07/22/21 13:36:13.220 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 07/22/21 13:36:13.220 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC1 len: 13 07/22/21 13:36:13.220 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Device announce for address 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:14.836 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 07/22/21 13:36:14.836 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC1 len: 13 07/22/21 13:36:14.836 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Device announce for address 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:14.906 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001C00711D3800000818300A0000212364D94A1DC4 07/22/21 13:36:14.906 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001C00711D3800000818300A0000212364D94A1DC4 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 28 07/22/21 13:36:14.907 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x400 Src addr: 0x4AD9 Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:14.907 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:14.907 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Unknown ZCL frame received, ignoring 07/22/21 13:36:14.907 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1C448100000004D94A0101001C00711D3800000818300A0000212364D94A1DC4 for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:14.907 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18300A0000212364 for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:14.907 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:14.907 07/22/21 13:36:14.907 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00014AD9 07/22/21 13:36:14.907 Module Zigbee: Entering packet received 07/22/21 13:36:14.907 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, packet type: 0x4000A 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418300A0000212364 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 10 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0xA 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 40 bit size: 16 constant: 0 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0000 const value integer: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 56 bit size: 8 constant: 33 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 21 const value integer: 0x21 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 64 bit size: 16 constant: -1 07/22/21 13:36:14.908 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: ILLUMINANCE binary payload (hex): 6423 const value integer: 0xFFFFFFFF 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking associated variable: ILLUMINANCE 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418300A0000212364 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 1 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418300A0000212364 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 16 07/22/21 13:36:14.909 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x10 07/22/21 13:36:14.910 Module Zigbee: Info: ILLUMINANCE on channel 1 of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84 was set to 0x6423. 07/22/21 13:36:14.910 Module Zigbee: Entering ParsePacketDynamic 07/22/21 13:36:14.910 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: received an attr frame: Report attributes 07/22/21 13:36:14.910 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: Setting value for ILLUMINANCE_MEASUREMENT.MEASURED_VALUE of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84:9 to value: 6423 07/22/21 13:36:14.910 Module Zigbee: Entering handling special packets 07/22/21 13:36:14.910 Module Zigbee: Entering dealing with special params 07/22/21 13:36:15.547 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 47 07/22/21 13:36:15.547 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 47 is: 20 07/22/21 13:36:15.629 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 47. 07/22/21 13:36:15.629 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 20 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:36:15.652 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:36:15.652 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:15.652 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:15.654 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81ABFBFC855880DEF02B9E8EA762D99EB2399FC4E16A9FC4B66EC3C4B268CB9EE06FC8C8B46C99C8B56A9ACFE63DCDDEF8 07/22/21 13:36:15.660 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:36:16.028 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 07/22/21 13:36:16.028 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC1 len: 13 07/22/21 13:36:16.028 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Device announce for address 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:16.411 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Pair on 07/22/21 13:36:16.411 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Trying to add node 07/22/21 13:36:16.411 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0525360200003C0028 07/22/21 13:36:16.411 Debug: Writing: FE0525360200003C0028 07/22/21 13:36:16.419 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165360052 07/22/21 13:36:16.419 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165360052 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x36 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:16.419 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165360052 07/22/21 13:36:16.420 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345B6000000F0 07/22/21 13:36:16.420 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345B6000000F0 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xB6 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:16.420 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Permit Join Request notification went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:16.436 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0525360200003C0028 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x36 len: 5 07/22/21 13:36:16.436 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Permit Join Request response went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:16.436 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:16.437 Module Zigbee: Info: Pairing mode enabled. 07/22/21 13:36:16.468 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:16 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:16 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:16.469 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:16.471 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"result":"success"} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:16.472 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:16.479 Info: Script with id 10 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:16.481 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 46 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:16.481 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 46 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:17.237 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 07/22/21 13:36:17.238 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC1 len: 13 07/22/21 13:36:17.238 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Notification about device for address 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:17.238 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE052536020000000014 07/22/21 13:36:17.238 Debug: Writing: FE052536020000000014 07/22/21 13:36:17.246 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165360052 07/22/21 13:36:17.247 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165360052 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x36 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.247 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165360052 07/22/21 13:36:17.247 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345B6000000F0 07/22/21 13:36:17.247 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345B6000000F0 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xB6 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.247 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Permit Join Request notification went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.266 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE052536020000000014 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x36 len: 5 07/22/21 13:36:17.266 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Permit Join Request stop response went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.266 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting node info for addr 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:17.267 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE042502AB7AAB7A23 07/22/21 13:36:17.267 Debug: Writing: FE042502AB7AAB7A23 07/22/21 13:36:17.275 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165020066 07/22/21 13:36:17.275 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165020066 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x02 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.275 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165020066 07/22/21 13:36:17.289 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.289 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.296 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE042502AB7AAB7A23 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x02 len: 4 07/22/21 13:36:17.296 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Node info request went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:17.296 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Device announce for address 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:17.343 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE124582AB7A00AB7A01408E7C11525200002C52000009 07/22/21 13:36:17.343 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE124582AB7A00AB7A01408E7C11525200002C52000009 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x82 len: 18 07/22/21 13:36:17.343 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Node Desc Request notification went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.344 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting power info for addr 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:17.344 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE042503AB7AAB7A22 07/22/21 13:36:17.344 Debug: Writing: FE042503AB7AAB7A22 07/22/21 13:36:17.353 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165030067 07/22/21 13:36:17.353 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165030067 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x03 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.353 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165030067 07/22/21 13:36:17.366 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE042503AB7AAB7A22 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x03 len: 4 07/22/21 13:36:17.366 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Power desc request went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:17.367 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.367 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.419 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE074583AB7A00AB7A10C110 07/22/21 13:36:17.420 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE074583AB7A00AB7A10C110 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x83 len: 7 07/22/21 13:36:17.420 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Power Desc Request notification went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.420 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting active endpoints for addr 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:17.420 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE042505AB7AAB7A24 07/22/21 13:36:17.420 Debug: Writing: FE042505AB7AAB7A24 07/22/21 13:36:17.429 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165050061 07/22/21 13:36:17.429 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165050061 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x05 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.429 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165050061 07/22/21 13:36:17.446 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.446 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE042505AB7AAB7A24 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x05 len: 4 07/22/21 13:36:17.446 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.446 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: End points request for end device went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:17.498 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE084585AB7A00AB7A0201F239 07/22/21 13:36:17.498 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE084585AB7A00AB7A0201F239 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x85 len: 8 07/22/21 13:36:17.499 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Notification about active end points for address 0x7AAB, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.499 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting simple description for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:17.499 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE052504AB7AAB7A0125 07/22/21 13:36:17.499 Debug: Writing: FE052504AB7AAB7A0125 07/22/21 13:36:17.500 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 48 07/22/21 13:36:17.501 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 48 is: 21 07/22/21 13:36:17.508 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165040060 07/22/21 13:36:17.508 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165040060 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x04 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.508 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165040060 07/22/21 13:36:17.524 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.524 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.526 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE052504AB7AAB7A0125 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x04 len: 5 07/22/21 13:36:17.526 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: End point request for simple description went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:17.581 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE284584AB7A00AB7A220104010C010109000003000400050006000800000300107CFC0405001900200000107D 07/22/21 13:36:17.581 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE284584AB7A00AB7A220104010C010109000003000400050006000800000300107CFC0405001900200000107D is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x84 len: 40 07/22/21 13:36:17.581 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Simple desc notification for address 0x7AAB endpoint: 0x1, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.582 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: IN Clusters: 0x0 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x8 0x300 0x1000 0xFC7C 07/22/21 13:36:17.582 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: OUT clusters: 0x5 0x19 0x20 0x1000 07/22/21 13:36:17.582 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting model info for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:17.582 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 48. 07/22/21 13:36:17.582 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A0101000003001E051003000500F5 07/22/21 13:36:17.582 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A0101000003001E051003000500F5 07/22/21 13:36:17.582 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:17.583 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:17.583 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 11. 07/22/21 13:36:17.592 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:17.592 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.592 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:17.596 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000103C5 07/22/21 13:36:17.596 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000103C5 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.596 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:17.596 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:17.606 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A0101000003001E051003000500F5 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:17.606 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Data request for model identifier went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:17.607 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.607 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.611 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:17.612 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:17.613 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:17.613 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:17.652 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:17.652 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.667 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE3A448100000000AB7A0101005100133F38000026180301050000421E545241444652492062756C6220453134205753206F70616C203630306C6DAB7A1DC4 07/22/21 13:36:17.667 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE3A448100000000AB7A0101005100133F38000026180301050000421E545241444652492062756C6220453134205753206F70616C203630306C6DAB7A1DC4 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 58 07/22/21 13:36:17.667 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x0 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:17.667 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: read attr response 07/22/21 13:36:17.667 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Model Identifier (from 'basic' cluster) response to 'read attr' 07/22/21 13:36:17.667 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received model identifier attribute: TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 600lm 07/22/21 13:36:17.667 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting binding for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.667 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001000003E186C908004B120001FB 07/22/21 13:36:17.667 Debug: Writing: FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001000003E186C908004B120001FB 07/22/21 13:36:17.678 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165210045 07/22/21 13:36:17.678 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165210045 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x21 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.678 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165210045 07/22/21 13:36:17.693 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.693 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.696 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001000003E186C908004B120001FB is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x21 len: 23 07/22/21 13:36:17.696 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Bind request for end device went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.696 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE3A448100000000AB7A0101005100133F38000026180301050000421E545241444652492062756C6220453134205753206F70616C203630306C6DAB7A1DC4 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.696 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x180301050000421E545241444652492062756C6220453134205753206F70616C203630306C6D for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.696 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: read attr response 07/22/21 13:36:17.696 07/22/21 13:36:17.696 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:17.697 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:17.699 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.699 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.747 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345A1AB7A0036 07/22/21 13:36:17.747 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345A1AB7A0036 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xA1 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.747 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting binding for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x6 07/22/21 13:36:17.747 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001060003E186C908004B120001FD 07/22/21 13:36:17.747 Debug: Writing: FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001060003E186C908004B120001FD 07/22/21 13:36:17.758 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165210045 07/22/21 13:36:17.758 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165210045 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x21 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.758 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165210045 07/22/21 13:36:17.772 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.773 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.776 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001060003E186C908004B120001FD is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x21 len: 23 07/22/21 13:36:17.776 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Bind request for end device went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.778 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.778 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.827 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345A1AB7A0036 07/22/21 13:36:17.827 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345A1AB7A0036 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xA1 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.827 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting binding for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x8 07/22/21 13:36:17.827 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001080003E186C908004B120001F3 07/22/21 13:36:17.827 Debug: Writing: FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001080003E186C908004B120001F3 07/22/21 13:36:17.838 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165210045 07/22/21 13:36:17.838 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165210045 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x21 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.838 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165210045 07/22/21 13:36:17.853 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.854 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.856 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001080003E186C908004B120001F3 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x21 len: 23 07/22/21 13:36:17.856 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Bind request for end device went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.858 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.858 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.907 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345A1AB7A0036 07/22/21 13:36:17.907 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345A1AB7A0036 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xA1 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.907 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting binding for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x300 07/22/21 13:36:17.907 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001000303E186C908004B120001F8 07/22/21 13:36:17.907 Debug: Writing: FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001000303E186C908004B120001F8 07/22/21 13:36:17.914 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:17.914 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.915 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:17.915 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.916 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:17.916 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.918 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165210045 07/22/21 13:36:17.918 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165210045 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x21 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:17.918 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165210045 07/22/21 13:36:17.935 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.935 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.936 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD9001000303E186C908004B120001F8 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x21 len: 23 07/22/21 13:36:17.936 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Bind request for end device went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:17.940 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:17.940 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.989 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345A1AB7A0036 07/22/21 13:36:17.990 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345A1AB7A0036 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xA1 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:17.990 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting binding for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0xFC7C 07/22/21 13:36:17.990 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD90017CFC03E186C908004B1200017B 07/22/21 13:36:17.990 Debug: Writing: FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD90017CFC03E186C908004B1200017B 07/22/21 13:36:17.991 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:17.991 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:17.995 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:17.995 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:17.995 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:17.995 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:17.995 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:17.999 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:17.999 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:18.000 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:18.000 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:18.000 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165210045 07/22/21 13:36:18.000 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165210045 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x21 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:18.000 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165210045 07/22/21 13:36:18.001 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:18.005 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:18.005 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:18.013 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:18 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:18 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:18.013 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:18.013 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:18.013 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:18.014 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":59} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:18.015 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:18.016 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE172521AB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD90017CFC03E186C908004B1200017B is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x21 len: 23 07/22/21 13:36:18.016 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Bind request for end device went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:18.016 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:18.016 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:18.019 Info: Script with id 11 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:18.020 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 48 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:18.020 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 48 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:18.066 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345A1AB7A0036 07/22/21 13:36:18.066 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345A1AB7A0036 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xA1 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:18.066 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Extended Attrs for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x0 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:18.066 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE102401AB7A0101000004001E06100415000014ED 07/22/21 13:36:18.066 Debug: Writing: FE102401AB7A0101000004001E06100415000014ED 07/22/21 13:36:18.076 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:18.076 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:18.076 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:18.080 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000104C2 07/22/21 13:36:18.080 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000104C2 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:18.080 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:18.080 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:18.089 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:18.089 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:18.096 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE102401AB7A0101000004001E06100415000014ED is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 16 07/22/21 13:36:18.096 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Extended Attrs request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x0 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE50448100000000AB7A0101005400F7443800003C18041601000020050100200502002005030020050400420505004205060042050700300508003005090030050A0041050B00420500404205FDFF2105AB7A1D30 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE50448100000000AB7A0101005400F7443800003C18041601000020050100200502002005030020050400420505004205060042050700300508003005090030050A0041050B00420500404205FDFF2105AB7A1D30 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 80 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x0 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Attributes Extended Response 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x0 Type: 0x20 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x1 Type: 0x20 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x2 Type: 0x20 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x3 Type: 0x20 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x4 Type: 0x42 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x5 Type: 0x42 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x6 Type: 0x42 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x7 Type: 0x30 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x8 Type: 0x30 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x9 Type: 0x30 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xA Type: 0x41 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xB Type: 0x42 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x4000 Type: 0x42 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xFFFD Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:18.152 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:18.153 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Extended Attrs for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x3 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:18.153 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE102401AB7A0101030005001E06100515000014EE 07/22/21 13:36:18.153 Debug: Writing: FE102401AB7A0101030005001E06100515000014EE 07/22/21 13:36:18.162 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:18.162 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:18.162 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:18.176 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE102401AB7A0101030005001E06100515000014EE is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 16 07/22/21 13:36:18.176 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Extended Attrs request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x3 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:18.176 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE50448100000000AB7A0101005400F7443800003C18041601000020050100200502002005030020050400420505004205060042050700300508003005090030050A0041050B00420500404205FDFF2105AB7A1D30 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:18.176 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18041601000020050100200502002005030020050400420505004205060042050700300508003005090030050A0041050B00420500404205FDFF2105 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:18.176 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:18.176 07/22/21 13:36:18.176 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:18.176 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:18.194 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480E901052A 07/22/21 13:36:18.194 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480E901052A is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:18.194 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0xE9 description: MAC_NO_ACK endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:18.194 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with failure received, status: 0xE9 description: MAC_NO_ACK endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:18.542 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 07/22/21 13:36:18.543 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC1 len: 13 07/22/21 13:36:18.543 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Notification about device for address 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:18.543 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Error in file PhysicalInterfaces/Serial.hpp line 1792 in function void Zigbee::Serial::processRawPacket(std::vector&) [with Impl = Zigbee::SerialImpl]: Resource deadlock avoided 07/22/21 13:36:19.033 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 49 07/22/21 13:36:19.033 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 49 is: 22 07/22/21 13:36:19.130 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 49. 07/22/21 13:36:19.130 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:19.131 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:19.131 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 12. 07/22/21 13:36:19.149 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:19.149 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:19.150 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:19.150 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:19.186 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:19.186 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:19.514 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:19.514 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:19.515 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:19.516 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:19.517 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:19.517 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:19.591 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:19.591 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:19.595 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:19.595 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:19.595 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:19.595 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:19.595 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:19.599 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:19.599 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:19.599 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:19.600 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:19.601 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:19.605 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:19.605 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:19.613 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:19 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:19 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:19.613 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:19.614 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":57} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:19.615 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:19.619 Info: Script with id 12 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:19.620 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 49 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:19.620 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 49 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:19.799 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 07/22/21 13:36:19.799 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC1 len: 13 07/22/21 13:36:19.799 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Notification about device for address 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:19.800 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Error in file PhysicalInterfaces/Serial.hpp line 1792 in function void Zigbee::Serial::processRawPacket(std::vector&) [with Impl = Zigbee::SerialImpl]: Resource deadlock avoided 07/22/21 13:36:20.638 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 50 07/22/21 13:36:20.638 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 50 is: 23 07/22/21 13:36:20.738 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 50. 07/22/21 13:36:20.738 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 51 07/22/21 13:36:20.738 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 51 is: 24 07/22/21 13:36:20.739 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:20.739 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:20.740 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 13. 07/22/21 13:36:20.759 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:20.760 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:20.761 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:20.761 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:20.797 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:20.797 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:20.810 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 51. 07/22/21 13:36:20.810 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 474554202F6867666C6F77732D37333061323137322D633938642D663233372D643438662D64613632333033643631333520485454502F312E310D0A486F73743A207A65726F2D6865696D61747A656E7472616C653A323030320D0A557365722D4167656E743A204D6F7A696C6C612F352E30202857696E646F7773204E542031302E303B2057696E36343B207836343B2072763A39302E3029204765636B6F2F32303130303130312046697265666F782F39302E300D0A4163636570743A202A2F2A0D0A4163636570742D4C616E67756167653A2064652C656E2D55533B713D302E372C656E3B713D302E330D0A4163636570742D456E636F64696E673A20677A69702C206465666C6174652C2062720D0A5365632D576562536F636B65742D56657273696F6E3A2031330D0A4F726967696E3A2068747470733A2F2F7A65726F2D6865696D61747A656E7472616C653A323030320D0A5365632D576562536F636B65742D50726F746F636F6C3A206E6F64657365727665720D0A5365632D576562536F636B65742D457874656E73696F6E733A207065726D6573736167652D6465666C6174650D0A5365632D576562536F636B65742D4B65793A2052363467514E51707A7061622B3444574934587130413D3D0D0A436F6E6E656374696F6E3A206B6565702D616C6976652C20557067726164650D0A436F6F6B69653A2050485053455353494455493D62666463323061303164613738343562643562353136356161393763663836373B2050485053455353494441444D494E3D35326532353430386633346430376532616239656332373638633163353063620D0A5365632D46657463682D446573743A20776562736F636B65740D0A5365632D46657463682D4D6F64653A20776562736F636B65740D0A5365632D46657463682D536974653A2073616D652D6F726967696E0D0A507261676D613A206E6F2D63616368650D0A43616368652D436F6E74726F6C3A206E6F2D63616368650D0A557067726164653A20776562736F636B65740D0A0D0A 07/22/21 13:36:20.833 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 24 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:36:20.833 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:36:20.833 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:20.833 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:20.834 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81AB7595A23A0EB7D74910E7800057F7955B11ADC60811AD910C4DAD950A45F7C70D46A1930E17A1920814A6C15F43B7DF 07/22/21 13:36:20.841 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:36:21.076 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 07/22/21 13:36:21.076 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0D45C1AB7AAB7A7F1059FEFF9FFD908EC2 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC1 len: 13 07/22/21 13:36:21.076 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Notification about device for address 0x7AAB 07/22/21 13:36:21.076 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Error in file PhysicalInterfaces/Serial.hpp line 1792 in function void Zigbee::Serial::processRawPacket(std::vector&) [with Impl = Zigbee::SerialImpl]: Resource deadlock avoided 07/22/21 13:36:21.117 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:21.117 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:21.118 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:21.119 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:21.120 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:21.120 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:21.195 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:21.195 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:21.198 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:21.199 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:21.199 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:21.199 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:21.199 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:21.203 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:21.203 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:21.203 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:21.203 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:21.205 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:21.209 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:21.209 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:21.217 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:21 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:21 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:21.217 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:21.218 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":56} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:21.218 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:21.223 Info: Script with id 13 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:21.223 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 50 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:21.224 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 50 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:22.020 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:22.020 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:22.231 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 52 07/22/21 13:36:22.231 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 52 is: 25 07/22/21 13:36:22.314 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 52. 07/22/21 13:36:22.315 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:22.315 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:22.315 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 14. 07/22/21 13:36:22.340 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:22.340 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:22.342 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:22.342 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:22.395 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:22.395 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:22.749 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:22.749 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:22.750 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:22.750 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:22.752 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:22.752 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:22.826 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:22.827 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:22.830 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:22.830 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:22.830 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:22.830 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:22.830 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:22.835 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:22.835 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:22.835 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:22.835 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:22.837 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:22.840 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:22.841 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:22.848 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:22 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:22 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:22.848 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:22.850 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":54} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:22.850 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:22.854 Info: Script with id 14 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:22.855 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 52 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:22.855 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 52 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:23.600 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:23.600 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:23.605 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:23.606 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:23.610 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:23.610 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:23.655 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1B448100000600AB7A0101005E003D883800000708010A00001001AB7A1D03 07/22/21 13:36:23.656 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1B448100000600AB7A0101005E003D883800000708010A00001001AB7A1D03 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 27 07/22/21 13:36:23.656 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x6 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:23.656 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:23.656 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Unknown ZCL frame received, ignoring 07/22/21 13:36:23.656 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1B448100000600AB7A0101005E003D883800000708010A00001001AB7A1D03 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x6 07/22/21 13:36:23.656 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x08010A00001001 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x6 07/22/21 13:36:23.656 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:23.656 07/22/21 13:36:23.656 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:23.656 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:23.659 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1B448100000800AB7A010100630047883800000708020A000020FEAB7A1D86 07/22/21 13:36:23.659 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1B448100000800AB7A010100630047883800000708020A000020FEAB7A1D86 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 27 07/22/21 13:36:23.659 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x8 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:23.659 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:23.659 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Unknown ZCL frame received, ignoring 07/22/21 13:36:23.659 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1B448100000800AB7A010100630047883800000708020A000020FEAB7A1D86 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x8 07/22/21 13:36:23.659 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x08020A000020FE for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x8 07/22/21 13:36:23.659 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:23.660 07/22/21 13:36:23.660 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:23.660 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:23.665 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE26448100000003AB7A010100540057883800001208030A030021BA750400211D690700217201AB7A1DB4 07/22/21 13:36:23.665 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE26448100000003AB7A010100540057883800001208030A030021BA750400211D690700217201AB7A1DB4 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 38 07/22/21 13:36:23.666 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x300 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:23.666 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:23.666 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Unknown ZCL frame received, ignoring 07/22/21 13:36:23.666 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE26448100000003AB7A010100540057883800001208030A030021BA750400211D690700217201AB7A1DB4 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x300 07/22/21 13:36:23.666 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x08030A030021BA750400211D690700217201 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x300 07/22/21 13:36:23.666 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:23.666 07/22/21 13:36:23.666 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:23.666 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:23.864 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 53 07/22/21 13:36:23.864 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 53 is: 26 07/22/21 13:36:23.961 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 53. 07/22/21 13:36:23.962 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:23.962 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:23.963 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 15. 07/22/21 13:36:23.982 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:23.982 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:23.983 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:23.983 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:24.020 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:24.020 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:24.321 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:24.321 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:24.322 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:24.322 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:24.323 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:24.323 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:24.399 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:24.399 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:24.402 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:24.402 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:24.402 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:24.403 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:24.403 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:24.407 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:24.407 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:24.407 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:24.407 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:24.409 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:24.413 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:24.413 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:24.420 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:24 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:24 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:24.421 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:24.422 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":53} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:24.422 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:24.427 Info: Script with id 15 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:24.427 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 53 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:24.428 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 53 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:25.440 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 54 07/22/21 13:36:25.440 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 54 is: 27 07/22/21 13:36:25.518 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 54. 07/22/21 13:36:25.519 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:25.519 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:25.519 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 16. 07/22/21 13:36:25.541 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:25.542 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:25.543 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:25.543 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:25.592 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:25.592 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:25.821 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:25.821 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:25.827 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:25.827 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:25.828 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:25.828 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:25.874 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 55 07/22/21 13:36:25.875 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 55 is: 28 07/22/21 13:36:25.902 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:25.903 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:25.906 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:25.906 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:25.906 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:25.906 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:25.906 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:25.909 Debug: HTTP request: POST /tclrega.exe HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Homegear Host: Connection: Close Content-Length: 741 Write('{ "serviceMessages":['); boolean isFirst = true; string serviceID; foreach (serviceID, dom.GetObject(ID_SERVICES).EnumUsedIDs()) { object serviceObj = dom.GetObject(serviceID); integer state = serviceObj.AlState(); if (state == 1) { string err = serviceObj.Name().StrValueByIndex (".", 1); object alObj = serviceObj.AlTriggerDP(); object chObj = dom.GetObject(dom.GetObject(alObj).Channel()); object devObj = dom.GetObject(chObj.Device()); string strDate = serviceObj.Timestamp().Format("%s"); if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { WriteLine(","); } Write('{"address":"' # devObj.Address() # '", "state":"' # state # '", "message":"' # err # '", "time":"' # strDate # '"}'); } } Write("]}"); 07/22/21 13:36:25.909 Debug: Calling getFileDescriptor... 07/22/21 13:36:25.909 Debug: Connecting to host on port 8181... 07/22/21 13:36:25.910 Debug: Connected to host on port 8181. Client number is: 56 07/22/21 13:36:25.910 Debug: Sending packet to HTTP server "": POST /tclrega.exe HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Homegear Host: Connection: Close Content-Length: 741 Write('{ "serviceMessages":['); boolean isFirst = true; string serviceID; foreach (serviceID, dom.GetObject(ID_SERVICES).EnumUsedIDs()) { object serviceObj = dom.GetObject(serviceID); integer state = serviceObj.AlState(); if (state == 1) { string err = serviceObj.Name().StrValueByIndex (".", 1); object alObj = serviceObj.AlTriggerDP(); object chObj = dom.GetObject(dom.GetObject(alObj).Channel()); object devObj = dom.GetObject(chObj.Device()); string strDate = serviceObj.Timestamp().Format("%s"); if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { WriteLine(","); } Write('{"address":"' # devObj.Address() # '", "state":"' # state # '", "message":"' # err # '", "time":"' # strDate # '"}'); } } Write("]}"); 07/22/21 13:36:25.912 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:25.912 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:25.912 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:25.912 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:25.914 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:25.915 Debug: Received packet from HTTP server "": HTTP/1.1 200 OK Accept-Ranges: bytes Cache-Control: private, no-cache, must-revalidate, no-transform, max-age=0 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Length: 340 Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2021 13:36:25 GMT X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block X-Robots-Tag: none X-Download-Options: noopen X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: none Referrer-Policy: no-referrer Connection: close { "serviceMessages":[]}/tclrega.exeUser-Agent: Homegeartrue1791AL-00265D89896F1D:0.UNREACH0nullnullnull 07/22/21 13:36:25.918 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:25.918 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:25.925 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:25 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:25 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:25.926 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:25.927 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":51} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:25.927 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:25.932 Info: Script with id 16 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:25.932 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 54 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:25.933 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 54 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:25.945 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 55. 07/22/21 13:36:25.945 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 28 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:36:25.968 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:36:25.968 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:25.968 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:25.970 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81AB0481EF8B7FA39AF861F3CDB126E3D8EA60B98BB960B9DCBD3CB9D8BB34E38ABC37B5DEBF66B5DFB965B28CEE32A392 07/22/21 13:36:25.976 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:36:26.940 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 57 07/22/21 13:36:26.941 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 57 is: 29 07/22/21 13:36:27.024 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 57. 07/22/21 13:36:27.024 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:27.025 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:27.025 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 17. 07/22/21 13:36:27.045 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:27.046 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:27.047 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:27.047 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:27.095 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:27.095 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:27.326 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:27.326 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:27.327 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:27.328 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:27.329 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:27.329 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:27.403 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:27.404 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:27.407 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:27.407 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:27.407 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:27.407 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:27.407 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:27.412 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:27.412 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:27.412 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:27.412 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:27.414 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:27.418 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:27.418 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:27.425 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:27 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:27 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:27.426 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:27.427 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":50} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:27.427 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:27.431 Info: Script with id 17 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:27.432 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 57 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:27.432 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 57 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:28.153 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Timeout! 07/22/21 13:36:28.153 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Retrying... 07/22/21 13:36:28.153 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE102401AB7A0101030005001E06100515000014EE 07/22/21 13:36:28.154 Debug: Writing: FE102401AB7A0101030005001E06100515000014EE 07/22/21 13:36:28.163 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.163 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.163 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.167 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000105C3 07/22/21 13:36:28.167 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000105C3 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.167 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.167 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:28.176 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE102401AB7A0101030005001E06100515000014EE is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 16 07/22/21 13:36:28.176 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Data retry request for model identifier or attrs or commands went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.178 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:28.178 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.235 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE20448100000300AB7A0101005E001EC03800000C1805160100002107FDFF2105AB7A1D45 07/22/21 13:36:28.235 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE20448100000300AB7A0101005E001EC03800000C1805160100002107FDFF2105AB7A1D45 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 32 07/22/21 13:36:28.235 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x3 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.235 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.235 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Attributes Extended Response 07/22/21 13:36:28.236 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x0 Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x7 07/22/21 13:36:28.236 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xFFFD Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.236 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:28.236 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:28.236 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Extended Attrs for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x4 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.236 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE102401AB7A0101040006001E06100615000014E9 07/22/21 13:36:28.236 Debug: Writing: FE102401AB7A0101040006001E06100615000014E9 07/22/21 13:36:28.246 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.246 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.246 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.250 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000106C0 07/22/21 13:36:28.250 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000106C0 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.251 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.251 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:28.260 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:28.260 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.266 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE102401AB7A0101040006001E06100615000014E9 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 16 07/22/21 13:36:28.266 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Extended Attrs request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x4 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.266 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE20448100000300AB7A0101005E001EC03800000C1805160100002107FDFF2105AB7A1D45 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x3 07/22/21 13:36:28.266 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x1805160100002107FDFF2105 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x3 07/22/21 13:36:28.267 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.267 07/22/21 13:36:28.267 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:28.267 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:28.318 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE20448100000400AB7A0101005E0022C13800000C1806160100001805FDFF2105AB7A1D47 07/22/21 13:36:28.319 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE20448100000400AB7A0101005E0022C13800000C1806160100001805FDFF2105AB7A1D47 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 32 07/22/21 13:36:28.319 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x4 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.319 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.319 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Attributes Extended Response 07/22/21 13:36:28.319 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x0 Type: 0x18 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.319 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xFFFD Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.319 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:28.319 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:28.319 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Extended Attrs for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x5 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.320 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE102401AB7A0101050007001E06100715000014E8 07/22/21 13:36:28.320 Debug: Writing: FE102401AB7A0101050007001E06100715000014E8 07/22/21 13:36:28.329 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.329 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.329 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.333 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000107C1 07/22/21 13:36:28.333 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000107C1 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.333 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.333 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:28.343 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:28.343 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.356 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE102401AB7A0101050007001E06100715000014E8 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 16 07/22/21 13:36:28.356 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Extended Attrs request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x5 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.356 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE20448100000400AB7A0101005E0022C13800000C1806160100001805FDFF2105AB7A1D47 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x4 07/22/21 13:36:28.357 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x1806160100001805FDFF2105 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x4 07/22/21 13:36:28.357 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.357 07/22/21 13:36:28.357 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:28.357 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE30448100000500AB7A010100630023C23800001C180716010000200501002005020021050300100504001805FDFF2105AB7A1D4D 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE30448100000500AB7A010100630023C23800001C180716010000200501002005020021050300100504001805FDFF2105AB7A1D4D is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 48 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x5 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Attributes Extended Response 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x0 Type: 0x20 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x1 Type: 0x20 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x2 Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x3 Type: 0x10 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x4 Type: 0x18 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xFFFD Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:28.403 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:28.404 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Extended Attrs for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x6 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.404 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE102401AB7A0101060008001E06100815000014EB 07/22/21 13:36:28.404 Debug: Writing: FE102401AB7A0101060008001E06100815000014EB 07/22/21 13:36:28.413 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.413 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.413 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.417 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000108CE 07/22/21 13:36:28.418 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000108CE is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.418 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.418 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:28.426 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE102401AB7A0101060008001E06100815000014EB is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 16 07/22/21 13:36:28.426 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Extended Attrs request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x6 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.426 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE30448100000500AB7A010100630023C23800001C180716010000200501002005020021050300100504001805FDFF2105AB7A1D4D for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.427 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x180716010000200501002005020021050300100504001805FDFF2105 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.427 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.427 07/22/21 13:36:28.427 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:28.427 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:28.428 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:28.428 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.441 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 58 07/22/21 13:36:28.441 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 58 is: 30 07/22/21 13:36:28.487 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE30448100000600AB7A01010061002AC33800001C180816010000100500401005014021070240210703403007FDFF2105AB7A1D54 07/22/21 13:36:28.487 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE30448100000600AB7A01010061002AC33800001C180816010000100500401005014021070240210703403007FDFF2105AB7A1D54 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 48 07/22/21 13:36:28.487 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x6 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.487 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.487 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Attributes Extended Response 07/22/21 13:36:28.487 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x0 Type: 0x10 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.487 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x4000 Type: 0x10 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.488 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x4001 Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x7 07/22/21 13:36:28.488 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x4002 Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x7 07/22/21 13:36:28.488 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x4003 Type: 0x30 Access control: 0x7 07/22/21 13:36:28.488 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xFFFD Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.488 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:28.488 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:28.488 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Extended Attrs for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x8 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.488 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE102401AB7A0101080009001E06100915000014E5 07/22/21 13:36:28.488 Debug: Writing: FE102401AB7A0101080009001E06100915000014E5 07/22/21 13:36:28.498 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.498 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.498 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.503 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000109CF 07/22/21 13:36:28.503 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000109CF is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.503 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.503 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:28.514 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:28.514 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.516 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE102401AB7A0101080009001E06100915000014E5 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 16 07/22/21 13:36:28.516 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Extended Attrs request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x8 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.516 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE30448100000600AB7A01010061002AC33800001C180816010000100500401005014021070240210703403007FDFF2105AB7A1D54 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x6 07/22/21 13:36:28.516 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x180816010000100500401005014021070240210703403007FDFF2105 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x6 07/22/21 13:36:28.516 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.516 07/22/21 13:36:28.516 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:28.517 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:28.527 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 58. 07/22/21 13:36:28.527 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:28.527 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:28.527 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 18. 07/22/21 13:36:28.543 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:28.543 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:28.544 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:28.544 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE34448100000800AB7A010100610022C4380000201809160100002005010021050F001807100021071100200700402007FDFF2105AB7A1D2C 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE34448100000800AB7A010100610022C4380000201809160100002005010021050F001807100021071100200700402007FDFF2105AB7A1D2C is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 52 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x8 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Attributes Extended Response 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x0 Type: 0x20 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x1 Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xF Type: 0x18 Access control: 0x7 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x10 Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x7 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x11 Type: 0x20 Access control: 0x7 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x4000 Type: 0x20 Access control: 0x7 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xFFFD Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Extended Attrs for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x300 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE102401AB7A010100030A001E06100A15000014EE 07/22/21 13:36:28.567 Debug: Writing: FE102401AB7A010100030A001E06100A15000014EE 07/22/21 13:36:28.577 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.577 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.577 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.581 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:28.581 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.583 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010ACC 07/22/21 13:36:28.583 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010ACC is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.583 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.583 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:28.593 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:28.593 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.596 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE102401AB7A010100030A001E06100A15000014EE is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 16 07/22/21 13:36:28.596 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Extended Attrs request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x300 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.596 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE34448100000800AB7A010100610022C4380000201809160100002005010021050F001807100021071100200700402007FDFF2105AB7A1D2C for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x8 07/22/21 13:36:28.596 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x1809160100002005010021050F001807100021071100200700402007FDFF2105 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x8 07/22/21 13:36:28.596 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.596 07/22/21 13:36:28.596 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:28.596 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE50448100000003AB7A010100630031C53800003C180A160102002105030021050400210507002105080030050F00180710002005014030050A4019050B4021050C4021050D40210510402107FDFF2105AB7A1D1B 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE50448100000003AB7A010100630031C53800003C180A160102002105030021050400210507002105080030050F00180710002005014030050A4019050B4021050C4021050D40210510402107FDFF2105AB7A1D1B is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 80 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x300 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Attributes Extended Response 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x2 Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x3 Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x4 Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x7 Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x8 Type: 0x30 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xF Type: 0x18 Access control: 0x7 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x10 Type: 0x20 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x4001 Type: 0x30 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x400A Type: 0x19 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x400B Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x400C Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.657 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x400D Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.658 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0x4010 Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x7 07/22/21 13:36:28.658 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xFFFD Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.658 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:28.658 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:28.658 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Extended Attrs for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x1000 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.658 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE102401AB7A010100100B001E06100B15000014FD 07/22/21 13:36:28.658 Debug: Writing: FE102401AB7A010100100B001E06100B15000014FD 07/22/21 13:36:28.667 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.667 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.667 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.671 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010BCD 07/22/21 13:36:28.671 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010BCD is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.671 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.671 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:28.682 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:28.682 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.686 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE102401AB7A010100100B001E06100B15000014FD is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 16 07/22/21 13:36:28.686 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Extended Attrs request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x1000 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.686 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE50448100000003AB7A010100630031C53800003C180A160102002105030021050400210507002105080030050F00180710002005014030050A4019050B4021050C4021050D40210510402107FDFF2105AB7A1D1B for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x300 07/22/21 13:36:28.686 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x180A160102002105030021050400210507002105080030050F00180710002005014030050A4019050B4021050C4021050D40210510402107FDFF2105 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x300 07/22/21 13:36:28.686 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.686 07/22/21 13:36:28.686 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:28.686 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:28.738 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000010AB7A0101005E0044C638000008180B1601FDFF2105AB7A1D1A 07/22/21 13:36:28.738 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000010AB7A0101005E0044C638000008180B1601FDFF2105AB7A1D1A is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 28 07/22/21 13:36:28.738 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x1000 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.738 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.738 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Attributes Extended Response 07/22/21 13:36:28.739 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Ext attr: 0xFFFD Type: 0x21 Access control: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.739 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:28.739 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:28.739 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Received for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x0 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.739 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A010100000C001E05100C110014F5 07/22/21 13:36:28.739 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A010100000C001E05100C110014F5 07/22/21 13:36:28.748 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.748 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.748 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.752 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010CCA 07/22/21 13:36:28.752 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010CCA is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.752 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.752 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:28.761 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:28.761 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.766 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A010100000C001E05100C110014F5 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:28.766 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Received request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x0 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.766 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1C448100000010AB7A0101005E0044C638000008180B1601FDFF2105AB7A1D1A for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x1000 07/22/21 13:36:28.766 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x180B1601FDFF2105 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x1000 07/22/21 13:36:28.766 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover attr extended response 07/22/21 13:36:28.767 07/22/21 13:36:28.767 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:28.767 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:28.818 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE19448100000000AB7A01010061003FC738000005180C120100AB7A1D62 07/22/21 13:36:28.818 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE19448100000000AB7A01010061003FC738000005180C120100AB7A1D62 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 25 07/22/21 13:36:28.819 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x0 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.819 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:28.819 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Received Response 07/22/21 13:36:28.819 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: IN Commands: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.819 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:28.819 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:28.819 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Received for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x3 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.819 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A010103000D001E05100D110014F6 07/22/21 13:36:28.819 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A010103000D001E05100D110014F6 07/22/21 13:36:28.828 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.828 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.828 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.830 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:28.831 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.832 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:28.832 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.833 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010DCB 07/22/21 13:36:28.833 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010DCB is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.833 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.833 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:28.833 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:28.833 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.842 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:28.842 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.846 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A010103000D001E05100D110014F6 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:28.846 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Received request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x3 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.847 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE19448100000000AB7A01010061003FC738000005180C120100AB7A1D62 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.847 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x180C120100 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.847 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:28.847 07/22/21 13:36:28.847 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:28.847 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:28.900 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1B448100000300AB7A01010063003FC838000007180D1201000140AB7A1D2C 07/22/21 13:36:28.900 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1B448100000300AB7A01010063003FC838000007180D1201000140AB7A1D2C is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 27 07/22/21 13:36:28.900 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x3 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.901 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:28.901 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Received Response 07/22/21 13:36:28.901 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: IN Commands: 0x0 0x1 0x40 07/22/21 13:36:28.901 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:28.901 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:28.901 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Received for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x4 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.901 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A010104000E001E05100E110014F1 07/22/21 13:36:28.901 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A010104000E001E05100E110014F1 07/22/21 13:36:28.907 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:28.907 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:28.910 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.910 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.910 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.911 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:28.911 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:28.911 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:28.911 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:28.911 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:28.914 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010EC8 07/22/21 13:36:28.914 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010EC8 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.914 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.914 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:28.916 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:28.916 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:28.916 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:28.916 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:28.918 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:28.921 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:28.922 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:28.924 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:28.924 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.926 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A010104000E001E05100E110014F1 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:28.926 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Received request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x4 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.926 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1B448100000300AB7A01010063003FC838000007180D1201000140AB7A1D2C for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x3 07/22/21 13:36:28.926 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x180D1201000140 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x3 07/22/21 13:36:28.926 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:28.926 07/22/21 13:36:28.926 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:28.927 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:28.929 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:28 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:28 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:28.930 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:28.931 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":48} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:28.931 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:28.935 Info: Script with id 18 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:28.936 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 58 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:28.936 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 58 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:28.981 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1E448100000400AB7A01010063003AC93800000A180E1201000102030405AB7A1D64 07/22/21 13:36:28.981 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1E448100000400AB7A01010063003AC93800000A180E1201000102030405AB7A1D64 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 30 07/22/21 13:36:28.981 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x4 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.981 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:28.981 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Received Response 07/22/21 13:36:28.981 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: IN Commands: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:28.981 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:28.981 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:28.981 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Received for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x5 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:28.981 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A010105000F001E05100F110014F0 07/22/21 13:36:28.982 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A010105000F001E05100F110014F0 07/22/21 13:36:28.991 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.991 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:28.991 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:28.995 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010FC9 07/22/21 13:36:28.996 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000010FC9 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:28.996 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:28.996 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.006 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.006 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.006 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A010105000F001E05100F110014F0 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.006 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Received request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x5 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.006 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1E448100000400AB7A01010063003AC93800000A180E1201000102030405AB7A1D64 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x4 07/22/21 13:36:29.006 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x180E1201000102030405 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x4 07/22/21 13:36:29.006 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:29.006 07/22/21 13:36:29.006 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.006 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.064 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE22448100000500AB7A01010063003CCA3800000E180F120100010203040506404142AB7A1D1C 07/22/21 13:36:29.064 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE22448100000500AB7A01010063003CCA3800000E180F120100010203040506404142AB7A1D1C is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 34 07/22/21 13:36:29.064 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x5 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.064 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:29.064 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Received Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.064 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: IN Commands: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x40 0x41 0x42 07/22/21 13:36:29.064 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.064 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.064 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Received for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x6 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.065 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A0101060010001E051010110014F3 07/22/21 13:36:29.065 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A0101060010001E051010110014F3 07/22/21 13:36:29.074 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.074 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.074 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.079 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000110D6 07/22/21 13:36:29.079 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000110D6 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.079 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.079 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.086 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A0101060010001E051010110014F3 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.086 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Received request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x6 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.086 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE22448100000500AB7A01010063003CCA3800000E180F120100010203040506404142AB7A1D1C for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:29.086 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x180F120100010203040506404142 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:29.086 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:29.086 07/22/21 13:36:29.086 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.086 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.089 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.089 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.146 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1E448100000600AB7A01010051003ECB3800000A18101201000102404142AB7A1D0D 07/22/21 13:36:29.146 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1E448100000600AB7A01010051003ECB3800000A18101201000102404142AB7A1D0D is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 30 07/22/21 13:36:29.146 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x6 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.146 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:29.146 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Received Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.147 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: IN Commands: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x40 0x41 0x42 07/22/21 13:36:29.147 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.147 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.147 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Received for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x8 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.147 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A0101080011001E051011110014FD 07/22/21 13:36:29.147 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A0101080011001E051011110014FD 07/22/21 13:36:29.156 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.156 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.156 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.160 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000111D7 07/22/21 13:36:29.160 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000111D7 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.160 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.160 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.170 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.170 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.186 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A0101080011001E051011110014FD is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.186 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Received request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x8 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.186 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1E448100000600AB7A01010051003ECB3800000A18101201000102404142AB7A1D0D for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x6 07/22/21 13:36:29.186 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18101201000102404142 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x6 07/22/21 13:36:29.186 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:29.186 07/22/21 13:36:29.186 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.186 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.226 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE20448100000800AB7A010100510038CC3800000C181112010001020304050607AB7A1D7B 07/22/21 13:36:29.227 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE20448100000800AB7A010100510038CC3800000C181112010001020304050607AB7A1D7B is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 32 07/22/21 13:36:29.227 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x8 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.227 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:29.227 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Received Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.227 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: IN Commands: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 07/22/21 13:36:29.227 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.227 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.227 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Received for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x300 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.227 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A0101000312001E051012110014F6 07/22/21 13:36:29.227 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A0101000312001E051012110014F6 07/22/21 13:36:29.236 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.236 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.236 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.242 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000112D4 07/22/21 13:36:29.242 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000112D4 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.242 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.242 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.251 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.251 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.256 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A0101000312001E051012110014F6 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.256 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Received request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x300 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.256 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE20448100000800AB7A010100510038CC3800000C181112010001020304050607AB7A1D7B for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x8 07/22/21 13:36:29.256 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x181112010001020304050607 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x8 07/22/21 13:36:29.256 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:29.257 07/22/21 13:36:29.257 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.257 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.307 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1D448100000003AB7A010100630036CD3800000918121201070A474B4CAB7A1D3B 07/22/21 13:36:29.307 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1D448100000003AB7A010100630036CD3800000918121201070A474B4CAB7A1D3B is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 29 07/22/21 13:36:29.308 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x300 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.308 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:29.308 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Received Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.308 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: IN Commands: 0x7 0xA 0x47 0x4B 0x4C 07/22/21 13:36:29.308 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.308 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.308 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Received for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x1000 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.308 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A0101001013001E051013110014E5 07/22/21 13:36:29.308 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A0101001013001E051013110014E5 07/22/21 13:36:29.317 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.317 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.317 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.323 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000113D5 07/22/21 13:36:29.323 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000113D5 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.323 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.323 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.334 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.334 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.336 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A0101001013001E051013110014E5 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.336 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Received request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x1000 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.336 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1D448100000003AB7A010100630036CD3800000918121201070A474B4CAB7A1D3B for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x300 07/22/21 13:36:29.337 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18121201070A474B4C for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x300 07/22/21 13:36:29.337 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:29.337 07/22/21 13:36:29.337 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.337 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.389 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1A448100000010AB7A010100630035CE38000006181312014142AB7A1D6F 07/22/21 13:36:29.389 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1A448100000010AB7A010100630035CE38000006181312014142AB7A1D6F is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 26 07/22/21 13:36:29.389 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x1000 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.389 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:29.389 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Received Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.389 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: IN Commands: 0x41 0x42 07/22/21 13:36:29.389 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.389 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.389 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Generated for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x0 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.390 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A0101000014001E051014130014F7 07/22/21 13:36:29.390 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A0101000014001E051014130014F7 07/22/21 13:36:29.399 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.399 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.399 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.403 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000114D2 07/22/21 13:36:29.403 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000114D2 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.403 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.403 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.412 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.412 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.416 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A0101000014001E051014130014F7 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.416 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Generated request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x0 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.416 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1A448100000010AB7A010100630035CE38000006181312014142AB7A1D6F for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x1000 07/22/21 13:36:29.416 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x181312014142 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x1000 07/22/21 13:36:29.417 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands received response 07/22/21 13:36:29.417 07/22/21 13:36:29.417 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.417 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.468 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE18448100000000AB7A01010063002ECF3800000418141401AB7A1D67 07/22/21 13:36:29.468 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE18448100000000AB7A01010063002ECF3800000418141401AB7A1D67 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 24 07/22/21 13:36:29.468 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x0 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.469 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.469 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Generated Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.469 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.469 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.469 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Generated for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x3 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.469 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A0101030015001E051015130014F4 07/22/21 13:36:29.469 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A0101030015001E051015130014F4 07/22/21 13:36:29.479 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.479 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.479 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.483 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000115D3 07/22/21 13:36:29.483 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000115D3 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.484 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.484 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.493 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.493 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.496 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A0101030015001E051015130014F4 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.496 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Generated request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x3 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.496 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE18448100000000AB7A01010063002ECF3800000418141401AB7A1D67 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.496 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18141401 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.497 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.497 07/22/21 13:36:29.497 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.497 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.550 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE19448100000300AB7A01010063002DD0380000051815140100AB7A1D79 07/22/21 13:36:29.550 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE19448100000300AB7A01010063002DD0380000051815140100AB7A1D79 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 25 07/22/21 13:36:29.550 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x3 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.550 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.551 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Generated Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.551 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: OUT Commands: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.551 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.551 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.551 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Generated for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x4 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.551 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A0101040016001E051016130014F3 07/22/21 13:36:29.551 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A0101040016001E051016130014F3 07/22/21 13:36:29.560 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.560 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.560 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.565 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000116D0 07/22/21 13:36:29.565 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000116D0 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.566 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.566 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.576 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.576 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.576 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A0101040016001E051016130014F3 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.576 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Generated request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x4 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.577 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE19448100000300AB7A01010063002DD0380000051815140100AB7A1D79 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x3 07/22/21 13:36:29.577 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x1815140100 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x3 07/22/21 13:36:29.577 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.577 07/22/21 13:36:29.577 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.577 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.631 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000400AB7A01010063002BD1380000081816140100010203AB7A1D72 07/22/21 13:36:29.631 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000400AB7A01010063002BD1380000081816140100010203AB7A1D72 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 28 07/22/21 13:36:29.632 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x4 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.632 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.632 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Generated Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.632 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: OUT Commands: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 07/22/21 13:36:29.632 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.632 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.632 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Generated for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x5 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.633 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A0101050017001E051017130014F2 07/22/21 13:36:29.633 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A0101050017001E051017130014F2 07/22/21 13:36:29.642 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.642 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.642 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.647 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000117D1 07/22/21 13:36:29.648 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000117D1 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.648 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.648 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.656 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A0101050017001E051017130014F2 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.656 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Generated request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x5 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.656 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1C448100000400AB7A01010063002BD1380000081816140100010203AB7A1D72 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x4 07/22/21 13:36:29.656 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x1816140100010203 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x4 07/22/21 13:36:29.657 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.657 07/22/21 13:36:29.657 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.657 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.658 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.658 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.713 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1E448100000500AB7A01010063002AD23800000A18171401000102030406AB7A1D72 07/22/21 13:36:29.714 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1E448100000500AB7A01010063002AD23800000A18171401000102030406AB7A1D72 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 30 07/22/21 13:36:29.714 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x5 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.714 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.714 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Generated Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.714 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: OUT Commands: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x6 07/22/21 13:36:29.714 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.714 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.714 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Generated for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x6 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.714 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A0101060018001E051018130014F1 07/22/21 13:36:29.714 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A0101060018001E051018130014F1 07/22/21 13:36:29.724 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.724 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.724 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.728 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000118DE 07/22/21 13:36:29.728 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000118DE is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.728 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.728 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.736 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A0101060018001E051018130014F1 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.736 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Generated request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x6 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.736 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1E448100000500AB7A01010063002AD23800000A18171401000102030406AB7A1D72 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:29.736 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18171401000102030406 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x5 07/22/21 13:36:29.737 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.737 07/22/21 13:36:29.737 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.737 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.737 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.737 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.794 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE18448100000600AB7A010100630028D33800000418181401AB7A1D77 07/22/21 13:36:29.794 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE18448100000600AB7A010100630028D33800000418181401AB7A1D77 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 24 07/22/21 13:36:29.794 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x6 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.794 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.794 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Generated Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.794 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.794 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.795 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Generated for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x8 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.795 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A0101080019001E051019130014FF 07/22/21 13:36:29.795 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A0101080019001E051019130014FF 07/22/21 13:36:29.804 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.804 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.804 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.809 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000119DF 07/22/21 13:36:29.809 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE034480000119DF is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.810 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.810 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.816 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A0101080019001E051019130014FF is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.816 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Generated request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x8 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.816 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE18448100000600AB7A010100630028D33800000418181401AB7A1D77 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x6 07/22/21 13:36:29.816 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18181401 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x6 07/22/21 13:36:29.817 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.817 07/22/21 13:36:29.817 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.817 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.820 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.820 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.876 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE18448100000800AB7A010100310029D43800000418191401AB7A1D2C 07/22/21 13:36:29.876 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE18448100000800AB7A010100310029D43800000418191401AB7A1D2C is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 24 07/22/21 13:36:29.877 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x8 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.877 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.877 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Generated Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.877 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.877 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.877 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Generated for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x300 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.877 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A010100031A001E05101A130014F4 07/22/21 13:36:29.877 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A010100031A001E05101A130014F4 07/22/21 13:36:29.886 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.886 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.886 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.890 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000011ADC 07/22/21 13:36:29.890 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000011ADC is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.890 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.890 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.900 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.900 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.906 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A010100031A001E05101A130014F4 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.906 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Generated request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x300 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.906 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE18448100000800AB7A010100310029D43800000418191401AB7A1D2C for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x8 07/22/21 13:36:29.906 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18191401 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x8 07/22/21 13:36:29.907 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.907 07/22/21 13:36:29.907 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.907 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:29.955 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 59 07/22/21 13:36:29.955 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 59 is: 31 07/22/21 13:36:29.956 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE18448100000003AB7A0101002F0021D538000004181A1401AB7A1D33 07/22/21 13:36:29.956 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE18448100000003AB7A0101002F0021D538000004181A1401AB7A1D33 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 24 07/22/21 13:36:29.956 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x300 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.956 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.956 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Generated Response 07/22/21 13:36:29.956 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:29.956 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:29.956 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Requesting Commands Generated for addr 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x1000 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.957 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE0F2401AB7A010100101B001E05101B130014E7 07/22/21 13:36:29.957 Debug: Writing: FE0F2401AB7A010100101B001E05101B130014E7 07/22/21 13:36:29.966 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.966 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0164010064 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 1 07/22/21 13:36:29.966 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0164010064 07/22/21 13:36:29.970 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000011BDD 07/22/21 13:36:29.970 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE03448000011BDD is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x80 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.970 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF data notification, status: 0x0 description: ZSuccess endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:29.970 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Notification with success received, match: no 07/22/21 13:36:29.979 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 07/22/21 13:36:29.979 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345C4AB7A0053 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xC4 len: 3 07/22/21 13:36:29.986 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE0F2401AB7A010100101B001E05101B130014E7 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x01 len: 15 07/22/21 13:36:29.986 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Commands Generated request response went well, status: 0x0 Short addr: 0x7AAB End point: 0x1 Cluster: 0x1000 Start index: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:29.986 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE18448100000003AB7A0101002F0021D538000004181A1401AB7A1D33 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x300 07/22/21 13:36:29.987 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x181A1401 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x300 07/22/21 13:36:29.987 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:29.987 07/22/21 13:36:29.987 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:29.987 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:30.033 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 59. 07/22/21 13:36:30.033 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:30.033 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:30.034 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 19. 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE20448100000010AB7A01010031001CD63800000C181B14010103111315404142AB7A1D67 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE20448100000010AB7A01010031001CD63800000C181B14010103111315404142AB7A1D67 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 32 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x1000 Src addr: 0x7AAB Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received Discover Commands Generated Response 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: OUT Commands: 0x1 0x3 0x11 0x13 0x15 0x40 0x41 0x42 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Discovery complete, switching... 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Network Management: More interrogation follows... 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE20448100000010AB7A01010031001CD63800000C181B14010103111315404142AB7A1D67 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x1000 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x181B14010103111315404142 for src addr: 0x7AAB src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x1000 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: discover commands generated response 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00017AAB 07/22/21 13:36:30.037 Module Zigbee: Central: Peer does not exist! 07/22/21 13:36:30.049 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:30.049 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:30.050 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:30.050 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:30.086 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:30.086 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:30.329 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:30.329 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:30.330 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:30.330 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:30.332 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:30.332 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:30.406 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:30.407 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:30.410 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:30.410 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:30.410 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:30.410 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:30.410 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:30.415 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:30.415 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:30.415 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:30.415 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:30.417 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:30.420 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:30.421 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:30.428 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:30 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:30 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:30.428 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:30.430 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":47} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:30.430 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:30.434 Info: Script with id 19 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:30.435 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 59 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:30.435 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 59 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:31.006 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 60 07/22/21 13:36:31.006 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 60 is: 32 07/22/21 13:36:31.097 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 60. 07/22/21 13:36:31.098 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 32 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:36:31.121 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:36:31.121 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:31.121 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:31.123 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81ABF7A67DA28C8408D192D45F98D5C44AC3939E1990939E4E94CF9E4A92C7C41895C4924C9695924D9096951EC7C18400 07/22/21 13:36:31.129 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:36:31.441 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 61 07/22/21 13:36:31.441 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 61 is: 33 07/22/21 13:36:31.511 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 61. 07/22/21 13:36:31.511 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:31.511 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:31.511 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 20. 07/22/21 13:36:31.527 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:31.527 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:31.528 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:31.528 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:31.564 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:31.565 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:31.836 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:31.836 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:31.838 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:31.838 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:31.839 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:31.840 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:31.949 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:31.950 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:31.953 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:31.953 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:31.953 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:31.953 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:31.953 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:31.958 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:31.958 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:31.958 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:31.958 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:31.960 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:31.963 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:31.964 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:31.971 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:31 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:31 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:31.972 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:31.973 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":45} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:31.973 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:31.977 Info: Script with id 20 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:31.978 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 61 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:31.978 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 61 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:32.987 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 62 07/22/21 13:36:32.987 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 62 is: 34 07/22/21 13:36:33.066 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 62. 07/22/21 13:36:33.066 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:33.067 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:33.067 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 21. 07/22/21 13:36:33.087 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:33.087 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:33.088 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:33.089 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:33.137 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:33.137 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:33.431 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:33.431 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:33.432 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:33.432 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:33.433 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:33.434 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:33.508 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:33.508 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:33.512 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:33.512 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:33.512 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:33.512 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:33.512 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:33.516 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:33.516 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:33.516 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:33.517 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:33.518 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:33.522 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:33.522 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:33.530 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:33 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:33 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:33.530 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:33.531 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":43} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:33.532 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:33.536 Info: Script with id 21 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:33.537 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 62 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:33.537 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 62 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:34.549 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 63 07/22/21 13:36:34.549 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 63 is: 35 07/22/21 13:36:34.644 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 63. 07/22/21 13:36:34.645 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:34.645 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:34.645 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 22. 07/22/21 13:36:34.661 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:34.661 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:34.662 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:34.662 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:34.698 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:34.698 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001F002C1039000008186A0A0000212F64D94A1DC0 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001F002C1039000008186A0A0000212F64D94A1DC0 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 28 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x400 Src addr: 0x4AD9 Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Unknown ZCL frame received, ignoring 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1C448100000004D94A0101001F002C1039000008186A0A0000212F64D94A1DC0 for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x186A0A0000212F64 for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00014AD9 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: Entering packet received 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, packet type: 0x4000A 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 0004186A0A0000212F64 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 10 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0xA 07/22/21 13:36:34.792 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 40 bit size: 16 constant: 0 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0000 const value integer: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 56 bit size: 8 constant: 33 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 21 const value integer: 0x21 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 64 bit size: 16 constant: -1 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: ILLUMINANCE binary payload (hex): 642F const value integer: 0xFFFFFFFF 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking associated variable: ILLUMINANCE 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 0004186A0A0000212F64 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 1 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 0004186A0A0000212F64 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 16 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x10 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: Info: ILLUMINANCE on channel 1 of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84 was set to 0x642F. 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: Entering ParsePacketDynamic 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: received an attr frame: Report attributes 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: Setting value for ILLUMINANCE_MEASUREMENT.MEASURED_VALUE of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84:9 to value: 642F 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: Entering handling special packets 07/22/21 13:36:34.793 Module Zigbee: Entering dealing with special params 07/22/21 13:36:34.935 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:34.935 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:34.936 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:34.937 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:34.938 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:34.938 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:35.013 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:35.013 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:35.017 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:35.017 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:35.017 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:35.017 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:35.017 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:35.021 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:35.021 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:35.021 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:35.022 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:35.023 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:35.027 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:35.027 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:35.035 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:35 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:35 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:35.035 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:35.037 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":42} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:35.037 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:35.041 Info: Script with id 22 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:35.042 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 63 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:35.042 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 63 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:36.050 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 64 07/22/21 13:36:36.051 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 64 is: 36 07/22/21 13:36:36.146 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 64. 07/22/21 13:36:36.147 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:36.148 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:36.148 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 23. 07/22/21 13:36:36.164 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:36.165 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:36.166 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:36.166 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:36.168 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 65 07/22/21 13:36:36.168 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 65 is: 37 07/22/21 13:36:36.202 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:36.202 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:36.238 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 65. 07/22/21 13:36:36.239 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 37 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:36:36.261 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:36:36.261 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:36.262 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:36.263 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81AB17CC42776CEE370472BE604D35AE751673F4264573F471412FF4754727AE274024F8734375F8724576FF211221EE3F 07/22/21 13:36:36.270 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:36:36.435 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:36.435 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:36.436 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:36.436 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:36.437 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:36.438 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:36.512 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:36.512 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:36.516 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:36.516 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:36.516 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:36.516 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:36.516 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:36.520 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:36.520 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:36.520 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:36.521 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:36.522 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:36.526 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:36.526 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:36.534 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:36 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:36 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:36.534 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:36.535 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":40} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:36.536 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:36.540 Info: Script with id 23 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:36.541 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 64 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:36.541 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 64 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:37.551 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 66 07/22/21 13:36:37.551 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 66 is: 38 07/22/21 13:36:37.638 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 66. 07/22/21 13:36:37.639 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:37.639 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:37.640 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 24. 07/22/21 13:36:37.665 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:37.666 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:37.666 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:37.667 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:37.703 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:37.703 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:37.936 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:37.936 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:37.937 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:37.937 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:37.938 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:37.939 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:38.012 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:38.013 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:38.016 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:38.016 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:38.016 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:38.016 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:38.016 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:38.021 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:38.021 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:38.021 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:38.021 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:38.023 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:38.026 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:38.027 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:38.034 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:38 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:38 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:38.035 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:38.036 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":39} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:38.036 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:38.040 Info: Script with id 24 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:38.041 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 66 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:38.041 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 66 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:39.051 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 67 07/22/21 13:36:39.051 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 67 is: 39 07/22/21 13:36:39.137 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 67. 07/22/21 13:36:39.137 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:39.138 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:39.138 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 25. 07/22/21 13:36:39.162 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:39.163 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:39.164 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:39.165 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:39.209 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:39.209 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:39.438 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:39.438 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:39.439 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:39.439 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:39.441 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:39.441 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:39.515 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:39.515 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:39.518 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:39.518 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:39.518 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:39.519 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:39.519 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:39.523 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:39.523 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:39.523 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:39.523 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:39.525 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:39.529 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:39.529 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:39.537 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:39 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:39 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:39.537 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:39.538 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":37} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:39.538 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:39.543 Info: Script with id 25 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:39.543 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 67 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:39.544 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 67 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001F00EC4C3900000818770A0000212364D94A1D4D 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001F00EC4C3900000818770A0000212364D94A1D4D is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 28 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x400 Src addr: 0x4AD9 Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Unknown ZCL frame received, ignoring 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1C448100000004D94A0101001F00EC4C3900000818770A0000212364D94A1D4D for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18770A0000212364 for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00014AD9 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: Entering packet received 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, packet type: 0x4000A 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418770A0000212364 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 10 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0xA 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 40 bit size: 16 constant: 0 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0000 const value integer: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:39.769 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 56 bit size: 8 constant: 33 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 21 const value integer: 0x21 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 64 bit size: 16 constant: -1 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: ILLUMINANCE binary payload (hex): 6423 const value integer: 0xFFFFFFFF 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking associated variable: ILLUMINANCE 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418770A0000212364 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 1 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418770A0000212364 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 16 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x10 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: Info: ILLUMINANCE on channel 1 of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84 was set to 0x6423. 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: Entering ParsePacketDynamic 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: received an attr frame: Report attributes 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: Setting value for ILLUMINANCE_MEASUREMENT.MEASURED_VALUE of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84:9 to value: 6423 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: Entering handling special packets 07/22/21 13:36:39.770 Module Zigbee: Entering dealing with special params 07/22/21 13:36:40.551 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 68 07/22/21 13:36:40.551 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 68 is: 40 07/22/21 13:36:40.629 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 68. 07/22/21 13:36:40.630 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:40.630 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:40.631 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 26. 07/22/21 13:36:40.652 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:40.653 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:40.654 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:40.654 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:40.703 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:40.703 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:40.939 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:40.939 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:40.941 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:40.941 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:40.942 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:40.942 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:41.015 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:41.016 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:41.019 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:41.019 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:41.019 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:41.019 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:41.019 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:41.024 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:41.024 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:41.024 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:41.024 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:41.026 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:41.029 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:41.030 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:41.037 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:41 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:41 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:41.038 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:41.039 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":36} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:41.039 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:41.043 Info: Script with id 26 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:41.044 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 68 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:41.044 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 68 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:41.301 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 69 07/22/21 13:36:41.302 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 69 is: 41 07/22/21 13:36:41.373 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 69. 07/22/21 13:36:41.374 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 41 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:36:41.397 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:36:41.397 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:41.397 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:41.398 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81ABAD9AB3A8D6B8C6DBC8E891928FF884C9C9A2D79AC9A2809E95A284989DF8D69F9EAE829CCFAE839ACCA9D0CD9BB8CE 07/22/21 13:36:41.408 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:36:42.052 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 70 07/22/21 13:36:42.052 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 70 is: 42 07/22/21 13:36:42.136 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 70. 07/22/21 13:36:42.136 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:42.137 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:42.137 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 27. 07/22/21 13:36:42.157 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:42.158 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:42.159 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:42.159 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:42.206 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:42.206 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:42.442 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:42.442 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:42.443 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:42.443 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:42.444 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:42.445 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:42.519 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:42.519 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:42.523 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:42.523 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:42.523 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:42.523 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:42.523 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:42.527 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:42.527 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:42.527 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:42.528 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:42.529 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:42.533 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:42.533 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:42.541 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:42 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:42 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:42.541 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:42.543 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":34} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:42.543 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:42.547 Info: Script with id 27 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:42.548 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 70 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:42.548 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 70 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:43.567 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 71 07/22/21 13:36:43.567 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 71 is: 43 07/22/21 13:36:43.647 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 71. 07/22/21 13:36:43.648 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:43.648 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:43.649 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 28. 07/22/21 13:36:43.671 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:43.671 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:43.672 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:43.673 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:43.721 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:43.721 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:44.043 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:44.043 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:44.044 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:44.045 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:44.046 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:44.046 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:44.119 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:44.120 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:44.123 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:44.123 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:44.123 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:44.123 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:44.123 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:44.128 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:44.128 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:44.128 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:44.128 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:44.130 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:44.133 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:44.134 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:44.141 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:44 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:44 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:44.142 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:44.143 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":33} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:44.143 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:44.147 Info: Script with id 28 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:44.148 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 71 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:44.149 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 71 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:45.156 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 72 07/22/21 13:36:45.156 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 72 is: 44 07/22/21 13:36:45.240 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 72. 07/22/21 13:36:45.241 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:45.241 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:45.241 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 29. 07/22/21 13:36:45.256 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:45.257 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:45.257 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:45.258 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:45.294 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:45.294 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:45.546 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:45.546 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:45.547 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:45.547 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:45.553 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:45.553 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:45.627 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:45.628 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:45.631 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:45.631 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:45.631 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:45.631 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:45.631 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:45.636 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:45.636 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:45.636 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:45.636 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:45.638 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:45.641 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:45.642 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:45.649 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:45 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:45 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:45.650 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:45.651 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":31} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:45.651 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:45.655 Info: Script with id 29 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:45.656 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 72 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:45.656 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 72 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:46.447 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 73 07/22/21 13:36:46.447 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 73 is: 45 07/22/21 13:36:46.541 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 73. 07/22/21 13:36:46.541 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 45 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:36:46.564 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:36:46.564 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:46.564 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:46.566 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81ABC13D7CA4BA1F09D7A44F5E9EE35F4BC5A5051896A5054F92F9054B94F15F1993F2094D90A3094C96A00E1FC1F71F01 07/22/21 13:36:46.572 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:36:46.671 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 74 07/22/21 13:36:46.671 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 74 is: 46 07/22/21 13:36:46.739 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 74. 07/22/21 13:36:46.739 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:46.739 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:46.740 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 30. 07/22/21 13:36:46.755 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:46.755 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:46.756 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:46.756 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:46.792 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:46.792 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:47.046 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:47.046 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:47.047 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:47.047 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:47.049 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:47.049 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:47.122 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:47.123 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:47.126 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:47.126 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:47.126 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:47.126 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:47.126 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:47.131 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:47.131 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:47.131 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:47.131 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:47.132 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:47.136 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:47.137 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:47.144 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:47 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:47 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:47.144 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:47.145 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":30} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:47.146 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:47.150 Info: Script with id 30 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:47.151 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 74 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:47.151 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 74 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:48.173 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 75 07/22/21 13:36:48.173 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 75 is: 47 07/22/21 13:36:48.261 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 75. 07/22/21 13:36:48.261 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:48.261 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:48.261 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 31. 07/22/21 13:36:48.277 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:48.277 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:48.278 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:48.278 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:48.314 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:48.314 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:48.549 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:48.549 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:48.550 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:48.550 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:48.551 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:48.551 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:48.625 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:48.626 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:48.629 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:48.629 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:48.629 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:48.629 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:48.629 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:48.634 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:48.634 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:48.634 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:48.634 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:48.636 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:48.640 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:48.640 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:48.647 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:48 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:48 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:48.648 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:48.649 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":28} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:48.649 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:48.653 Info: Script with id 31 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:48.654 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 75 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:48.655 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 75 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:49.672 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 76 07/22/21 13:36:49.673 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 76 is: 48 07/22/21 13:36:49.713 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001C004FC63900000818960A0000212F64D94A1D8A 07/22/21 13:36:49.713 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001C004FC63900000818960A0000212F64D94A1D8A is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 28 07/22/21 13:36:49.713 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Received AF msg notification, cluster id: 0x400 Src addr: 0x4AD9 Src endpoint: 0x1 Dst endpoint: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:49.713 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Decoded ZCL frame, type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:49.713 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Unknown ZCL frame received, ignoring 07/22/21 13:36:49.713 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1C448100000004D94A0101001C004FC63900000818960A0000212F64D94A1D8A for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18960A0000212F64 for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00014AD9 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 Module Zigbee: Entering packet received 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, packet type: 0x4000A 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418960A0000212F64 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:36:49.714 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 10 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0xA 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 40 bit size: 16 constant: 0 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0000 const value integer: 0x0 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 56 bit size: 8 constant: 33 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 21 const value integer: 0x21 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 64 bit size: 16 constant: -1 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: ILLUMINANCE binary payload (hex): 642F const value integer: 0xFFFFFFFF 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking associated variable: ILLUMINANCE 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418960A0000212F64 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:36:49.715 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 1 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0x1 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418960A0000212F64 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 16 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x10 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: Info: ILLUMINANCE on channel 1 of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84 was set to 0x642F. 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: Entering ParsePacketDynamic 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: received an attr frame: Report attributes 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: Setting value for ILLUMINANCE_MEASUREMENT.MEASURED_VALUE of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84:9 to value: 642F 07/22/21 13:36:49.716 Module Zigbee: Entering handling special packets 07/22/21 13:36:49.717 Module Zigbee: Entering dealing with special params 07/22/21 13:36:49.767 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 76. 07/22/21 13:36:49.767 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:49.768 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:49.768 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 32. 07/22/21 13:36:49.784 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:49.784 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:49.785 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:49.785 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:49.821 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:49.821 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:50.050 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:50.051 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:50.052 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:50.052 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:50.053 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:50.053 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:50.127 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:50.127 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:50.130 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:50.130 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:50.130 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:50.131 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:50.131 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:50.135 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:50.135 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:50.135 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:50.135 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:50.137 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:50.141 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:50.141 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:50.148 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:50 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:50 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:50.149 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:50.150 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":27} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:50.150 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:50.154 Info: Script with id 32 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:50.155 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 76 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:50.155 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 76 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:51.171 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 77 07/22/21 13:36:51.171 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 77 is: 49 07/22/21 13:36:51.261 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 77. 07/22/21 13:36:51.262 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:51.263 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:51.263 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 33. 07/22/21 13:36:51.282 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:51.283 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:51.283 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:51.284 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:51.320 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:51.320 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:51.553 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:51.553 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:51.554 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:51.554 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:51.555 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:51.555 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:51.606 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 78 07/22/21 13:36:51.606 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 78 is: 50 07/22/21 13:36:51.631 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:51.631 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:51.634 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:51.634 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:51.634 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:51.634 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:51.635 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:51.639 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:51.639 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:51.639 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:51.639 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:51.641 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:51.645 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:51.645 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:51.652 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:51 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:51 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:51.653 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:51.654 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":25} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:51.654 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:51.659 Info: Script with id 33 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:51.659 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 77 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:51.659 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 77 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:51.673 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 78. 07/22/21 13:36:51.673 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 50 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:36:51.696 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:36:51.696 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:51.697 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:51.698 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81AB5FBD0F4A249F7A393ACF2D707DDF382B3B856B783B853C7C6785387A6FDF6A7D6C893E7E3D893F783E8E6C2F699F72 07/22/21 13:36:51.704 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:36:52.672 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 79 07/22/21 13:36:52.672 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 79 is: 51 07/22/21 13:36:52.760 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 79. 07/22/21 13:36:52.761 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:52.762 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:52.762 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 34. 07/22/21 13:36:52.787 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:52.787 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:52.788 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:52.789 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:52.824 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:52.825 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:53.054 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:53.054 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:53.056 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:53.056 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:53.057 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:53.057 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:53.130 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:53.131 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:53.134 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:53.134 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:53.134 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:53.134 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:53.134 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:53.139 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:53.139 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:53.139 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:53.139 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:53.141 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:53.145 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:53.145 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:53.152 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:53 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:53 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:53.153 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:53.154 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":24} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:53.154 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:53.158 Info: Script with id 34 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:53.159 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 79 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:53.159 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 79 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:54.173 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 80 07/22/21 13:36:54.173 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 80 is: 52 07/22/21 13:36:54.252 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 80. 07/22/21 13:36:54.252 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:54.253 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:54.253 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 35. 07/22/21 13:36:54.277 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:54.278 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:54.279 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:54.280 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:54.332 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:54.332 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:54.684 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:54.685 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:54.686 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:54.686 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:54.687 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:54.687 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:54.761 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:54.762 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:54.765 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:54.765 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:54.765 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:54.765 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:54.765 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:54.770 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:54.770 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:54.770 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:54.770 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:54.772 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:54.776 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:54.776 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:54.783 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:54 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:54 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:54.784 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:54.785 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":22} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:54.785 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:54.789 Info: Script with id 35 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:54.790 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 80 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:54.790 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 80 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:55.807 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 81 07/22/21 13:36:55.807 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 81 is: 53 07/22/21 13:36:55.901 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 81. 07/22/21 13:36:55.902 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:55.903 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:55.903 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 36. 07/22/21 13:36:55.918 Debug: HTTP request: POST /tclrega.exe HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Homegear Host: Connection: Close Content-Length: 741 Write('{ "serviceMessages":['); boolean isFirst = true; string serviceID; foreach (serviceID, dom.GetObject(ID_SERVICES).EnumUsedIDs()) { object serviceObj = dom.GetObject(serviceID); integer state = serviceObj.AlState(); if (state == 1) { string err = serviceObj.Name().StrValueByIndex (".", 1); object alObj = serviceObj.AlTriggerDP(); object chObj = dom.GetObject(dom.GetObject(alObj).Channel()); object devObj = dom.GetObject(chObj.Device()); string strDate = serviceObj.Timestamp().Format("%s"); if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { WriteLine(","); } Write('{"address":"' # devObj.Address() # '", "state":"' # state # '", "message":"' # err # '", "time":"' # strDate # '"}'); } } Write("]}"); 07/22/21 13:36:55.918 Debug: Calling getFileDescriptor... 07/22/21 13:36:55.918 Debug: Connecting to host on port 8181... 07/22/21 13:36:55.919 Debug: Connected to host on port 8181. Client number is: 82 07/22/21 13:36:55.919 Debug: Sending packet to HTTP server "": POST /tclrega.exe HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Homegear Host: Connection: Close Content-Length: 741 Write('{ "serviceMessages":['); boolean isFirst = true; string serviceID; foreach (serviceID, dom.GetObject(ID_SERVICES).EnumUsedIDs()) { object serviceObj = dom.GetObject(serviceID); integer state = serviceObj.AlState(); if (state == 1) { string err = serviceObj.Name().StrValueByIndex (".", 1); object alObj = serviceObj.AlTriggerDP(); object chObj = dom.GetObject(dom.GetObject(alObj).Channel()); object devObj = dom.GetObject(chObj.Device()); string strDate = serviceObj.Timestamp().Format("%s"); if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { WriteLine(","); } Write('{"address":"' # devObj.Address() # '", "state":"' # state # '", "message":"' # err # '", "time":"' # strDate # '"}'); } } Write("]}"); 07/22/21 13:36:55.919 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:55.919 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:55.920 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:55.921 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:55.924 Debug: Received packet from HTTP server "": HTTP/1.1 200 OK Accept-Ranges: bytes Cache-Control: private, no-cache, must-revalidate, no-transform, max-age=0 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Length: 340 Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2021 13:36:55 GMT X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block X-Robots-Tag: none X-Download-Options: noopen X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: none Referrer-Policy: no-referrer Connection: close { "serviceMessages":[]}/tclrega.exeUser-Agent: Homegeartrue1791AL-00265D89896F1D:0.UNREACH0nullnullnull 07/22/21 13:36:55.957 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:55.957 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:56.001 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 13 07/22/21 13:36:56.001 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 13 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.001 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 14 07/22/21 13:36:56.001 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 14 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.001 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 15 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 15 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 16 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 16 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 17 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 17 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 18 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 18 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 19 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 19 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 20 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 20 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 21 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 21 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 22 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 22 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 23 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 23 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 24 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 24 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 25 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 25 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 26 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 26 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 27 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 27 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 28 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 28 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.002 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 29 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 29 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 30 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 30 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 31 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 31 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 32 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 32 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 33 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 33 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 34 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 34 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 35 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 35 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 36 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 36 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 37 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 37 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 38 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 38 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 39 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 39 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.003 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 40 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 40 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 41 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 41 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 42 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 42 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 43 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 43 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 44 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 44 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 45 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 45 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 46 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 46 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 47 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 47 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 48 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 48 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 49 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 49 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.004 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 50 07/22/21 13:36:56.005 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 50 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.005 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 51 07/22/21 13:36:56.005 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 51 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.005 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Joining read thread of client 52 07/22/21 13:36:56.005 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Client 52 removed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.259 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:56.259 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:56.261 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:56.261 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:56.262 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:56.262 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:56.336 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:56.337 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:56.340 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:56.340 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:56.340 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:56.340 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:56.340 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:56.345 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:56.345 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:56.345 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:56.345 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:56.347 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:56.351 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:56.351 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:36:56.358 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:56 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:56 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:56.359 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:56.360 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":21} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:56.360 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:56.364 Info: Script with id 36 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:56.365 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 81 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:56.366 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 81 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:56.737 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 83 07/22/21 13:36:56.737 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 83 is: 54 07/22/21 13:36:56.828 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 83. 07/22/21 13:36:56.828 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 54 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:36:56.851 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:36:56.851 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:56.852 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:36:56.853 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81AB65BBCAB81E99BFCB00C9E88247D9FDD90183AE8A0183F98E5D83FD8855D9AF8F568FFB8C078FFA8A0488A9DD5399B7 07/22/21 13:36:56.860 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:36:57.382 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 84 07/22/21 13:36:57.382 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 84 is: 55 07/22/21 13:36:57.454 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 84. 07/22/21 13:36:57.454 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:57.455 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:57.455 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 37. 07/22/21 13:36:57.470 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:57.470 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:57.471 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:57.472 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:57.508 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:57.508 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:57.801 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:57.801 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:57.802 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:57.802 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:57.803 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:57.803 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:57.878 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:57.879 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:57.882 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:57.882 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:57.882 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:57.882 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:57.882 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:57.887 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:57.887 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:57.887 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:57.887 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:57.889 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:57.892 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:57.893 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:57.900 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:57 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:57 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:57.901 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:57.902 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":19} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:57.902 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:57.906 Info: Script with id 37 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:57.907 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 84 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:57.907 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 84 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:36:58.927 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 85 07/22/21 13:36:58.927 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 85 is: 56 07/22/21 13:36:59.021 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 85. 07/22/21 13:36:59.022 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 474554202F61646D696E2F696E76656E746F72792F646576696365732F67657470616972696E6773746174652F323620485454502F312E310D0A486F73743A207A65726F2D6865696D61747A656E7472616C653A323030320D0A557365722D4167656E743A204D6F7A696C6C612F352E30202857696E646F7773204E542031302E303B2057696E36343B207836343B2072763A39302E3029204765636B6F2F32303130303130312046697265666F782F39302E300D0A4163636570743A202A2F2A0D0A4163636570742D4C616E67756167653A2064652C656E2D55533B713D302E372C656E3B713D302E330D0A4163636570742D456E636F64696E673A20677A69702C206465666C6174652C2062720D0A582D5265717565737465642D576974683A20584D4C48747470526571756573740D0A436F6E6E656374696F6E3A206B6565702D616C6976650D0A526566657265723A2068747470733A2F2F7A65726F2D6865696D61747A656E7472616C653A323030322F61646D696E2F696E76656E746F72792F646576696365732F6164640D0A436F6F6B69653A2050485053455353494455493D62666463323061303164613738343562643562353136356161393763663836373B2050485053455353494441444D494E3D35326532353430386633346430376532616239656332373638633163353063620D0A5365632D46657463682D446573743A20656D7074790D0A5365632D46657463682D4D6F64653A20636F72730D0A5365632D46657463682D536974653A2073616D652D6F726967696E0D0A0D0A 07/22/21 13:36:59.023 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:36:59.023 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:36:59.023 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 38. 07/22/21 13:36:59.043 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:36:59.043 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:59.044 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:36:59.044 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:59.080 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:36:59.081 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:59.362 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:36:59.362 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:59.363 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:36:59.363 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:59.364 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:36:59.365 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:36:59.439 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:36:59.439 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:59.442 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:59.442 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:59.442 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:36:59.443 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:59.443 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:59.447 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:59.447 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:59.447 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:36:59.447 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:36:59.449 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:36:59.453 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:36:59.453 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:36:59.460 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:59 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:36:59 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:36:59.461 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:59.462 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":17} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:36:59.462 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:36:59.467 Info: Script with id 38 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:36:59.467 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 85 closed. 07/22/21 13:36:59.468 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 85 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:00.487 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 86 07/22/21 13:37:00.488 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 86 is: 57 07/22/21 13:37:00.565 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 86. 07/22/21 13:37:00.565 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:00.566 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:00.566 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 39. 07/22/21 13:37:00.581 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:00.581 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:00.582 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:00.583 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:00.619 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:00.619 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:00.864 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:00.864 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:00.865 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:00.865 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:00.866 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:00.866 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:00.941 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:00.942 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:00.945 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:00.945 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:00.945 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:00.945 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:00.945 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:00.950 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:00.950 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:00.950 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:00.950 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:00.952 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:00.955 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:00.956 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:37:00.963 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:00 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:00 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:00.963 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:00.965 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":16} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:00.965 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:00.969 Info: Script with id 39 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:00.970 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 86 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:00.970 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 86 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:01.088 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets. 07/22/21 13:37:01.088 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets. 07/22/21 13:37:01.896 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 87 07/22/21 13:37:01.897 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 87 is: 58 07/22/21 13:37:01.976 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 87. 07/22/21 13:37:01.976 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 88 07/22/21 13:37:01.985 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 88 is: 59 07/22/21 13:37:01.999 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 58 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:37:01.999 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:37:01.999 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:01.999 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:02.001 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81ABB69156B2CDB323C1D3E3748894F361D3D2A93280D2A965848EA9618286F3338585A56786D4A56680D7A235D780B32B 07/22/21 13:37:02.007 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:37:02.054 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 88. 07/22/21 13:37:02.055 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:02.055 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:02.055 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 40. 07/22/21 13:37:02.071 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:02.071 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:02.072 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:02.072 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:02.109 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:02.109 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:02.365 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:02.366 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:02.367 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:02.367 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:02.368 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:02.368 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:02.442 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:02.443 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:02.446 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:02.446 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:02.446 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:02.446 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:02.446 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:02.451 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:02.451 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:02.451 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:02.451 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:02.453 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:02.456 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:02.457 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:37:02.464 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:02 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:02 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:02.464 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:02.466 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":14} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:02.466 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:02.470 Info: Script with id 40 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:02.471 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 88 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:02.471 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 88 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:03.487 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 89 07/22/21 13:37:03.488 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 89 is: 60 07/22/21 13:37:03.580 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 89. 07/22/21 13:37:03.581 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:03.581 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:03.581 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 41. 07/22/21 13:37:03.596 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:03.597 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:03.597 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:03.598 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:03.634 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:03.634 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:03.866 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:03.867 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:03.868 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:03.868 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:03.869 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:03.869 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:03.943 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:03.944 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:03.947 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:03.947 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:03.947 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:03.947 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:03.947 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:03.952 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:03.952 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:03.952 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:03.952 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:03.954 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:03.958 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:03.958 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:37:03.965 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:03 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:03 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:03.966 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:03.967 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":13} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:03.967 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:03.971 Info: Script with id 41 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:03.972 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 89 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:03.972 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 89 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:04.404 IPC Server: Info: Client number 1 is calling RPC method: lifetick Parameters: 07/22/21 13:37:04.406 IPC Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:04.990 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 90 07/22/21 13:37:04.990 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 90 is: 61 07/22/21 13:37:05.081 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 90. 07/22/21 13:37:05.082 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:05.082 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:05.082 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 42. 07/22/21 13:37:05.098 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:05.098 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:05.099 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:05.099 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:05.135 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:05.135 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:05.368 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:05.368 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:05.369 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:05.369 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:05.370 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:05.371 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:05.444 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:05.445 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:05.448 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:05.448 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:05.448 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:05.448 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:05.448 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:05.453 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:05.453 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:05.453 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:05.453 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:05.455 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:05.458 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:05.459 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:37:05.466 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:05 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:05 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:05.467 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:05.468 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":11} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:05.468 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:05.472 Info: Script with id 42 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:05.473 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 90 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:05.473 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 90 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:06.487 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 91 07/22/21 13:37:06.487 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 91 is: 62 07/22/21 13:37:06.581 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 91. 07/22/21 13:37:06.582 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 474554202F61646D696E2F696E76656E746F72792F646576696365732F67657470616972696E6773746174652F323620485454502F312E310D0A486F73743A207A65726F2D6865696D61747A656E7472616C653A323030320D0A557365722D4167656E743A204D6F7A696C6C612F352E30202857696E646F7773204E542031302E303B2057696E36343B207836343B2072763A39302E3029204765636B6F2F32303130303130312046697265666F782F39302E300D0A4163636570743A202A2F2A0D0A4163636570742D4C616E67756167653A2064652C656E2D55533B713D302E372C656E3B713D302E330D0A4163636570742D456E636F64696E673A20677A69702C206465666C6174652C2062720D0A582D5265717565737465642D576974683A20584D4C48747470526571756573740D0A436F6E6E656374696F6E3A206B6565702D616C6976650D0A526566657265723A2068747470733A2F2F7A65726F2D6865696D61747A656E7472616C653A323030322F61646D696E2F696E76656E746F72792F646576696365732F6164640D0A436F6F6B69653A2050485053455353494455493D62666463323061303164613738343562643562353136356161393763663836373B2050485053455353494441444D494E3D35326532353430386633346430376532616239656332373638633163353063620D0A5365632D46657463682D446573743A20656D7074790D0A5365632D46657463682D4D6F64653A20636F72730D0A5365632D46657463682D536974653A2073616D652D6F726967696E0D0A0D0A 07/22/21 13:37:06.582 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:06.582 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:06.583 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 43. 07/22/21 13:37:06.600 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:06.600 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:06.601 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:06.601 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:06.637 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:06.638 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:06.870 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:06.870 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:06.871 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:06.871 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:06.872 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:06.873 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:06.947 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:06.947 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:06.950 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:06.950 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:06.950 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:06.951 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:06.951 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:06.955 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:06.955 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:06.955 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:06.955 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:06.957 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:06.961 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:06.961 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:37:06.968 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:06 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:06 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:06.969 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:06.970 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":10} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:06.970 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:06.974 Info: Script with id 43 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:06.975 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 91 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:06.975 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 91 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:07.042 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 92 07/22/21 13:37:07.042 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 92 is: 63 07/22/21 13:37:07.108 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 92. 07/22/21 13:37:07.108 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 63 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:37:07.131 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:37:07.131 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:07.131 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:07.133 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81AB0D1F28D6763D5DA5686D0AEC2F7D1FB769274CE469271BE035271FE63D7D4DE13E2B19E26F2B18E46C2C4BB33B3D55 07/22/21 13:37:07.139 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:37:07.987 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 93 07/22/21 13:37:07.987 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 93 is: 64 07/22/21 13:37:08.071 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 93. 07/22/21 13:37:08.071 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:08.072 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:08.072 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 44. 07/22/21 13:37:08.100 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:08.100 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:08.101 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:08.101 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:08.138 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:08.138 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:08.372 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:08.372 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:08.373 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:08.373 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:08.374 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:08.375 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:08.449 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:08.449 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:08.452 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:08.453 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:08.453 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:08.453 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:08.453 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:08.457 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:08.457 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:08.457 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:08.458 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:08.459 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:08.463 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:08.463 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:37:08.471 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:08 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:08 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:08.471 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:08.472 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":8} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:08.472 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:08.477 Info: Script with id 44 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:08.477 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 93 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:08.478 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 93 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:09.487 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 94 07/22/21 13:37:09.487 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 94 is: 65 07/22/21 13:37:09.566 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 94. 07/22/21 13:37:09.567 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:09.567 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:09.568 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 45. 07/22/21 13:37:09.592 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:09.593 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:09.594 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:09.595 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:09.647 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:09.647 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:10.002 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:10.002 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:10.003 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:10.003 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:10.004 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:10.005 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:10.079 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:10.079 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:10.083 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:10.083 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:10.083 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:10.083 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:10.083 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:10.087 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:10.088 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:10.088 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:10.088 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:10.089 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:10.093 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:10.093 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:37:10.101 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:10 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:10 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:10.101 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:10.102 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":7} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:10.103 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:10.107 Info: Script with id 45 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:10.108 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 94 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:10.108 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 94 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:11.122 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 95 07/22/21 13:37:11.122 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 95 is: 66 07/22/21 13:37:11.216 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 95. 07/22/21 13:37:11.217 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:11.218 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:11.218 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 46. 07/22/21 13:37:11.238 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:11.238 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:11.239 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:11.239 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:11.275 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:11.275 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:11.575 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:11.575 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:11.576 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:11.576 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:11.577 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:11.578 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:11.651 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:11.652 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:11.655 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:11.655 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:11.655 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:11.655 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:11.655 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:11.660 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:11.660 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:11.660 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:11.660 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:11.662 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:11.666 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:11.666 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:37:11.673 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:11 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:11 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:11.674 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:11.675 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":5} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:11.675 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:11.679 Info: Script with id 46 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:11.680 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 95 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:11.680 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 95 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:12.172 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 96 07/22/21 13:37:12.172 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 96 is: 67 07/22/21 13:37:12.257 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 96. 07/22/21 13:37:12.257 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 67 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:37:12.280 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:37:12.280 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:12.281 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:12.282 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81ABDFE72685A4C553F6BA9504BFFD8511E4BBDF42B7BBDF15B3E7DF11B5EF8543B2ECD317B1BDD316B7BED445E0E9C55B 07/22/21 13:37:12.289 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:37:12.697 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 97 07/22/21 13:37:12.697 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 97 is: 68 07/22/21 13:37:12.768 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 97. 07/22/21 13:37:12.769 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:12.769 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:12.769 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 47. 07/22/21 13:37:12.785 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:12.785 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:12.786 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:12.786 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:12.822 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:12.822 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:13.114 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:13.114 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:13.115 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:13.115 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:13.116 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:13.117 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:13.190 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:13.191 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:13.194 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:13.194 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:13.194 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:13.194 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:13.194 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:13.199 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:13.199 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:13.199 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:13.199 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:13.201 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:13.205 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:13.205 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:37:13.212 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:13 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:13 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:13.213 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:13.214 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":4} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:13.214 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:13.218 Info: Script with id 47 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:13.219 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 97 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:13.219 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 97 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:14.227 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 98 07/22/21 13:37:14.227 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 98 is: 69 07/22/21 13:37:14.306 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 98. 07/22/21 13:37:14.307 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:14.307 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:14.307 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 48. 07/22/21 13:37:14.332 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:14.332 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:14.333 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:14.334 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:14.390 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:14.390 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:14.724 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:14.724 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:14.725 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:14.725 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:14.726 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:14.727 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:14.801 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:14.801 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:14.804 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:14.804 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:14.804 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:14.804 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:14.804 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:14.809 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:14.809 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:14.809 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:14.809 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:14.811 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:14.814 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:14.815 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953836 } 07/22/21 13:37:14.822 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:14 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:14 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:14.822 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:14.824 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953836,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":2} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:14.824 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:14.828 Info: Script with id 48 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:14.829 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 98 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:14.829 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 98 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:15.847 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 99 07/22/21 13:37:15.847 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 99 is: 70 07/22/21 13:37:15.931 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 99. 07/22/21 13:37:15.932 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:15.932 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:15.933 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 49. 07/22/21 13:37:15.960 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:15.961 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:15.963 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:15.963 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:15.999 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:15.999 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:16.279 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:16.280 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:16.281 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:16.281 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:16.282 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:16.282 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:16.355 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:16.356 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:16.359 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:16.359 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:16.359 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:16.359 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:16.360 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:16.364 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:16.364 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:16.364 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:16.364 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:16.366 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:16.370 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:16.370 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 1 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:37:16.377 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:16 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:16 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:16.378 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:16.379 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"general":[{"messageId":"l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart","variables":[]}],"pairingModeEnabled":true,"pairingModeEndTime":1626953837,"pairingModeEndInSeconds":1} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:16.379 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:16.383 Info: Script with id 49 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:16.384 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 99 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:16.384 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 99 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:16.457 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: RAW Sending packet FE052536020000000014 07/22/21 13:37:16.457 Debug: Writing: FE052536020000000014 07/22/21 13:37:16.465 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165360052 07/22/21 13:37:16.465 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0165360052 is MT frame, type: SRSP subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x36 len: 1 07/22/21 13:37:16.465 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received expected packet, notifying: FE0165360052 07/22/21 13:37:16.465 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345B6000000F0 07/22/21 13:37:16.466 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE0345B6000000F0 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0xB6 len: 3 07/22/21 13:37:16.466 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Permit Join Request notification went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:37:16.486 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Sent packet FE052536020000000014 is MT frame, type: SREQ subsys: ZDO cmd: 0x36 len: 5 07/22/21 13:37:16.486 Module Zigbee: Network Management: Info: Permit Join Request stop response went well, status: 0x0 07/22/21 13:37:16.486 Module Zigbee: Network Management: End network admin 07/22/21 13:37:16.486 Module Zigbee: Info: Pairing mode disabled. 07/22/21 13:37:17.317 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 100 07/22/21 13:37:17.318 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 100 is: 71 07/22/21 13:37:17.403 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 100. 07/22/21 13:37:17.403 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 101 07/22/21 13:37:17.403 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 101 is: 72 07/22/21 13:37:17.403 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 71 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:37:17.426 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:37:17.426 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:17.427 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:17.428 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81ABE04097409B62E2338532B57AC222A0218478F3728478A476D878A070D022F277D374A6748274A7728173F425D662EA 07/22/21 13:37:17.434 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:37:17.460 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 101. 07/22/21 13:37:17.461 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Debug: Packet is handled by webserver. 07/22/21 13:37:17.461 Web server (Port 2002): Client is requesting: /admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26 (translated to /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/admin/inventory/devices/getpairingstate/26, method: GET) 07/22/21 13:37:17.461 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/index.php" with id 50. 07/22/21 13:37:17.476 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) env 07/22/21 13:37:17.477 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:17.477 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getData (String) webEnv (String) debug 07/22/21 13:37:17.478 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:17.514 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: system.listMethods (String) managementGetCommandStatus 07/22/21 13:37:17.514 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:17.782 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) ui 07/22/21 13:37:17.782 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:17.783 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) admin-ui 07/22/21 13:37:17.783 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:17.784 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: checkServiceAccess (String) node-blue 07/22/21 13:37:17.784 Script Engine Server: Response: (Boolean) 1 07/22/21 13:37:17.859 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: listModules 07/22/21 13:37:17.859 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:17.862 Info: Disposing family module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:17.862 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:17.862 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_nanoleaf.so 07/22/21 13:37:17.863 Debug: Dynamic library mod_nanoleaf.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:17.863 Info: Loading family module (type 1) mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:17.867 Info: Disposing family module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:17.867 Debug: Deleting factory pointer of module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:17.867 Debug: Closing dynamic library module mod_velux_klf200.so 07/22/21 13:37:17.867 Debug: Dynamic library mod_velux_klf200.so disposed 07/22/21 13:37:17.869 Script Engine Server: Response: (Array length=18) [ (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 4 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) MAX! [FILENAME] (String) mod_max.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 15 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) EnOcean [FILENAME] (String) mod_enocean.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 10 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) IPCam [FILENAME] (String) mod_ipcam.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 0 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic BidCoS [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicbidcos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 2 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Insteon [FILENAME] (String) mod_insteon.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 14 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) KNX [FILENAME] (String) mod_knx.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 254 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Miscellaneous [FILENAME] (String) mod_miscellaneous.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 26 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Zigbee [FILENAME] (String) mod_zigbee.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 1 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) HomeMatic Wired [FILENAME] (String) mod_homematicwired.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 23 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) M-Bus [FILENAME] (String) mod_mbus.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 11 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Beckhoff [FILENAME] (String) mod_beckhoff.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 24 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) CCU [FILENAME] (String) mod_ccu.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 22 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Nanoleaf [FILENAME] (String) mod_nanoleaf.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 27 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Velux KLF200 [FILENAME] (String) mod_velux_klf200.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 0 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 6 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Sonos [FILENAME] (String) mod_sonos.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 9 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Kodi [FILENAME] (String) mod_kodi.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 5 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Philips hue [FILENAME] (String) mod_philipshue.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } (Struct length=5) { [BASELIB_VERSION] (String) 0.7.48-3324 [FAMILY_ID] (Integer) 16 [FAMILY_NAME] (String) Intertechno [FILENAME] (String) mod_intertechno.so [LOADED] (Boolean) 1 } ] 07/22/21 13:37:17.873 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getPairingState (Integer) 26 07/22/21 13:37:17.873 Script Engine Server: Response: (Struct length=3) { [general] (Array length=1) [ (Struct length=2) { [messageId] (String) l10n.zigbee.pairing.pairOnStart [variables] (Array length=0) [ ] } ] [pairingModeEnabled] (Boolean) 0 [pairingModeEndTime] (Integer64) 1626953837 } 07/22/21 13:37:17.881 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptHeaders (Struct length=6) { [Cache-Control] (Array length=1) [ (String) max-age=0, must-revalidate, private ] [Content-Type] (Array length=1) [ (String) application/json ] [Date] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:17 GMT ] [Expires] (Array length=1) [ (String) Thu, 22 Jul 2021 11:37:17 GMT ] [RESPONSE_CODE] (Integer) 200 [X-Powered-By] (Array length=1) [ (String) PHP/7.4.4 ] } 07/22/21 13:37:17.881 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:17.882 Script Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: scriptOutput (String) {"status":"success","message":"0"} (Boolean) 0 07/22/21 13:37:17.882 Script Engine Server: Response: (void) 07/22/21 13:37:17.887 Info: Script with id 50 finished with exit code 0 07/22/21 13:37:17.887 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 101 closed. 07/22/21 13:37:17.888 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Connection to client number 101 closed (1). 07/22/21 13:37:19.540 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001F0067323B00000818EB0A0000213B64D94A1D3E 07/22/21 13:37:19.540 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001F0067323B00000818EB0A0000213B64D94A1D3E is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 28 07/22/21 13:37:19.541 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1C448100000004D94A0101001F0067323B00000818EB0A0000213B64D94A1D3E for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:37:19.541 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18EB0A0000213B64 for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:37:19.541 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:37:19.541 07/22/21 13:37:19.541 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00014AD9 07/22/21 13:37:19.541 Module Zigbee: Entering packet received 07/22/21 13:37:19.541 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, packet type: 0x4000A 07/22/21 13:37:19.541 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418EB0A0000213B64 07/22/21 13:37:19.541 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:37:19.541 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:37:19.541 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 10 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0xA 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 40 bit size: 16 constant: 0 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0000 const value integer: 0x0 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 56 bit size: 8 constant: 33 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 21 const value integer: 0x21 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 64 bit size: 16 constant: -1 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: ILLUMINANCE binary payload (hex): 643B const value integer: 0xFFFFFFFF 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking associated variable: ILLUMINANCE 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418EB0A0000213B64 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:37:19.542 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 1 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0x1 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418EB0A0000213B64 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 16 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x10 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: Info: ILLUMINANCE on channel 1 of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84 was set to 0x643B. 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: Entering ParsePacketDynamic 07/22/21 13:37:19.543 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: received an attr frame: Report attributes 07/22/21 13:37:19.544 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: Setting value for ILLUMINANCE_MEASUREMENT.MEASURED_VALUE of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84:9 to value: 643B 07/22/21 13:37:19.544 Module Zigbee: Entering handling special packets 07/22/21 13:37:19.544 Module Zigbee: Entering dealing with special params 07/22/21 13:37:22.465 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 102 07/22/21 13:37:22.465 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 102 is: 73 07/22/21 13:37:22.544 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 102. 07/22/21 13:37:22.544 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 73 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:37:22.567 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:37:22.568 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:22.568 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:22.569 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81ABBDF8B075C6DAC506D88A924F9F9A8714D9C0D447D9C0834385C087458D9AD5428ECC8141DFCC8047DCCBD3108BDACD 07/22/21 13:37:22.578 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:37:24.513 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001F001B6F3B00000818F80A0000212F64D94A1D18 07/22/21 13:37:24.513 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received packet FE1C448100000004D94A0101001F001B6F3B00000818F80A0000212F64D94A1D18 is MT frame, type: AREQ subsys: AF cmd: 0x81 len: 28 07/22/21 13:37:24.514 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: Received AF incoming MSG notification: 0xFE1C448100000004D94A0101001F001B6F3B00000818F80A0000212F64D94A1D18 for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:37:24.514 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: It's a ZCL frame: 0x18F80A0000212F64 for src addr: 0x4AD9 src endpoint: 0x1 cluster: 0x400 07/22/21 13:37:24.514 Module Zigbee: Zigbee serial module "CC2652": Info: ZCL frame type: Global command: report attr 07/22/21 13:37:24.514 07/22/21 13:37:24.514 Zigbee packet received by the central - Sender address: 0x00014AD9 07/22/21 13:37:24.514 Module Zigbee: Entering packet received 07/22/21 13:37:24.514 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, packet type: 0x4000A 07/22/21 13:37:24.514 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418F80A0000212F64 07/22/21 13:37:24.514 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:37:24.514 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 10 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0xA 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 40 bit size: 16 constant: 0 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0000 const value integer: 0x0 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 56 bit size: 8 constant: 33 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 21 const value integer: 0x21 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 64 bit size: 16 constant: -1 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: ILLUMINANCE binary payload (hex): 642F const value integer: 0xFFFFFFFF 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking associated variable: ILLUMINANCE 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418F80A0000212F64 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:37:24.515 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 24 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x18 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 32 bit size: 8 constant: 1 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0A const value integer: 0x1 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, found a frame for data (hex): 000418F80A0000212F64 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 0 bit size: 16 constant: 1024 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 0400 const value integer: 0x400 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, checking binary payload, bit index: 16 bit size: 8 constant: 16 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: getValuesFromPacket, parameter: binary payload (hex): 18 const value integer: 0x10 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: Info: ILLUMINANCE on channel 1 of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84 was set to 0x642F. 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: Entering ParsePacketDynamic 07/22/21 13:37:24.516 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: received an attr frame: Report attributes 07/22/21 13:37:24.517 Module Zigbee: Info: packetReceived: Setting value for ILLUMINANCE_MEASUREMENT.MEASURED_VALUE of peer 11 with serial number ZG0104cf8cdf3c771e84:9 to value: 642F 07/22/21 13:37:24.517 Module Zigbee: Entering handling special packets 07/22/21 13:37:24.517 Module Zigbee: Entering dealing with special params 07/22/21 13:37:25.928 Debug: HTTP request: POST /tclrega.exe HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Homegear Host: Connection: Close Content-Length: 741 Write('{ "serviceMessages":['); boolean isFirst = true; string serviceID; foreach (serviceID, dom.GetObject(ID_SERVICES).EnumUsedIDs()) { object serviceObj = dom.GetObject(serviceID); integer state = serviceObj.AlState(); if (state == 1) { string err = serviceObj.Name().StrValueByIndex (".", 1); object alObj = serviceObj.AlTriggerDP(); object chObj = dom.GetObject(dom.GetObject(alObj).Channel()); object devObj = dom.GetObject(chObj.Device()); string strDate = serviceObj.Timestamp().Format("%s"); if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { WriteLine(","); } Write('{"address":"' # devObj.Address() # '", "state":"' # state # '", "message":"' # err # '", "time":"' # strDate # '"}'); } } Write("]}"); 07/22/21 13:37:25.928 Debug: Calling getFileDescriptor... 07/22/21 13:37:25.928 Debug: Connecting to host on port 8181... 07/22/21 13:37:25.929 Debug: Connected to host on port 8181. Client number is: 103 07/22/21 13:37:25.929 Debug: Sending packet to HTTP server "": POST /tclrega.exe HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Homegear Host: Connection: Close Content-Length: 741 Write('{ "serviceMessages":['); boolean isFirst = true; string serviceID; foreach (serviceID, dom.GetObject(ID_SERVICES).EnumUsedIDs()) { object serviceObj = dom.GetObject(serviceID); integer state = serviceObj.AlState(); if (state == 1) { string err = serviceObj.Name().StrValueByIndex (".", 1); object alObj = serviceObj.AlTriggerDP(); object chObj = dom.GetObject(dom.GetObject(alObj).Channel()); object devObj = dom.GetObject(chObj.Device()); string strDate = serviceObj.Timestamp().Format("%s"); if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { WriteLine(","); } Write('{"address":"' # devObj.Address() # '", "state":"' # state # '", "message":"' # err # '", "time":"' # strDate # '"}'); } } Write("]}"); 07/22/21 13:37:25.934 Debug: Received packet from HTTP server "": HTTP/1.1 200 OK Accept-Ranges: bytes Cache-Control: private, no-cache, must-revalidate, no-transform, max-age=0 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Length: 340 Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2021 13:37:25 GMT X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block X-Robots-Tag: none X-Download-Options: noopen X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: none Referrer-Policy: no-referrer Connection: close { "serviceMessages":[]}/tclrega.exeUser-Agent: Homegeartrue1791AL-00265D89896F1D:0.UNREACH0nullnullnull 07/22/21 13:37:27.611 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 104 07/22/21 13:37:27.611 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 104 is: 74 07/22/21 13:37:27.708 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 104. 07/22/21 13:37:27.709 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 74 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:37:27.732 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:37:27.732 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:27.733 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:27.734 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81ABEADC7BCB91FE0EB88FAE59F1C8BE4CAA8EE41FF98EE448FDD2E44CFBDABE1EFCD9E84AFF88E84BF98BEF18AEDCFE06 07/22/21 13:37:27.741 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection. 07/22/21 13:37:32.774 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: Connection from ::ffff: accepted. Client number: 105 07/22/21 13:37:32.774 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC server client id for client number 105 is: 75 07/22/21 13:37:32.858 RPC Server (Port 2002): Listening for incoming packets from client number 105. 07/22/21 13:37:32.858 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received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erver (Port 2002): Info: Transferring client number 75 to RPC client. 07/22/21 13:37:32.881 Info: Removing server "hgflows-730a2172-c98d-f237-d48f-da62303d6135". 07/22/21 13:37:32.881 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Disabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:32.881 Node-BLUE Server: Info: Enabling node events... 07/22/21 13:37:32.883 RPC Server (Port 2002): Debug: Packet received: 81AB5D8449AD26A63CDE38F66B977FE67ECC39BC2D9F39BC7A9B65BC7E9D6DE62C9A6EB078993FB0799F3CB72AC86BA634 07/22/21 13:37:32.889 RPC Server (Port 2002): Error: Session authentication failed for host ::ffff: Closing connection.