If you’re like me you may be wondering what is needed to create a basic system. Here’s one simple hardware setup that I’m considering. I’ll try and figure out the software components next.
Hardware examples:
[ul]Raspberry Pi B+ (€30)[/ul]
[ul]USB Wifi Adapter for the Raspberry Pi (<€8)[/ul]
[ul]CC1101-USB-Lite 868MHz (CUL) wireless module with RP-SMA socket, but without antenna. (€50) Why so expensive does anyone know?[/ul]
[ul]DELOCK 1-lambda LTE antenna (€13)[/ul]
[ul]HM-LC-Sw2-FM 2-channel relay (x2) and input (x2) 230V (€50) for boiler control. The single channel device is €10 cheaper. Inputs could be used to signal fault, etc, or actual run time which could be logged for fuel cost calculations.[/ul]
[ul]Wireless TRV actuator (£40) to fit to radiator valves.[/ul]
If this setup is helpful we can move it to the wiki.
[Edit: added link and price for USB WiFi.]