/08/16 11:25:43.524 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0046 02/08/16 11:25:43.524 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 012E 02/08/16 11:25:43.525 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.525 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8100 02/08/16 11:25:43.525 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 002E 02/08/16 11:25:43.525 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 025B 02/08/16 11:25:43.525 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.525 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8200 02/08/16 11:25:43.525 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 005B 02/08/16 11:25:43.525 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0307 02/08/16 11:25:43.525 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.525 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8300 02/08/16 11:25:43.526 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0007 02/08/16 11:25:43.526 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 04C6 02/08/16 11:25:43.526 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.526 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8400 02/08/16 11:25:43.526 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 00C6 02/08/16 11:25:43.526 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0526 02/08/16 11:25:43.526 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.526 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8500 02/08/16 11:25:43.526 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0026 02/08/16 11:25:43.526 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 06FF 02/08/16 11:25:43.527 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.527 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8600 02/08/16 11:25:43.527 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 00FF 02/08/16 11:25:43.527 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 070C 02/08/16 11:25:43.527 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.527 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8700 02/08/16 11:25:43.527 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 000C 02/08/16 11:25:43.527 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0845 02/08/16 11:25:43.527 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.528 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8800 02/08/16 11:25:43.528 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0045 02/08/16 11:25:43.528 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0900 02/08/16 11:25:43.528 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.528 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8900 02/08/16 11:25:43.528 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0000 02/08/16 11:25:43.528 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0A00 02/08/16 11:25:43.528 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.528 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8A00 02/08/16 11:25:43.528 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0000 02/08/16 11:25:43.529 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0B06 02/08/16 11:25:43.529 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.529 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8B00 02/08/16 11:25:43.529 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0006 02/08/16 11:25:43.529 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0C00 02/08/16 11:25:43.529 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.529 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8C00 02/08/16 11:25:43.529 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0000 02/08/16 11:25:43.529 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0D21 02/08/16 11:25:43.529 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.529 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8D00 02/08/16 11:25:43.530 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0021 02/08/16 11:25:43.530 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0E65 02/08/16 11:25:43.530 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.530 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8E00 02/08/16 11:25:43.530 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0065 02/08/16 11:25:43.530 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 0F6A 02/08/16 11:25:43.530 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.530 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 8F00 02/08/16 11:25:43.530 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 006A 02/08/16 11:25:43.530 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 10C8 02/08/16 11:25:43.531 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.531 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9000 02/08/16 11:25:43.531 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 00C8 02/08/16 11:25:43.531 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1193 02/08/16 11:25:43.531 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.531 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9100 02/08/16 11:25:43.531 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0093 02/08/16 11:25:43.531 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1203 02/08/16 11:25:43.531 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.531 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9200 02/08/16 11:25:43.532 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0003 02/08/16 11:25:43.532 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1322 02/08/16 11:25:43.532 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.532 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9300 02/08/16 11:25:43.532 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0022 02/08/16 11:25:43.532 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 14F8 02/08/16 11:25:43.532 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.532 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9400 02/08/16 11:25:43.532 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 00F8 02/08/16 11:25:43.532 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1534 02/08/16 11:25:43.533 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.533 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9500 02/08/16 11:25:43.533 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0034 02/08/16 11:25:43.533 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1607 02/08/16 11:25:43.533 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.533 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9600 02/08/16 11:25:43.533 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0007 02/08/16 11:25:43.533 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1730 02/08/16 11:25:43.533 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.533 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9700 02/08/16 11:25:43.534 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0030 02/08/16 11:25:43.534 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1818 02/08/16 11:25:43.534 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.534 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9800 02/08/16 11:25:43.534 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0018 02/08/16 11:25:43.534 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1916 02/08/16 11:25:43.534 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.534 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9900 02/08/16 11:25:43.534 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0016 02/08/16 11:25:43.534 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1A6C 02/08/16 11:25:43.535 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.535 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9A00 02/08/16 11:25:43.535 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 006C 02/08/16 11:25:43.535 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1B03 02/08/16 11:25:43.535 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.535 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9B00 02/08/16 11:25:43.535 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0003 02/08/16 11:25:43.535 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1C40 02/08/16 11:25:43.535 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.535 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9C00 02/08/16 11:25:43.535 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0040 02/08/16 11:25:43.536 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1D91 02/08/16 11:25:43.536 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.536 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9D00 02/08/16 11:25:43.536 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0091 02/08/16 11:25:43.536 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1E87 02/08/16 11:25:43.536 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.536 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9E00 02/08/16 11:25:43.536 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0087 02/08/16 11:25:43.536 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 1F6B 02/08/16 11:25:43.536 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.537 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 9F00 02/08/16 11:25:43.537 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 006B 02/08/16 11:25:43.537 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 20F8 02/08/16 11:25:43.537 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.537 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: A000 02/08/16 11:25:43.537 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 00F8 02/08/16 11:25:43.537 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 2156 02/08/16 11:25:43.537 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.537 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: A100 02/08/16 11:25:43.538 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0056 02/08/16 11:25:43.538 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 2210 02/08/16 11:25:43.538 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.538 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: A200 02/08/16 11:25:43.538 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0010 02/08/16 11:25:43.538 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 23E9 02/08/16 11:25:43.538 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.538 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: A300 02/08/16 11:25:43.538 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 00E9 02/08/16 11:25:43.538 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 242A 02/08/16 11:25:43.538 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.539 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: A400 02/08/16 11:25:43.539 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 002A 02/08/16 11:25:43.539 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 2500 02/08/16 11:25:43.539 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.539 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: A500 02/08/16 11:25:43.539 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0000 02/08/16 11:25:43.539 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 261F 02/08/16 11:25:43.539 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.539 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: A600 02/08/16 11:25:43.539 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 001F 02/08/16 11:25:43.540 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 2741 02/08/16 11:25:43.540 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.540 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: A700 02/08/16 11:25:43.540 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0041 02/08/16 11:25:43.540 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 2800 02/08/16 11:25:43.540 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.540 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: A800 02/08/16 11:25:43.540 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0000 02/08/16 11:25:43.540 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 2959 02/08/16 11:25:43.540 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.540 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: A900 02/08/16 11:25:43.541 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0059 02/08/16 11:25:43.541 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 2C81 02/08/16 11:25:43.541 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.541 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: AC00 02/08/16 11:25:43.541 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0081 02/08/16 11:25:43.541 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 2D35 02/08/16 11:25:43.541 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.541 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: AD00 02/08/16 11:25:43.541 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0035 02/08/16 11:25:43.542 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 3E27 02/08/16 11:25:43.542 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.542 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: BE00 02/08/16 11:25:43.542 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0027 02/08/16 11:25:43.542 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 3A 02/08/16 11:25:43.542 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.542 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 3A 02/08/16 11:25:43.542 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.542 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 34 02/08/16 11:25:43.542 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 0F 02/08/16 11:25:43.543 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: CC1100: Setting GPIO direction 02/08/16 11:25:43.543 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: CC1100: Setting GPIO edge 02/08/16 11:25:43.543 Debug: GPIO 5 set to 1. 02/08/16 11:25:43.544 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: F300 02/08/16 11:25:43.544 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 1000 02/08/16 11:25:43.544 Initializing RPC client... 02/08/16 11:25:43.544 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: MAX! packet received, but CRC failed. 02/08/16 11:25:43.544 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 3A 02/08/16 11:25:43.544 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on 02/08/16 11:25:43.544 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 1F 02/08/16 11:25:43.544 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Sending: 34 02/08/16 11:25:43.545 Module MAX: TI CC110X "My-MAX-CC1101": Debug: Received: 1F 02/08/16 11:25:43.549 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on, SSL enabled... 02/08/16 11:25:43.550 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Server started listening on address and port 2001 02/08/16 11:25:43.607 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on, SSL enabled, authentication enabled... 02/08/16 11:25:43.607 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC Server started listening on address and port 2002 02/08/16 11:25:43.652 Starting CLI server... 02/08/16 11:25:43.652 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: RPC Server started listening on address and port 2003 02/08/16 11:25:43.652 Debug: Waiting for CLI client threads to finish. 02/08/16 11:25:43.653 Initializing event handler... 02/08/16 11:25:43.653 Loading events... 02/08/16 11:25:43.654 Startup complete. Waiting for physical interfaces to connect. 02/08/16 11:25:43.655 All physical interfaces are connected now. 02/08/16 11:25:43.655 Starting UPnP server... 02/08/16 11:25:50.088 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:26:00.188 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:26:10.289 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:26:20.389 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:26:30.490 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:26:40.591 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:26:50.691 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:27:00.792 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:27:10.892 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:27:20.993 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:27:31.093 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:27:41.194 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:27:51.294 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:28:01.395 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:28:11.495 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:28:21.596 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:28:31.696 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:28:41.797 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:28:51.897 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:29:01.998 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:29:12.098 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:29:22.199 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:29:29.479 Info: CLI connection accepted. Client number: 15 02/08/16 11:29:29.480 Listening for incoming commands from client number 15. 02/08/16 11:29:32.299 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:29:42.400 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:29:52.500 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:30:02.601 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:30:12.701 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:30:22.802 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:30:32.903 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:30:43.003 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:30:53.104 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:31:03.204 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:31:13.305 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:31:19.826 Connection to client number 15 closed. 02/08/16 11:31:23.405 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:31:33.506 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:31:43.606 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:31:45.629 Debug: Joining read thread of CLI client 0 02/08/16 11:31:45.629 Debug: CLI client 0 removed. 02/08/16 11:31:53.707 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:32:03.808 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:32:13.909 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:32:24.009 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:32:34.110 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:32:44.210 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:32:54.311 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:33:04.411 Debug: checkHealth returned ok. 02/08/16 11:33:07.503 (Shutdown) => Stopping Homegear (Signal: 15) 02/08/16 11:33:07.504 (Shutdown) => Stopping CLI server 02/08/16 11:33:07.691 Debug: Waiting for CLI client threads to finish. 02/08/16 11:33:07.692 Stopping UPnP server... 02/08/16 11:33:07.693 (Shutdown) => Stopping RPC servers 02/08/16 11:33:07.892 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Waiting for threads to finish. 02/08/16 11:33:08.892 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Waiting for threads to finish. 02/08/16 11:33:09.044 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Waiting for threads to finish. 02/08/16 11:33:09.048 (Shutdown) => Stopping Event handler 02/08/16 11:33:09.049 (Shutdown) => Stopping RPC client 02/08/16 11:33:09.049 (Shutdown) => Closing physical interfaces 02/08/16 11:33:09.092 (Shutdown) => Stopping script engine server... 02/08/16 11:33:13.338 Script Engine Server: Debug: Waiting for script engine server's client threads to finish. 02/08/16 11:33:13.338 (Shutdown) => Saving device families 02/08/16 11:33:13.338 (Shutdown) => Saving devices 02/08/16 11:33:13.339 (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! central... 02/08/16 11:33:13.340 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 26 02/08/16 11:33:13.340 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 25 02/08/16 11:33:13.341 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 11 02/08/16 11:33:13.341 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 18 02/08/16 11:33:13.341 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 6 02/08/16 11:33:13.341 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 7 02/08/16 11:33:13.341 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 23 02/08/16 11:33:13.342 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 5 02/08/16 11:33:13.342 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 4 02/08/16 11:33:13.342 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 10 02/08/16 11:33:13.342 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 1 02/08/16 11:33:13.342 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 17 02/08/16 11:33:13.343 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 2 02/08/16 11:33:13.343 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 12 02/08/16 11:33:13.343 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 20 02/08/16 11:33:13.343 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 13 02/08/16 11:33:13.343 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 21 02/08/16 11:33:13.343 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 15 02/08/16 11:33:13.344 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 16 02/08/16 11:33:13.344 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 9 02/08/16 11:33:13.344 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 8 02/08/16 11:33:13.344 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 19 02/08/16 11:33:13.344 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 22 02/08/16 11:33:13.344 Module MAX: (Shutdown) => Saving MAX! peer 24 02/08/16 11:33:13.345 (Shutdown) => Saving devices 02/08/16 11:33:13.345 (Shutdown) => Saving Miscellaneous central... 02/08/16 11:33:13.345 (Shutdown) => Disposing device families 02/08/16 11:33:13.345 Debug: Disposing central... 02/08/16 11:33:13.345 Module MAX: Removing device 1 from physical device's event queue... 02/08/16 11:33:13.345 Module MAX: Debug: Waiting for worker thread of device 1... 02/08/16 11:33:14.182 Debug: Disposing central... 02/08/16 11:33:14.191 (Shutdown) => Disposing database 02/08/16 11:33:14.195 Closing database... 02/08/16 11:33:14.195 Debug: Can't execute "COMMIT": cannot commit - no transaction is active 02/08/16 11:33:14.250 (Shutdown) => Disposing family modules 02/08/16 11:33:14.251 Info: Disposing family module 02/08/16 11:33:14.251 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module 02/08/16 11:33:14.251 Debug: Closing dynamic library module 02/08/16 11:33:14.251 Debug: Dynamic library disposed 02/08/16 11:33:14.252 Info: Disposing family module 02/08/16 11:33:14.252 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module 02/08/16 11:33:14.252 Debug: Closing dynamic library module 02/08/16 11:33:14.252 Debug: Dynamic library disposed 02/08/16 11:33:14.252 (Shutdown) => Disposing licensing modules 02/08/16 11:33:14.254 (Shutdown) => Shutdown complete. 02/08/16 11:33:14.269 Info: Homegear exited with exit code 0. Stopping monitor process.


jetzt hab ich noch einiges ausprobiert. Unter anderem auch mal den GDO0 anstelle des GDO2 angeschlossen.
Mit dem Scope sehe ich dass an der Verbindung zwischen 1101 und 1190 (GDO und PA_EN und !LNA_EN) was passiert. Doch ich bekomme keine Pakete rein. Ich komm da irgendwie nicht weiter.

Hat jemand noch eine Idee?

Grüße / Zennix


jetzt hab ich es doch noch gefunden. Ich schreibs mal hier rein, falls jemand anderes noch über diese Stufe stolpern sollte.

Das TI Eval Kit hat 869MHz und nicht 868MHz. Da dachte ich eigentlich dass das kein großes Problem darstellen sollte. Ist aber nicht so.
Die Lösung ist den 27MHz Quarz auf dem Modul gegen einen 26MHz auszutauschen. Und schon klappts mit der Kommunikation.
Natürlich muss auch der Inverter rein, wie in meinem letzten Schaltbild zu sehen ist.

Eine Frage bleibt allerdings noch. Der GPIO für den High Gain mode wird nicht benötigt. Kann dann in der max.conf der gpio2 auf -1 gesetzt werden? oder wird dadurch auch die Verstärkung abgeschaltet?

Grüße / Zennix


jetzt habe ich mal ein Messgerät dazwischen geschaltet und den Strom am CC1101 + CC1190 Modul gemessen. Im Empfangsmodus sind das ca. 20mA Stromaufnahme. Beim Senden und einer Verstärkung von 0x27 nimmt sich das Modul ca. 180mA. Bei 0x50 waren es dann schon ca. 400mA !! Da ist die rote LED am Raspberry schon aus gegangen. Hier empfehle ich dringend das Modul an eine separate 3,3V Quelle zu hängen.

Als nächstes habe ich den GPIO2 in der Config auf -1 gesetzt, da ich den nicht brauche. Die Verstärkung funktioniert weiterhin einwandfrei.

Grüße / Zennix

Hallo Zennix,

schön, dass es jetzt klappt! Ich habe jetzt ja gar keine Arbeit mehr :stuck_out_tongue:. Den Quarz hättest du gar nicht wechseln müssen, Homegear kann auch mit 27 MHz arbeiten. Dafür gibt es die Einstellung “oscillatorFrequency”, welche du auf 27000000 hättest setzen können. Sorry, dass ich nicht auf die Idee gekommen bin, dass es am Quarz liegen könnte, ist aber natürlich logisch. Du hast was gut bei mir :wink:.

Viele Grüße
