# mqtt.conf # # MQTT settings. # # Set this to "true" to enable MQTT. # Default: false enabled = true # Hostname or IP address of your MQTT message broker. brokerHostname = localhost # Port of your MQTT message broker. brokerPort = 1883 # Name of this client. clientName = Homegear # The prefix to use. Every topic starts with this prefix. # Default: homegear prefix = homegear # Unique ID of this Homegear instance. Change this, have you have multiple # Homegear installations. # This is not used for IBM Bluemix Watson IOT platform homegearId = 1234-5678-9abc # Tells the MQTT server to retain received MQTT messages. New clients will then # receive the last value of a topic on connection. # Variables of type "Action" are not retained. retain = true # When authentication by username and password is enabled, uncomment the following two lines and fill in your username # and password. #username = myUser #password = myPassword # The number of parallel processing threads. processingThreadCount = 5 ### Topic payload encodings ### # Enable topic: homegear/HOMEGEAR_ID/plain/PEERID/CHANNEL/VARIABLE_NAME # Contains the value as is. E. g.: 43.7. plainTopic = true # Enable topic: homegear/HOMEGEAR_ID/json/PEERID/CHANNEL/VARIABLE_NAME # Puts the value in a JSON array to be JSON-compliant: [43.7]. jsonTopic = true # Enable topic: homegear/HOMEGEAR_ID/jsonobj/PEERID/CHANNEL/VARIABLE_NAME # Puts the value into a JSON object. The key is value: { "value": 43.7 }. jsonobjTopic = true ### TLS options ### # Set to "true" to enable SSL encryption for MQTT. enableSSL = false # The path to the certificate authority's certificate #caFile = /path/to/ca-certficate # verifyCertificate checks if the server certificate received by the # MQTT broker is signed by one of the root CAs in /etc/ssl/certs. If you use # a self signed certificate, please put your root certificate in that # directory. Only disable the verification for testing purposes. Without # verification any attacker can pose as your MQTT broker. # Default: verifyCertificate = true #verifyCertificate = true # The path to the PEM encoded client certificate. #certPath = /etc/homegear/mqtt.crt # The path to the PEM encoded client keyfile. #keyPath = /etc/homegear/mqtt.key ### IBM Bluemix Watson IOT platform settings ### # Uses bmx*, retain, processingThreadCount and TLS settings, all others are skipped. Please note that it was tested without TLS encryption only. # bmxTopix enables IBM Bluemix adapter and blocks all other topic types as IBM Bluemix Watson IOT Platform disconnects when unsupported packet types appear #bmxTopic = false # For IBM Bluemix Watson IOT Platform use messaging.internetofthings.ibmcloud.com, do not add the at the beginning #bmxHostname=messaging.internetofthings.ibmcloud.com # Port for MQTT broker #bmxPort = 1883 # Set this to your orgId created in Bluemix #bmxOrgId = orgId # Set this to your gateway typeId created in Bluemix. This has to be created as "gateway type", not "device type" #bmxGwTypeId = gwTypeId # This sets the device ID for devices created by MQTT adapter in Bluemix. Requested device type is created automatically by IOT platform. #bmxDevTypeId = devTypeId # Should be set to "iot-2/type" #bmxPrefix = iot-2/type # Set to use-token-auth if using token authentication #bmxUsername = use-token-auth # Set to token generated for this gateway #bmxToken = myBluemixToken