Alte Installation retten oder neu aufsetzen

Hallo Forum,

Ist es möglich Homegear neu zu installieren. (neuste Version) den rfKey einzutragen und dann auf die Geräte zuzugreifen um sie richtig zu reseten. (rfKey entfernen).

Alte Installationen

ich habe bereits seit einigen Jahren immer mit Abständen HomeMatic Geräte mir Homegear und OpenHab benutzt. Meine längste Installation lief 2 Jahre. Dann habe ich allen Zugriff auf den RPI verloren (Netzwerk und USB Ports) und musste es neu aufsetzen. Als wir dann umgezogen sind habe ich OpenHab (OpenHabian) in Verbindung mit Homegear eingesetzt. Dies lief, bis ich ein Wandthermostat verloren habe und es nicht mehr pairen konnte. Beim Versuch die beiden zu verbinden und Fehler auszulesen habe ich meine Homegear installation komplett zerlegt.

Das führe dazu, dass ich erstmal aufgegeben habe und die Homematic Heizungsthermostate und wandthermostate so habe laufen lassen, da sie ja noch zu einander gepaired waren.

Jetzt möchte ich aber wieder alles mal richtig aufsetzen. Ich habe ein Homegear Backup und auch die rfKey Infos.
Die Backups die ich von den SD Cards gemacht haben spucken alle irgendwelche Fehler aus und ich weiß nicht ob es am SCC liegt oder am Homegear. Das wichtigste wäre mir meine Homematic geräte alle einmal zu reseten so das ich sie wieder mit anderen Lösungen koppeln kann. In einem Post steht das dies nur über homegear und reset geht. Da komme ich garnicht hin.

Wäre es also möglich, Homegear mit aktueller Version neu aufzusetzen und den entsprechenden rfKey einzutragen. Sie neu zu pairen und dann zu reseten? Oder muss ich versuchen eines meiner Backups zum laufen zu bekommen?

Vielen Dank für Tipps



Ja, das sollte ohne Probleme gehen. Habe ich mit meinen HM-SEC-Sco auch gemacht. Wichtig nur, dass dein rfKey nur aus 0-9 und A-F besteht.

Hallo @WuGGu,

Wäre es also möglich, Homegear mit aktueller Version neu aufzusetzen und den entsprechenden rfKey einzutragen. Sie neu zu pairen und dann zu reseten? Oder muss ich versuchen eines meiner Backups zum laufen zu bekommen?

Ja, das ist möglich zusätzlich zum rfKey muss in der Konfiguration centralAddress noch auf den ursprünglichen Wert gesetzt werden. Letztere kann im Zweifel auch durch Sniffen von Gerätepaketen (werden im Homegear-Log geloggt) ermittelt werden.

Viele Grüße


1 Like


ich bin in einer ähnlichen Situation. Ich habe nach einem Totalausfall eine neue Zentrale aufgesetzt.
Leider musste ich feststellen, dass ich zwar ein Backup vom /etc Ordner hatte, aber nicht von der Homegear Datenbank.

Ich konnte einige Geräte über den Homematic Konfigurator pairen, indem ich die Seriennummer der Geräte angegeben habe. Das klappte allerdings nur bei wenigen Endgeräten (teilweise durch Drücken der Anlerntaste).

Meine Idee war mittels “peers add” die fehlenden Geräte hinzuzufügen. Mir fehlt allerdings das Hintergrundwissen um alle notwendigen Parameter anzugeben.
Das was dazu bislang in den Foren zu finden ist, hat mir auch nicht wirklich geholfen.

Insbesondere fehlen mir für den Befehl

Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?

Den rfKey habe ich natürlich. centralAddress ist nicht gesetzt. Ist diese dann 0xFD0001?
Wo findet man diese ansonsten im Log?

Viele Grüße



kann mir dazu niemand weiterhelfen? @sathya: Du deutest in deiner letzten Antwort an WuGGu an, dass dies machbar ist. Könntest Du bitte beschreiben wie. Das wäre vermutlich auch für andere hilfreich.

Vielen Dank im voraus.

Viele Grüße


Hallo @svenw,

address und centralAddress bekommst du über die geloggten Pakete im Homegear-Log. Poste mal einen Abschnitt, dann kann ich dir die Zentralenadresse zumindest schon einmal nennen. Die Geräteadresse ist etwas fummeliger. Einfach sind Geräte, bei denen du das Senden forcieren kannst: Bei der Aktion am Gerät siehst du einen Logeintrag und kannst die Adresse rauslesen. Bei z. B. Temperatursensoren wird meine ich ein Paket beim Einlegen der Batterien gesendet. Wenn du mir Pakete hier postest, les ich dir die Adressen gerne raus.

Die Seriennummer ist tatsächlich irrelevant für die Kommunikation, die Firmwareversion wird zur Auswahl der XML-Datei benötigt, ist also zum Teil relevant.

Viele Grüße


Hallo @sathya,

vielen Dank für Deine Hilfe. Unten habe ich ein Stück vom Log angehängt. Den Outputlevel habe ich vorsichtshalber auf Debug gesetzt. Wusste nicht, ob das notwendig ist.
Am Ende sollte ein Paket von einem Wandschalter stehen, welchen ich anlernen konnte.

Viele Grüße


10/26/19 10:18:59.762 Debug: Connected to host on port 9126. Client number is: 31
10/26/19 10:18:59.762 RPC client: Debug: Sending packet: 42696E00000000FE0000001073797374656D2E6D756C746963616C6C00000001000001000000000200000101000000020000000A6D6574686F644E616D6500000003000000056576656E7400000006706172616D730000010000000004000000030000000B52462D686F6D6567656172000000030000000C4D4551303232343534383A3100000003000000055354415445000000020100000101000000020000000A6D6574686F644E616D6500000003000000056576656E7400000006706172616D730000010000000004000000030000000B52462D686F6D6567656172000000030000000C4D4551303232343534383A310000000300000007574F524B494E470000000200
10/26/19 10:18:59.763 RPC client: Debug: Packet received: 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
10/26/19 10:18:59.763 RPC client: Debug: Received packet from server 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
10/26/19 10:18:59.763 RPC client: Response was:
(Array length=1)
  (String) event
10/26/19 10:18:59.799 RPC client: Debug: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
10/26/19 10:18:59.800 RPC client: Parameters:
10/26/19 10:18:59.800 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response:
(Array length=1)
  (Struct length=2)
    [methodName] (String) event
    [params] (Array length=4)
      (String) RF-homegear
      (String) MEQ0224548:1
      (String) STATE
      (Boolean) 1
10/26/19 10:18:59.800 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response binary:
10/26/19 10:18:59.800 Debug: Calling getFileDescriptor...
10/26/19 10:18:59.800 Debug: Connecting to host on port 9126...
10/26/19 10:18:59.800 Debug: Connected to host on port 9126. Client number is: 32
10/26/19 10:18:59.800 RPC client: Debug: Sending packet: 42696E000000008E0000001073797374656D2E6D756C746963616C6C00000001000001000000000100000101000000020000000A6D6574686F644E616D6500000003000000056576656E7400000006706172616D730000010000000004000000030000000B52462D686F6D6567656172000000030000000C4D4551303232343534383A31000000030000000553544154450000000201
10/26/19 10:18:59.803 RPC client: Debug: Packet received: 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
10/26/19 10:18:59.803 RPC client: Debug: Received packet from server 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
10/26/19 10:18:59.803 RPC client: Response was:
(Array length=1)
  (String) event
10/26/19 10:18:59.850 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Deleting queue 0 for BidCoS peer with address 0x37D92C
10/26/19 10:19:03.973 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Packet received: 42696E000000001C0000000470696E67000000010000000300000008686F6D6567656172
10/26/19 10:19:03.973 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) homegear
10/26/19 10:19:03.974 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response:
(Boolean) 1
10/26/19 10:19:03.974 RPC client: Debug: Calling RPC method "system.multicall" on server
10/26/19 10:19:03.974 RPC client: Parameters:
10/26/19 10:19:03.974 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response binary:
(Array length=1)
  (Struct length=2)
    [methodName] (String) event
    [params] (Array length=4)
      (String) RF-homegear
      (String) CENTRAL
      (String) PONG
      (String) homegear
10/26/19 10:19:03.974 Debug: Calling getFileDescriptor...
10/26/19 10:19:03.974 Debug: Connecting to host on port 9126...
10/26/19 10:19:03.974 Debug: Connected to host on port 9126. Client number is: 33
10/26/19 10:19:03.974 RPC client: Debug: Sending packet: 42696E00000000930000001073797374656D2E6D756C746963616C6C00000001000001000000000100000101000000020000000A6D6574686F644E616D6500000003000000056576656E7400000006706172616D730000010000000004000000030000000B52462D686F6D6567656172000000030000000743454E5452414C0000000300000004504F4E470000000300000008686F6D6567656172
10/26/19 10:19:03.975 RPC client: Debug: Packet received: 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
10/26/19 10:19:03.975 RPC client: Debug: Received packet from server 42696E0100000015000001000000000100000003000000056576656E74
10/26/19 10:19:03.975 RPC client: Response was:
(Array length=1)
  (String) event
10/26/19 10:19:03.976 RPC Server (Port 2001): Debug: Packet received: 42696E000000001C000000146C697374426964636F73496E746572666163657300000000
10/26/19 10:19:03.977 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
10/26/19 10:19:03.977 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response:
(Array length=1)
  (Struct length=4)
    [ADDRESS] (String) VBC9991894
    [CONNECTED] (Boolean) 1
    [DEFAULT] (Boolean) 1
    [DESCRIPTION] (String) Homegear default BidCoS interface
10/26/19 10:19:03.977 RPC Server (Port 2001): Response binary:
10/26/19 10:19:04.765 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Debug: Sending (encrypted): K
10/26/19 10:19:04.792 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Debug: Packet received from HM-CFG-LAN (encrypted): HHM-LAN-IF,03C4,LEQ0641573,2CD5BC,FD2C09,2A012FFF,0004,01

Hallo @sathya,

ich habe versucht, Deinem Rat zu folgen und die fehlenden Geräte im Log zu finden, aber es gibt keinerlei Ausgaben mit den Seriennummern dieser Geräte. Ich habe schon Batterien entfernt, bzw. die Sicherung kurz rausgenommen.
Die Logausgaben rauschen auch nur so durch, was es schwierig macht, das richtige zu finden.
Wie sieht denn die Logausgabe ungefähr aus, welche Du bräuchtest um die Geräteparameter zu identifizieren?

Ein paar Geräte konnte ich wie gesagt durch direktes Pairen wieder verknüpfen, andere baugleiche Geräte aber nicht. Dies ist mein aktueller Stand dazu:

Family 0> peers list
         ID │ Name                      │  Address │ Serial Number │ Type │ Type String               │ Firmware │ Config Pending │ Unreach │ Low Bat
            │                           │          │               │      │                           │          │                │         │
          1 │                           │   50EC22 │    NEQ1476125 │ 0030 │ HM-Sec-RHS                │      2.4 │             No │      No │      No
          2 │                           │   37D92C │    MEQ0224548 │ 0069 │ HM-LC-Sw1PBU-FM           │     *2.3 │             No │      No │      No
          3 │                           │   2FCB82 │    LEQ1218473 │ 00A1 │ HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-2            │      2.4 │             No │      No │      No
          4 │                           │   2C7638 │    LEQ0868253 │ 00BC │ HM-WDS40-TH-I-2           │      1.3 │             No │      No │      No

Es fehlt u.a. noch ein weiterer HM-Sec-RHS (S/N LEQ0887614) und auch noch ein HM-LC-Sw1PBU-FM (S/N OEQ1949537). Bei beiden hat das direkte Pairen nicht funktioniert.

Vielen Dank und viele Grüße


1 Like

Hallo @svenw,

die Seriennummer wird nur im Anlernpaket mit übertragen. Für die Kommunikation ist sie ansonsten vollkommen egal und sie wird nie benötigt.

Loglevel 5 ist zu viel, das müllt einen an dieser Stelle nur zu. 4 reicht.

Im Log ist nur ein halbes geloggtes BidCoS-Paket. Wenn du den HM-Sec-RHS bedienst, wird ein Paket gesendet. Wenn du das 5 Mal machst, lässt sich das Paket im Log eindeutig zuordnen. Beim HM-LC-Sw1PBU-FM wird ein paar Sekunden nach lokaler Betätigung ein Broadcastpaket gesendet. Mach das auch 5 Mal oder so (bedienen, 10 Sekunden warten, bedienen, …).

Schick mir beide Logabschnitte separat, dann haben wir die Adressen.

Viele Grüße


1 Like

Hallo @sathya,

Ok, ich hab den Loglevel auf 4 gesetzt und jeweils 5 mal ein-/ausgeschaltet, bzw. den Fenstergriff zwischen geschlossen und offen gewechselt.
Hier zunächst der Wandschalter HM-LC-Sw1PBU-FM:

10/26/19 12:51:10.449 Starting Homegear...
10/26/19 12:51:10.449 Homegear version 0.7.40-2948
10/26/19 12:51:10.449 Git commit SHA of libhomegear-base: -
10/26/19 12:51:10.449 Git branch of libhomegear-base:     -
10/26/19 12:51:10.449 Git commit SHA of Homegear:         -
10/26/19 12:51:10.449 Git branch of Homegear:             -
10/26/19 12:51:10.449 Determining maximum thread count...
10/26/19 12:51:12.880 Maximum thread count is: 24932
10/26/19 12:51:12.891 Info: Backing up database...
10/26/19 12:51:12.941 Initializing database...
10/26/19 12:51:12.943 Initializing system variable controller...
10/26/19 12:51:12.943 Info: Loading family module (type 1)
10/26/19 12:51:12.947 Info: Loading settings from /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf
10/26/19 12:51:12.947 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Info: Enabling AES encryption for communication with HM-CFG-LAN.
10/26/19 12:51:12.947 Info: Loading family module (type 1)
10/26/19 12:51:12.948 Info: Loading settings from /etc/homegear/families/miscellaneous.conf
10/26/19 12:51:12.948 Info: Setting up physical interfaces and GPIOs...
10/26/19 12:51:12.948 Info: Dropping privileges to user homegear (106) and group homegear (112)
10/26/19 12:51:12.950 Info: Homegear is (now) running as user with id 106 and group with id 112.
10/26/19 12:51:12.965 Starting script engine server...
10/26/19 12:51:12.978 Initializing licensing controller...
10/26/19 12:51:12.979 Loading licensing controller data...
10/26/19 12:51:12.979 Loading devices...
10/26/19 12:51:12.979 Loading XML RPC devices...
10/26/19 12:51:13.109 Loading device 1
10/26/19 12:51:13.109 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Central address set to 0xFD2C09.
10/26/19 12:51:13.110 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 1
10/26/19 12:51:13.111 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 2
10/26/19 12:51:13.114 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 3
10/26/19 12:51:13.116 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 4
10/26/19 12:51:13.116 Loading XML RPC devices...
10/26/19 12:51:13.117 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/26/19 12:51:13.117 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/26/19 12:51:13.117 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/26/19 12:51:13.117 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
10/26/19 12:51:13.128 Loading device 2
10/26/19 12:51:13.128 Initializing RPC client...
10/26/19 12:51:13.128 Starting XML RPC server FamilyRPCServer listening on ::1:2000...
10/26/19 12:51:13.135 RPC Server (Port 2000): Info: Enabling no authentication.
10/26/19 12:51:13.135 RPC Server (Port 2000): Info: Enabling basic authentication for WebSockets.
10/26/19 12:51:13.135 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on :::2001...
10/26/19 12:51:13.135 RPC Server (Port 2000): Info: RPC Server started listening on address ::1 and port 2000
10/26/19 12:51:13.142 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/26/19 12:51:13.142 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/26/19 12:51:13.142 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Enabling no authentication.
10/26/19 12:51:13.142 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
10/26/19 12:51:13.143 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on :::2002, SSL enabled...
10/26/19 12:51:13.143 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2001
10/26/19 12:51:13.150 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/26/19 12:51:13.150 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Enabling no authentication.
10/26/19 12:51:13.150 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
10/26/19 12:51:13.155 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on :::2003, SSL enabled, authentication enabled...
10/26/19 12:51:13.155 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2002
10/26/19 12:51:13.163 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling basic authentication.
10/26/19 12:51:13.163 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling client certificate authentication.
10/26/19 12:51:13.163 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
10/26/19 12:51:13.167 Initializing event handler...
10/26/19 12:51:13.167 Loading events...
10/26/19 12:51:13.167 Start listening for packets...
10/26/19 12:51:13.168 Starting IPC server...
10/26/19 12:51:13.173 Starting Node-BLUE server...
10/26/19 12:51:13.184 Startup complete. Waiting for physical interfaces to connect.
10/26/19 12:51:13.184 Info: Waiting for physical interfaces to connect (0 of 180s).
10/26/19 12:51:13.184 All physical interfaces are connected now.
10/26/19 12:51:13.184 Starting UPnP server...
10/26/19 12:51:14.028 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Info: Initialization completed.
10/26/19 12:51:18.185 UPnP Server: Info: UPnP server: Binding to address:
10/26/19 12:51:23.652 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 8
10/26/19 12:51:23.652 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 8 is: 0
10/26/19 12:51:23.653 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 8 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) homegear
10/26/19 12:51:23.656 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 8 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
10/26/19 12:51:26.830 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0DF6A41063023DFD23B00601C800
10/26/19 12:51:30.036 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0DF8A41063023DFD23B006010000
10/26/19 12:51:33.264 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -68 dBm): 0F4486104520240000000A90EB0E0040
10/26/19 12:51:35.329 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0DF9A41063023DFD23B00601C800
10/26/19 12:51:38.662 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 8 is calling RPC method: init (2) Parameters:
(String) binary://
10/26/19 12:51:38.662 Info: Client with IP ::ffff: is calling "init".
10/26/19 12:51:38.667 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 9
10/26/19 12:51:38.667 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 9 is: 1
10/26/19 12:51:38.668 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 9 is calling RPC method: init (2) Parameters:
(String) binary://
(String) RF-homegear
(Integer) 34
10/26/19 12:51:38.668 Info: Client with IP ::ffff: is calling "init".
10/26/19 12:51:38.669 Info: Adding server "binary://".
10/26/19 12:51:38.670 Info: Calling init methods on server "binary://".
10/26/19 12:51:38.672 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 10
10/26/19 12:51:38.673 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 10 is: 2
10/26/19 12:51:38.673 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) homegear
10/26/19 12:51:38.676 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
10/26/19 12:51:38.689 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) NEQ1476125:0
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:51:38.692 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) NEQ1476125:0
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:51:38.695 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) NEQ1476125:1
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:51:38.698 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) NEQ1476125:1
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:51:38.701 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ0868253:0
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:51:38.704 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ0868253:0
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:51:38.708 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ0868253:1
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:51:38.710 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ0868253:1
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:51:38.714 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ1218473:1
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:51:38.716 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ1218473:1
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:51:38.719 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ1218473:0
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:51:38.722 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ1218473:0
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:51:38.726 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ1218473
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:51:38.728 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) MEQ0224548:0
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:51:38.731 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) MEQ0224548:0
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:51:38.734 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) MEQ0224548
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:51:38.739 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) MEQ0224548:1
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:51:38.741 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) MEQ0224548:1
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:51:39.849 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0DF9A41063023DFD23B00601C800
10/26/19 12:51:44.532 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -38 dBm): 0DFBA41063023DFD23B006010000
10/26/19 12:51:49.512 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0DFBA41063023DFD23B006010000
10/26/19 12:51:53.679 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) homegear
10/26/19 12:51:53.682 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
10/26/19 12:51:54.130 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0DFDA41063023DFD23B00601C800
10/26/19 12:51:55.718 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -40 dBm): 0DFDA41063023DFD23B00601C800
10/26/19 12:51:57.695 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0DFDA41063023DFD23B00601C800
10/26/19 12:52:00.677 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -40 dBm): 0DFDA41063023DFD23B00601C800
10/26/19 12:52:03.621 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0DFFA41063023DFD23B006010000
10/26/19 12:52:05.635 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0DFFA41063023DFD23B006010000
10/26/19 12:52:07.867 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -40 dBm): 0DFFA41063023DFD23B006010000
10/26/19 12:52:08.686 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) homegear
10/26/19 12:52:08.689 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
10/26/19 12:52:12.719 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0D00A41063023DFD23B00601C800
10/26/19 12:52:15.056 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -40 dBm): 0D00A41063023DFD23B00601C800
10/26/19 12:52:17.784 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0D00A41063023DFD23B00601C800
10/26/19 12:52:19.537 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -58 dBm): 0C2E86702C763800000000ED32
10/26/19 12:52:19.538 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ0868253 was set to 0x32.
10/26/19 12:52:19.538 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ0868253 was set to 0x00ED.
10/26/19 12:52:22.722 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -38 dBm): 0D01A41063023DFD23B006010000
10/26/19 12:52:23.692 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) homegear
10/26/19 12:52:23.695 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
10/26/19 12:52:25.216 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0D01A41063023DFD23B006010000
10/26/19 12:52:28.197 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0D01A41063023DFD23B006010000
10/26/19 12:52:32.163 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -39 dBm): 0D01A41063023DFD23B006010000

Und hier der HM-Sec-RHS:

10/26/19 12:59:09.199 Starting Homegear...
10/26/19 12:59:09.199 Homegear version 0.7.40-2948
10/26/19 12:59:09.199 Git commit SHA of libhomegear-base: -
10/26/19 12:59:09.199 Git branch of libhomegear-base:     -
10/26/19 12:59:09.199 Git commit SHA of Homegear:         -
10/26/19 12:59:09.199 Git branch of Homegear:             -
10/26/19 12:59:09.199 Determining maximum thread count...
10/26/19 12:59:11.627 Maximum thread count is: 24921
10/26/19 12:59:11.640 Info: Backing up database...
10/26/19 12:59:11.690 Initializing database...
10/26/19 12:59:11.692 Initializing system variable controller...
10/26/19 12:59:11.692 Info: Loading family module (type 1)
10/26/19 12:59:11.696 Info: Loading settings from /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf
10/26/19 12:59:11.696 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Info: Enabling AES encryption for communication with HM-CFG-LAN.
10/26/19 12:59:11.696 Info: Loading family module (type 1)
10/26/19 12:59:11.697 Info: Loading settings from /etc/homegear/families/miscellaneous.conf
10/26/19 12:59:11.697 Info: Setting up physical interfaces and GPIOs...
10/26/19 12:59:11.697 Info: Dropping privileges to user homegear (106) and group homegear (112)
10/26/19 12:59:11.699 Info: Homegear is (now) running as user with id 106 and group with id 112.
10/26/19 12:59:11.713 Starting script engine server...
10/26/19 12:59:11.726 Initializing licensing controller...
10/26/19 12:59:11.726 Loading licensing controller data...
10/26/19 12:59:11.726 Loading devices...
10/26/19 12:59:11.726 Loading XML RPC devices...
10/26/19 12:59:11.857 Loading device 1
10/26/19 12:59:11.857 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Central address set to 0xFD2C09.
10/26/19 12:59:11.858 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 1
10/26/19 12:59:11.859 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 2
10/26/19 12:59:11.862 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 3
10/26/19 12:59:11.864 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 4
10/26/19 12:59:11.864 Loading XML RPC devices...
10/26/19 12:59:11.865 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/26/19 12:59:11.865 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/26/19 12:59:11.865 Warning: Unknown node in "parameter": logicalFloat
10/26/19 12:59:11.865 Warning: configParameters with id "config" does not exist.
10/26/19 12:59:11.865 Loading device 2
10/26/19 12:59:11.865 Initializing RPC client...
10/26/19 12:59:11.865 Starting XML RPC server FamilyRPCServer listening on ::1:2000...
10/26/19 12:59:11.872 RPC Server (Port 2000): Info: Enabling no authentication.
10/26/19 12:59:11.872 RPC Server (Port 2000): Info: Enabling basic authentication for WebSockets.
10/26/19 12:59:11.872 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on :::2001...
10/26/19 12:59:11.872 RPC Server (Port 2000): Info: RPC Server started listening on address ::1 and port 2000
10/26/19 12:59:11.879 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: SSL is not enabled for this RPC server. It is strongly recommended to disable all unencrypted RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/26/19 12:59:11.879 RPC Server (Port 2001): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/26/19 12:59:11.879 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Enabling no authentication.
10/26/19 12:59:11.879 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
10/26/19 12:59:11.879 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on :::2002, SSL enabled...
10/26/19 12:59:11.879 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2001
10/26/19 12:59:11.887 RPC Server (Port 2002): Warning: RPC server has no authorization enabled. Everybody on your local network can login into this installation. It is strongly recommended to enable authorization on all RPC servers when the connected clients support it.
10/26/19 12:59:11.887 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Enabling no authentication.
10/26/19 12:59:11.887 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
10/26/19 12:59:11.892 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on :::2003, SSL enabled, authentication enabled...
10/26/19 12:59:11.892 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2002
10/26/19 12:59:11.899 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling basic authentication.
10/26/19 12:59:11.899 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling client certificate authentication.
10/26/19 12:59:11.899 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: Enabling session authentication for WebSockets.
10/26/19 12:59:11.903 Initializing event handler...
10/26/19 12:59:11.904 Loading events...
10/26/19 12:59:11.904 Start listening for packets...
10/26/19 12:59:11.904 Starting IPC server...
10/26/19 12:59:11.910 Starting Node-BLUE server...
10/26/19 12:59:11.920 Startup complete. Waiting for physical interfaces to connect.
10/26/19 12:59:11.920 Info: Waiting for physical interfaces to connect (0 of 180s).
10/26/19 12:59:11.920 All physical interfaces are connected now.
10/26/19 12:59:11.920 Starting UPnP server...
10/26/19 12:59:12.768 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Info: Initialization completed.
10/26/19 12:59:16.922 UPnP Server: Info: UPnP server: Binding to address:
10/26/19 12:59:23.875 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 8
10/26/19 12:59:23.875 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 8 is: 0
10/26/19 12:59:23.876 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 8 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) homegear
10/26/19 12:59:23.879 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 8 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
10/26/19 12:59:24.212 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -96 dBm): 0C27A6412C35F3FD23B00187C8
10/26/19 12:59:24.458 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -96 dBm): 0C27A2412C35F3FD23B00187C8
10/26/19 12:59:24.966 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -98 dBm): 0C27A2412C35F3FD23B00187C8
10/26/19 12:59:25.965 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -99 dBm): 0C27A2412C35F3FD23B00187C8
10/26/19 12:59:32.000 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -99 dBm): 0C27A2412C35F3FD23B00187C8
10/26/19 12:59:36.706 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -93 dBm): 0C28A6412C35F3FD23B0018800
10/26/19 12:59:36.965 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -93 dBm): 0C28A2412C35F3FD23B0018800
10/26/19 12:59:37.460 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -92 dBm): 0C28A2412C35F3FD23B0018800
10/26/19 12:59:38.470 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -91 dBm): 0C28A2412C35F3FD23B0018800
10/26/19 12:59:38.883 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 8 is calling RPC method: init (2) Parameters:
(String) binary://
10/26/19 12:59:38.883 Info: Client with IP ::ffff: is calling "init".
10/26/19 12:59:38.887 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 9
10/26/19 12:59:38.888 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 9 is: 1
10/26/19 12:59:38.889 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 9 is calling RPC method: init (2) Parameters:
(String) binary://
(String) RF-homegear
(Integer) 34
10/26/19 12:59:38.889 Info: Client with IP ::ffff: is calling "init".
10/26/19 12:59:38.890 Info: Adding server "binary://".
10/26/19 12:59:38.890 Info: Calling init methods on server "binary://".
10/26/19 12:59:38.893 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 10
10/26/19 12:59:38.893 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC server client id for client number 10 is: 2
10/26/19 12:59:38.894 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) homegear
10/26/19 12:59:38.897 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
10/26/19 12:59:38.907 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ1218473:0
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:59:38.910 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ1218473:0
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:59:38.913 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ1218473
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:59:38.917 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ1218473:1
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:59:38.920 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ1218473:1
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:59:40.473 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -94 dBm): 0C28A2412C35F3FD23B0018800
10/26/19 12:59:44.497 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -96 dBm): 0C28A2412C35F3FD23B0018800
10/26/19 12:59:47.458 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -90 dBm): 0C29A6412C35F3FD23B00189C8
10/26/19 12:59:47.715 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -88 dBm): 0C29A2412C35F3FD23B00189C8
10/26/19 12:59:48.212 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -89 dBm): 0C29A2412C35F3FD23B00189C8
10/26/19 12:59:49.223 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -88 dBm): 0C29A2412C35F3FD23B00189C8
10/26/19 12:59:50.047 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -61 dBm): 0C3186702C763800000000EE32
10/26/19 12:59:50.048 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: HUMIDITY on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ0868253 was set to 0x32.
10/26/19 12:59:50.048 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 4 with serial number LEQ0868253 was set to 0x00EE.
10/26/19 12:59:50.050 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ0868253:0
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:59:50.053 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ0868253:0
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:59:50.059 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ0868253:1
(String) MASTER
10/26/19 12:59:50.061 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: getParamset (2) Parameters:
(String) LEQ0868253:1
(String) VALUES
10/26/19 12:59:51.232 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -88 dBm): 0C29A2412C35F3FD23B00189C8
10/26/19 12:59:53.900 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) homegear
10/26/19 12:59:53.904 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
10/26/19 12:59:55.246 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -92 dBm): 0C29A2412C35F3FD23B00189C8
10/26/19 12:59:56.305 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -47 dBm): 0F7B86103B030A0000000AA8E58C0000
10/26/19 12:59:59.464 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -93 dBm): 0C2AA6412C35F3FD23B0018A00
10/26/19 12:59:59.710 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -92 dBm): 0C2AA2412C35F3FD23B0018A00
10/26/19 13:00:00.219 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -93 dBm): 0C2AA2412C35F3FD23B0018A00
10/26/19 13:00:01.217 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -94 dBm): 0C2AA2412C35F3FD23B0018A00
10/26/19 13:00:03.233 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -94 dBm): 0C2AA2412C35F3FD23B0018A00
10/26/19 13:00:07.245 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -98 dBm): 0C2AA2412C35F3FD23B0018A00
10/26/19 13:00:08.907 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) homegear
10/26/19 13:00:08.911 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
10/26/19 13:00:10.965 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -88 dBm): 0C2BA6412C35F3FD23B0018BC8
10/26/19 13:00:11.210 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -93 dBm): 0C2BA2412C35F3FD23B0018BC8
10/26/19 13:00:11.719 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -96 dBm): 0C2BA2412C35F3FD23B0018BC8
10/26/19 13:00:12.718 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -94 dBm): 0C2BA2412C35F3FD23B0018BC8
10/26/19 13:00:14.735 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -91 dBm): 0C2BA2412C35F3FD23B0018BC8
10/26/19 13:00:18.749 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -91 dBm): 0C2BA2412C35F3FD23B0018BC8
10/26/19 13:00:22.714 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -94 dBm): 0C2CA6412C35F3FD23B0018C00
10/26/19 13:00:22.960 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -94 dBm): 0C2CA2412C35F3FD23B0018C00
10/26/19 13:00:23.468 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -94 dBm): 0C2CA2412C35F3FD23B0018C00
10/26/19 13:00:23.914 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: ping (2) Parameters:
(String) homegear
10/26/19 13:00:23.918 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: Client number 10 is calling RPC method: listBidcosInterfaces (2) Parameters:
10/26/19 13:00:24.468 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -89 dBm): 0C2CA2412C35F3FD23B0018C00
10/26/19 13:00:26.485 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -98 dBm): 0C2CA2412C35F3FD23B0018C00
10/26/19 13:00:30.500 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: -99 dBm): 0C2CA2412C35F3FD23B0018C00

Vielen Dank schon mal!

Viele Grüße


1 Like

Hallo Sven,

centralAddress: FD23B0
HM-Sec-RHS: 2C35F3
HM-Sec-RHS-Gerätetyp: 0x30 oder 0xC3
HM-LC-Sw1PBU-FM: 63023D
HM-LC-Sw1PBU-FM-Gerätetyp: 0x69

Beim HM-Sec-RHS gibt es drei XML-Dateien für Firmwareversion größer 0x17, gleich 0x17 und kleiner 0x17. Für den HM-LC-Sw1PBU-FM gibt es ebenfalls drei XML-Dateien für Firmwareversion größer 0x23, kleiner 0x24 und kleiner 0x22.

Viele Grüße


1 Like

Nachtrag: Bedenke, wenn du centralAddress änderst, gehen die an die aktuelle Adresse angelernten Geräte nicht mehr! Also entweder die aktuellen Geräte einmal in den Werkszustand setzen und nach der Änderung neu anlernen oder centralAddress ändern, die fehlenden Geräte hinzufügen, in den Werkszustand setzen, centralAddress zurückändern und die fehlenden Geräte neu anlernen.

1 Like

Hallo @sathya,

vielen, vielen Dank!!! Hat super funktioniert.
Könntest Du mir vielleicht erklären, wie Du das gemacht hast? Ich habe leider noch 11 weitere Geräte, die ich wieder verbinden muss.

Dies sind die Typen: HM-CC-RT-DN, HM-LC-Sw1-DR, HM-PBI-4-FM, HM-Dis-WM55, HM-LC-Bl1-FM, HM-MOD-EM-8, HM-LC-Dim1TPBU-FM, HM-Sen-MDIR-WM55.

Viele Grüße


Hallo @sathya,

komischweise funktionieren die bisherigen vier Geräte noch, obwohl ich das nicht so gemacht habe.
Ich hab nur centralAddress gesetzt und homegear neu gestartet.

Viele Grüße


Die Senderadresse ist immer an der gleichen Position im Paket, z. B.:

0C2CA641 2C35F3 FD23B0018C00

Die Gerätetypen findest du in den XML-Dateien unter /etc/homegear/devices/0. Dort einfach nach dem Gerät suchen:

grep -R HM-LC-Sw1PBU-FM

Die gefundene(n) Datei(en) öffnen, dort findest in Zeile 3 <device id="HM-LC-Sw1PBU-FM">. In diesem Block findest du unter typeNumber den Gerätetyp.

Viele Grüße


1 Like

Super, danke!
Vielleicht an der Stelle noch zur Info für andere mit dem gleichen Problem:
Bei der Versionsnummer wird die Stelle vor dem Komma und die Stelle nach dem Komma mit jeweils 4 Bit kodiert. Also ganz einfach: aus 0x35 wird Version 3.5.

Viele Grüße
