{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf2509 \cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww24760\viewh18920\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 01/07/20 11:34:59.188 Loading RPC client settings from /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf,\ cat: /boot/cmdline.txt: No such file or directory,\ .,\ /etc/init.d/homegear-influxdb: line 67: ulimit: real-time priority: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted,\ Starting Homegear-InfluxDB: homegear-influxdb.,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.225 Git branch of Homegear: -,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.231 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.231 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.232 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295".,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.232 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295".,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.232 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "0" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.232 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "0" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.232 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "0".,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.232 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "0".,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.399 Info: Backing up database...,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.589 Initializing database...,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.596 Info: Loading family module mod_knx.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.618 /etc/homegear/families/knx.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.630 Info: Loading family module mod_sonos.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.636 /etc/homegear/families/sonos.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.651 Info: Loading family module mod_homematicbidcos.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.663 /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.674 Info: Loading family module mod_philipshue.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.681 /etc/homegear/families/philipshue.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.684 Info: Loading family module mod_max.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.692 /etc/homegear/families/max.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.695 Info: Loading family module mod_intertechno.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.701 /etc/homegear/families/intertechno.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.703 Info: Loading family module mod_miscellaneous.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.707 /etc/homegear/families/miscellaneous.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.708 Info: Loading family module mod_ipcam.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.713 /etc/homegear/families/ipcam.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.719 Info: Loading family module mod_enocean.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.727 /etc/homegear/families/enocean.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.733 Info: Loading family module mod_kodi.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.738 /etc/homegear/families/kodi.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.741 Info: Loading family module mod_beckhoff.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.746 /etc/homegear/families/beckhoff.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.747 Info: Loading family module mod_homematicwired.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.755 /etc/homegear/families/homematicwired.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.759 Info: Loading family module mod_insteon.so,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.766 /etc/homegear/families/insteon.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.770 Info: Setting up physical interfaces and GPIOs...,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.771 Info: Dropping privileges to user homegear (106) and group homegear (108),\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.773 Info: Homegear is (now) running as user with id 106 and group with id 108.,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.796 Starting script engine server...,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.817 Initializing licensing controller...,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.818 Loading licensing controller data...,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.819 Loading devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:34:59.820 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.228 Loading device 5,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.228 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Central address set to 0xFDCCF4.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.233 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 1,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.251 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 2,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.265 Info: Not initializing device family HomeMatic Wired, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.265 Info: Disposing family module mod_homematicwired.so,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.265 Info: Not initializing device family Insteon, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.265 Info: Disposing family module mod_insteon.so,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.266 Info: Not initializing device family MAX!, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.266 Info: Disposing family module mod_max.so,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.266 Info: Not initializing device family Philips hue, because it is disabled in it's configuration file.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.266 Info: Disposing family module mod_philipshue.so,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.266 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.284 Loading device 1,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.285 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.290 Warning: Unknown parameter property: label,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.291 Warning: Unknown parameter property: label,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.292 Loading device 2,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.293 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.296 Loading device 3,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.297 Info: Not initializing device family Beckhoff, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.297 Info: Disposing family module mod_beckhoff.so,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.297 Info: Not initializing device family KNX, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.297 Info: Disposing family module mod_knx.so,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.297 Info: Not initializing device family EnOcean, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.297 Info: Disposing family module mod_enocean.so,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.298 Info: Not initializing device family Intertechno, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.298 Info: Disposing family module mod_intertechno.so,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.298 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.302 Loading device 4,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.303 Initializing RPC client...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.303 Starting MQTT client...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.304 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on :::2001...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.306 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on :::2002, SSL enabled...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.307 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2001,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.373 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on :::2003, SSL enabled, authentication enabled...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.373 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2002,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.404 MQTT Client: Info: Successfully connected to MQTT server using protocol version 4.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.404 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/rpc/#,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.405 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/set/#,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.406 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/value/#,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.407 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/config/#,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.408 Starting CLI server...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.409 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2003,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.409 Initializing event handler...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.410 Loading events...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.411 Starting flows server...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.428 Starting IPC server...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.434 Start listening for packets...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:01.435 Could not set thread priority. The executing user does not have enough privileges. Please run "ulimit -r 100" before executing Homegear.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:03.843 Startup complete. Waiting for physical interfaces to connect.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:03.844 Module Sonos: Event server "My-Sonos-1234": Info: Started listening on address and port 7373,\ 01/07/20 11:35:03.845 All physical interfaces are connected now.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:03.846 Starting UPnP server...,\ 01/07/20 11:35:03.853 Info: UPnP server: Binding to address:,\ 01/07/20 11:35:03.853 UPnP Server: Info: Started listening.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:03.854 Error: A core file exists in Homegear's working directory ("/var/lib/homegear/core"). Please send this file to the Homegear team including information about your system (Linux distribution, CPU architecture), the Homegear version, the current log files and information what might've caused the error.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.393 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -26 dBm): 0F10861063BC0D0000000AA0EB0B0040,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.394 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.395 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00EB.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.395 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BATTERY_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x0B.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.395 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BOOST_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.395 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: CONTROL_MODE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x01.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.396 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: FAULT_REPORTING on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.396 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: PARTY_START_TIME on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.396 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: SET_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x28.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.396 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: VALVE_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.397 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.399 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.401 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.406 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.410 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/BATTERY_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.412 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/BATTERY_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.413 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.417 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.418 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.420 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.421 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.423 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.424 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.427 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.429 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.430 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.434 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/VALVE_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.435 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/VALVE_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:27.437 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/4,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.761 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -34 dBm): 0F11861063BC1C0000000AA1010B0040,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.763 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x0101.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.763 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.763 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BATTERY_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x0B.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.764 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BOOST_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.764 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: CONTROL_MODE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x01.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.764 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: FAULT_REPORTING on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.766 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.767 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/0,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.813 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: PARTY_START_TIME on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.813 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: SET_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x28.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.813 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: VALVE_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.815 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.816 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.820 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/BATTERY_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.822 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/BATTERY_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.824 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.825 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.827 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.832 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.833 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.835 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.836 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.838 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.842 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.843 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.845 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/VALVE_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.847 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/VALVE_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:35:35.853 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/4,\ /etc/init.d/homegear: line 88: ulimit: real-time priority: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted,\ Starting Homegear: homegear01/07/20 11:36:44.235 Loading RPC server settings from /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.269 Loading RPC client settings from /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf,\ cat: /boot/cmdline.txt: No such file or directory,\ .,\ /etc/init.d/homegear-influxdb: line 67: ulimit: real-time priority: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted,\ Starting Homegear-InfluxDB: homegear-influxdb.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.310 Git branch of Homegear: -,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.315 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.315 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.315 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295".,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.315 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295".,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.315 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "0" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.315 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "0" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.315 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "0".,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.315 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "0".,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.483 Info: Backing up database...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.597 Initializing database...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.604 Info: Loading family module mod_knx.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.630 /etc/homegear/families/knx.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.642 Info: Loading family module mod_sonos.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.648 /etc/homegear/families/sonos.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.662 Info: Loading family module mod_homematicbidcos.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.675 /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.685 Info: Loading family module mod_philipshue.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.691 /etc/homegear/families/philipshue.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.695 Info: Loading family module mod_max.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.702 /etc/homegear/families/max.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.705 Info: Loading family module mod_intertechno.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.710 /etc/homegear/families/intertechno.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.712 Info: Loading family module mod_miscellaneous.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.715 /etc/homegear/families/miscellaneous.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.716 Info: Loading family module mod_ipcam.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.720 /etc/homegear/families/ipcam.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.725 Info: Loading family module mod_enocean.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.730 /etc/homegear/families/enocean.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.732 Info: Loading family module mod_kodi.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.736 /etc/homegear/families/kodi.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.737 Info: Loading family module mod_beckhoff.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.742 /etc/homegear/families/beckhoff.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.743 Info: Loading family module mod_homematicwired.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.750 /etc/homegear/families/homematicwired.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.751 Info: Loading family module mod_insteon.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.758 /etc/homegear/families/insteon.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.760 Info: Setting up physical interfaces and GPIOs...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.761 Info: Dropping privileges to user homegear (106) and group homegear (108),\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.762 Info: Homegear is (now) running as user with id 106 and group with id 108.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.784 Starting script engine server...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.801 Initializing licensing controller...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.801 Loading licensing controller data...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.801 Loading devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:44.802 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.194 Loading device 5,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.194 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Central address set to 0xFDCCF4.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.199 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 1,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.218 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 2,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.232 Info: Not initializing device family HomeMatic Wired, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.232 Info: Disposing family module mod_homematicwired.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.233 Info: Not initializing device family Insteon, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.233 Info: Disposing family module mod_insteon.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.233 Info: Not initializing device family MAX!, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.234 Info: Disposing family module mod_max.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.234 Info: Not initializing device family Philips hue, because it is disabled in it's configuration file.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.234 Info: Disposing family module mod_philipshue.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.235 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.252 Loading device 1,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.254 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.259 Warning: Unknown parameter property: label,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.260 Warning: Unknown parameter property: label,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.261 Loading device 2,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.262 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.265 Loading device 3,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.266 Info: Not initializing device family Beckhoff, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.266 Info: Disposing family module mod_beckhoff.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.267 Info: Not initializing device family KNX, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.267 Info: Disposing family module mod_knx.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.267 Info: Not initializing device family EnOcean, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.267 Info: Disposing family module mod_enocean.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.267 Info: Not initializing device family Intertechno, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.267 Info: Disposing family module mod_intertechno.so,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.268 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.272 Loading device 4,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.273 Initializing RPC client...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.273 Starting MQTT client...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.274 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on :::2001...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.277 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on :::2002, SSL enabled...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.277 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2001,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.347 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on :::2003, SSL enabled, authentication enabled...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.347 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2002,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.374 MQTT Client: Info: Successfully connected to MQTT server using protocol version 4.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.374 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/rpc/#,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.375 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/set/#,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.376 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/value/#,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.377 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/config/#,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.382 Starting CLI server...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.383 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2003,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.383 Initializing event handler...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.384 Loading events...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.385 Starting flows server...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.402 Starting IPC server...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.408 Start listening for packets...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:46.409 Could not set thread priority. The executing user does not have enough privileges. Please run "ulimit -r 100" before executing Homegear.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:48.817 Startup complete. Waiting for physical interfaces to connect.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:48.817 All physical interfaces are connected now.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:48.817 Starting UPnP server...,\ 01/07/20 11:36:48.818 Module Sonos: Event server "My-Sonos-1234": Info: Started listening on address and port 7373,\ 01/07/20 11:36:48.820 Error: A core file exists in Homegear's working directory ("/var/lib/homegear/core"). Please send this file to the Homegear team including information about your system (Linux distribution, CPU architecture), the Homegear version, the current log files and information what might've caused the error.,\ 01/07/20 11:36:48.821 Info: UPnP server: Binding to address:,\ 01/07/20 11:36:48.822 UPnP Server: Info: Started listening.,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.388 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -25 dBm): 0F11861063BC0D0000000AA0EB0B0040,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.390 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00EB.,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.390 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BATTERY_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x0B.,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.390 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BOOST_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.390 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: CONTROL_MODE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x01.,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.391 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: FAULT_REPORTING on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.391 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.393 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.394 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.421 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: PARTY_START_TIME on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.421 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: SET_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x28.,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.421 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: VALVE_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.423 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.425 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.429 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/BATTERY_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.431 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/BATTERY_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.433 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.434 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.437 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.438 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.440 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.442 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.445 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.446 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.448 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.449 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.451 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/VALVE_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.453 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/VALVE_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:37:54.454 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/4,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.509 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 0F12861063BC1C0000000AA1020B0040,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.510 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.511 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x0102.,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.511 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BATTERY_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x0B.,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.511 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BOOST_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.511 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: CONTROL_MODE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x01.,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.512 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: FAULT_REPORTING on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.513 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: PARTY_START_TIME on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.513 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: SET_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x28.,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.513 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: VALVE_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.514 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.516 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/0,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.521 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.523 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.525 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/BATTERY_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.527 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/BATTERY_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.531 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.532 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.534 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.538 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.539 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.541 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.543 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.544 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.545 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.549 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.551 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/VALVE_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.553 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/VALVE_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:38:26.557 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/4,\ 01/07/20 11:38:34.756 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": CUL was disconnected.,\ 01/07/20 11:38:34.757 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Couldn't read from CUL device, because the file descriptor is not valid: /dev/ttyUSB0. Trying to reopen...,\ 01/07/20 11:38:39.777 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Couldn't open CUL device "/dev/ttyUSB0": No such device or address,\ 01/07/20 11:38:39.777 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Couldn't read from CUL device, because the file descriptor is not valid: /dev/ttyUSB0. Trying to reopen...,\ 01/07/20 11:38:44.797 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Couldn't open CUL device "/dev/ttyUSB0": No such device or address,\ 01/07/20 11:38:44.798 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Couldn't read from CUL device, because the file descriptor is not valid: /dev/ttyUSB0. Trying to reopen...,\ 01/07/20 11:38:51.810 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Error in file PhysicalInterfaces/Cul.cpp line 380 in function void BidCoS::Cul::writeToDevice(std::__cxx11::string, bool): Error writing to CUL device (3, 5): /dev/ttyUSB0,\ 01/07/20 11:38:51.813 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": CUL was disconnected.,\ 01/07/20 11:38:51.814 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Couldn't read from CUL device, because the file descriptor is not valid: /dev/ttyUSB0. Trying to reopen...,\ /etc/init.d/homegear: line 88: ulimit: real-time priority: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted,\ Starting Homegear: homegear01/07/20 11:39:32.157 Loading RPC server settings from /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.159 Loading RPC client settings from /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf,\ cat: /boot/cmdline.txt: No such file or directory,\ .,\ /etc/init.d/homegear-influxdb: line 67: ulimit: real-time priority: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted,\ Starting Homegear-InfluxDB: homegear-influxdb.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.166 Homegear version 0.7.12-1492,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.166 Git commit SHA of libhomegear-base: -,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.167 Git branch of libhomegear-base: -,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.167 Git commit SHA of Homegear: -,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.167 Git branch of Homegear: -,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.168 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.168 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295".,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.168 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "0" for user with id 0 and group with id 0.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.168 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "0".,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.230 Info: Backing up database...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.342 Initializing database...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.348 Info: Loading family module mod_knx.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.357 /etc/homegear/families/knx.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.358 Info: Loading family module mod_sonos.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.363 /etc/homegear/families/sonos.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.365 Info: Loading family module mod_homematicbidcos.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.377 /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.379 Info: Loading family module mod_philipshue.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.384 /etc/homegear/families/philipshue.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.385 Info: Loading family module mod_max.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.393 /etc/homegear/families/max.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.394 Info: Loading family module mod_intertechno.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.400 /etc/homegear/families/intertechno.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.400 Info: Loading family module mod_miscellaneous.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.404 /etc/homegear/families/miscellaneous.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.405 Info: Loading family module mod_ipcam.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.409 /etc/homegear/families/ipcam.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.411 Info: Loading family module mod_enocean.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.417 /etc/homegear/families/enocean.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.417 Info: Loading family module mod_kodi.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.421 /etc/homegear/families/kodi.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.422 Info: Loading family module mod_beckhoff.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.427 /etc/homegear/families/beckhoff.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.427 Info: Loading family module mod_homematicwired.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.434 /etc/homegear/families/homematicwired.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.435 Info: Loading family module mod_insteon.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.441 /etc/homegear/families/insteon.conf,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.442 Info: Setting up physical interfaces and GPIOs...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.442 Info: Dropping privileges to user homegear (106) and group homegear (108),\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.443 Info: Homegear is (now) running as user with id 106 and group with id 108.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.449 Starting script engine server...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.458 Initializing licensing controller...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.458 Loading licensing controller data...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.458 Loading devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:32.458 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.299 Loading device 5,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.299 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Central address set to 0xFDCCF4.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.301 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 1,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.317 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Loading peer 2,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.331 Info: Not initializing device family HomeMatic Wired, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.332 Info: Disposing family module mod_homematicwired.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.332 Info: Not initializing device family Insteon, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.333 Info: Disposing family module mod_insteon.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.333 Info: Not initializing device family MAX!, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.333 Info: Disposing family module mod_max.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.333 Info: Not initializing device family Philips hue, because it is disabled in it's configuration file.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.334 Info: Disposing family module mod_philipshue.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.334 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.343 Loading device 1,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.345 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.346 Warning: Unknown parameter property: label,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.346 Warning: Unknown parameter property: label,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.347 Loading device 2,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.348 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.349 Loading device 3,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.350 Info: Not initializing device family Beckhoff, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.350 Info: Disposing family module mod_beckhoff.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.351 Info: Not initializing device family KNX, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.351 Info: Disposing family module mod_knx.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.351 Info: Not initializing device family EnOcean, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.352 Info: Disposing family module mod_enocean.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.352 Info: Not initializing device family Intertechno, because no physical interface was found.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.352 Info: Disposing family module mod_intertechno.so,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.353 Loading XML RPC devices...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.354 Loading device 4,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.355 Initializing RPC client...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.355 Starting MQTT client...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.356 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on :::2001...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.360 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2001,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.361 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on :::2002, SSL enabled...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.401 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on :::2003, SSL enabled, authentication enabled...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.402 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2002,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.436 Starting CLI server...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.436 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2003,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.437 Initializing event handler...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.438 Loading events...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.439 Starting flows server...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.457 MQTT Client: Info: Successfully connected to MQTT server using protocol version 4.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.457 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/rpc/#,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.457 Starting IPC server...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.458 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/set/#,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.460 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/value/#,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.461 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/config/#,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.466 Start listening for packets...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:33.467 Could not set thread priority. The executing user does not have enough privileges. Please run "ulimit -r 100" before executing Homegear.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:35.871 Startup complete. Waiting for physical interfaces to connect.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:35.871 All physical interfaces are connected now.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:35.871 Starting UPnP server...,\ 01/07/20 11:39:35.873 Info: UPnP server: Binding to address:,\ 01/07/20 11:39:35.873 Error: A core file exists in Homegear's working directory ("/var/lib/homegear/core"). Please send this file to the Homegear team including information about your system (Linux distribution, CPU architecture), the Homegear version, the current log files and information what might've caused the error.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:35.874 UPnP Server: Info: Started listening.,\ 01/07/20 11:39:35.874 Module Sonos: Event server "My-Sonos-1234": Info: Started listening on address and port 7373,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.893 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -28 dBm): 0F12861063BC0D0000000AA0EB0B0040,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.895 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00EB.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.895 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BATTERY_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x0B.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.895 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BOOST_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.895 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: CONTROL_MODE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x01.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.895 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: FAULT_REPORTING on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.896 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: PARTY_START_TIME on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.896 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: SET_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x28.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.896 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: VALVE_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 1 with serial number OEQ1877634 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.896 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.898 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.900 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.903 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.906 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.915 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/BATTERY_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.922 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/BATTERY_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.926 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.928 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.932 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.934 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.936 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.938 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.939 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.941 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.943 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.947 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.949 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/4/VALVE_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.951 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/4/VALVE_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:06.953 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/4,\ 01/07/20 11:40:14.288 Info: MQTT RPC call received. Method: setValue,\ 01/07/20 11:40:14.288 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Method called: setValue Parameters:,\ (Integer) 2,\ (Integer) 4,\ (String) SET_TEMPERATURE,\ (Float) 21,\ 01/07/20 11:40:14.290 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1016B001FDCCF463BC1C00040000000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:14.840 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A16A01063BC1CFDCCF4020101020109010AFD0BCC0CF40E0A0F00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:14.842 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:14.844 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:14.846 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/0,\ 01/07/20 11:40:14.936 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A168002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:15.097 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1817801063BC1CFDCCF402110012151600180019001A000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:15.192 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1017A001FDCCF463BC1C00040000000007,\ 01/07/20 11:40:15.390 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A17A01063BC1CFDCCF403012A22093D18030016073000640F0500,\ 01/07/20 11:40:15.485 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A178002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:15.649 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A18A01063BC1CFDCCF403100000090E4448550845204520452045,\ 01/07/20 11:40:15.744 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A188002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:15.907 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A19A01063BC1CFDCCF4031F204520452045204520452045204520,\ 01/07/20 11:40:16.002 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A198002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:16.165 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A1AA01063BC1CFDCCF4032E444855084520452045204520452045,\ 01/07/20 11:40:16.261 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A1A8002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:16.424 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A1BA01063BC1CFDCCF4033D20452045204520452045204448546C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:16.520 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A1B8002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:16.682 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A1CA01063BC1CFDCCF4034C44CC55084520452045204520452045,\ 01/07/20 11:40:16.778 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A1C8002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:16.942 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A1DA01063BC1CFDCCF4035B204520452045204448546C44CC5508,\ 01/07/20 11:40:17.037 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A1D8002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:17.201 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A1EA01063BC1CFDCCF4036A452045204520452045204520452045,\ 01/07/20 11:40:17.296 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A1E8002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:17.460 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A1FA01063BC1CFDCCF403792045204448546C44CC550845204520,\ 01/07/20 11:40:17.555 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A1F8002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:17.719 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A20A01063BC1CFDCCF40388452045204520452045204520452044,\ 01/07/20 11:40:17.814 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A208002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:17.976 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A21A01063BC1CFDCCF4039748546C44CC55084520452045204520,\ 01/07/20 11:40:18.071 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A218002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:18.235 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A22A01063BC1CFDCCF403A6452045204520452045204448546C44,\ 01/07/20 11:40:18.330 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A228002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:18.493 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1A23A01063BC1CFDCCF403B5CC5508452045204520452045204520,\ 01/07/20 11:40:18.588 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A238002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:18.747 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 1724A01063BC1CFDCCF403C44520452045200F1E1E0F1E1E,\ 01/07/20 11:40:18.842 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A248002FDCCF463BC1C00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:18.989 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0B25801063BC1CFDCCF40300,\ 01/07/20 11:40:19.083 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1018A001FDCCF463BC1C01040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:19.263 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0E18801063BC1CFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:19.357 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B19A001FDCCF463BC1C0103,\ 01/07/20 11:40:19.536 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0E19801063BC1CFDCCF40100000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:19.631 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 101AA001FDCCF463BC1C02040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:19.810 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0E1A801063BC1CFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:19.904 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B1BA001FDCCF463BC1C0203,\ 01/07/20 11:40:20.083 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 0E1B801063BC1CFDCCF40100000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:20.178 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 101CA001FDCCF463BC1C03040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:20.359 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0E1C801063BC1CFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:20.455 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B1DA001FDCCF463BC1C0303,\ 01/07/20 11:40:20.638 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 121D801063BC1CFDCCF401FDCCF40300000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:20.640 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/0/CONFIG_PENDING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:20.642 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/0/CONFIG_PENDING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:20.644 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/0,\ 01/07/20 11:40:20.733 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 101EA001FDCCF463BC1C04040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:20.914 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -30 dBm): 0E1E801063BC1CFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:21.008 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B1FA001FDCCF463BC1C0403,\ 01/07/20 11:40:21.185 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0E1F801063BC1CFDCCF40100000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:21.280 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1020A001FDCCF463BC1C05040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:21.460 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0E20801063BC1CFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:21.554 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B21A001FDCCF463BC1C0503,\ 01/07/20 11:40:21.738 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 1221801063BC1CFDCCF40163BC0D0400000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:21.832 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1022A001FDCCF463BC1C06040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.014 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0E22801063BC1CFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.108 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B23A001FDCCF463BC1C0603,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.286 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0E23801063BC1CFDCCF40100000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.380 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C0FB011FDCCF463BC1C86042A,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.910 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0F0F800263BC1CFDCCF401042A101B40,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.912 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: BOOST_STATE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.912 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: CONTROL_MODE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x01.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.913 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: FAULT_REPORTING on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.957 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: PARTY_START_TIME on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x00.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.958 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: SET_TEMPERATURE on channel 4 of HomeMatic BidCoS peer 2 with serial number OEQ1877617 was set to 0x2A.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.958 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.960 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/BOOST_STATE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.964 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.965 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/CONTROL_MODE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.966 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.968 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/FAULT_REPORTING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.969 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.973 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/PARTY_START_TIME,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.975 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.976 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/4/SET_TEMPERATURE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:22.980 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/4,\ 01/07/20 11:40:23.005 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1001A001FDCCF463BC1C0304FDCCF40303,\ 01/07/20 11:40:23.186 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0E01801063BC1CFDCCF40204320000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:23.280 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1002A001FDCCF463BC1C0304FDCCF40307,\ 01/07/20 11:40:23.461 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -31 dBm): 0E02801063BC1CFDCCF40205180000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:23.463 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 1 is empty and there are no pending queues.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:23.469 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/0/CONFIG_PENDING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:23.472 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/0/CONFIG_PENDING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:23.474 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/0,\ 01/07/20 11:40:33.167 Info: MQTT RPC call received. Method: setValue,\ 01/07/20 11:40:33.168 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Method called: setValue Parameters:,\ (Integer) 1,\ (Integer) 4,\ (String) SET_TEMPERATURE,\ (Float) 16,\ 01/07/20 11:40:33.169 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1004B001FDCCF463BC0D00040000000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:33.721 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A04A01063BC0DFDCCF4020101020109010AFD0BCC0CF40E0A0F00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:33.724 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:33.726 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/RSSI_DEVICE,\ 01/07/20 11:40:33.727 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:40:33.817 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A048002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:33.977 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1805801063BC0DFDCCF402110012151600180019001A000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:34.071 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1005A001FDCCF463BC0D00040000000007,\ 01/07/20 11:40:34.269 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A05A01063BC0DFDCCF403012A22093D18030016073000640F0500,\ 01/07/20 11:40:34.365 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A058002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:34.528 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A06A01063BC0DFDCCF403100000090E4448550845204520452045,\ 01/07/20 11:40:34.624 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A068002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:34.786 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A07A01063BC0DFDCCF4031F204520452045204520452045204520,\ 01/07/20 11:40:34.881 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A078002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:35.044 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A08A01063BC0DFDCCF4032E444855084520452045204520452045,\ 01/07/20 11:40:35.139 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A088002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:35.302 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A09A01063BC0DFDCCF4033D20452045204520452045204448546C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:35.397 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A098002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:35.560 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A0AA01063BC0DFDCCF4034C44CC55084520452045204520452045,\ 01/07/20 11:40:35.655 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A0A8002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:35.819 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A0BA01063BC0DFDCCF4035B204520452045204448546C44CC5508,\ 01/07/20 11:40:35.914 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A0B8002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:36.077 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A0CA01063BC0DFDCCF4036A452045204520452045204520452045,\ 01/07/20 11:40:36.172 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A0C8002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:36.334 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A0DA01063BC0DFDCCF403792045204448546C44CC550845204520,\ 01/07/20 11:40:36.430 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A0D8002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:36.592 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A0EA01063BC0DFDCCF40388452045204520452045204520452044,\ 01/07/20 11:40:36.688 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A0E8002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:36.852 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1A0FA01063BC0DFDCCF4039748546C44CC55084520452045204520,\ 01/07/20 11:40:36.947 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A0F8002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:37.109 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -24 dBm): 1A10A01063BC0DFDCCF403A6452045204520452045204448546C44,\ 01/07/20 11:40:37.205 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A108002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:37.367 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -24 dBm): 1A11A01063BC0DFDCCF403B5CC5508452045204520452045204520,\ 01/07/20 11:40:37.462 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A118002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:37.621 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 1712A01063BC0DFDCCF403C44520452045200F1E1E0F1E1E,\ 01/07/20 11:40:37.716 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0A128002FDCCF463BC0D00,\ 01/07/20 11:40:37.861 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 0B13801063BC0DFDCCF40300,\ 01/07/20 11:40:37.955 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1006A001FDCCF463BC0D01040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:38.137 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 0E06801063BC0DFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:38.232 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B07A001FDCCF463BC0D0103,\ 01/07/20 11:40:38.409 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -24 dBm): 0E07801063BC0DFDCCF40100000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:38.503 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1008A001FDCCF463BC0D02040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:38.684 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -24 dBm): 0E08801063BC0DFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:38.778 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B09A001FDCCF463BC0D0203,\ 01/07/20 11:40:38.956 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -24 dBm): 0E09801063BC0DFDCCF40100000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:39.050 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 100AA001FDCCF463BC0D03040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:39.231 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -24 dBm): 0E0A801063BC0DFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:39.325 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B0BA001FDCCF463BC0D0303,\ 01/07/20 11:40:39.514 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -24 dBm): 120B801063BC0DFDCCF401FDCCF40300000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:39.516 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/CONFIG_PENDING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:39.518 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/CONFIG_PENDING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:39.519 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:40:39.608 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 100CA001FDCCF463BC0D04040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:39.789 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 0E0C801063BC0DFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:39.883 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B0DA001FDCCF463BC0D0403,\ 01/07/20 11:40:40.061 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 0E0D801063BC0DFDCCF40100000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:40.155 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 100EA001FDCCF463BC0D05040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:40.336 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 0E0E801063BC0DFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:40.430 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B0FA001FDCCF463BC0D0503,\ 01/07/20 11:40:40.610 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -24 dBm): 0E0F801063BC0DFDCCF40100000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:40.704 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1010A001FDCCF463BC0D06040000000001,\ 01/07/20 11:40:40.885 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 0E10801063BC0DFDCCF40208000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:40.979 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0B11A001FDCCF463BC0D0603,\ 01/07/20 11:40:41.160 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 0E11801063BC0DFDCCF40100000000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:41.254 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC0D860420,\ 01/07/20 11:40:41.784 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -24 dBm): 0F10800263BC0DFDCCF4010420201540,\ 01/07/20 11:40:41.878 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1003A001FDCCF463BC0D0304FDCCF40303,\ 01/07/20 11:40:42.059 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -24 dBm): 0E03801063BC0DFDCCF40204320000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:42.153 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 1004A001FDCCF463BC0D0304FDCCF40307,\ 01/07/20 11:40:42.335 HomeMatic BidCoS packet received (My-CUL, RSSI: -23 dBm): 0E04801063BC0DFDCCF40205180000,\ 01/07/20 11:40:42.336 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue 2 is empty and there are no pending queues.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:42.369 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/CONFIG_PENDING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:42.371 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/CONFIG_PENDING,\ 01/07/20 11:40:42.373 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:40:52.366 Info: MQTT RPC call received. Method: setValue,\ 01/07/20 11:40:52.367 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Method called: setValue Parameters:,\ (Integer) 1,\ (Integer) 4,\ (String) SET_TEMPERATURE,\ (Float) 22,\ 01/07/20 11:40:52.368 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:52.377 Info: MQTT RPC call received. Method: setValue,\ 01/07/20 11:40:52.379 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Method called: setValue Parameters:,\ (Integer) 2,\ (Integer) 4,\ (String) SET_TEMPERATURE,\ (Float) 22,\ 01/07/20 11:40:52.380 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:52.928 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:52.941 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:53.488 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:53.501 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:55.378 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:55.378 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:40:55.378 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:55.478 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:55.478 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:40:55.479 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:55.939 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:56.040 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:56.499 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:56.600 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:58.387 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:58.387 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:40:58.388 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:58.488 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:40:58.488 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:40:58.488 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:58.952 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:59.049 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:59.512 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:40:59.609 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:41:01.396 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:01.397 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:41:01.397 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:41:01.496 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:01.497 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:41:01.497 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:41:01.957 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:41:02.058 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:41:02.237 Info: MQTT RPC call received. Method: setValue,\ 01/07/20 11:41:02.237 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Method called: setValue Parameters:,\ (Integer) 2,\ (Integer) 4,\ (String) SET_TEMPERATURE,\ (Float) 23,\ 01/07/20 11:41:02.517 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C11B011FDCCF463BC0D86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:41:02.618 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C10B011FDCCF463BC1C86042C,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.412 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.413 Info: Peer 1 is unreachable.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.413 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.415 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.416 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/STICKY_UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.418 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/STICKY_UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.419 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.420 Info: Peer 1 is reachable again.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.424 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.426 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.427 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.916 Info: MQTT RPC call received. Method: setValue,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.916 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Method called: setValue Parameters:,\ (Integer) 1,\ (Integer) 4,\ (String) SET_TEMPERATURE,\ (Float) 24,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.918 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.921 Info: MQTT RPC call received. Method: setValue,\ 01/07/20 11:41:04.922 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Method called: setValue Parameters:,\ (Integer) 2,\ (Integer) 4,\ (String) SET_TEMPERATURE,\ (Float) 24,\ 01/07/20 11:41:05.478 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:06.038 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.023 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.023 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.023 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.123 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.123 Info: Peer 2 is unreachable.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.124 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.126 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.127 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/0/STICKY_UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.129 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/0/STICKY_UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.132 Info: Peer 2 is reachable again.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.134 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/0,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.135 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.137 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.139 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/0,\ 01/07/20 11:41:08.584 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:09.144 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:11.031 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:11.031 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:41:11.132 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:11.692 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:12.252 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:14.139 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:14.140 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:41:14.240 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:14.800 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:15.360 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C12B011FDCCF463BC0D860430,\ 01/07/20 11:41:17.248 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:17.248 Info: Peer 1 is unreachable.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:17.249 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:17.250 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:17.252 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/STICKY_UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:17.254 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/STICKY_UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:17.285 Info: Peer 1 is reachable again.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:17.287 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:41:17.289 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:17.294 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:17.298 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:41:42.555 Info: MQTT RPC call received. Method: setValue,\ 01/07/20 11:41:42.556 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Method called: setValue Parameters:,\ (Integer) 1,\ (Integer) 4,\ (String) SET_TEMPERATURE,\ (Float) 24.5,\ 01/07/20 11:41:42.557 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:42.560 Info: MQTT RPC call received. Method: setValue,\ 01/07/20 11:41:42.560 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Method called: setValue Parameters:,\ (Integer) 2,\ (Integer) 4,\ (String) SET_TEMPERATURE,\ (Float) 24.5,\ 01/07/20 11:41:42.561 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:43.117 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:43.121 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:43.677 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:43.681 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:45.566 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:45.567 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:41:45.568 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:45.666 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:45.667 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:41:45.667 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:46.128 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:46.227 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:46.688 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:46.787 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:48.575 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:48.575 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:41:48.576 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:48.675 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:48.675 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:41:48.676 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:49.136 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:49.236 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:49.696 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:49.796 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:51.583 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:51.583 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 1). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:41:51.584 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:51.683 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:51.683 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Queue is not finished (peer: 2). Retrying...,\ 01/07/20 11:41:51.684 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:52.144 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:52.244 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:52.704 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC0D860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:52.804 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: CUL "My-CUL": Info: Sending (My-CUL): 0C13B011FDCCF463BC1C860431,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.591 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.593 Info: Peer 1 is unreachable.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.593 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.595 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.597 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/STICKY_UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.602 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/STICKY_UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.605 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.691 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Setting peer to unreachable, because the queue processing was interrupted.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.692 Info: Peer 2 is unreachable.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.693 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.695 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.698 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/0/STICKY_UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.701 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/0/STICKY_UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:54.704 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/0,\ 01/07/20 11:41:55.013 Info: Peer 1 is reachable again.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:55.014 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:55.017 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/1/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:55.019 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/1/0,\ 01/07/20 11:41:56.512 Info: Peer 2 is reachable again.,\ 01/07/20 11:41:56.513 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/json/2/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:56.515 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/plain/2/0/UNREACH,\ 01/07/20 11:41:56.516 MQTT Client Info: Publishing topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/jsonobj/2/0,}