[0.6.3-1415] - Could not connect to socket


I just did an apt-get upgrade on my Raspberry Pi and received a new version of homegear (version 0.6.3-1415 ).

After doing this, I ended up with the (looking at older discussions well known) problem that results in the following message:

07/15/16 12:10:27.477 Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory
07/15/16 12:10:27.478 Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory

Any idea on what to do?



Try restarting openHAB some more times with sudo service homegear restart. On my machine usually it takes tree or four restarts.


Hi Thomas

Thanks for you answer. Unfortunately this does not help. I did quite some restarts of the service, reinstalls of the software and reboots of the system.

Looking at the log err file there is a hint where this problem comes from:

07/15/16 14:41:13.275 Critical: Could not open module “/var/lib/homegear/modules/mod_homematicbidcos.so”: /var/lib/homegear/modules/mod_homematicbidcos.so: undefined symbol: _ZN7BaseLib7Systems18PhysicalInterfacesC2EPNS_3ObjEiSt6vectorISt10shared_ptrINS0_25PhysicalInterfaceSettingsEESaIS7_EE
07/15/16 14:41:13.292 Critical: Could not open module “/var/lib/homegear/modules/mod_max.so”. Symbol “getFamilyId” not found.
07/15/16 14:41:13.308 Critical: Could not open module “/var/lib/homegear/modules/mod_homematicwired.so”. Symbol “getFamilyId” not found.
07/15/16 14:41:13.326 Critical: Could not open module “/var/lib/homegear/modules/mod_insteon.so”. Symbol “getFamilyId” not found.
07/15/16 14:41:13.329 Critical: Could not open module “/var/lib/homegear/modules/mod_miscellaneous.so”. Module is compiled for Homegear version 0.6.2-1396
07/15/16 14:41:13.343 Critical: Could not open module “/var/lib/homegear/modules/mod_philipshue.so”. Symbol “getFamilyId” not found.
07/15/16 14:41:13.343 Critical: Could not load any family modules from “/var/lib/homegear/modules/”.
07/15/16 14:41:13.345 Error in file main.cpp line 975 in function void startUp(): Could not open directory.
07/15/16 14:41:13.347 Error: Can’t execute “PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE”: attempt to write a readonly database

Looks like the update did not get all of the required parts in the right version, or some required permissions have changed.


on the homepage i do not find a 0.6.3-1415 version, but that does no mean any thing. Have you tried to download the latest Raspi image from the page?


Have you tried to download the latest Raspi image from the page?

No. That does not make sense for me. I have installed lots of other things.

The only way for me to go is to “apt-get upgrade” it.


…same issue here after I apt-upgraded from 0.6.2 to 0.6.3

07/16/16 10:39:15.074 Error in file main.cpp line 975 in function void startUp(): Could not open directory.
07/16/16 10:39:15.077 Error: Can’t execute “PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE”: attempt to write a readonly database

thnx for any advice.

same issue here after upgrade to 0.6.3-1415


Fix is online. homegear works again with Version 0.6.3-1420 for me.



Thanks for the quick support! Great!

The “Signal 6” was caused by a mistake I made in solving a merge conflict (merging dev with stable) :blush:. It’s fixed in the repositories now, too.



A post was split to a new topic: Could not connect to socket