Hallo Sathya,
Nachdem meine Hausautomatisation mit Homegear auf meiner Synology so gut lief, fiel mir ein, das es doch eine gute Idee wäre die IP-Adressen von meinem NAS und somit von Homegear zu ändern. Dazu ging ich wie folgt vor, ich lernte alle Homematic Komponenten von Homegear ab.
Dann wechselte ich die IP-Adresse, allerdigs wollte der LAN-Adapter diese nicht machen, deshalb habe ich ein Firmware Update über die Homematic Software durch geführt, im Anschluss ging es dann. Danach änderte ich die Konfigurationsdateien von meinem NAS und Homegear und startete das System neu. Im Anschluss lernte ich einen Fensterkontakt HM-SEC-2 neu an, dieses klappte im ersten Schritt einwandfrei, allerdings blieb eine Servicemeldung, dass die Konfigurationsdateien nicht ins Gerät geladen werden können. Nachdem auch ein Neustart des NAS und des Konfigurations-LAN Adapter keine Besserung brachte, versuchte ich den Fensterkontakt wieder ab zu lernen. Dieses gelang mir nicht.
Aber nun zu meinen Fragen, hast du einen Trick wie ich den Fensterkontakt wieder ablernen kann? (Sichere Verbindung)
Was ist beim anlernen schief gelaufen, hätte ich auch die Homegear Datenbank neu aufbauen müssen? (Löschen und neu erstellen)
Oder habe ich beim Firmware Update des Adapters den Sicherheitsschlüssel überschrieben?
Da die Installation sechs Monate einwandfrei lief schließe ich ein generelles Problem aus. Anbei Auszüge aus meinem Log vom anlernen.
Homegear LOG
08/02/15 23:46:28.750 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading HomeMatic BidCoS device 1
08/02/15 23:46:28.789 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 1
08/02/15 23:46:28.800 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading HomeMatic BidCoS device 2
08/02/15 23:46:28.801 Module Miscellaneous: Loading Miscellaneous device 3
08/02/15 23:46:28.845 Startup complete.
08/02/15 23:51:28.215 Error: At least one physical interface is not connected.
08/02/15 23:52:26.940 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x26): 0D888441289C0600000001EF8840
08/02/15 23:52:57.039 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x62): 0D68A6101ACF5A1858D806012100
08/02/15 23:53:00.144 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x26): 0D898441289C0600000001F08840
08/02/15 23:53:40.547 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x27): 0D8A8441289C0600000001F18840
08/02/15 23:54:20.540 Could not connect to server on port 9123. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
08/02/15 23:54:22.305 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x26): 0D8B8441289C0600000001F28840
08/02/15 23:54:24.760 (Shutdown) => Stopping Homegear (Signal: 15)
08/02/15 23:54:26.224 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x38): 149B845E2E180A0000008000000000000000091802
08/02/15 23:54:40.405 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x26): 0D8C8441289C0600000001F38840
08/02/15 23:54:40.405 (Shutdown) => Saving devices
08/02/15 23:54:40.405 (Shutdown) => Saving devices
08/02/15 23:54:40.405 (Shutdown) => Saving HomeMatic BidCoS device 1
08/02/15 23:54:40.406 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: (Shutdown) => Saving HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with address 0x276E1E
08/02/15 23:54:40.406 (Shutdown) => Saving HomeMatic BidCoS device 2
08/02/15 23:54:40.407 (Shutdown) => Saving devices
08/02/15 23:54:40.407 (Shutdown) => Saving Miscellaneous device 3
08/02/15 23:54:40.407 (Shutdown) => Disposing device families
08/02/15 23:54:41.394 (Shutdown) => Shutdown complete.
08/02/15 23:57:24.252 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading HomeMatic BidCoS device 1
08/02/15 23:57:24.280 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 1
08/02/15 23:57:24.296 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading HomeMatic BidCoS device 2
08/02/15 23:57:24.297 Module Miscellaneous: Loading Miscellaneous device 3
08/02/15 23:57:24.348 Startup complete.
08/02/15 23:57:26.352 All physical interfaces are connected now.
08/02/15 23:57:37.422 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x26): 0D958441289C0600000001FC8840
08/02/15 23:57:40.827 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x67): 0E89820219DD5119DF340101000035
08/02/15 23:57:55.198 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x25): 0D968441289C0600000001FD8840
08/02/15 23:58:20.543 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x26): 0D978441289C0600000001FE8840
08/02/15 23:58:42.882 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x39): 0DA9841023D62700000006010100
08/02/15 23:58:45.617 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x44): 0C178441276E1E0000008116C8
08/02/15 23:58:48.371 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x46): 0C188441276E1E000000811700
08/02/15 23:58:56.053 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x3A): 149D845E2E180A0000008000000000000000091603
08/02/15 23:59:03.884 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x3A): 0DAA841023D62700000006010000
08/02/15 23:59:11.864 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x27): 0D988441289C0600000001FF8840
08/02/15 23:59:41.087 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x66): 0E8A820219DD5119DF340101000035
08/02/15 23:59:54.593 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x28): 0D998441289C0600000001008840
08/03/15 00:00:21.763 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x27): 0D9A8441289C0600000001018840
08/03/15 00:00:43.690 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x27): 0D9B8441289C0600000001028840
08/03/15 00:00:59.981 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x64): 0D88A6101C521D1858D806012100
08/03/15 00:01:08.393 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x27): 0D9C8441289C0600000001038840
08/03/15 00:01:15.334 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x65): 0D81A6101A81011858D806015800
08/03/15 00:01:24.619 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x61): 0D6AA6101ACF5A1858D806012100
08/03/15 00:01:53.555 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x3B): 149E845E2E180A0000008000000000000000090EFE
08/03/15 00:04:36.562 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-HM-CFG-LAN, RSSI: 0x3C): 149F845E2E180A0000008000000000000000091CFC
Error LOG
08/02/15 20:52:24.323 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/HM-CFG-LAN.cpp line 456 in function void BidCoS::HM_CFG_LAN::reconnect(): Connecting to server on port 1000 timed out.
08/02/15 20:54:51.597 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/HM-CFG-LAN.cpp line 456 in function void BidCoS::HM_CFG_LAN::reconnect(): Connecting to server on port 1000 timed out.
08/02/15 20:57:22.764 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/HM-CFG-LAN.cpp line 456 in function void BidCoS::HM_CFG_LAN::reconnect(): Connecting to server on port 1000 timed out.
08/02/15 20:58:10.711 Can't execute "PRAGMA synchronous = FULL": Safety level may not be changed inside a transaction
08/02/15 21:05:04.387 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/HM-CFG-LAN.cpp line 456 in function void BidCoS::HM_CFG_LAN::reconnect(): Could not connect to server on port 1000. Poll failed with error code: 1.
08/02/15 21:05:29.425 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/HM-CFG-LAN.cpp line 456 in function void BidCoS::HM_CFG_LAN::reconnect(): Could not connect to server on port 1000. Poll failed with error code: 1.
08/02/15 21:05:51.513 Error: At least one physical interface is not connected.
08/02/15 21:06:00.462 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/HM-CFG-LAN.cpp line 456 in function void BidCoS::HM_CFG_LAN::reconnect(): Connecting to server on port 1000 timed out.
08/02/15 21:16:26.001 Error: At least one physical interface is not connected.
08/02/15 21:20:09.407 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/HM-CFG-LAN.cpp line 456 in function void BidCoS::HM_CFG_LAN::reconnect(): Connecting to server on port 1000 timed out.
08/02/15 23:42:49.967 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/HM-CFG-LAN.cpp line 456 in function void BidCoS::HM_CFG_LAN::reconnect(): Could not connect to server on port 1000. Poll failed with error code: 1.
08/02/15 23:43:15.009 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/HM-CFG-LAN.cpp line 456 in function void BidCoS::HM_CFG_LAN::reconnect(): Could not connect to server on port 1000. Poll failed with error code: 1.
08/02/15 23:43:26.754 Could not connect to server on port 9123. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
08/02/15 23:43:40.045 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: LAN-Konfigurationsadapter "My-HM-CFG-LAN": Error in file Modules/HomeMaticBidCoS/PhysicalInterfaces/HM-CFG-LAN.cpp line 456 in function void BidCoS::HM_CFG_LAN::reconnect(): Could not connect to server on port 1000. Poll failed with error code: 1.
08/02/15 23:51:28.215 Error: At least one physical interface is not connected.
08/02/15 23:54:20.540 Could not connect to server on port 9123. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.
Wieder einmal vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung!
Viele Grüße