02/18/18 18:42:26.852 Starting Homegear... 02/18/18 18:42:26.852 Homegear version 0.7.13-1549 02/18/18 18:42:26.852 Git commit SHA of libhomegear-base: - 02/18/18 18:42:26.853 Git branch of libhomegear-base: - 02/18/18 18:42:26.853 Git commit SHA of Homegear: - 02/18/18 18:42:26.853 Git branch of Homegear: - 02/18/18 18:42:26.855 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0. 02/18/18 18:42:26.855 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295". 02/18/18 18:42:26.855 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "4294967295" for user with id 0 and group with id 0. 02/18/18 18:42:26.855 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "4294967295". 02/18/18 18:42:26.872 Info: Backing up database... 02/18/18 18:42:27.460 Initializing database... 02/18/18 18:42:27.467 Debug: Loading licensing modules 02/18/18 18:42:27.468 Debug: Loading family modules 02/18/18 18:42:27.468 Info: Loading family module mod_miscellaneous.so 02/18/18 18:42:27.474 /etc/homegear/families/miscellaneous.conf 02/18/18 18:42:27.475 Module Miscellaneous: Debug: Loading module... 02/18/18 18:42:27.475 Info: Loading family module mod_homematicbidcos.so 02/18/18 18:42:27.501 /etc/homegear/families/homematicbidcos.conf 02/18/18 18:42:27.501 Debug: Loading section "General" 02/18/18 18:42:27.501 Debug: Family setting centraladdress set to 0xfdbe01 02/18/18 18:42:27.502 Debug: Family setting rfkey set to 0011223344556b778899aabbccddeeff 02/18/18 18:42:27.502 Debug: Family setting currentrfkeyindex set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:27.502 Debug: Family setting processbroadcastwithaesenabled set to false 02/18/18 18:42:27.502 Debug: Loading section "HomeMatic Wireless Module for Raspberry Pi" 02/18/18 18:42:27.502 Debug: id set to Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB 02/18/18 18:42:27.502 Debug: default set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:27.502 Debug: deviceType set to hm-mod-rpi-pcb 02/18/18 18:42:27.502 Debug: device set to /dev/ttyS3 02/18/18 18:42:27.502 Debug: responseDelay set to 95 02/18/18 18:42:27.502 Debug: GPIO1 set to 224 02/18/18 18:42:27.503 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Loading module... 02/18/18 18:42:27.503 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Debug: Creating physical device. Type defined in homematicbidcos.conf is: hm-mod-rpi-pcb 02/18/18 18:42:27.504 Info: Setting up physical interfaces and GPIOs... 02/18/18 18:42:27.504 Debug: Setting up physical device. 02/18/18 18:42:27.504 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: HM-MOD_RPI_PCB: Setting device permissions 02/18/18 18:42:27.504 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: HM-MOD_RPI_PCB: Exporting GPIO 02/18/18 18:42:27.505 Debug: GPIO path for GPIO with index 1 and device hm-mod-rpi-pcb set to "/sys/class/gpio/gpio224". 02/18/18 18:42:27.505 Debug: Unexporting GPIO with index 1 and number 224 for device "hm-mod-rpi-pcb". 02/18/18 18:42:27.505 Debug: Exporting GPIO with index 1 and number 224 for device "hm-mod-rpi-pcb". 02/18/18 18:42:27.506 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: HM-MOD_RPI_PCB: Setting GPIO permissions 02/18/18 18:42:27.506 Debug: GPIO path for GPIO with index 1 and device hm-mod-rpi-pcb set to "/sys/class/gpio/gpio224". 02/18/18 18:42:27.507 Info: Dropping privileges to user homegear (112) and group homegear (116) 02/18/18 18:42:27.508 Info: Homegear is (now) running as user with id 112 and group with id 116. 02/18/18 18:42:27.518 Starting script engine server... 02/18/18 18:42:27.522 Script Engine Server: Debug: Waiting for script engine server's client threads to finish. 02/18/18 18:42:27.532 Initializing licensing controller... 02/18/18 18:42:27.532 Loading licensing controller data... 02/18/18 18:42:27.532 Loading devices... 02/18/18 18:42:27.533 Loading XML RPC devices... 02/18/18 18:42:27.535 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_resc_win_pcb_sc.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.549 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_1pwm_644_le_v2_4.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.583 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sec_sd_schueco.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.585 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_ou_led16_le_v1_0.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.587 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rc.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.589 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_es_pmsw.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.602 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rhs.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.605 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s_mega168.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.612 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rc-key4-2.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.615 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sen_li.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.617 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_1t_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.651 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_1tconf_644_le_v2_4.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.685 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_bl_conf_644_e_v2_1.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.699 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s_ba.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.707 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rc_19.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.713 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_1t_644_le_v2_4.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.747 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_tis.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.749 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_cfm_tw.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.765 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rc_single_on.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.768 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rc-4-2.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.770 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_1l_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.827 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_ou_led16_ge_v1_1.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.829 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_1tconf_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.880 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_es_tx_wm_le_v1_0.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.882 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rd_le_v1_3.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.884 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_t_le_v1_9.xml 02/18/18 18:42:27.905 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_oligo_smart_iq.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.001 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rc_dis.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.004 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sen_mdir.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.006 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_swi.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.008 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_keymatic.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.013 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_es_pmsw_le_v2_4.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.026 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.034 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_cc_tc_le_v1_9.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.061 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_em_8.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.065 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s_2conf_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.073 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rc_12.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.076 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_cc_vd.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.077 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_d_le_v1_9.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.090 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sc_le_v1_6.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.092 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dw.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.189 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s_8_ba.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.197 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rgbw.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.211 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_bl.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.225 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_wds_v1_1.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.228 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_pb-2.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.230 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sci_3.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.232 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_2t_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.265 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dis_wm55.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.267 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_4dis.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.269 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_1l_644_le_v2_4.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.302 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_hm-wds100-c6-o-2.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.305 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s550ia.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.306 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_tis_le_v1_0.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.308 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sc_e_v1_7.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.310 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_pb-2-wm55_ge_v1_4.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.312 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s_1conf_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.321 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_wds40_th_i_2.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.322 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_bl_conf_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.337 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_ja_conf_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.354 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_pb-2-wm55_le_v1_3.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.356 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_2l_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.389 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s_le_v1_5.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.396 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sec_sd.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.398 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_fs_ba.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.406 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_1t_fm_lf.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.423 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_es_tx_wm.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.427 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_pbi.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.429 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sec_mdir.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.431 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_st_6_sh.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.436 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sec_sir_wm.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.461 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sen_wa_od.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.464 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sen_mdir_wm55.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.468 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_tc_it_wm-w-eu.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.518 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_cc_rt_dn.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.539 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_d_le_v1_7.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.552 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_1pwm_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.585 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_ash550.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.586 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_cfm.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.602 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sec_sfa.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.611 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_t.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.624 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sc.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.627 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_roto_wdf_solar.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.650 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sec_mdir_v1_5.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.653 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_wds_v1_0.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.655 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s_1conf_644_le_v2_1.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.663 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_cf.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.679 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sen_mdir_v1_5.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.681 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_cc_tc.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.709 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sen_ep.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.711 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_2t_644_le_v2_4.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.744 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_em_8_bit.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.748 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_scd_v1_0.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.750 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rep.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.763 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_cm.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.772 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_wds30_ot2.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.774 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rc-4-3_single_on.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.776 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_ao.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.810 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sen_db.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.812 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sec_sco.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.815 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rhs_le_v1_6.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.817 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dis_ep_wm55.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.820 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rhs_e_v1_7.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.822 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_bl_644.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.837 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_ddc.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.845 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rc-sec4-2.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.849 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s_4_ba.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.857 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dis_ep_wm55_le_v1_0.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.859 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_d.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.874 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_winmatic.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.883 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_2l_644_le_v2_4.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.924 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rc_2_fm.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.926 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_ks550.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.928 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_ws550.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.930 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_bl_conf_644_e_v2_0.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.944 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_1t_dr.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.978 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.986 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s_1conf_644_le_v2_3.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.994 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_rd.xml 02/18/18 18:42:28.997 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_s_le_v2_3.xml 02/18/18 18:42:29.005 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_sec_sd_2.xml 02/18/18 18:42:29.007 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_cc_rt_dn_bom.xml 02/18/18 18:42:29.030 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_dim_2pwm.xml 02/18/18 18:42:29.127 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/0/rf_bl_le_v2_3.xml 02/18/18 18:42:29.142 Loading device 2 02/18/18 18:42:29.143 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: Info: Central address set to 0xFDBE01. 02/18/18 18:42:29.144 Loading XML RPC devices... 02/18/18 18:42:29.145 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/254/OpenWeatherMap.xml 02/18/18 18:42:29.147 Loading XML RPC device /etc/homegear/devices/254/VirtualWindowContact.xml 02/18/18 18:42:29.148 Loading device 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.148 Initializing RPC client... 02/18/18 18:42:29.148 Starting MQTT client... 02/18/18 18:42:29.150 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer1 listening on :::2001... 02/18/18 18:42:29.155 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer2 listening on :::2002, SSL enabled... 02/18/18 18:42:29.155 RPC Server (Port 2001): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2001 02/18/18 18:42:29.157 Debug: Calling getFileDescriptor... 02/18/18 18:42:29.157 Debug: Connecting to host localhost on port 1883... 02/18/18 18:42:29.161 Debug: Connected to host localhost on port 1883. Client number is: 5 02/18/18 18:42:29.209 Starting XML RPC server RPCServer3 listening on :::2003, SSL enabled, authentication enabled... 02/18/18 18:42:29.209 RPC Server (Port 2002): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2002 02/18/18 18:42:29.250 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: 20020000 02/18/18 18:42:29.250 MQTT Client: Debug: Received CONNACK. 02/18/18 18:42:29.251 MQTT Client: Info: Successfully connected to MQTT server using protocol version 4. 02/18/18 18:42:29.251 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/rpc/# 02/18/18 18:42:29.251 MQTT Client: Debug: Sending: 82220001001D686F6D65676561722F313233342D353637382D396162632F7270632F2301 02/18/18 18:42:29.252 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: 9003000101 02/18/18 18:42:29.252 MQTT Client: Debug: Received SUBACK. 02/18/18 18:42:29.252 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/set/# 02/18/18 18:42:29.252 MQTT Client: Debug: Sending: 82220002001D686F6D65676561722F313233342D353637382D396162632F7365742F2301 02/18/18 18:42:29.252 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: 9003000201 02/18/18 18:42:29.252 MQTT Client: Debug: Received SUBACK. 02/18/18 18:42:29.253 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/value/# 02/18/18 18:42:29.253 MQTT Client: Debug: Sending: 82240003001F686F6D65676561722F313233342D353637382D396162632F76616C75652F2301 02/18/18 18:42:29.253 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: 9003000301 02/18/18 18:42:29.253 MQTT Client: Debug: Received SUBACK. 02/18/18 18:42:29.253 Info: Subscribing to topic homegear/1234-5678-9abc/config/# 02/18/18 18:42:29.253 MQTT Client: Debug: Sending: 822500040020686F6D65676561722F313233342D353637382D396162632F636F6E6669672F2301 02/18/18 18:42:29.254 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: 9003000401 02/18/18 18:42:29.254 MQTT Client: Debug: Received SUBACK. 02/18/18 18:42:29.261 Starting CLI server... 02/18/18 18:42:29.261 RPC Server (Port 2003): Info: RPC Server started listening on address :: and port 2003 02/18/18 18:42:29.261 Debug: Waiting for CLI client threads to finish. 02/18/18 18:42:29.261 Initializing event handler... 02/18/18 18:42:29.262 Loading events... 02/18/18 18:42:29.263 Starting flows server... 02/18/18 18:42:29.263 Flows Engine Server: Debug: Waiting for flows engine server's client threads to finish. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.264 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON array. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON array. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON array. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON array. 02/18/18 18:42:29.265 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 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Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.306 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.306 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.306 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON array. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON array. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.307 Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON array. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON array. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON object. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON boolean. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON array. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.308 Decoding JSON number. 02/18/18 18:42:29.309 Decoding JSON string. 02/18/18 18:42:29.309 Flows Engine Server: Info: Spawning new flows process. 02/18/18 18:42:29.402 Debug: debugLevel set to 7 02/18/18 18:42:29.403 Debug: memoryDebugging set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.403 Debug: devLog set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.403 Debug: enableCoreDumps set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.403 Debug: setDevicePermissions set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.403 Debug: workingDirectory set to /var/lib/homegear/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.403 Debug: socketPath set to /var/run/homegear/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.403 Debug: dataPath set to /var/lib/homegear/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.403 Debug: familyDataPath set to /var/lib/homegear/families/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.403 Debug: databaseMemoryJournal set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.403 Debug: databaseWALJournal set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: databaseSynchronous set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: databaseMaxBackups set to 10 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: logfilePath set to /var/log/homegear/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: enableUPnP set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: caPath set to /etc/homegear/homegearca.crt 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: certPath set to /etc/homegear/homegear.crt 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: keyPath set to /etc/homegear/homegear.key 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: loadDHParamsFromFile set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: dhParamPath set to /etc/homegear/dh1024.pem 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: deviceDescriptionPath set to /etc/homegear/devices/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: clientSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: serverSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: mqttSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/mqtt.conf 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: familyConfigPath set to /etc/homegear/families/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: phpIniPath set to /etc/homegear/php.ini 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: gpioPath set to /sys/class/gpio/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: scriptPath set to /var/lib/homegear/scripts/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.404 Debug: enableFlows set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: flowsPath set to /var/lib/homegear/flows/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: flowsDataPath set to /var/lib/homegear/flows/data/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: nodeBlueDebugOutput set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: libraryPath set to /var/lib/homegear/modules/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: firmwarePath set to /usr/share/homegear/firmware/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: tempPath set to /var/lib/homegear/tmp/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: lockFilePath set to /var/run/homegear/ 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: lockFilePathPermissions set to 504 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: lockFilePathUser set to homegear 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: lockFilePathGroup set to homegear 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: Added replaceClientServerAddress xmlrpc_bin:// xmlrpc_bin://$remoteip:1999 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: Added replaceClientServerAddress http://$remoteip:9292/bidcos 02/18/18 18:42:29.405 Debug: prioritizeThreads set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: secureMemorySize set to 65536 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: workerThreadWindow set to 3000 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: scriptEngineMaxThreadsPerScript set to 4 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: scriptEngineMaxScriptsPerProcess set to 50 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: scriptEngineThreadCount set to 5 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: scriptEngineServerMaxConnections set to 10 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: scriptEngineWatchdogTimeout set to 60000 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: scriptEngineManualClientStart set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: flowsProcessingThreadCountServer set to 5 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: flowsProcessingThreadCountNodes set to 10 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: flowsServerMaxConnections set to 50 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: maxNodeThreadsPerProcess set to 60 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: flowsWatchdogTimeout set to 60000 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: flowsManualClientStart set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: ipcThreadCount set to 5 02/18/18 18:42:29.406 Debug: ipsServerMaxConnections set to 20 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: cliServerMaxConnections set to 50 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: rpcServerMaxConnections set to 50 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: rpcServerThreadPriority set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: rpcServerThreadPolicy set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: rpcClientMaxThreads set to 50 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: rpcClientThreadPriority set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: rpcClientThreadPolicy set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: workerThreadPriority set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: workerThreadPolicy set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: physicalInterfaceThreadPriority set to 45 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: physicalInterfaceThreadPolicy set to 1 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: packetReceivedThreadPriority set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: packetReceivedThreadPolicy set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: eventThreadCount set to 5 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: eventThreadPriority set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.407 Debug: eventThreadPolicy set to 0 02/18/18 18:42:29.409 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "4294967295" for user with id 112 and group with id 116. 02/18/18 18:42:29.409 Info: Core file size now is "4294967295". 02/18/18 18:42:29.409 Info: Setting maximum thread priority to "4294967295" for user with id 112 and group with id 116. 02/18/18 18:42:29.409 Info: Maximum thread priority now is "4294967295". 02/18/18 18:42:29.409 Debug: Loading licensing modules 02/18/18 18:42:29.422 Flows Engine Server: Info: Connection accepted. Client number: 10 02/18/18 18:42:29.423 Flows Engine Server: Info: Client with pid 2534 successfully registered. 02/18/18 18:42:29.424 Flows Engine Server: Info: Flows process successfully spawned. Process id is 2534. Client id is: 0. 02/18/18 18:42:29.424 Flows Engine Server: Info: Starting flow with id 1. 02/18/18 18:42:29.437 Flows Engine Server: Info: Starting flow with id 2. 02/18/18 18:42:29.446 Flows Engine Server: Info: Starting nodes. 02/18/18 18:42:29.448 Flows Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getNodeData (String) 3ae9a4a6.0927a4 (String) username 02/18/18 18:42:29.449 Flows Engine Server: Response: (String) mqtt-test 02/18/18 18:42:29.449 Flows Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: getNodeData (String) 3ae9a4a6.0927a4 (String) password 02/18/18 18:42:29.450 Flows Engine Server: Response: (String) cb3nx.c 02/18/18 18:42:29.453 Flows Engine Server: Info: Calling "configNodesStarted". 02/18/18 18:42:29.455 Flows Engine Server: Info: Calling "startUpComplete". 02/18/18 18:42:29.457 Starting IPC server... 02/18/18 18:42:29.457 IPC Server: Debug: Waiting for IPC server's client threads to finish. 02/18/18 18:42:29.468 Start listening for packets... 02/18/18 18:42:29.554 Flows Engine Server: Info: Client number 0 is calling RPC method: nodeEvent (String) ed61352.9fc89c8 (String) statusBottom/ed61352.9fc89c8 (Struct length=3) { [fill] { (String) green } [shape] { (String) dot } [text] { (String) connected } } 02/18/18 18:42:29.554 Flows Engine Server: Response: (void) 02/18/18 18:42:31.469 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:42:31.470 Debug: Thread priority successfully set to: 45 02/18/18 18:42:31.471 Startup complete. Waiting for physical interfaces to connect. 02/18/18 18:42:31.471 All physical interfaces are connected now. 02/18/18 18:42:31.471 Starting UPnP server... 02/18/18 18:42:31.474 Info: UPnP server: Binding to address: 02/18/18 18:42:31.474 UPnP Server: Info: Started listening. 02/18/18 18:42:31.475 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:42:31.576 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:42:32.470 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:42:49.163 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:42:49.163 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:43:01.576 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:43:03.477 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:43:03.478 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:43:05.479 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:43:05.480 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:43:05.480 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:43:05.581 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:43:09.165 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:43:09.166 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:43:29.168 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:43:29.168 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:43:31.057 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets. 02/18/18 18:43:35.581 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:43:41.509 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:43:41.510 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:43:43.511 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:43:43.511 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:43:43.512 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:43:43.612 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:43:49.170 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:43:49.171 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:44:09.173 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:44:09.173 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:44:13.612 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:44:19.544 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:44:19.545 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:44:21.546 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:44:21.546 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:44:21.546 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:44:21.647 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:44:29.175 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:44:29.175 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:44:31.063 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets. 02/18/18 18:44:49.178 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:44:49.178 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:44:51.647 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:44:57.572 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:44:57.573 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:44:59.574 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:44:59.575 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:44:59.575 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:44:59.675 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:45:09.194 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:45:09.194 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:45:29.197 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:45:29.197 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:45:29.676 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:45:31.055 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets. 02/18/18 18:45:35.610 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:45:35.611 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:45:37.612 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:45:37.613 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:45:37.613 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Too small packet received: 00 02/18/18 18:45:37.614 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:45:37.714 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:45:49.200 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:45:49.200 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:46:07.714 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:46:09.208 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:46:09.208 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:46:13.638 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:46:13.639 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:46:15.640 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:46:15.640 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:46:15.640 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Too small packet received: 00 02/18/18 18:46:15.640 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:46:15.741 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:46:29.212 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:46:29.212 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:46:31.061 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets. 02/18/18 18:46:45.741 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:46:49.214 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:46:49.214 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:46:51.669 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:46:51.669 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:46:53.671 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:46:53.671 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:46:53.671 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Too small packet received: 00 02/18/18 18:46:53.671 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:46:53.771 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:47:09.234 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:47:09.234 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:47:23.772 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:47:29.236 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:47:29.236 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:47:29.700 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:47:29.700 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:47:31.026 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets. 02/18/18 18:47:31.701 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:47:31.702 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:47:31.702 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Too small packet received: 00 02/18/18 18:47:31.702 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:47:31.802 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:47:49.244 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:47:49.244 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:48:01.805 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:48:07.720 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:48:07.720 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:48:09.246 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:48:09.247 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:48:09.722 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:48:09.722 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:48:09.722 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Too small packet received: 00 02/18/18 18:48:09.722 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:48:09.823 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:48:29.251 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:48:29.252 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:48:31.059 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets. 02/18/18 18:48:39.823 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:48:45.747 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:48:45.747 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:48:47.749 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:48:47.749 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:48:47.749 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Too small packet received: 00 02/18/18 18:48:47.750 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:48:47.850 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:48:49.254 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:48:49.254 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:49:09.257 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:49:09.257 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:49:17.850 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:49:23.779 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:49:23.780 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:49:25.781 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:49:25.781 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:49:25.782 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Too small packet received: 00 02/18/18 18:49:25.782 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:49:25.882 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:49:29.259 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:49:29.259 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:49:31.014 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets. 02/18/18 18:49:49.262 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:49:49.262 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:49:55.883 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:50:01.801 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:50:01.802 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:50:03.802 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:50:03.803 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:50:03.803 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Too small packet received: 00 02/18/18 18:50:03.803 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:50:03.903 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:50:09.274 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:50:09.274 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:50:29.276 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:50:29.277 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:50:31.060 UPnP Server: Debug: Sending notify packets. 02/18/18 18:50:33.904 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Error: No init packet received. 02/18/18 18:50:39.831 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Connection closed (1). Trying to reconnect... 02/18/18 18:50:39.832 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connecting to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB... 02/18/18 18:50:41.833 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Connected to HM-MOD-RPI-PCB. 02/18/18 18:50:41.833 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Debug: Packet received. Raw data: 00 02/18/18 18:50:41.834 Module HomeMatic BidCoS: HM-MOD-RPI-PCB "Bernd-HM-MOD-RPI-PCB": Warning: Too small packet received: 00 02/18/18 18:50:41.834 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 0. 02/18/18 18:50:41.934 Debug: GPIO 224 set to 1. 02/18/18 18:50:49.283 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:50:49.283 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response. 02/18/18 18:51:09.286 MQTT Client: Debug: Packet received: D000 02/18/18 18:51:09.286 MQTT Client: Debug: Received ping response.